* Vol. 9. No. 25 The^festfielThursday. June 20,1996 d Record A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents I Briefs Schools might offer a credit card, too Y registration ^ Summer registration for the •y Kivw cotuow Ms. Jacobson said she wanted to approach Mayor Boothe said the state mandates the would certainly want to pursue it" Westfield Y is in AtU swing. Lo- THE RECORD the town to discuss sharing some credit card money be spent on "something related to The board president said the board will cated at 220 dark St and open revenue with the schools. town assets or town activities." probably not start looking into a school card p ajn.-10 pjn. weekdays, T am.-' Civic-minded Westfleklers may soon need "I would much rather have one card work The beneficiary of the Westfiekl VISA until a new superintendent is found (see re- 4 p-tn. Saturdays and noon-4 bigger wallets. for both of us," she said. card revenues — expected to be about lated story). pjn. Sundays, the Y offers a Left out of the profits from the new town But that may prove difficult Mayor Gar- $60,000 per year - is the historic Reeves The town VISA is issued under a contract "wide range of program options credit card, the Board of Education may con- land "Bud" Boothe told The Record the House, which was donated to the town a with United National Bank of Somerset The for the entire family, dais sider a card of its own to raise money for town cannot share profits from its own re- decade ago by resident Edgar Reeves. Mayor card will have no annual fee and a 14.9 Westfiekl schools. cently approved credit card contract with the begin Sunday. June 30. Stop M Boothe said the Reeve House will be reno- percent annual percentage interest rate for 3nto the Y to register. A credit card is a great idea," said school vated and turned into the future home of regular spending, and 9.9 percent for trans- board President Susan Jacobson. "One of "I couldn't if 1 wanted to," he said. The the Westfiekt Historical Society. ferred balances. the things I had said while running (for re- contract is between the town of Westfteld So the school board may go it alone. Applications for the new card will be avail- •Final notice election) is we should look at sources of al- and the bank. Proceeds the credit card gen- "I would hope to bring the idea to the able soon, and the card should be issued to ; The New Jersey Workshop ternative funding" erates are town funds ... the town can't give board and see what they think," said Ms. Westfiekters in October - just in time for for the Arts will be dosing reg Before the district mints its own plastic. away town money to you or me." Jacobson. "If they want to look at this, I the holiday season. .istration soon for the 25th an- tahwrsary session of the Weat- ;fidd Summer Workshop. Sea* 'skms in music, arts and crafts, ^communications, drama, dance ;and fencing run 8:30 ajn.-12:30 •pjn. July 1-Aug. 2. Afternoon Technology isessions will be offered in SAT and PSAT preparation. Call 1780-8086 to register or for infor- ;mation. •Blood drive switched on ; The Westfield/Mountainside •Chapter of the American Red •y KBTMNOOLUQAN use new technology — will be in- ! Cross will sponsor a blood drive creased from $120,000 to $150,000 2-7 pjn. Wednesday, July 3 at THE RECORD per year. That figure may change, •the WestOekl Y, 220 Clark St The Westfiekl Board of Educa- however, as the plan progresses ! Donors must be healthy, 17-75 tion voted unanimously Tuesday and training needs are re- ! years old and weigh more than night to boot up the recommenda- evaluated. The new superintendent 110 pounds. Call 232-7080 or tions of the Technology Advisory will present an annual plan of staff : 233-2700 for information and/or Committee. training and support to the board {registration. By the year 2000, the district April 1. plans to have one computer for • The district will accelerate an every four students and a network existing five-year plan to update Internet school which reaches into every classroom the electrical capacity of its nine The first Westfiekl Memorial in the district, out to the com-, schools and the administration library Internet training se munity and around the world (see building. The cost of getting the skM will be held 10 am. today. related story). buildings ready to accommodate a It will include an introduction A timeline for the plan will be flood of new computers will cost to the basks and "visits" to $1.3 million-1.5 million. some interesting web sites. The developed by the administration second, a "hands-on" session AUQUSTO F. MENEZE8/THE RECORD and submitted to the school board • Dr. Smith presented several using library PCs, will be held 8 by Wednesday, Oct. 30. The board's solutions to the problems of class- am Tuesday. Registration is 50-yard dash Finance Committee will then come room space shortages in some ongoing. Attendees must be Jonathan Holt, 6, leads th* hard-charging pack In tha 80-yard dash it tha WMtflald YMCA's up with a funding scheme for the buildings (particularly Franklin members of the library. Olympic Day Friday at Oary Kahlar Stadium. A story and mora photos of tha avant ara on paga network and hardware, which it and McKlnley Elementary A-9. will present to the full board by Schools). Since the technology plan Stop by the library, M0 E. Dec. 1. calls Tor incorporating technology Broad St. or call 7884080 for The board's unanimous vote Into the classroom, the superinten- information. Tuesday approved the technology dent suggested the board look into committee's plan, along with three newly designed desks with space Dems fund-raiser significant — and expensive — for built-in computer* and moni- Superintendent field down tors. Failing that, laptop computers The Westfield Democratic changes suggested by departing Committee will hold a fund- Superintendent of Schools Mark may be used in the cramped class- raiser 3-6 p.m. Sunday at the Smith: rooms or — least desirable, said Dr. home of Cindy and Larry Gold- • Annual staff development Smith — computers may be clus- man, 850 Nancy Way. The con- from 56 to 5 NY-NJ Ph.D.s funding — to teach the teachers to tered in small technology labs. tribution is $40 per person. Checks can be made out to the •y MMNOOUJQAN By next week, the board should be down to two or three finalists. Westfiekl Democratic Commit- THE RECORD tee. Call Terry Tainow at 232- After that, candidates will tour Westfield schools. Board awards bids 3791 or Stephanie LaPorta at And then there were five. "They will visit individual schools and meet with 654-1271. The Westfiekl Board of Education is down to five administrative and central staff," she sakL By KKV1N COUJOAN • general construction by Chanree semifinalists for the soon-to-be vacant job of superin- Then a contingent of Westfield board members will Construction Co. of Ortley Beach Vacation videos tendent of schools. The district hopes to fill the shoes visit each finalist's district to meet with their staff and TOE RECORD for $358,983; Children in preschool-second of departing Superintendent of Schools Mark Smith community members. Though classes will have The Westfiekl Board of Educa- • heating, ventilation and air con- ended, Ms. Walsh said the site visits should be help- grade are invited to enjoy ani- before school resumes next fall. tion awarded bids totaling $1.85 ditioning by Comfort Mechanical ful. mated versions of their favorite Board member Darielle Walsh, liaison to the search million Tuesday night for class- Corp. of Long Branch for $139,758. "The people we need to speak with will still be picture books 1030-11 a.m. Fri- consultant, would not reveal the identities of the re- room additions at Jefferson and The Wilson School addition total maining candidates. But she did provide a few dues. there," she said. "We just won't see the students. days through Aug. 16 at the Wilson Elementary Schools. The is $910,345. Major contracts are: WestOekl Memorial Library. Telling characteristics include: As the superintendent search evolves from a head- • general construction by GJLE. hunt to a beauty contest, consultant Hazard, Young six new classrooms at each school Stop by the Children's Depart- • All the candidates are superintendents. Construction Inc. of Parlin for ment for more information. • All are from New Jersey or New York. and Associates Ltd. is all but out of the process. The will help absorb the growing wave • All have doctorates. consultant's last significant gig — assuming one of of elementary school students, $547,640; • There are male and female semifinalists. the semifinalists is hired — was an interview work- The total bid award for Jefferson • heating, ventilation and air con- Travel books Interviews with the semifinalists began yesterday shop/seminar it conducted for the school board Mon- School was $944,674. Major con- ditioning by Comfort Mechanical Children who are members of and will continue today and Monday, said Ms. Walsh. day night, said Ms. Walsh. tracts are: Corp. of Long Branch for $139,287. the Westfidd Memorial library are invited to travel the world this summer without ever leav- ing Westfiekl by joining the li- brary's summer reading club, Report sets strategy Circle the World With Books. Hiring Uestfield International souvenirs will be earned for books read.
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