Friday April 12, 2002 Kwajalein Hourglass THE KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS Volume 42, Number 29 Friday, April 12, 2002 U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands Plan to provide Enniburr power is charging up By Jim Bennett Editor The plan to feed electrical power to Third Island has been energized with both a recent and an upcoming feasibil- ity study. The studies came up again as one of several issues discussed at the RMI- U.S. Joint Committee Meeting held last week in Majuro. An estimated 700 Marshallese live on the island, located about one mile south of Roi-Namur, many working in sup- port of USAKA/RTS. The island’s only source of power is portable, gas-fed gen- erators for individual buildings. The island also has no running water and the only telephones are cellular phones. But that could all change if a pair of studies prove positive. The new power plant on Roi-Namur, (See HUMANITARIAN, page 5) (Photo courtesy of RTS Photo Lab) This in only a test ALTAIR goes down A Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile lights up the night sky over Roi-Namur Monday during reentry after a 30-minute flight from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. briefly after shortage The Glory Trip was the first of four ICBM missions this year running through the By Barbara Johnson summer. The tests examine the reliability and accuracy of ICBMs. Feature Writer An electrical component shorted out ALTAIR on Roi-Namur Wed- San Juan to renovate hangar’s outer shell nesday afternoon, shutting down to Kevin Bottomley, San Juan superin- all power in the building. By Peter Rejcek tendent. The project should be finished At about 2:30 p.m., an air-condi- Associate Editor by the end of August, he said, assuming tioning system control component Those working in the Aviation De- everything goes according to plan. shorted out to the metal bus bars in partment hangar are understandably “The weather is going to play a big the main facility equipment motor not big fans of the weather here. part,” he added. That’s because for control centers, according to Tony Trying to find a dry spot to work on every metal section removed, the San Longhurst, Technical Facilities a 1900D airplane is becoming increas- Juan crew will need to immediately manager. ingly harder as the hangar’s outer shell replace it with new aluminum siding. If There were no flames, but you continues to rust away. Holes the size not, and it rains, the water will ruin the could smell smoke, said Bevan of a man’s thigh are not uncommon. insulation. The wind is also a factor Jacobs, ALTAIR leader. “It put out The roof above the back offices even because of the heights involved, mak- lots of smoke.” fell in at one point, according to Lott ing safety a No. 1 priority. The smoke detectors alerted the Lawson, Aviation Services manager. “It’s going to be an intense job,” fire department, and ALTAIR per- But thanks to a $950,000 contract Bottomley said. sonnel also manually activated the with San Juan Construction, that’s all The work will begin with the sides of fire alarms, Jacobs said. about to change — and quickly. the hangar and then move to the roof, A master alarm system in their San Juan expects to begin peeling off with its 110-foot-long panels that have shop alerted Technical Facilities the metal roof and sides of the hangar to be removed. San Juan is bringing (See ALTAIR, page 5) and replacing them with aluminum sid- ing by the end of the month, according (See METAL, page 5) www.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html Friday Page 2 Kwajalein Hourglass April 12, 2002 Editorial going with just friends anymore. Where Bob Babcock for transportation sup- Reader: Thumbs are all the children going to sit? I have port. trouble seeing the screen if anyone sits The 1900 pilots and Jera crew for get- down to stopping within five rows in front of me at the Yuk. ting Roi workers back and forth. How will any kids be able to see? What an Col. Wrenn for his 100 percent support. movies at Rich extremely uncomfortable, unaccommo- It takes a lot of hard work to put together Last weekend I took my nine-year-old dating theater for families. an event like this. The fact that it went so daughter to see Monsters Inc. at the Why is converting the Rich not an well reminds us again of what a special Rich outdoor theater. Usually, she goes option? Can both theaters be upgraded? place this is. with friends, but Mom and Dad wanted to Can the community pitch in and help Ray Cutshaw tag along and what a great time we had! defray the cost to upgrade the Rich? The weather was perfect: The moon Considering the expense of bringing my Apologies to all who was full, the breeze was gentle and warm, family of five to the movies stateside, Id and only once did a plane rev up and be willing to donate substantially to keep helped with RLF event overpower the volume of the show. the Rich open. A couple of weeks ago, [Middle of There were Kwaj kids everywhere; sit- While I have your attention: The AAFES Nowhere News published] an article on ting on the stage, lying on blankets, movies Ive watched on other military the Relay for Life. We said that Beverly lounging on beach chairs ... The crowd bases always start with the audience Schmidt was the only one who organized even extended out to the fields, where standing to the playing of the National this event; this is not entirely true. pick-up games of whatever went on and Anthem. Why dont we do that here, Thanks to Barbara Wallace, we were off before, during and after the show. particularly in these times? able to obtain the names of the commit- What fantastic memories for these Kwaj Michelle DeMaio tee that helped make this event possible. kids! The committee was: Julie Balter, Gwyne I wonder how many of these kids sitting Music Festival success Copeland, Bob Sholar, Alan Taylor, Dotty on the stage knew or cared that the movie due to plenty of help Miller, and, as we said, Barbara Wallace showing was six months old and had and Beverly Schmidt. already hit the video stores? How many I would like to thank all the organizers of the Second Annual Spring Break Music We are terribly sorry for this mix-up, hand-holding teens even care what movie and will try our best to make sure this is showing? The adults had as much Festival for helping to make it such a big success. It had the mellow feel of a giant does not happen again. enjoyment watching the stars and full With apologies, moon rise as they did watching the movie. beach party, with good friends, great mu- sic, delicious food and fantastic homebrew. Shelley Childers, Julie Vining, Does it really have to come to an end? Abby Hornbrook Should pre-teens and teens be going to a It doesnt get any better . dark, secluded movie theater surrounded Here are the organizers: Hourglass editor takes by BQs? My daughter certainly wont be Jim Stepchew Homebrew and co- founder. first in KLW contest Bob Orlock Chili contest and event The Kwajalein Hourglass The staff at The Kwajalein Hourglass Web site. Commanding Officer...Col. Curtis L. Wrenn Jr. would like to congratulate Editor Jim Public Affairs Officer..........LuAnne Fantasia Lee Allas Ethnic foods Bennett for taking first place in the Keith Editor..........................................Jim Bennett Christy Drabek Roi coordinator and Associate Editor...............................Peter Rejcek L. Ware journalism competition in the Jera cruise. Feature Writers....................Barbara Johnson category for Contribution by a Contractor/ KW Hillis The DeLongs Slip and Slide. Stringer (Writer) last month. Graphics Designer ...........................Dan Adler Special thanks go to: The contest is between the best of the Jeff Cagle and Neil Dye for sound sys- best in Army print and broadcast journal- tem and DJ work. ism. You rock, Jim! The Hourglass is named for the insignia Steve Snider for his expert advice and Peter Rejcek, Barbara Johnson, of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which support. liberated the island from the forces of Impe- KW Hillis and Dan Adler rial Japan on Feb 4, 1944. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized publication for military personnel, federal em- ployees, contractor workers and their families assigned to USAKA. Contents of the Hour- Letters to the Editor glass are not necessarily official views of, or Keep letters to less than 300 words, and keep your comments endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Depart- to the issues. This would be a no-libel zone. Letters must be ment of Defense, Department of the Army or signed. We will edit for AP style and, if you exceed the word USAKA. It is published Tuesdays and Fridays limit, space. Please limit yourself to one letter every 30 days to using a network printer by Raytheon Range give other readers a chance to write. Systems Engineering editorial staff, P.O. Box Send your letter to: The Hourglass, P.O. Box 23, Local; or 23, APO AP 96555. Phone: Autovon 254- [email protected]. 3539; local 53539. Printed circulation: 2,000 Friday April 12, 2002 Kwajalein Hourglass Page 3 TAKING THE POINT: Desmarais accepted to famed military academy By KW Hillis Society with all A’s, Desmarais sent the applicant can do, a standing long Feature Writer a long list of his activities to West jump, a modified or kneeling basket- Not even Robert E.
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