Intellectual Property India· Application Number. 4302WHE/2014 0 Home (h ttp://i pin di a.gov. in/index. htm) Contact Us (hrtp :/I i pi ndia.gov. in/ contact-us. h tm) Feed back (http:/ I i pi nd ia .gov. in/feedback. h tm) FAQ s (http:// i pi nd i a .gov. i n/faq-patents .h tm) Si tem a p (http://i pi nd i a .gov. i n/sitemap. htm) ., v ~~i&l lnck; ,, P ..1renr Advat<r.~:d. Se.1rch System (http:/ I i pi ndia. gov. in/index. htm) (http:/ /ipin dia .gov.in/index.h t Application Number: 4302/CHE/2014 Bib/agraphic Data Complete Specification Application Status Invention Title PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING GERANIAL AS ATPASE INHIBITORS "" Publication Number 27/2016 Publication Date 2016/07/01 Publication Type INA Application Number 4302/CHE/2014 Application Filing Date 2014/09/03 Priority Number Priority Country Priority Date Field Of Invention (F/11) PHARMACEUTICALS Classification (IPC) A61 K-31 /00 Inventor Name Address Country Nationality V SAISHA Department of Biotechnology, BMSCE, PB No. 1908, Bull Temple Road, Bangalore · 560019, Karnataka (India) IN IN http://i pi ndi aservi ces .g ov.1 nlpubli csearchlneltvpublicsearchlpatent_detail.php?UC ID= SGF6l.J Di1JN zJhSjJ KYkhZM jJGaF dzUG 1mSW1 NZ2F TaWCZ01\f\JRzkxRjF GST 0%30 L"'S~·il/5·31~2'0~13 ' lir~iiA~~~~=:"~ l~~&~f&;~g:~c,~;~(i) I #GS/4, N~G,A;Sf.\Em H,t.;Ciii) lNOfAN g, f>c, G. JYOf:IHI, #,3'6/:t7~B-.f0l Ofv1~RSAR®Vf4:AAI PAPW ·~OFr~G~; [email protected];Afi<APlaM•M#lN~R()AP, ~SklSM'ANAGWE>l, ·BA'NGJl;llQRE-560004'• IJIJDIAI'f . OWNER tb'liERA~Y(D~MATIC.W€5J~,!( DESIGN~~Nif> M®NrrORING eve:'"'"''~·:' 'ENGL!ISH 3 s~~GJ~~~~~ol&l~ ~~~~~ .. :5600];91. lNbF.A;Nl . i:,lfi)p_:, ;G';eV.,(AARR;A;$~0 1 #'637~. f\M,G;4[SI'fE'rrY •H;o\I.::W:, ·B.AiNG;4.t.G>R'Ii,;s6oo t9- JNe.fAN - • - - _, ~--"·- ,_ J __ - l~~~i~~~:a~z~~ :;~w~~:e~· A~~~~~~fRW, ltfillAN " ~!PtlipiJSitie"d 'ON!ilJ)Libllsltetl· tJNPWBUSREb 'ancf name, ~iilre$s N;A. + ;l,ylfli.l 1~1)), · ·s6oJn:g. i-Nol~N- . ._· .· . ·.. ·.·.··· .... §~~~,.;~G,~~T{~~~m t#6~Z~~ N~A'$1Rlllir.Y H;bll!i!I~ iNt>tAN ·~o~;~~;~;i~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~Pl9 BANGAb6RE•S600'0<t- :INQJ·~N. ... .t · N.A. N.A. LifEffiaiR¥1 GiR'AMA;f:it: W®R~ i~FFI&I6Nil' MG>'Nl!1i®B'F •N~®:R'R.S ufs!llts m ENGhiSI'I nam~, adC!fress N.A. (!,!l)o. G:. ¥. Y A'hi.A'P:BA~-6~M:tl$ .·1i"'"MI!)l,,;: N:4GASfifrri' I!IA'i41!.!' 'I•N~'tAN N.A, I I I I I· I ~ • 'ryo -'~-.... .......~ ~~-...,.~~-r~. ~ - . ---- ·! i ; UliERA.Wt WAAMA'f'I~ WORI(, vorce··e~seG> 1WG>·6XeteJr .61lifr;f!ieNm®Afl®r•Ls'i'..s1r!ijm; ENGLISH ;BitNGAL.®R'E ·-··S601J94 INDIAN ·MR'S1 $'HtLPkKAI>l!<\N', -­ IN&>IM MR~·S'!'S&> AKRAM , -· 1NDIAN UNPlJBUSHeo N;A, N:A. 'B~N'GAL:®Re:~&gw.~Rft:~~~:f:~eifcrt~:~:~~~t~~ --56l'le~~; . ,, .. .INBII«N ·MRS; SHILPA KAMAN , ·­ •INDIAN MR; ~¥eo AKAAM .• -­ ·INOIAN :of qtitter~-,p~t56ns;. ·If : ·N.A. &f. ,,~.li~d::omprislrrg· N.A. I I i •i I I j ! I http://ipindiaonline.gov.in/patentsearch/PublishedSearchipublishApp... Controller Generaf of Patent!l1 0t:slgn-s and Trndemarks [)ep~rtme•lt of lndv<lnal Poli<y and P<UII)(>tion 6EOGR.APHI(A.i. INDICATiON~ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Commerce and lnrho~s.t~ {12) PATENT Af>I'LICAT!ON PUBLICATION (2l J Application No : 39! !ICHEi2W3 ( i<J) IN ()lA {43) Publication Oatc. 27109!10l3 (22) Date oft\!ing .,r Appi1catiun :31/0Ri20 13 Journal No - 39120 I J (54) 1 itle of the uwemion A METHOD AND SYSTEM ID'FIND .A t>RECISE KEY fROM A PLURALITY OF KEYS FORA LOCK (51) i11ternational classi!icatiotl E05B (71 )Nnme of Applicant: (31) Priority Document No NA I)Aiisllny Val'ik (32) Priority Date NA Address of Applicant :A-204. Shriram Shreyns. Telf.com (33) Name of priority country NA Layout_ Kodtgelmlli. B~ngalore-560097 Karnatukn lndi,a (86) lnternati<H1a! Application No NA 2)Swathi G l'llayuk j Filing Date NA (72)NHmC or luvenlol': I (87) lntemational Publication No NA I)AI<shay Vnril< {India) {61) Patent of Addition to Ap~11ication 2)Swalhi C Naynk (India) NA Number 3)8nlnrhandnl Knmat·aswnmy {India) I NA Fili11g Date (61) Divisional to Apphcntion Nun1ber :NA 'Filing Date :NA {57) Abstract· l"hr nresent tltvcllllll!l relates Ill alodui!lQ k~.,J\1ore pl\tllcn!Miy.IO '' m&lh<•<Jlo luut,, pr~;:ise !.<>)' IUJII> ·' plwadty nr ''fY'' ror •1 hkk. 1<1 ont: >lliPO•Ii•m:nt,)li;'i is.;"·'"'wipii;h.:d 1>}-.pre-R!<>IIII.!! 1:~1 panum or ullth•• nvn~luhk key> Wtlh their corr,'~lli•nf.lin;; luck."whe~c the k<:)' fr.l(tem ~~ ~torcd lilt' (>\!~l(lllCOl HH\mill)" Ollht! !ut·k. aHj!WIIIe th~ l':'C! to Pf\~5~lll Ul lea~t OllC tc~ r1,!Jll tht! plt(ml•ly ol ku~·~ 10 order ID tmd a nglll.key tor a pen1cular lock. captunng the pattern ot the pr~scnted.k<O)\ ,vherem tJ.e ,key pattern is ston.~l in a t~mll9rary memury.<>f the lock. comparing the captured l<ey pattern with the puUcm Hlm~d in the l1ck <nd '~"'""• ....... ,, "'··~"'"key""""~·" ... '"' ........ key'""'" • N.:rntn:-r of Pi:ges ~ 23 I I I I I of2 20-06-2018, !2:38 r- 1 I (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2533/CHE/20ll A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/07/2011 (43) Publication Date: 21/06/2013 (54) Title of the invention : DEVICE FOR IN SITU EXTRACTION OF TENDER COCONUT WATER, AND A METHOD THEREFOR (51) International classification :B63B (7l)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA t)B.M.S. College of Engineering (32) Priority Date . :NA Address of Applicant :PB No. 1908 Bull Temple Road (33) Name of priority country :NA Bangalore Karnataka India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name oflnventor : Filing Date :NA l)C.K. Chandrababu (87) International Publication No : NA 2)H.B. Nagaraj (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)G. Varaprasad Filing Date. :NA 4)Ashlsh Kundapur (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (51) Absin1ct : Aspects of the invention provide a device for extraction of tender coconut water from tender coconut in situ, i.e. while the tender coconut is still in the coconut tree. The device comprises a needle that is used to pierce the outer layers of the tender coconut that is still in the tree. A vacuum is applied on the other end of the needle to extract the tender coconut water. Some volume of tender coconut water is left behind in the tender coconut to allow for ripening of the tender coconut. The invention also provides a method for in situ extraction of tender coconut water from tender coconut. No. ofPages: 10 No. of Claims: 10 The Patent Office Joumal21/06/2013 14207 ExtraE:ts frtJ'·m t h.te· Re'gislfer of·Co·p·yrirg'hts I L-&li9 ~212015 Dated : 19/06/2015 J ·l'l~me; ·adlire5s and .natlon"iillty of th~ applicant SAN'tHOSH HEBBAR , KUMBAR JAD.Dl, HITl:AI!.t YElLAPIJR- 581347'- INDIAN ~· DR •. G, VARAPRASAJ;> , C- YAbLAPPA, C.Y.- BM'I" CONDIJcrER, DOOR N0:63-4, MARUTHI NilAYAM MUNESWARA TEMPLE NAGASHETTY HALU, BANGALORE 5600'94- ! INDIAN ·~· af.tJle applicant's Interest Jn· the copyright of OWNER LITERARY/ DRAMATIC WORK j A.NDROID BA~ED MOBilE PH®~ES FOR SUBMERSIBL .PUMPS TO SUPPI:;Y DRINKING WATER IN REMOTE ARE;A;S ENGYSH i SANTHOSH HEBBAR KUMBAR JA9DI, HillALU,I YEi;;lAPt;JR- 58>1341~ ! m~N , oR<. G . VARAPRl\.S~I!l , c- YALLAPPA; c.v.- BMtcl CO.· NDUCTER, D6S.~ N0:66-4i MARUTHI . NIIJit¥AM~~ MUNESWARA TEMPI!E NAGASHETTY HALU, BANGAI;.ORE- 560094- INIDIAN I UNPUBLISHED ! and name, NA t\J.A. nar::nn•mruao: Of the owners of SANTH0SH HEBBAR , KUMSAR JADDI, HITLALLI, nnr:J:sJmJ:·trle E:op;v•rlgllt In the work YELLAPUR- 581347- (ogether with INDIAN nnrniO!rlfs'=;anlllll€enc:es. Jf'any DR. G. VARAPRASA6 , C- Y:AL;l.J);PPA, C.Y.- BM'rG: CONDUCTER1 D00R N0:63·41 MMtirHI NIL:A~AM, 1 ML!NESWARA tEMPLE NAGASHeTTV HALLI, BANGPlbGlRE-1 s6ao94- I INDIAN of stl'\er persons; NA \ llcemte' of rights I tile ·tosatlo.n of the N.A. "''!ss:,ana· natlt?.naJlty ffleoca~e lf'ieo:miitet!oln?of toe ·· :~ ·o~~~~ra.rt~ts, ftrTQth\ ·the, ~~~~!s~ter 4t6f·:.· .·n·f·v-~ ·.· -V:&.~.A~'"rr· V"'t'- j-' .. --b-s~J~-l~t:.'.~~~•='s·· - UTERA:R~/ DAAMATIG: WORK Atl1i0MI\teo ·~l'lYSICAb PROTEGTI@N. FOR A11J'F@r>1ATIC tet.~:;ER MACHINES TO PREVENT AGAINS:f GASH· SOX "FFIEFT:S ENGCISFt :P~WNISiit 'R rP.HiWN'I$1:h~ .NO. tl7,. v~~RAPU,I,J>:l -stREET I S,']".)'Q)'JNS. A.OA~-<:!R0SS~ MNGA!:;:ORE."'S60042 INOI~N RA .K 1 •. RAMAN: K 107/. OPF'OStriE NAVRANG lltt-1 ·e;· tte ·ruto;J BHAV~N' sweets I l'ST at.ocK ;lliG'A'R, ;BANGAlORE.-560Ct10 M~R.s I RAvz:KuMAR s No.744:114TH r'!A'INI 9TH . cMI:I~ I,AYOUT, HESARlSATrA MA•IN RG>AD1 ¢'8.E1'"S~067) N~ H'IG I S6':tAYANAAA¥~NA H G NO . _ -.Ji&~~·ATI!I . · c?RAGS" J.C.
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