Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa First Vilasa Text 1 atha maìgaläcaraëam caitanyadevaà bhagavantaà äçraye çré-vaiñëavänäà pramude 'ïjasä likhan ävaçyakaà karma vicärya sädhubhiù särdhaà samähåtya samasta-çästrataù atha—now; maìgaläcaraëam—invoking auspiciousness; caitanyadevam—Lord Caitanyadeva; bhagavantam—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; äçraye—I take shelter; çré-vaiñëavänäm—of the devotees; pramude—for the pleasure; aïjasä—properly; likhan—writiìg; ävaçyakam—compulsory; karma—work; vicärya—consideriìg; sädhubhiù—the devotees; särdham—with; samähåtya—collectiìg; samasta—from all; çästrataù—the çcriptures. Invoking Auspiciousness As, reflecting on what activities must be performed, and with the help of the devotees collecting many quotes from all the scriptures, I write this book for the devotees' pleasure, I take shelter of Lord Caitanyadeva Commentary by Çréla Sanätana Gosvämé brahmädi-çakti-pradaà éçvaraà taà dätuà sva-bhaktià kåpayävatérëam caitanyadevaà çaraëaà präpadye yasya prasädät sva-vaçe 'rtha-siddhiù I take shelter of Lord Caitanyadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who empowers Brahmä and the demigods, who descended to this world to give His own devotional service, and whose mercy allows His devotees to conquer Him and bring Him under their control. likhyate bhagavad-bhakti- viläsasya yathä-mati öékä dig-darçiné näma tad-ekäàçärtha-bodhiné This commentary, which bears the name Dig-darçiné öékä (A Commentary That Shows the Direction), and which explains a small portion of the Hari-bhakti-viläsa, has been written as far as I am able. As I begin the difficult task of writing this book, in order to attain a good result I first take shelter of my parama-guru, my worshipable Deity, Lord Caitanya. The name Caitanya means the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the form of pure knowledge (cit), who is worshiped by all the universes, and who among all Deities has the most perfect transcendental knowledge. Or, another meaning of the name Caitanya is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who stays in everyone's heart (citta). Or, another meaning of the name Caitanya is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who gives life (cetanä) to all living entities. I take shelter of Him, Lord Caitanya, the master of my life. Why do I write this book? I write to describe the activities that should be performed by the saintly devotees of Lord Viñëu. Why else do I write? I write to please them. Someone may ask: How can a fallen person like you be successful in such a task? I reply: I shall be successful because I take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has all powers and opulences, who has a great host of virtues, beginning with His great mercy, and who Çrémad-Bhägavatam 1.3.28 reveals is Lord Kåñëa. In this way three parts of this verse are explained. By taking shelter of Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu I will be successful in this task. That is the meaning here. Furthermore, it is by His power, by His order, and by His glory that I am engaged in this task. I do not write by my own wish. I do not write to glorify myself. In my opinion the perfect name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu. By taking shelter of His mercy this book is not at all difficult to write. Indeed, everything is done very easily. That is the meaning. Here someone may object: All these things have already been described in the Vedas, Småti, Puräëas, Agamas, and other scriptures. Why should you write something more? To this I reply: I will gather quotes from all the scriptures and put each quote in its appropriate place. That is how I will write this book. Text 2 bhakter viläsäàç cinute prabodhä- nandasya çiñyo bhagavat-priyasya gopäla-bhaööo raghunätha-däsaà santoñayan rüpa-sanätanau ca bhakteù—of devotional service; viläsän—the pastimes; cinute—gathers; prabodhänandasya—of Prabodhänanda Sarasvaté; çiñyaù—the disciple; bhagavat—to the Lord; priyasya—dear; gopäla-bhaööaù—Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé; raghunätha-däsam—Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé; santoñayan—pleasing; rüpa—Rüpa Gosvämé; sanätanau—Sanätana Gosvämé; ca—and. Çréla Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, who pleased Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé, Çréla Sanätana Gosvämé, and Çréla Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé, and who was a disciple of Lord Caitanya's dear devotee, Çréla Prabodhänanda Sarasvaté, first collected these pastimes of devotional service. Commentary by Çréla Sanätana Gosvämé The pastimes of devotional service are this book, Çré Hari-bhakti-viläsa. Text 3 mathurä-nätha-pädäbja- prema-bhakti-viläsataù jätaà bhakti-viläsäkhyaà tad-bhaktäù çélayantv imam mathurä—of Mathurä; nätha—of the master; pädäbja—for the lotus feet; prema—love; bhakti—and devotion; viläsataù—from the pastimes; jätam—born; bhakti-viläsäkhyam—named Bhakti-viläsa; tad-bhaktäù—His devotees; çélayantv—may study; imam—this. May the devotees of the Lord carefully study this Hari-bhakti-viläsa, which has come from a person who enjoys splendid pastimes of love and devotion for the lotus feet of Mathurä's master. Commentary by Çréla Sanätana Gosvämé The compound word mathurä-nätha-pädäbja-prema-bhakti-viläsataù may mean either "the book Hari-bhakti-viläsa has come from the playful happiness of Çréla Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, who is filled with love and devotion for Mathurä's master," or "the book Hari-bhakti-viläsa has come from Çréla Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, who who enjoys splendid pastimes of love and devotion for the lotus feet of Mathurä's master." The devotees here are like bumblebees at the lotus feet of Mathurä's master. If the alternate reading "çobhayantu" is accepted, then the text reads, "the devotees of the Lord are glorious because they are faultless and because they always hear and chant the glories of the Lord." If the reading alaìkurvantu is accepted, then the text reads, “the devotees of the Lord are decorated with all virtues, beginning with humbleness." Text 4 jéyäsur ätyantika-bhakti-niñöhaù çré-vaiñëavä mäthura-maëòale 'tra käçéçvaraù kåñëa-vane cakastu çré-kåñëa-däsaç ca sa-lokanäthaù jéyäsuù—all glories; ätyantika-bhakti-niñöhaù—to they who have great faith and devotion; çré-vaiñëavä—the devotees of Lord Viñëu; mäthura—of Mathurä; maëòale—in the circle; atra—here; käçéçvaraù—Käçéçvara; kåñëa-vane—in Lord Kåñëa's forest; cakastu—manifest; çré-kåñëa-däsaù—Kåñëa däsa; ca—and; sa-lokanäthaù—with Lokanätha. All glories to the great devotees here in Lord Kåñëa's forest within Mäthura-maëòala! May Käçéçvara, Kåñëadäsa, and Lokanätha appear before me. Commentary by Çréla Sanätana Gosvämé Tasting the nectar of devotional service to the lotus feet of Mathurä's master, the the devotees happily live in the land of Mathurä. In Çré Gopäla-täpani‘ Upaniñad, Våndävana is called “the forest of Lord Kåñëa". In that forest the devotees happily enjoy pastimes of hearing and chanting Lord Kåñëa's glories. The word sa-lokanäthaù (with Lokanätha) indicates the close friendship between Kåñëadäsa Kaviräja and Lokanätha Gosvämé. It was in the company of the devotees mentioned here that this book was written. Text 5 tatra lekhya-pratijïä ädau sa-käraëaà lekhyaà çré-gurväçrayaëaà tataù guruù çiñyaù parékñädir bhagavän manavo 'sya ca manträdikäré siddhy-ädi- çodhanaà mantra-saàskriyä tatra—there; lekhya-pratijïä—description of what will bewritten; ädau—in the begtinning; sa-käraëam—with reasons; lekhyam—to be written; çré-guru—of the spiritual master; äçrayaëam—shelter; tataù—then; guruù—the guru; çiñyaù—the disciple; parékñädiù—examination; bhagavän—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; manavaù—mantras; asya—of Him; ca—and; mantra—for the mantras; adikäré—qualified person; siddhy-ädi—beginning with perfection; çodhanam—purification; mantra—of mantras; saàskriyä—rite of purification. Table of Contents In this book will be discussed: (First Viläsa) 1. Taking shelter of a bona-fide spiritual master, 2. the qualities of a bona- fide spiritual master, 3. the qualities of a bona-fide disciple, 4. tests presented to the spiritual master and disciple, 5. the qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 6. the mantras glorifying the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 7. the qualities of a person eligible to chant these mantras, 8. the rites of purification, beginning with Siddhi, 9. the purification of mantras, . Commentary by Çréla Sanätana Gosvämé Here will be described the spiritual master and his qualities. Then will be described the mantras of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the glories of these mantras. Text 6 dékñä nityaà brahma-käle çubhotthänaà pavitratä dékñä—initiation; nityam—regularly; brahma-käle—at brahma-muhürta; çubha—auspicious; utthänam—rising; pavitratä—purity. (Second Viläsa) 10. initiation, 11. rising every day at brahma-muhürta, 12. cleanliness, . Text 7 prätaù småtyädi kåñëasya vädyädyaiç ca prabodhanam nirmälyottaraëädy-ädau maìgalärätrikaà tataù prätaù—at sunrise; småty—remembering; ädi—beginning with; kåñëasya—of Lord Kåñëa; vädya-ädyaiù—activities beginning with playing music; ca—and; prabodhanam—awakening; nirmälya—the garlands worn by the Lord; uttaraëa —wearing; ädy—beginning with; ädau—in the beginning; maìgalärätrikam—maìgala-ärati; tataù—then. (Third Viläsa) 13. remembering Lord Kåñëa and performing other devotional activities early in the morning, 14. awakening the Deity with music and other devotional activities, 15. wearing garlands worn by the Deity and accepting other remnants from the Deity, 16. maìala-ärati, . Text 8 maiträdi-kåtyaà çaucäca- manaà dantasya dhävanam snänaà tantrika-sandhyädi deva-sadmädi-saàskriyä maitra—passing urine; ädi—beginning with; kåtyam—to be done; çauca—cleaning; äcamanam—ringing the
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