. ~ . , ··~: . ' . ~ .. '; ~ . News Volume 13 Fall 2003 No. 3 A Publication of the Nebraska Center for the Book llebraska Books Honored .A. Fiction: The Pban/0111 Limbs<![ the Ro/1011 • he 20()_) \ehraska Book Awards program, Sisle1:\', Timothy Schaffert, Blue I len sponsored by the Nchr<L<;I a Center for the Books/ Penguin Putnam TBook (\CB), rccogni1.cs and honors boob fiction Short Story Collection Honor Book: that arc written by ~cbr<L<;ka au thors, published by ,\'(f?bl Som1d,· and Other Stories, l\aren Getter! Nebraska publishers, set in . cbr<L<;ka, or Shoemaker. Dufour Editions Inc. concerning Nebraska. This year's winners A. Non-Fiction: f,ocal Wonders: Seasons in the arc: Bohe111ia11 Alps, Ted Kooser, l'niversity of A Children/Young Adult: Together NebnL'ika Press Apart, Dimrne E. (;ray. Houghton A. Poetry: ,I/use, Su~<Ul Aizcnherg. Crab Orchard Mifflin Company Hcview &. Southern Illinois l'ni\ersity Press A Children/Young Adult Honor A. Poetry Honor Book: Times <?/Sorrow. Times Book: JJrairie Summer, Bonnie of Grace: \~i·ifing by Women <!f lhe Creal Geisert. lloughton Mifflin Company P/ains/l ligh Plains. Marjorie Saiser. (;reg A Cover Design/Illustration: Times Kosmicki. and Lba S<mdlin (editors). The q{Sorrou•, Times qf G'mce: i~riling Backwaters Press ~) ' \hm1e11 qf the G'reat Plai11sl l ligh Books published in 200:i will be eligible for the Plains, Maqorie Saiser. Greg 200'-! Awards program. To receiw notification of the Kosmicki. and Lisa Sandlin (editors). 200 • Book Awards program. cont.act Mary Geibel , The Back\\aters Press -i!l2-'-1- l-20·15 . 800-:i0....,-2665 , e-mail: A. Cover Design/Illustration Book Art.-. < mgeibel@) n le .state .ne . us> . Production Honor Book: , I !'ear at the Sorbonne: A Proustian Lije, OliH'r B. Pollak, The Yellow Barn Press Purchase Raffle Tickets ow by Molly Fisher Th;mks to a generou~ cornribution from The ~900 . is much sought L'ni\"ersitv of \cbraska Press. thirteen rnlume ~ of the after b) libraries . ( .foumaf.\· q/fbe Lell'L,· and Cl<1rk £\j;edilion arC' Ticket~ are on sale bei ng rafned by the 1 ehra.. -;ka Centl'r for the Book. nm\ for Vi. m ailahle Edited by the l niversity of \ehr~L..;ka- Lincoln ' s from any member of (L'N-L) distinguished Prolc.·sor Gary Moulton. this the "\ehraska Centt•r for highly acclaimed collection is consickred by sd1olars the Book Board. For to he the definiti\(~ edition of th e Le\\ b ~md Clark more rnformalion or to journals. Funcls earned from tlw raftle \\ill help purch<N' a ticket, support tlw \ehraska Book Festi\ al and the \elmL<;ka contact Moll,· Fisher Book Award~. ~ponsored annually Ii~ thl' :\dmL<;ka (photo right), '-102-'-188- Cerner for th e Hook. If ~ o u don't think yo ur personal 12-lO. Thl' dnl\\·ing will library can hold the thineen-\olume <;cl. con~idt• r he held at the \ ehra<;kt Cemer for the Book Fehruan· buying a ra.Jne ticket <Uld donating th e co llection lO hoard meeting. A. your fa\oritt' Ii bran. The set. \"alued at more than Reflections on Six Years on the llCB Board Guest Editorial Several people taught me, including Denise Brady, by Oliver 8. ist turning sLxty, I have spent ten percent of my Kay Walters, jeny Kromberg, Mel Krutz, Geny Cox, Pollak, University ife (six years) on the board of the eb raska Linda I liU egas, Rod Wagn er, Mary Jo Ryan , ~md Molly of Nebraska at Center for the Book. I have a record. My priors Fisher. All of whom I will miss. But do I have to miss Omaha lmclude several years at the NebnL'ika Humanities them? The ebraska Cen ter for the Book, estab li shed Council and the Nebraska Jewish Histo1ical Society. in 1990, is now thirteen years old. That means there The relationship usually ends because the bylaws are several former board members, enough to create Urn.it reelection. ru1 alumni or support group, a way of staying in touch Parole and release lead to assessment, reflection , and presen~ng funny stories. and summation. I served under Presidents Clinton The Nebraska Center for the Book su pports publi­ and Bush, one a voracious reader and the other a cation. Mel Krutz's Book Discussion and Writing Librarian 's spouse. Groups is about to appear. Nebraska nonprofit soci­ The leadership of th e NebnL-;ka Center for the eti es preserve th e memo1y of authors Bess Streeter Book is guided by one-year term chairmen/women/ Aldrich , Willa Cather, Loren Eiseley, Wright Morris, persons with a benevolent big brother/sister/p ~u-ent in John Neihardt, and Mari Sru1doz. Has the time arrived the background, the Neb raska Libra1y Commission. for Tillie Olsen to be treated with similar reverence7 My committee assignment, publicity, m e~m t writing If you <LI"e not a member of the Neb raska Center for the NCB News under the watchful eyes of Linda for the Book, become a member. And if you wru1t to Hillegas, Gerry Cox , and Maty Jo Ryan. Each issue se1ve on the board, make you r desires known . on­ entailed an hour-long teleconference to estab li sh profit vo lunta1y groups thrive on people stepping content and deadlines. Selecting topics, books for forward. review, and Likely writers, we kept in mind ebraska's Ed. Note: The NCB News tlm1ks Oliver Pollak for his human ~me! spatial diversity. There's an abund<mce of fine contributions to this publication. We Nebraska book scene stories. The joy of volunta1y look forward to his continuing communi­ participation is you choose the dirty jobs you Like. cation via reguhu· articles ru1d reviews. A Members are librarians, writers, and academics. Different talents, ski ll s, and interests fill different needs. The business1rnm becomes th e treasurer. The llCBNews Vol. 13 • Fall 2003 • No. 3 Nebraska Cente r for the Book Publications/Publicity Advertising Board and Commit tees Linda Trout; Committee Chai r; .Jeanett:! The ,VCB .Ve/I'S c;m accept up to four 1/8 Drueke; Mary .Jo Hym1, staff page ads for each issue. Th e advertising Executive Conuninee rate is $ 125 for 1/8 page. NCB News is Chuck Peck, President; Kath y .Johnson , Past Awards Art Coordinator issued May I , August 15 , and November I. President; Shelly Clark. Vice Presidenl/ Denise Brath· The adve11ising and copv deadline is s i~ President Elect; .J erry Krom berg, Trc<L~urer ; weeks prior to issue date. For details. Hod Wagner, ex-officio Nebraska Library Commission Director Hod contact Mary Jo Hym1 , NclmL~ka Center for This publication was FundingfMcmbership Wagner is an ex:officio member of all th e Book, The Atrium, 1200 \Street. Suite suppo11ed in part by the Molly Fisher (ex-officio), Co111111 ittec Chair; committees. 120, Uncoln, :\E 68508-202:\; phone "10 2- -J - l -:)-J:)'I, 800-.'I0'-2665, e-mail: Institute of Museum mid jmm Birnie. Shelly Clark,Vice 2004 Nebraska Center for the Ubrarv Services under Prcsidcnl/President Elect < mj 1yan@n lc.statc. ne. us >, the pr~visions of the Book Board Meetings < www.unl.edu/NCB> . 2004 Nebraska Book Festival February 7 .. .. Lincoln Library Services mid The NCB News is published three times a Chuck Peck, President, Committee Chai r; May . Kearney Technology Act as 15 vear bv the Nebraska Center for the Book, Peter Beeson (ex-officio) ; 'J\w la II an sen, . Omaha administered by the state August 7 :l'he At.rium, 1200 \ Street, Suite 120. Secretary; Nan cy .Johnson ; .J cr;v Krom berg, November 7 . Lincoln, An nual of ebraska through the Lincoln, NE 68508-202:1 . Subscription is Treasurer; Brent Spencer Meeting, Nebraska Library free with membership. Editor: Linda Trout. Commission. Programs/ProjecL<; Design and Production: Valerie Da1·ton . Vicki Clarke; Mel Kru ll.; St:tff: Marv .Jo l~ v;m , .Jacqueline Crocker. Hod Wagner (ex-officio) J<u1ct (;reser. Maria Mcdr:u10-\chls. All book cm·cr :trt and photos reprinted b1 II permission of the publisher. 111 ~llCBNews Grand Island Public Library and Foundation Honored at Annual Meetin9 ,,ebraska book lovers (readers, writers, book­ dation were honored for their rich tradition of service sell ers, librarians, publishers, printers, educators, and ( 120 years in 2004), their outreach se1vices provided scholars) gathered at the Nebraska Center for the throughout Hall Co unty, and the vari ety of reading and Book An nual Meeting to enj oy a presentati on Literacy se1vices offered. featu1ing Dr. David Wishai1, editor of the The award, established by the Nebras ka Center for Encyclopedia ofthe Great Plains and Chair of the the Book, is presented annually to an organization, Department of Anthropology and Geography at the business, libraiy, school, association, or other group ' Uni ve rsi ty of Nebraska- Lincoln . The annual meeting that has made <m exceptional contribution to literacy, was held in the main gallery of the Great Plains Art books, reading, Libra1ies, or Nebraska literature. The Co ll ection in Lincoln in November. J;me Geske Award commemorates Geske's passion for The Jane Pope Geske Aw<u-d for exceptional books, ;md was established in recognition of her contribution to literacy, books, reading, libraries, contributions to the well-being of the libraries of bookselUng, or writing in Nebraska was presented to Nebraska. Jai1e Geske was a founding member of the the Gnmd Ishmd Public Libra1y and the Grand Island Nebraska Center for the Book ;md a long-time leader Public Ubra1y Foundation, Inc. The libra1y <md foun- in Nebraska libra1y ;md Litera1y activities.
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