37 HGEKS • ^ OUR fnilFftl 1QAH VOL. V, No. 5 SAVANNAH STATE COLLEGE AUGUST, 1952 PRESIDENT BENNER CRESWILL TURNER < Rev, Samuel Gandy Summer Study Calls Miss Camilla Williams, to Deliver 68th Faculty and Staff Soprano, To Be Baccalaureate Sermon at Savannah State Presented In Concert Rev. Samuel Lucius Gandy, Di- According to an announcement rector of Religious Activities at from Dr. W. K. Payne, president of Miss Camilla Williams, leading Virginia State College, Ettrick, Savannah State College, 16 faculty soprano of the City Virginia, New York will deliver the 68th Bac- and staff members are doing fur- Opera for five years, a concert calaureate sermon at Savannah ther study in their respective fields singer who has captivated two con- State College. The Baccalaureate this summer at some of the coun- tinents from Venezuela to northern services will be held in Meldrim try's leading universities. Alaska, a soloist with Auditorium, orchestra Sunday, August 10, at Those studying are: J. Randolph whose "beautiful singing" has 4:00 p. m. Fisher, associate professor of lan- been publicly praised by Stokowski, Reverend Gandy will be intro- guages and literature; Mrs. Elea- will be presented in Concert at Sa- duced by Dr. W. K. Payne, Presi- nor B. Williams, switchboard ope- vannah State College. dent of Savannah State. Invocation rator; and Joseph H. Wortham, as- Miss Williams and Benediction will appear in will be given by sistant professor of biology, all at Meldrim Auditorium, Friday, Au- Rev. A. J. Hargrett, Savannah Ohio State University. gust at State 8 8:30 p. m. in the second College Minister. The Savan- Robert C. Long, Sr., acting chair- Lyceum feature of the summer. nah State College choir, under the man, department of business; Todd Duncan, internationally fam- direction of Professor L. Allen Franklin Carr, assistant professor ous baritone, was the first Lyceum Pyke, will sing, "Build Thee More of business administration; Nelson attraction, appearing on June 30. Stately Mansions," by Oliver R. Freeman, Veterans' secretary Bom in Danville, Virginia, Ca- Holmes; "Gloria Patri," by Pales- and manager of the college book- milla Willams trina; was graduated from and "Ride the Chariot," by store; Wilton C. Scott, director of Virginia State Smith. College. Granted a public relations; Mrs. Eugenia scholarship native by the Alumni Asso- A of South Carolina, Rev- Scott, secretary to the president; ciation she came to Philadelphia to erend Gandy was educated in the and Robert Haygood, assistant study under Mme. Marian public schools of Greenville, Szekely- South technician in shoe repair, all study- Freschl. Within less than a year Carolina and received his bachelor ing at New York University. she won the of arts annual Marian Ander- degree from the State Col- Hilliary R. Hatchett, acting son Award.' In lege in Orangeburg, 1944 she again South Caro- chairman, department of Fine emerged as a winner. lina. He continued Soon after his studies Arts, Julliard School of Music, she won further recognition upon graduation in 1935 at Howard York as the New City; Mrs. Ruth S. Dob- winner of University the Philadelphia Orches- where in 1938 he was son, critic teacher, Powell Labora- tra Youth Concert awarded the degree of bachelor of Auditions. tory School; Mrs. Eldora D. Marks, The divinity. New Year 1946 brought the He is presently a candi- Critic teacher, Powell South Carolina Laboratory young soprano, State Prexy To Deliver date for the doctor of who by that time philosophy school; Timothy C. Meyers, had begun to fill degree at the University a limited number 68th Commencement Address of Chi- acting dean of faculty; and Miss cago. of concert engagements, an audi- Loreese E. Davis, counsellor for tion with Laszlo Halasz, i-Benner Creswill Turner, Presi- mond Pace Alexander. Music Di- He resided , Has Had Wide Experience women and head resident, Camilla rector of the New York City dent of South Carolina State Col in Columbus, Georgia, Opera and engaged A man of wide and varied ex- Hubert Hall, all studying at Co- Company, lege, who offered the gifted Orangeburg, will deliver the in the real estate business from perience, lumbia University, Reverend Gandy was New York City. girl her 08th Commencement address great opportunity — the at Sa- July, 1932 until January, 1943. Dur- president of the Y.M.C.A. Frank D. Thorpe, at South assistant pro- role of Butterfly. vannah State College. The G8th ing this period he served as Presi- fessor of industrial education, Iowa Tradition Commencement Exercises will was broken and news get dent of the Social-Civic Club of State College; and Mrs. Ella Webb made the night of May underway at 4:00 p. m., Wednes- Columbus from 1934-1942. 15, 1946, Fisher, Temple University, Phila- when day, kimono-clad Camillia Wil- August 13, in Meldrim Audi- On January 1, 1943, he began delphia, Pa. liams fluttered out and created torium. service as Professor of Law in the a new Cio-Cio-San. In the audience Dr. W. K. Payne, President of Law School in the North Carolina Herman Wilson the most famous Butterfly of her Savannah State will present the College in Durham, North Carolina, time, Geraldine serving for Farrar, who led the <:nr.-k~-- Th". Payne will also award in that capacity until Au- Leaves Army capacity house in the applause, the degrees and present prizes and gust, 1947, at which time he ac- By J. A. Aldridge stated: "She already is one of the awards to outstanding seniors. cepted an appointment as Dean of Herman J. Wilson, '50, who great Butterflys of our day." She Rev. AJ. Hargrett, Savannah State the Law School of South Carolina turned to his Alma Mater for study, soon became "the most talked of College Minister, will deliver the State A. & M. College, Orangeburg, this summer had to cut short his postwar Cio-Cio-San," South Carolina. study reported Invocation and Benediction; The to report to the armed serv- TIME MAGAZINE. Savannah State choir, under the di- He became a member of the ices. Since then the soprano has ap- rection of Professor L. Allen Pyke, Bar of the State of South Carolina Mr. Wilson was inducted into the peared regularly with the New will render three selections: on May 8, 1948, and was appointed services on Tuesday, July 22, 1952, York City Opera, both at home and "Praise Ye The Lord," by Tchai- President of S. C. State on August at Atlanta, Georgia and reported to on tour. She soon added other kowsky; "You'll Never Walk 1, 1950. Fort Jackson, S. C, for training. He roles to her repertoire, Nedda in Alone," arranged by Tom Scott; Memberships has taken the officer's candi- "Pagliacci", "La Boheme," and the and "Set Down Servant," He has been a member of the date test and is now awaiting its by B, title role of "Aida." Editorial Board of outcome. Shaw. John W. McGlockton of Sa- the National 3ar Journal since June, REVEREND The Biology Opera triumphs behind her, Ca- vannah, newly elected President of 1945. He SAMUEL GANDY major was an out- ierved standing milla Williams started on her first the Savannah State Asso- as President of Delta Zeta student in his major field Alumni Carolina State College during his Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi and served as student laboratory concert tour of more than forty en- ciation, will induct the graduates undergraduate days, and served as gagements, including a coveted into the Alpha Fraternity during the year assistant to Dr. B. T. Griffith, ap- SSC Alumni Association. co-chairman of the regional Kings 1950. head of the Biology department. (Continued on Page 8) Native Mountain Conference in 1944-45. of Georgia Hailing from Baconton, Georgia, He was one of the founders of the President Turner, a native of Co- Wilson has been head of the nat- High School, Camilla, Georgia, for Student Volunteer Movement in lumbus, Georgia, attended the ele- Calendar of Summer ural science department, Rock Dale the past two years. South Carolina and worked ac- mentary schools in that city. Dur- Commencement tively in different intercollegiate ing the period 1919-1923, he at- MISS CAMILLA WILLIAMS and interracial tended Phillips Andover Academy, organizations in the Activities Southeastern region. Andover, Mass., where he received Reverend Gandy interned the Henry Van Duzen scholarship Events Announced by during his matriculation at Howard Unv award to the member of the ju- President versity at Plymouth Congrega- nior class preparing to enter Har- According to an announcement tional Church. In 1938 he spent vard University for having the from the office of Dr. William K. the summer at Catholic University highest average in his class. He Payne, President of Savannah in research for a later publication graduated from Andover in June, State, the following events will by Dr. W. D. Weatherford entitled 1923, magna cum laude. take place during the 68th Com- "Attitudes of the Catholic Church He entered Harvard University's mencement observance: Toward Negroes Prior to the Civil College of Liberal Arts and Sci- Wednesday, August 6 War." ences in 1933 and received the B. A. i a.m. Senior Chapel Exercises From 1938 to 1941 he served as Degree from that institution in Meldrim Auditorium. Assistant Dean of Men and Assist- June, 1927. In September, 1927, 8:00 p.m. Senior Class Night Ex- University Minister at Fisk he entered the Harvard University crsices—Meldrim Audi- University, Nashville, Tennessee. Law School, from which he re- torium. From 1941 to 1944 he was Director ceived the LL.B. degree in 1930. Sunday, August 10 of Education and Associate Minis- From June 1930 to June, 1932, 4:00 p.m. Baccalaureate Exercises ter of the Church of the Good Shep- President Turner was engaged in —Meldrim Auditorium.
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