COMMi>NlCAT1pN» N B t W O R K tDcsflano Oliscruer Your hometown newspaper serving Westland for 35 years Thursday, April 27, 2000 hometownnewspapers. net 75c V**M»M**wr»4 Wetttend, Michigan OCOO0Mom»Towfi ConvnunktMorm Network'" IN THE PAPER Training boosts survival odds TODAY They hope it will never happen here, but fire Reddy said. training. The group was pared to 12 and police official are preparing in case a "If we had a major incident like following physical agility tests and oral Columbine-type tragedy occurs in Westland. Columbine, we would enter with the interviews, but only six will make the Wow! Zeemo the Yo-yo Firefighters are receiving special training to police department SWAT team and cut after competing today (Thursday) provide emergency medical care in a crisis. proceed to provide advanced life sup­ in tear gas exerciaeB at Fire Station Man visited the Westland port care to those who are injured but No. 2 on Merriman Road south of Ann can't be retrieved from the scene," he Arbor Trail. library Monday night and BY DABRKLL CLEM Support program will prepare firefight­ impressed his a udience STATF WKfntH said. "We're going to see if six is enough," dcletteoe.bomecomiiunct er paramedics to enter a crisis scene Reddy touted Westland's fire depart- alongside police officers and possibly Reddy said. with yo-yo tricks, jug­ men.t as the first in Wayp.e County to police Chief Emery Price said the fire Local residents and police officers save lives by providing immediate med­ start a TEMS program. Reddy, a bat­ gling, magic and injured in potential hostage situations, ical help. department program will complement talion chief and emergency medical ser­ his 10-niember police Tactical more./A9 mass shootings and other crises would TEMS training will help Westland if vices coordinator, will be in charge of rttr:.ponse Unit. be more likely to survive due to an the city should ever suffer a tragedy the team that will soon attend a five- imminent Westland Fire Department 'Any time you have an injured per- similar to the Columbine High School day tactical training school. Bon, whether it be a citizen or a program. massacre that occurred one year ago in In all, 20 firefighters applied for the AT HOME The new Tactical Emergency Medical Colorado, TEMS Commander Michael Pleaae see TRAVWM, A4 Applause, applause: A Plymouth interior design­ er is among those from the area who set the scene for style in the Junior League of Detroit Inc. Designers'Show House 2000, the former home of actress Julie Harris./OB now BY OARRELL CLEM STAFF WRITEK ENTERTAINMENT dclem#oe.homecotnm.net Westland City Councilwoman Theater: Bob Weibel of Sharon Scott conceded Monday that Westland directs the Ply­ •»•' she has considered resigning - a move that would thwart a recall effort aimed mouth Theatre Guild's at forcing her from office. production of "Squab­ "I can't say that I don't think about it," she said, "but no decision has been bles, " which will open made." May 5./El Scott, in her ninth year on the coun­ cil, also declined to end speculation about whether she will geek the 18th Music awards: This year's District state House seat being vacated Detroit Music Awards by Rep, Eileen DeHart, D Weatland. attracted national celebri­ Scott repeated earlier statements that she will announce her decision ties and honored local before the May 16 filing deadline pass­ ones, including Paradime, es. ; Scott would face at least, one. other also known as Freddie Democrat, Westland Councilman Bea uregard of Livonia, WAIF rW0fK» WTTCM HAWLST Glenn Anderson, in the Aug. 8 prima­ DJMarkE.P. of Westland Love It kfnd: Holding hands and repeating their vows are Rudy and Beth Kilponen, married ry. and the band, Plaidipus, Nov. 25, 1938. The Willow Creek Apartments couples took part in the anniversary brunch. One Republican, Georgn Conanl, has as well as Scott Forbes of Pleas* see SCOTT, A6 Farmington Hills, gui­ tarist for the Forbes Brotheri/El So much Watchdog REAL ESTATE in love work starts BY DARREXX CLEM What's a neighborhood? BY DIANE GAL* ANDREASSI STAFT WR1TRR It's more than just a col­ SPECIAL WRITE* dclemwoe.homecomm.net lection ofhouses. /Fl ove, God and respect are the A citizens watchdog group, claiming ingredients to long-lasting mar­ it wants to restore othicul behavior to Lriages, according to a group of Westland city government, is emerging couples, who have been married at from, a public uprising that followed INDEX least 50 years. They gathered last the Jan. 18 firing of City-Clerk Patricia week to renew their wedding vows at Gibbons, Apart ments/«3 Crossword/ PB Willow Creek Apartments Clubhouse But one critic. Wesrland 'City Coun­ /M Home/D Entertainment/ El in Westland. cilman David Cox, is questioning the group's internal ethics, ' Automottve/J2 Jobs/05 "Our faith and love - that's the glue that holds it together," The group, We The People, plans to Classjfled/r\«fHtJ Obituariesy** register as a formal political committee Classified Opinions/A14-lft explained Rudy and Beth Kiitanen, who have been married 61 yearV with the Wayne County Clerk's Office '- tndex/FS Real Estate/Fl amove that leader Brenda Gracin said With four children, 12 grandchil­ could come.a« early as-Friday. Cofnmunity Service Gui<te/H7 dren and 13 great-grandchildren, Ufe/ll Sports/Cl While We The.People- members sup­ Rudy said the occasion "brings back a port recalling four council members lot of memories." who fired Gibbon? on Jan. IS, the • Loving look: Mary Alice and Elmer Trosien, married Aug. 25, group has a more .compieht nsive vision "FKmme see L6Vt,A4 1950,.join in the~singingof"let Me Call You Sweetheart" Pleas*- »e? WATCHDOG, Al Effort blooms • • • in ii i • i '. ' — "™ . " * Rotarians are pleased with Flower Sale's success 1 THt ftr$t phce to visit ter •• lilies left- wert- donated to Marquette BrJuuMBtam House in Westland WTAFTWVn* The sale this past weekend, which CLUBS whenyau*™ looking for a .««t began on Good Friday, had two loca­ "Saturday'turned out to Ix* n l*'auti- new place to live? Scbolarahips for local student* got a tions, Wayne and Warren roads and ful day,'" she said "It was successful. headed up by Ann Elliott, club presi We. made a gtxwi profit boost last weekend as Rotarians took to Central City Parkway at Ford. There's dent, Rotarian Barbara Douglas gave The Heal Estate ads the streets for the Westland Rotary a friendly rivalry between the two to Organizers were concerned with Kri'- several reasons for her involvement. day's gloomy weather, but that didn't in today'» Flower 3*1*. See who can sell the most flowers. The "One is I really like to help people," Salt! were brisk, despite the winning team gets a trophy last Elliott noted other RiMaiv'efforts, said Douglas, also a member of the such as .r>0 Faster buckets f<»r a local H wn Classifieds! inclement weather part of the time. At one time, the Westland Rotary local Lions Club She sees her small Rotarian Leo White his been involved sale had more locations, ssid White, homeless shelter and baskets fur the contribution a* having a big effect (Jbod News Gang kids. with the sale since it started 20-some giving credit for the sale's start to Ken throughout the world thrnugh Rotary years ago. Davelstein of Ken's Country Produce A Good New* G.IHK effort, s\*mwired International. by Rotary, is* *lnrtii»« locally fn> kids in "It's varied," he said of the amount "A lot of the other clubs picked up on Any leftover flowers are donated to given. "It depends on how much we it* Norwiiyue. Elb<»M s'aid. "plus the rntrr- area senior facilities. White said. The national.w'nrk we tin ' take in,* Sunny skies can help flower sales. he sale featured flowering plants, rather Scholarship*, which are need-based, agreed. "It depends on the weather Over the Weekend .tl thi sale, the than cut flowers .Esutef, bunny u.;i> pn-sient :ii une mfa, o to students from John Glenn and That's the biggest thing" "Actually, it turned mit. really well." (, Fajr&e Memorial high schools and the Many Rotarians gave part of their Kversh.-.,|\ liked tb'rt! -Ii< -;ir<i "He « said Elliott of thifc yvar* *>veiu. The ,.)() was ,ri rv.i\ aUeiil'.ioii (jcltn • e*r Wtihain D. Ford Cw«e#r/T«hnicaJ Cen weekend to work the sale, which was Jn pl,if:r a elnsMiird <ui /i-1 VM n<W0 Newsroom: 734-953-2104 Home Delivery: 734*591-0500 The Observer A Eccentric/ THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 2000 (W)A2 seniors a • For volunteering their efforts Africa, Italy and France until the senior advisory council. She been a member of Wayne KAM. to help others, eight senior citi­ 1945. She has spent much of her also was past treasurer, and her No. 102 (autistic children), the zens have become the latest time as a Girl Scout leader, a leadership has been called exem­ Moslem Shrine Detroit (helping inductees into the Senior Hal! of Friendship Center volunteer, an plary. She has chaired many disabled children) and ALMAT- Fame at the Westland Friend­ election precinct server, an East­ Friendship Center fund-raisers TA Grotto (helping fight multi­ ship Center. er Seal Foundation volunteer including a raffle for a 44-seat ple sclerosis). He is a member of Honoring the winners was the and a PTA officer, and she has passenger bus for seniors.
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