KNT275 00NOT DUPLICATE THIS FORM • REQUEST AN ORIGINAL CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet ClIfidria Corpor:lIiDn 18qU8&1I Ih8I users of "Calidrla" AsbeslDs maleri,aJ is resold, CaUdrla CorJIOraI!Dn requ8S11 lllal In. study this d8Ia shIIeI eo become aware of the procIucI's hazaJds. pu!dlIser be furnished a copy of this dala sheel and advised and pI'IlIIlllle safe handQng oj the pmducI by rnaJc!!911)iS 1nIor· . to prgvJde Iha ~. h8f8.in lD its emPJoyees. .,aand IIl8lIDn awDabIe to III ~. agents. and conIJ'8CIDI8.111he conlJ'8ClOfS. o .. - .~.• .:. .........._..,;.... SECTION I PRODUct IDENTIFICATION Product Name: CALIDR!A e ASBESTOS. C.A.S. Numbers: 1309-38-2 Chemical/AUo satHe Asbestos. Formula/Co osition: Synonyms: SECTION II PHYSICAL DATA Sizes: 3/8" ellets to owder. Solubilit in Water: Ve soluble. Specific Cravity: 2.45 approximately. Kelting Point: of (OC) Dehydrates above (H' 1). 1112 (600). Odor: None •. Point: OF (OC) Not a Heable. A earance: :Wbite fibrous solid or dIets. Not a Hcable. Bulk Density: 15-45 1b/ft3• as packaged. Percent Volatile: Absorbed 820 1-4% by weight. (De ends on roduct form.) Structural H?O - 13% b wei tht. Molecular Wei ht: Eva oration Rate: Nota Heable. SECTIOt~_UI HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS 1(5) (5) tOsed (1309.-38~2) 0.5-2 .dust Ie'ereace., 1 OSHA SU""••d 1910.1001 Z IlSIIA St......... J Cunene ACCIA 6 MIOSJI "c_"dnlO1l S C.Udrtelace",a1 SUIld.... Emergency H.E.L.P. Telephone: 304-744-3487 Co6drfo Corpoiatlon • p.o. Box K. King CIty. CoOto PLAINTIFF'S EXHIBIT KENTflE 891$2 KFI-665 .. - HEALTH HAZARD DATA i SECTION IV , .. I . - - , ACUTE EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE . ,. ... .. ....... - 1--· .. - .. - - ..... - - . - I I Route of Exposure: I . b . ]) which 1.S inhaled 1n su stant1a I amounts. may Inhalation: Any dust (including asbestos) I irdta.te the respiratory tract. Extreme expo·sures can overwh'elm'the normal respiratory defense mechanisms and result in temporary dJf~!£ulty.. ~n .. ' .. , - _.. - .. .. breathing';' . , .. .. Skin Contact: Asbestos splinters may penetrate the skin and cause asbestos ;"corns. " Skin Absorption: Not applicable. i I Eye Contact: . May cause irritation and abrasions. I I I i InStestion: . No known effects. ! I I CHRONIC EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE " Route of Exposure: Inhalation: Overexposure to Chrysotile Asbestos nas caused damage to lung$ (asbestosis). lung cancer and mesothr.'lioma of the pleura and peritoneum. Symptoms. which are usually not manifested until 15-20 years ~fter exposure. include labored breathing. chest pains. weakness. a~d chest : tightness. Pleural thickening. plaques and effusion are nondisabling , conditions. seen separately or Logether. that have been associa~ed with prolonged asbestos exposure. The risk of lung cancer is greatly increased' for those who smoke cigarettes regularly in addition to having asbestos exposures. , I - Skin Contact: Not applicable. I I Skin Absorption: Not applicable. I I. Eye Contact: Same as acute effects. Usually reversible on removal from exp,osure. Ingestion: Some studies indicate that asbestos overexposure is implicated' as a cause of gastro-intestinal and laryngeal cancers. but the evidence is conflicting. - .. - - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES I I I Route of Exposure: : Inhalation: No acute toxicity: Remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult. ~ oxygen may be administered. If breathing has stopped. administer artificial respiration. Call a physician. : Skin Contac t: Remove asbestos slivers promptly. If "asbestos corn" develops. surgica 1 removal may be required. I , Eye Contact: Irrigate gently with water for 15 minutes. Refer to ophthalmologist to rule out possibility of damage to cornea or eyeball by fibers. , Ingestion: None indicated. NOTES TO PHYSICIAN 1111111111111111111111111111- SPJ692.40 A medical survei11.:lOce program must be established for asbestos-exposed persons ~n accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administra~ion's standard for Asbestos (29 CFR Part 1910.100l). --- KENTILE 89193 . : - Calidria @ Asbestos 0) SECTION V FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Combustibility: - Not combustible. - Flammable Limits: Not applicable. Flash Point (Test Method): Not applicable. Autoi~nition Temperature: Not apolicable. Explosion Tendency: Not aDolicable. Extinguishing Medi~: Use media appropriate for surrounding materia"! in fire situation. Special Fire-Fighting Procedures: Avoid media and procedures that cause airborne. dust. Personnel involved in fire-fighting should use NIOSH/MSHA-approved self-contained breathin~ apparatus and full protective clothing. Unusual Fire and Explosive Hazard: See above. SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable (Temperatures in excess of 1112 OF (600 °C) cause loss of bound water). Conditions to Avoid: None. Hazardous Decomposition Products: None. Material to Avoid: None. .. SECTION VII SPILL, LEAK, AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION -- Steps to be Taken if Material is Spilled or Released: Avoid breathing dust. Notify Safety personnel of spill. Permit only trained clean-up personnel in the spill area. Use wet methods or approved vacuum cleaning system to pick up spilled materials. Use water or other dust suppressants where sweeping is unavoidable. Do not stir up dust. Clean-up personnel should wear approved respirators and protective clothing. Waste and contaminated protective clothing must be placed in dust-tight containers and be properly labeled for disposal. Neutralizing Agents: Not applicable. Waste Disposal Method: Bags, friable asbestos, waste and scrap material should be disposed of in a manner which will avoid airborne concentrations of asbestos, such as the use of dust-tight trash bags or containers. Such containers should be labeled in accordance with 40 CFR 61.20. Asbestos is also classified as a hazardous material under CWA 307(a) and has a reportable quantity of one pound. Deposit waste containers in a secured landfill in accordance with Federal, State. and ., .... local regulations. - . SECTION VIII SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORM.... TION Ventilation: Provide adequate exhaust ventilation and capture filtration to remove asbestos particulate from the workplace and minimize its dispersion into the environment. Isolate ~ork areas and post signs where asbestos contamination may exceel PEL. Hand- or power-operated tools which may release asbestos in excess of the PEL must be equipped with local exhaust systems. r- - 1/1 /II "/~~mfJliitiiii KENTILE 09195 Ca 1idria"" A$bestos (4 ) SECTION VIII SPECIAL PROTECTION ;INFORMATION (Continued) .... Personal Protective Equipment: : I Respirato~Y,Protection (Typ~): ~~e~e ,asbestos expos~re in excess of the, permis,ib1e 1i~it8 is anticipated. wear a NIOSH!MSHA-approved respirator; a reusable 9r single-use air purifying respirator up to 10 times. the PEL: a powered air purifying respirator up to 100 times the PEL: a continuous-flow or pressure-demand Type C s~pplied air respirator for, greate! tha:n., 100 ti~e~ the PEL. I Eye Protection: GO~~},es are recommended. Follow Safety Rules. Gloves/C'lothing: Gloves are recommend'ed' during' hancfifng. Other: For concentrations in excess of the ceiling 1imit special clothing. such as coveralls. whole-body clothing. head coverings, gloves. and foot c9verings are re uired under CFR 1910.1001. I SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Precautionary Statements: WARNING CANCER HAZARD I Breathing asbestos dust can cause lung damage and cancer. The risk of lung I cancer is greatly increased for smokers. I I Do not create or breathe dust. I Do not dry-sweep or use air hose for c ll~aning. I Do not take protective equipment or clothing home. I I Do follow recommended work practices. Do wear approved respiratory protection and protective clothing as IreqUired: by applicable regulations. I Do use vacuum or wet cleaning methods. I, P; dispose of dust. friable waste materials and contaminated protective ;quipment in dust-tight containers. I FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY Precautions for Handling and Storage: Store asbestos in closed containers, (du~~l~ight) in a . clean. dry. secure area. Protect containers from damage. Do not 9pen containers in a manner that can release' dust without providing pro~er enclo~~~e. or control measures. Use dust suppression control measures at all ,stages of asbestos handling, use and disposal. Follow good housekeeping prastices to prevent accumulation of asbestos-containing dusts. Avoid inhalation of asbestos. ! -~. t Other Precautions: Material Listed as Carcinogen in: 1111111111111111111111111111 , SP369243 I National Toxicology Program Annual Report (NTP): Known carcinogen. I I International Agency for Research on Cancer (rARC): Group I- Carcinogenic to humans. I OSHA 29 CFR Part 1910. Subpart Z: Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Notice of I Proposed Rulemaking, F.R. Vol. 49 No. 70, p. 14116 et seq. Tues., ~pr. 10, 1984. Copyright~ All r1Shts reserved. 1984. Effective Date: December 31, 1984. C.lidri. Corpor~tion believe. th.t the d.t. herein 're current •• of the effective d.te of thi. data .heet, .nd th.t the orinion. herein ~re tho.e of qu.l~fied expert.. Since the product aftd the Lnfo~~ioft herein vilL b. u.ed out. ide the control of C.lidr'. Corporation. it i. the u••,'. , ••pantibility to e.cablilh conditione for ••f. ule of the product. The data herein r.l.te. only to the product of C.lidri. Corporation .nd ••~ not be applie.ble for produeta of other ~."ufacturer•• KENTILE 09196.
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