New Simplification Rates

New Simplification Rates

NEW VOICE RATES AS OF JULY 14, 2009 Country GSM Operator All Voice calls: Back to Canada/US, Incoming Calls, In Country Calls, Calls to International Destinations Afghanistan MTN Afganistan, "MTN" $4.00 Afghanistan Afghan Wireless Communications Company $4.00 Afghanistan Telecom Development Company Afghanistan Ltd "TDCA" $4.00 Albania Albanian Mobile Communications "A M C Mobil" $2.00 Albania Vodafone Albania Sh. A. "Vodafone" $2.00 Algeria Algerie Telecom Mobile $3.00 Algeria Orascom Telecom Algeria SPA "Djezzy" $3.00 Algeria Wataniya Telecom Algerie s.p.a."Nedjma" $3.00 Andorra Servei de Telecomunicacions d'Andorra "Mobiland" $2.00 Angola Unitel S.A.R.L. $4.00 Anguilla Cable & Wireless (West Indies) Ltd. Anguilla $3.00 Anguilla Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd "Digicel" $3.00 Antigua & Barbuda Antigua Public Utilities Authority "APUA PCS" $3.00 Antigua & Barbuda Cable & Wireless Caribbean Cellular (Antigua) Ltd. $3.00 Antigua & Barbuda Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd "Digicel" $3.00 Argentina AMX Argentina S.A. $3.00 Argentina Telefonica Moviles Argentina S.A. "Movistar" $3.00 Argentina Telecom Personal S.A. "Personal" $3.00 Armenia Armenia Telephone Company "ArmenTel" $2.00 Armenia K Telecom CJSC "Vivacell" $2.00 Armenia Karaback Telecom "K Telecom" $2.00 Aruba Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba "SETAR" $3.00 Aruba Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd "Digicel" $3.00 Australia Hutchison 3G Australia Pty Limited $2.00 Australia Optus Mobile Pty Ltd. "Yes Optus" $2.00 Australia Telstra Corporation Limited $2.00 Australia Vodafone Network Pty Ltd. $2.00 Austria Orange Austria Telecommunication GmbH $2.00 Austria Hutchison 3G Austria GmbH "3 AT" $2.00 Austria T-Mobile Austria GmbH $2.00 Austria Mobilkom Austria AG "A1" $2.00 Austria T-Mobile Austria GmbH $2.00 Azerbaijan Azercell Telecom $4.00 Azerbaijan Bakcell "GSM 2000" $4.00 Bahamas Bahamas Telecommunications Co. Ltd. $3.00 Bahrain Bahrain Telecommunications Co. "Batelco" $2.00 Bahrain MTC Vodafone Bahrain "zain BH" $2.00 Bangladesh TM International (BD) Limited "Aktel" $2.00 Bangladesh Sheeba Telecom (Pvt) Ltd. "Banglalink" $2.00 Bangladesh GrameenPhone $2.00 Barbados Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited $3.00 Barbados Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd "Digicel" $3.00 Belarus JLLC Mobile Telesystems $2.00 Belarus Foreign private unitary service enterprise "MDC" $2.00 Belgium Base NV/SA $2.00 Belgium Mobistar S.A. $2.00 Belgium Belgacom Mobile "Proximus" $2.00 Belize Belize Telecommunications Ltd. $3.00 Benin SpaceTel "Areeba" $4.00 Bermuda M3 Wireless Ltd $3.00 Bermuda Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd "Digicel" $3.00 Bhutan B-Mobile (Bhutan) $4.00 Bolivia Entel SA $3.00 Bolivia Nuevatel PCS de Bolivia S.A. $3.00 Bonaire UTS Setel NV $3.00 Bosnia Herzegovina Public Enterprise Croation Telecom Ltd. "Eronet" $2.00 Bosnia Herzegovina RS Telecommunication JSC Banja Luka "Mobi" $2.00 Bosnia Herzegovina BH TELECOM, Joint Stock Company, Sarajevo $2.00 Botswana Mascom Wireless (Pty). $3.00 Botswana Orange (Botswana) Pty Ltd. $3.00 Brazil Amazonia Celular SA $3.00 Brazil 14 Brasil Telecom Cellular S.A. $3.00 Brazil Albra Telecommunicacoes LTD "Claro" $3.00 Brazil TIM Celular S.A. $3.00 Brazil Vivo MG $3.00 Brazil TNL PCS S.A. "Oi" $3.00 Brazil VIVO $3.00 Brunei B-Mobile Communications Sdn Bhd "B-Mobile" $3.00 Brunei DST Communications Sdn. Bhd. "DST" $3.00 Bulgaria Mobiltel EAD $2.00 Bulgaria Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD - "GloBul" $2.00 Bulgaria BTC Mobile EOOD $2.00 Burkina Faso Celtel Burkina Faso S.A. $4.00 Burkina Faso Office National des Telecommunications "Onatel" $4.00 Burkina Faso Telecel Faso S.A. $4.00 Cambodia CamGSM Company Ltd. "MobiTel" $3.00 Cambodia Telekom Malaysia International (Cambodia) Co. Ltd. $3.00 NEW VOICE RATES AS OF JULY 14, 2009 Country GSM Operator All Voice calls: Back to Canada/US, Incoming Calls, In Country Calls, Calls to International Destinations Cameroon Orange Cameroun S.A. $4.00 Cameroon MTN Cameroon $4.00 Cape Verde T+ Telecomunica $4.00 Cayman Islands Cable & Wireless (Cayman Island) Limited $3.00 Cayman Islands Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd "Digicel" $3.00 Central Africa, Republic of Orange Central Africa, "Orange Centrafrique" $4.00 Chile Entel Telefonica Movil S.A. $3.00 Chile Smartcom SA "Claro" $3.00 Chile Telefonica Moviles Chile S.A. $3.00 China China Mobile $3.00 China China Mobile $3.00 China China Unicom GSM $3.00 Colombia Comunicacion Celular SA Comcel SA "Comcel" $3.00 Colombia Colombia Movil S.A. "OLA" $3.00 Colombia Telefonica Moviles Colombia S.A. "Movistar" $3.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of Celtel Congo (RDC) SPRL "Zain" $4.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of Vodacom Congo RDC SPRL $4.00 Congo, Peoples Republic of Celtel Congo S.A. "Congo-Brazzaville" $4.00 Costa Rica Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad "I.C.E." $3.00 Costa Rica Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad "I.C.E." $3.00 Croatia T Mobile Communications, LLC $2.00 Croatia VIPnet d.o.o. $2.00 Cuba C Com $3.00 Curacao Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd "Digicel" $3.00 Curacao UTS Setel NV $3.00 Cyprus Cyprus Telecommunications Authority "CYTAGSM" $2.00 Cyprus areeba Ltd. "MTN" $2.00 Czech Republic Vodafone Czech Republic a.s. $2.00 Czech Republic Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s. $2.00 Czech Republic T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. "T-Mobile CZ" $2.00 Denmark Sonofon $2.00 Denmark Hi3G Denmark ApS $2.00 Denmark Telia Danmark, Branch of Telia Nättjänster Norden AB, Sweden $2.00 Denmark Telia Danmark, Branch of Telia Nättjänster Norden AB, Sweden $2.00 Denmark TDC A/S $2.00 Dominica Cable & Wireless Dominica Ltd. $3.00 Dominica Orange Caraibe (French West Indies) $3.00 Dominica Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd "Digicel" $3.00 Dominican Republic France Telecom Dominicana, S.A. "Orange" $3.00 Dominican Republic Compania Dominicana de Telefonos, C. por A., "CLARO" $3.00 East Timor Timor Telecom $4.00 Ecuador Telefonica Moviles Ecuador $3.00 Ecuador Conecel S.A. (Consorcio Ecuatoriano de Telecomunicaciones S.A.) $3.00 Egypt The Egyptian Company for Mobile Services (MobiNil) $4.00 Egypt Etisalat Misr $4.00 Egypt Vodafone Egypt Telecommunications S.A.E. $4.00 El Salvador Digicel S.A. de C.V. $3.00 El Salvador Telemovil El Salvador S.A. $3.00 El Salvador CTE Telecom Personal C.V $3.00 El Salvador Telefonica Moviles El Salvador S.A. de C.V. $3.00 Equatorial Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial de Telecomunicaciones Sociedad Anonima "Orange GQ" $4.00 Estonia AS EMT GSM $2.00 Estonia Tele2 Eesti AS $2.00 Estonia Elisa Mobiilsideteenused AS $2.00 Ethiopia Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation "ETC" $4.00 Faroe Islands Faroese Telecom $2.00 Faroe Islands Vodafone Faroe Islands $2.00 Fiji Vodafone Fiji Ltd. $3.00 Finland DNA Finland Ltd. $2.00 Finland Alands Mobiltelefon AB $2.00 Finland Elisa Corporation "Elisa" $2.00 Finland TeliaSonera Finland Oyj "Sonera" $2.00 France Orange France $2.00 France SFR - Cegetel $2.00 France Bouygues Telecom $2.00 French Guyana Digicel Antilles Francaise Guyane $3.00 French Guyana Orange Caraibe (French West Indies) $3.00 French Polynesia Tikiphone S.A.S. "Vini" $4.00 Gabon Atlantique Telecom Gabon $4.00 Gabon Celtel Gabon S.A. "Celtel" $4.00 Gambia Africell (Gambia) Ltd $4.00 Georgia Geocell Ltd. $4.00 Georgia MagtiCom Ltd. "Magti GSM" $4.00 Germany T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH $2.00 Germany Vodafone D2 GmbH (Mannesmann) $2.00 Germany E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co, KG "E-Plus" $2.00 Germany Telefonica O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG $2.00 Ghana Ghana Telecommunications Co.Ltd. "OneTouch" $3.00 Ghana Millicom Ghana Ltd. "TIGO" $3.00 Ghana ScanCom Ltd. "MTN" $3.00 NEW VOICE RATES AS OF JULY 14, 2009 Country GSM Operator All Voice calls: Back to Canada/US, Incoming Calls, In Country Calls, Calls to International Destinations Gibraltar Gibraltar Telecommunications Int. Ltd. "GibTel" $2.00 Greece Cosmote Mobile Telecommunications S.A. $2.00 Greece Vodafone - Panafon Greece $2.00 Greece Q Telecommunications S.A. $2.00 Greece STET Hellas Telecommunications "TIM" $2.00 Greenland TELE Greenland A/S $2.00 Grenada Cable &Wireless Grenada Ltd. $3.00 Grenada Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd "Digicel" $3.00 Guadeloupe Digicel Antilles Francaise Guyane $3.00 Guadeloupe Orange Caraibe (French West Indies) $3.00 Guam Guam Cellular & Paging Inc. $3.00 Guatemala Comunicaiones Celulares S.A. "COMCEL" $3.00 Guatemala Sercom S.A. (Guatemala) "CLARO" $3.00 Guatemala Telefonica Moviles Guatemala, S.A. $3.00 Guernsey Cable & Wireless Guernsey Ltd $2.00 Guernsey States of Jersey Telecommunications Board $2.00 Guinea Intercel Guinea $4.00 Guyana Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Co. Ltd. $3.00 Guyana Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd "Digicel" $3.00 Haiti Communication Cellulaire D'Haiti S.A. "Comcel" $3.00 Haiti Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd "Digicel" $3.00 Honduras Telefonica Celular S.A "Celtel" $3.00 Honduras Digicel (Jamaica) Limited $3.00 Hong Kong Hutchison 3G UK Limited $2.00 Hong Kong Hutchison Telephone Co. Ltd. "3-DualBand-" $2.00 Hong Kong PCCW Mobile HK Ltd. $2.00 Hong Kong CSL Ltd. $2.00 Hong Kong China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited $2.00 Hong Kong SmarTone Mobile Communications "SmarTone-Vodafone" $2.00 Hong Kong CSL Hong Kong (PCCMS) $2.00 Hungary Pannon GSM $2.00 Hungary Magyar Telekom Plc $2.00 Hungary Vodafone Hungary Ltd. $2.00 Iceland Nova ehf. $2.00 Iceland Landssími Íslands h.f. "Siminn" $2.00 Iceland Og Vodafone $2.00 Iceland IMC Island ehf "Viking" $2.00 India Idea Cellular Ltd. $4.00 India Bharti Airtel Limited $4.00 India Bharti Airtel Limited $4.00 India Bharti Airtel Limited $4.00 India Bharti Airtel Limited $4.00 India Bharti Airtel Limited $4.00 India Bharti Airtel Limited $4.00 India Bharti Airtel Limited $4.00 India Bharti Airtel Limited $4.00 India Bharti Airtel Limited $4.00 India Bharti Airtel Limited $4.00 India BPL Mobile Communications $4.00 India Idea Cellular Ltd.

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