IT".- -! "NONE BUT A FOOL WILL WASTE HIS TIME WORRYING OVER TIME HE HAS WASTED," MUSES THE ROCK CREEK L K H && Gwfc. M TiW, I 9Wiji ly OW Upt Ik Ymts The Times Compl Pag fte aUh 3arkkr p n Pennsy's Husky Football Squad Being Drilled by Coach Folwell in First Work of Season "vNgtfaiA ff3gsaaWBa3wWiffiBloHMalWMKl 3ali!sHinEgEglBaWm ,v fcSSr sg IFaKHSfc r s, v a HrailHHBHb'jL-s- , r N v - 'xZftJr jy-vty- jmFBMBHHBBByMBB"BlBMBjttwB & ,. j,,TL . y i3S-3- 'vSvwBtHF " . 'jv sHBHIHHn'y Wf xvS$Q89SK&9liXr&IT.'"SlsB& "fllfc As? jJBHBSfX..jBIB aaaaEBHutHn sMbf , -- laaaaaflHaSfllaHBPBSEKnflHHeHHlaB fl ? let tf ' - .jfe srvneC . !IIPBRr3IHH&HHHil&liHBH3BSBflEIIKu. y jdafeaainWagfeJaaaMaaaew . dfrjfftjlMBE KBBBy V M V IBeB9elav & jfilfh - m JBLBgtf V "P 'K&eeSlBrLH v lf Jfft ifwKWU fBB irfMfflTff' tr. itf'iJtftfri yBL HhbIB 4 .HfllJIHHIEfSftyHiHllneewwIllB 4. frfal!sliffaiHatfWraaaaaa MJywBPtm WliHBMf st. BBBaBgeHjBmaj jlyjBpJF jv9$J VhIII yBwsJraaiaaaiLaaaaBa m IWWWWwwwwW8WWWBawii)iWKriWiw 'U'l i'liiiiy-awwaii- J.WJtm'i! liimffftMIM WWII.., w iiiiiiitagBssaBr'ajBej Copyright'' by Ledger Photo Service, Philadelphia. nif J The TJniTersity of Pennsylvania's Red and Blue football practice The men were lined up as follow: Left end, Hoppe left tackle, halfback, Light; right Halfback, R. Miller; fallback; Bntner. Thia not the regmlation p nenrr football olotkec This a nlettoct Jeei trader way when Head Coed Bob Folwell picked bis first line-o- Little; left guard, Thomas; center, Deiter; right guard, Sujvplee; photograph shows Bell about to make a forward tees to Bntner, tie in gridiron practice. i' yjfce year and aeat the players throngh some snappy signal drilling. right tackle, TitMl; rifht end, H. Miller; qnarterback, Bell; left It will be noted that the players are working out in Summer toje, POSTMORTEM SHOWS. SAME RlDS INFIELD OLD INNING BILL EDWARDS MAY SIGNAL OFFER STRONGEST NINTH STORY FIRST WORKOUT IHSMIN Ah.H-Po.- Cleve. A- Wash. Ah.iLPo.A. Sraaer.h. Tadce.lb.. 2 IN YEARS FOR NATIONAL LEAGUE Chspm'a,H 4 11 Leeaard.M 4 1 FOR HILLTOPPERS TODAY Speaker.ef 3 Marpbr.or. 4 BE DIAMOND HUD GfilOIRON START Hs.rris.lk.. i Mee.rf.,.. 4 3 Oar4ar,tb 4 Wlwh.sr. e t Wambr. S Oharrity.e. 4 SHh.rf..!. Meaosky.K i By LOUIS A. DOUGHEE. StM.skk.ie. a l i - nody . A Mt, aAiiidaiM of 0'Xeil.e. 21S anaw.p,... 3 -- JOBW1 22J-WUl- BT. Georgetown's- first signal drill is carded for .this afternoon. Cone e YORK, Sept. Hlai school reotbeJi teams in-fte- kL Thorn, CeurtBer.p lbinken k e jijiiniH Bed GaMweH.p 1 u fBlg Bill) Edwards, internal revenue Exendiae will pick oat eleven men for tne drill, nnt no nartieniar sig- Uaefjr Initial workout today isf the Dope . on Reds' Infield Bashy.p. e a Mapsidabk pa- York ntakt-r- a cstmDeia-- It ian si en Kvaas.. ., collector for the 'New dlstrtet nificance need be attached to tne of tne first string, for it start of l first recolar per, o old Bnker, and ace , greet Princeton football' w!U be subject to many almost front tne beenlng..rsnsa steee the war started. Last year tew eessv'nVeM RJED (if! star, may be offered the chairmanship chances comWaat CIXCINXATI ISTTSU3 BAyTlXO RhXTORD TUk...JltJl Ttis..33 were played here and aoo of Berry, QfHissv Jkfc&nus - Battiner-Averaer- e. Ran O'Xeill in the inning. of .National Baseball Commission merely wants to' impart some sembinnen; otneam work: to his mneel n frame ' Grand JSSl. Je - iU the high -- iOharrity ut, Mfh4- --hatted bcll. the live .wboet.sdevcae. really 1911, to succeed. Garry Herrmann, according contest. nvWe - olbe 'iKllai'of'lfll 19 Total preparation for tne season's first It is doubtful if tt got going-- -,- Players G. SB. S.B. Washlagten. 0 a 4 to a report In circulation here today. ...-?" and position. A.B. R. H. 2B. ILR.Bases.S.H. P.C Central, - and 1914, nor will it wmk in baeebnU Henry . 17 11 S 14 .306 Cleveland e 2 two plays will be used for several days, but the HiHtop tutor will under ComfyQ. ;A- Metsler, Groh. 3b. IIS 4SS 7S ISO 184 20 Col. Jacob Ruppert, of the Yankees, is expected to have bunch Jake Daubert, 121 471 71 12 2 175 32 11 Mm Raaa Oraney, Chapman, Speaker (2), letter-perfec- t. history witk Steinfeldt, Tinker, lb.. - IN just returned from Chicago, would pound those two plays into his charges until they are Wm. Kopf. s. IIS 444- 4 130 17 5 0 147 IS 16 .270 Karris. Oaraaer. (TXeill. Caldwell. Judje. working: from the seJtv. Oreehnicai. neither verify nor deny that Bdwards Bay iPusiness, find Bver, and Chance, of iht old. Cub. Morris Rath. 2b 121 47 71 127 14 0 1 144 22 17 .27 Marshr. KUarhe aM .Shank. Brrara suggested by joint major wirts. with Shore Naval Arr Baetera twfftera ; Jamas Smith, util.. 23 m 7 0 '2 1 14 4 r .MS Chapman. (2) and Gharrity 12). Left en had been the Station last year, may be picked, te sit In earnest. W. Dr. iL Btjt Jor real fast play, team H. Sch 7 0 0 o .34)0 baseo Cleveland. 7; Washlaatoe. u. stelen league committee. He said, however, - L Dorman, reiser, util.. 5 bases Bjlerhe (3), Shanks. Judge. Speaker, pass the bH. for the opening- drill, Some Soft 'Jbexaa Moras, and L. H. has excellent Pkkhfs wttL-oeee- fc ability U keep their heads 14 10 Sacrlftee that. the committee an JftkUeraby Tech. Bvai. 5S SO $2 5 81 Harris. hits Chapman. Shaw. man In with Dudack guards; Dan t Grand total. l.S8 271 524 00 En&rbe. SHank, Two-bat- e hits Speaker. mind." and Moran. jitse, Western smd ttadters. up at' all times it looks like the IKFIBLD F1RLDING RECORD. Gardner. Oraaay. O'Neill. Caldwell. Home Ahearn and Davis, tackles; Harry For Walter .Apple CINCIXZsATI RBD Chapman. By Batters?. remaa astd bava infield any n Struck out Caldwell, Fla- east sdeTh sttieole National Grand" Fielding Average, S; by Shaw, 1. Firtt base en balls Oft Sullivan and Larry Green, eads; at the for more :". Total Duble Caldwell. 7. off Shaw. ( Hit OR Cald- TWO HOT ONES TO vin, quarterback; Jimmy Sullivan Shan a yea. But' itHie win be the.r dab has entered into the Piays. C 2-- Playrrs ami MHier. Po. A Chaaces. P well. 6 In mains ; off Shaw. II) in 8 3 NEW EAVEN, Sept. 22. first football campaism jut the "flu" ' j.i. , eos and Buckley, halfbacks, and Thorn- world's m years. Jake Daubert lb... 11240 8 11 1.314 lanlsca Wild pitches Shaw. Caldwell. A team of Asserican Leevcue f epidemic stopped football aeries Morris Rath, 3b 301 302 16 709 4S .9f7 Hit by pitched ball By Caldwell (Me-stock- ton, fullback. at these small-size- - players srhopls last yesnv Ve ey tbet reeelltns MoOraWa Henry Groh, 3b..... 17 'J2L It 400 23 .970 IN RECORD Theugh a d army of baek- defeated the Hew .BtteM of IfIT 2tawrman, Fleteti-e- r, Wm.'Kopf, a. s 2SI 343 097 .9441 PUCE Haven dab of 'the Eastern - XeraftfiT ad Holke, a wrful . Coach Kxendlne. no really big- men League in exhibition L an. whieh James Smith, utility. 12, 1 34 .912 Kane ootbt.ttea, bt ot 4WviMt Sioux City nd St, are in the bunch. Georgetown will here yesterday, '6 to 0. Walter as It remained for back-fiel- d- pell tOretfcef weir the P'Mt 75 3.Q51 171 7978 probably have its customary tjie boat Grand totals L64 1.02 Joseph, in the Western- - League, to Johnson was in for the Jteiaetl neartet. CeatFJL.hU) BV A-- MUXRO KMAS. GRIFFS LOSE GAME composed of small, fast players, Befere the n started it "was provide the best known example of adept, with the forward pass, quick visiters. The others in the bin: raeocnised that rat Mora-ha- d two tno deep and abiding interest that to pick holes in front of them and all league line-a- p were Vitt, Ged-eo- n, WnUREXOOlrTT jfcars: 0 Aaaks of hie iafteld, ta has imbibed a let of baseball and to- points higher than Rath (.270). and hard runners. Sister, Jacobson, Walker, tbe finished-player- . Is these fall pastimes. Heinle Groh at third day is a occasionally gets one on the end ef his taken ia late Nevertheless, Coach ex brilUjBt little long-distan- ce double-head- er Sxendine is Scott, Altreck, Perkins, and Lead-e- bat for a slam. In the second game of a back-fie- d the Uwperameatal Jake Daufrrt Geed Jt Ma. rev- IN FINAL INNING pected to whip Into shape a backfield BransSeld. MeGuckin. Villa Neva s star ld ftfctt. The keyatoae men, BMl Jake Daubert's play has been between these two teams on lewT t He isn't a particularly hard hitter, in year. A composed of heavy players for special man of a seasons back, is a iLuTf) Kopf at shert and Morris elation Cincinnati this September 3, the St. Joseph team uses. Therefore, any line candidates but he is fast on his feet, has a good brittle-bone-d athlete in Brooklyn, candidate for the strong;. Rex. A. C jfct jweoed. t be juct showing speed on the may find - Bath em4 eye acecpt-ahl- e eontinually continued at bat after the third out hoof eleven, which te practicing- for t1 j xrereere raatariaL Both of them had at bat and has made an who had to be humored themselves shunted to the backfield season gridiron.
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