25 SQUIRES AND FRITSCHE Isurus sp. TRACE FOSSILS PI. 4, fig. 8 Unidentified burrows Isurus sp. (mako shark) teeth are the most " common shark teeth in the Sespe Creek area. Most The few unidentified burrows collected from the are moderately well preserved, nearly complete or Vaqueros Formation are about 9 cm long and about 1.5 complete, and not rounded by abrasion. Average cm in diameter. Burrows are more abundant in the length of complete specimens is about 1.5 cm; larger Santa Margarita Formation, where the most common type fragments are about 2.5 cm in length. is vertical, 1 to 3 cm in diameter, and straight to slightly curving. Some forms are branching, and at Genus Carcharodon Smith in Muller and Henle, 1838 locality 287, some resemble Ophiomorpha. Carcharodon angustidens L. Agassiz Kingdom PLANTAE PI. 4, fig. 3 Division RHODOPHYCOPHYTA Class RHODOPHYCEAE Carcharodon angustidens L. Agassiz, 1843, p. 255, Order CRYPTQNEMIALES pi. 28, figs. 20-25. Leriche, p. 13-14, pi. 11, figs. 8, 8a, 8b. Family Corallinaceae The figured specimen (PI. 4, fig. 3) of Carchar- Abundant whole and fragmented specimens of. an odon angustidens (great white shark) is a 6-cm-long unidentified coralline alga occur in a thin bed at tooth. Other specimens found include only a few locality 313. Small hemispherical colonies up to fragments. Remains of Carcharodon are previously 2.5 cm in height were collected, but most of the unreported from the Vaqueros Formation in the Sespe specimens are scattered fragments separated by Creek region (Loel and Corey, 1932). medium-grained sandstone. Carcharodon sp. REFERENCES CITED A single, small fragment of a tooth from local- Addicott, W. 0., 1970, Miocene gastropods and bio- ity 100 that shows serrations along the cutting edge stratigraphy of the Kern River area, California: is too poorly preserved for specific identification. U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 642, 174 p., 21 pis. 1974, Giant pectinids of the eastern north Family Carcharhinidae Pacific margin: significance in Neogene zoogeogra- phy and chronostratigraphy: Jour. Paleontology, Genus Galeocerdo Muller and Henle, 1837 v. 48, no. 1, p. 180-194. Agassiz, L., 1843, Recherches sur les Poissons fossils: Galeocerdo sp. v. 3, Petitpiene, Neuchsatel. Anderson, F. M., 1905, A stratigraphic study in the One nearly complete, well preserved, 6-mm-long Mount Diablo Range of California: Calif. Acad.'. tooth and one tooth fragment of Galeocerdo sp. Sci. Proc., 3d ser., v. 2, no. 2, p. 155-248. (tiger shark) were found. Arnold, Ralph, 1906, The Tertiary and Quaternary pectens of California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Class MAMMALIA Paper 47, 264 p. 1907a, New and characteristic species of fossil Marine mammal bones mollusks from the oil-bearing Tertiary formations of southern California: U.S. Nat. Mus. 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