1.4. * ,1'J-. ^.; ^'k liltl iR »>J %> ^: > ^/ V * ^ ^ -' N # I P J- -b£;3iSSi*££3&=S»=: VOL. XXXIII SUMMIT. N, J.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, I 9 I ts NO. 47 j-rivrt eded Tuesday nigh". 5 Xaniara hud paid the lawyer ijiLi, ;t!-;i PROAOHNCE' BOTE GUILTI ly the intention of thoK? expected Kerrigan and Leslie to r% - the charges to impress on fiUtd half that sum. CouneiIui;;,r the idea that Leslie was? reiownsibU Phraner tangled him some on a sta.t-- OUNCIL EXPELS TWO FIREMAN FOR for the false alarm. KemgailMold o.. nient rhat he had gone right homo a- Leslie leaving the rcoiii as,p of not ter returning from the alarm wldr1. FALSE ALARM CHARGE, returning before the aluriu sounded, failed to jibe with his story that hn and later DuUin and McNnmara with had llrst heard that it was a fills" Charlos Dukin ami Andrew McNamara considerable detail corroborated this alarm from Chief Wilson at the Hot i. story, Kerrigan's cool admission of and-Ladder building that same nigl ;. Are Given Formal Trial and it De­ perjury amaaed the council, ai. i he City Clerk Kentz before whom Ker­ was subjected to a gruelling examin­ velops Some Amazing Testimony — rigan and Leslie made their origin;; 1 ation. He at first declared that he did affidavits, testified to administonuy- One Witness Called Dy the Council not remember any oath when he made the oath, aml—iljOrbert Long told ::•!; the statement embodied in the affi­ Caimiv Repudiates on Affidavit He Kerrigan's statement to him lhat cc;- davit. Ho admitted that, he had sign­ roborated the affidavit, admitting th^it Made in the Presecne of Mayor ed it that when he was before the he sent in the alarm, Chlaf Wilscjn Fire Committee and Mayer Franklin Franklin and the Fire and Police testified to his inquiry that snowed thr; he had read it aloud at the Mayor's source of the alarm, Committee—Says it Was Untrue suggestion before signing it and that While His Story Tuesday Night Fa he had assured all of them at that time Thomas McGowan, a young man Irv­ it was true, but that this wan because ing near the Hook and Ladder build­ vorable to the Men Charged Was Ab­ of the urging of Leslie. ing and who hurried to that hotiMv solutely True-All Three Declare when the alarm sounded, appeared ;IM At one point in the exaiiiinatlon of a witness for the two men iuuH: That Though They Had Been Togeth­ the witness Councilman Pringle ob­ charges, and in the course of his m - er Tuesday Night Just Before the served cenceruing a question by Law­ tijnony one part of his evidence spir­ ed the beans completely, McNama: .1 Hearing the case Was Not Even Men- yer "Walsh that this Is gpttiiig about as farcical as anything I ever noticed, and.Dukln had both testified that a> tioned—A Witness Called in Behai but a perjury charge may not look so far as they knew the telephone had i;< i much like a joke. Asked by Mr. Pringle been used that night; that neitiu:". of the Two Under Charges "Spins of them had been near it, nor ha-l if he had talked with Lawyer "Walsh, they seen Kerrigan near it. Korr"- the Beans". McNamara or Dukiri since- tiling the gan's original statement was that v,\ic.i fiffidavit Kerrigan declarer, that he had. Andrew McNamara and Charles he went to turn in the alarm he w r't not and that the subject had never Dukir, were removed from membership so.nervous that ho dropped the re­ been mentioned to him. It developed in the local fire department by unani­ ceiver, McGowan recounted all tliiv;, from Lawyer Williams' quesuons; that mous vote of the Common Council on he saw when he entered the buildiii". Kerrigan, Dukin and McNnmora had Tuesday night after a hearing that and It coincided pretty closely witli must have sorely tried the patience of left the City Hall together just prior the general story of all about whn: the members of that body. They were to Tuesday night's hearing to go for followed in the nuittor of hitching' c bilged to listen for almost four hours a glass of soda, and though they were horses, etc. But in rf-ply to close quj;'- to stories that were so much at vari­ together many minutes the subject of tlons as to what he first saw on eii- ance that it was clear somebody was the hearing to occur so soon was never tering the building, he declared tlu;t committing perjury, and to that te­ even mentioned. Later Dukin and Mc­ McNamara was just hanging the tele­ dious, tiresome and long-drawn exam­ Namara admitted this same trip for a phone receiver 011 the hook. ination which these who have had any glass of soda, hut positively denied there had been a single reference to Lawyer Walsh realized thi seriou'? experience in local court room affairs nature of this admission so far as tli.^ inow is so characteristic of Lawyer j the case in which they were involved. I Russell Leslie prcved. n Tartar for case of his clients was concerned, and ; Walsh's examination of witnesses. I put McNamara, Dukin and Kerrigu?' I Lawyer Walsh,, and a vast mr.iority of i Each separate witness .under Walsh's | on in rebuttal. McNamara. then tost- ' those in the room listened with nlea.?- I questioning was obliged to recount, tied that just before McGowan'g ar­ We are showing a most complete line of in-e to lils very emphatic "come-back" each trifling detail of the response to i rival ha had started to call Polie*- at the lawyer when he tried by shout­ room furniture, in almost every period, wood the false alarm of fire—how fast those, Headquurlera to learn the. box fror.i ing or by his attitude to frighten the horses travelled, what particular which the call came, but it was ren­ finish. This week we are featuring SOLID witness. But the witness refused to streets were gone over, the course fol­ dered unnecessary by McGowaii teL- be frightened and before the examin­ Tfi»3li MAH HOGANY PIECES at unusually low prices lowed returning, at what points the ing him It was Box *:'2, and he return­ horses walked or trotted and just what ation was concluded the lawyer was ed the receiver to the hook. Altar the. 69.50 Dresser at 57.30; 47 inches with 30x36 ions occurred at each street corner on the more uncomfortable than the witness;" "Ease had b?en. closed the council took GEORGE C. BAKER French plate mirror, loute, \ Leslie declared' that en the night of a*"short recess, and on reassembling October Oth ho, Kerrigan, Dukin and adopted, without discussion, a motion 57.50 Dresser at 45.00; 43 inches ,-ith 24x30 | All of this the council permitted pre- ions 1 McNamara were ill the Hook and Lad­ finding Dukln and McNamara guilty of Says Bumably on the theory that it was in-de' r building playing pool and that Mc­ French plate mirror, tended to give Walsh, who was defend­ the charges, and expslllng them fron? Namara suggested to Kerrigan that PU the department. All of the council Why not say "Good-bye" to your old 57,50 Chiffomvier at 45,00; 34 inches with ing Dukln and McNamara the widestj alarm be sent in so that vliey might members, except Mr. summer suit—-and spruce, up in that latitude possible In presenting a case i have some excitement. When Kerri­ iger, w pre? 18x24 French plate^mirror. cut at thy meeting. ROYAL TAILORED LOOK; tor Fall? to relieve his clients from the charge gan expressed some fear about doing it, f The ROYAL tape line 1B waiting lor : .45.00 Chiffonnier at 37.50; 34 inches oug, with of complicity in turning in a false Dukln, according to Leslie, urged him you—hungry to caress your body line. alarm of fire On October 6th. This was wood gallery hack. to go ahead as nobody would find it DEATH OF MRS. J. S. PALMEFT, Prices to meet any size pocket-book. ! clearly the Idea of the. council, out the cut, Be convinced by 52.50 Dressing Table 39.50; 35 inches lniu ! josult must have bj|t n provoking to its ( j meiubus as it was tne.omt tt tho.e in Th( 'torus told 1>\ IMiii. ..JJJ V< with triplicate mirror. To in. 1 Well IT, AJ M'-n'eni \ H 1< r GEORGE C. , the audience The hearing wa, giv< n Nnmaia "^leed e\<n 111 hi .(1 ti if on chuiges pretend! as the result <>t ling details Thev denx d 1 m » uie ,uu id Mitu Ae,( idrrl an inquiry into tin1 turning "1 the thing about .1 lal .0 .Ian. uoil.iied MEMBER OF THE AUTOMOBILE BAMBERGER'S- FIFTH FLOOR T they rt'pondi'd to the t, . 1.5 Ocfob'i Sua 1 t -, 1 lele [11 its -iiif1 tan CONTEST. false tire alarm, and so tar i, the < M dencc on ibis M'OK was concerned it 5th without knov ing it wa ai e had ihes .' ho liL1. e nt'en IH re nttt ui u sr< n no 1 ne ut,o the photu in tin Hoi k twente , e 11 a u, v, ill Phone, 410-J. 10 Beeeliwood Koad. wa-. presented in shoit. dear terms more learn witn and the c~oss <_\.amm.itton by Mr Will­ and Larid >r building 1I1.
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