-......... ---~- . ~' UCTION OF ORDINANCE TO FORCE CLEARING OF LOTS IS APPROVED 0>-------- upport Your Favorite Baby THENE KPOST In Cont.e t ~ -------------~ School R egi s tration The Newark Board of Edu­ SWIMMING Active On "Dollar Days" Committee cotion has issued a second no­ MERCHANTS NEW LOCAL tice to paren ts and guardians relative to the registration of COSTS ARE I children for entrance in local SATISFIED LAW HOLDS public schools in September. Early regist.ration is being PONDERED urged. WITH SALE $10 FINE It is particularly important, states the notice, that children Pool Committee entering the first grade be reg­ PilDick Holds AS THREAT istered without delay so that Faces Deficit; school officials can complete "Returns Good" arrangements for handling Donations Down Packing Plant new students. Following Event It is necessary for all pupils . T~e problem of finances, embrac- Following a survey of Main Street To Cooperate; who have not attended pubUc mg mcome and operating expenses, business houses that participated in schools in Newark to register was the principal item discussed at the Tuesday and Wednesday "Dollar Council Meets before entering. This rule ap- a special meeting of the Newark Days" sales event, Meyer Pilnick, plies in particular to children Swimming Pool Committee Tuesday chairman of the mercantile section In "Darkness" who have just become of evening. The session was held at of the Chamber of Commerce, which The Council of Newark at the Au- school age and to children the residence of Dr. J. S. Gould, sponsored the affair, expressed satis- gust session Monday night voiced who have I' e c e n t I y been president of the Newark P arent- faction this morning on the part of unanimous approval to the first and brought to Newark, but have Teacher Association and chairman participants and buyers in kind. second readings of an ordinance not attended school here. of the committee. "We had wonderful returns," stat- dealing with the collection of weeds Children en tel' i n g from Members present were Mrs. Mil- ed Mr. Pilnick, "with results going and rubbish on vacant lots. to the July 1 re- feeder schools-District 37, ton L. Draper, representing the New far beyond our greatest hopes. Our Drawn by J ohn Pearce Cann, at- reportlllg board of Milford Cross Roads; District Century Club; G e 0 r g e Danby, injUal affair last August was an all torney for the body, Council stipu- Agricultural Eco- j40, McClellandsville; District Chamber of Commerce; Charles H. round success, but we suffered a let- lated penalties of a $10 fine for re- U. S. Department of 42, Ogletown; District 44, Rutledge, Lions Club, and Ralph down on the occasion of the mid- George F. Jackson, President Meyer PllnIck, Chairman fu sal 01' neglect, with an additional Christi ana; District 54, Welsh O'Connell, instructor. winter sale." Newark Chamber of Commerce Mercantile Section penll lty of $1 for each day the nui- most important. grain Tract; District 56, Glasgow, With increased oper ating expenses J. Harvey Dickey "Profiting by our mistakes," he sance is permitted to remaI n after !late from an income and District 92, Pleasant Val- and donati ons from organizati ons Chairman of the White Clay Creek added, "we started out this s~mmer II L d A P I the expiration of a ten-day written . a reduction in ley, need not register, how- fa: under the 1937 figure, the com- Democratic Committee, Mr. Dickey to r~allY test the Idea of Dollar Capel Sti ea s s OpU ar notice. Final ac ti on will be taken acres seeded. Th is ever. mlttee faces an approximate deficit has announced a meeting of the Days. an~ we find results more than on the ordin ance at the Septembel. 142,000 acres of this • of $100 at the end of the season on group to be held in Odd Fellows pleasmg. B beE S h session. At the suggesti on of Coun-. to 143.000 acres SOUTHERN August 27. Hall on Monday evening at eight Oilers Prediction a y ofltest flters tretc cilman c. C. Hubert, it was decided . in ac reage Receipts Total $503 o'clock, daylight time. The purpose Mr. Pilnick voiced the prediction to send all written notices concern- ad for the pre- With a balance of $49 left from of the session is to name six dele- that future events will be even more ing the ordinance direct to owners pr UC ronI to an ex- Ias t year, donations from organiza- gates, two from each district, to rep- satisfying as additional merchants T WO DR.ays emaIn,· TEl0 ll( St.a llH I ay byM reegistembersred of mai thel. body in allend- bushels from MEETING tions amounted to $245.45, bringing resent the hundred at the state con- and business houses become educat- red~Clion in acreage th I d A Th 0 ' I k LSI ance included: Mayor Frank Col- however, is expect- th: t~t~.t a:ro~~! o:r~ :=~t o~e~:O~, ~ ~~~: i~~. to be held in Dover on Au- ~~o~~ r~~i~eP~!~!~ .ilities contained in tree c oc; ong ecoIU Iins, Councilmen Hubert, Geo rge E. 927 37 average --- Ramsey, C. Em e r son J ohnson, I - < C .,..., $294.45. "As Newark grows, and it's grow- . Geor e F Fer uson and Herman oOperative .. 0 Donations were m ade as fo llow: TWO MEN ing faster than most of us realize, Three o'clock Saturday afternoon third place, J acquelIne Barrett 111 W 11 g t . S g. t ' T . C P.-T. A., $50; New C e~tury .Club, business will show a natural in- will end the Post "Doll ars To You" low·th place and WilJiaI? Chal"'.ers, Ve~.n~~ o~·tee l eec~~:rf~\~~a~~;rne e l: Elect Local $25; Lions Club · (motIon picture crease. Merchants can .furt~ er stlm- Popular Baby Contest, whi ch h?s Jr. 111 fifth POS ition. Will thiS lIne- George C. Price were also in at- • benefit at State Theatre), $140.4 5; ulate the trend by pulling 111 ul1l son been in progress during Ule last SIX up be changep when the contestants t d lion of 1,618, - }.l.dVlsory Boar{l Business and Professional Women's ARRESTED toward the advancement of Newark weeks. With less than three days go "under the wil:e" Saturday after- en a nc~ . I produc f· the Club, $5. and the Chamber of Com- as a business center. Cooperation, remaining, every contestant is out noon? That rema1l1S to be seen. The Meet Under Handlca:p Increase ~olm b t - --- . merce, $25. Numerous lodges and progressive ideas of promotion, and on the job and m.aking the most of big prize of $150.00 ~nd the beautiful With electric light service inter- bU~ e s, r~ F~ I .mers and m e m~ e r s of their organizations that contributed ·to THIS WEEK a wider and more intensified cam- the very limited time. silver loving cup IS bemg sought rupted for more than an hour by a average c. P families have b~en II1vlted to attend the fund last year have not respond- paign of advertising in aU forms are Capel Still Leads after very hard by these top five series of violent storms, forCi ng a . Wheat seedll1g the annual meet1l1g of patr?ns of the ed in 1938, however. necessary," he added. As the contestants come down contestants. candle and two flashlights into use, totaled 83,000 S o uth~rn S tates Coopera.tive to be Total receipts for the season from --- "Our experience with 'Dollar "the stretch" in this exciting race, Opportunity Present Council was further handicapped by 86,000 acres held 111 Wolfe Hall, U~lv e rslt~ of admissions to the pool, including ACCllsed Of Car Days' si nce we injtiated the experi- we fin d Sandra Marie Capel, daugh- All contestants, especially the first the almost constant ringing of the ~e r acre Delaware, Tuesday even1l1g at eight $129.05 received to date and an es- ment last summer has taught us a fifteen, have a real opportunity of office telephone, w hich did double 19.a bushels o'clock.. timated return of $80 in August, TIlefts· Local lot. It has also shown us that the bettering their positions in the fin al duty in carrying inquiries tr~m ~s ~ o mpare d to The. cooperative program and brings the total income figu re to ' buying public will respond to af- BABY CONTEST count S at u I' day afternoon-and, reSidents about ltghts and all polIce In 1937. ,,:hat It means to farmers wlll .be $503.50. Boy In]· llre(l fairs of this nature. Hence we are Newark Post subscriptions will play calls. ::he line used exclusively by the other two Im- discussed at length by R. M. K1I1- AddUI I Jo'i1t C go ing ahead, still hoping to profit HONOR ROLL an important part as their propor- the police department was rendered crops respectively caid ,. Elkton; Senator D. G. H a~ry, A eneral ~:c: ease r~nlo~ erating . by our wider experience, with plans Below is the standing of the first tis>nate credit value is hi gher this useless by the sa ~e stor~ that inter- losses o ve ~ last ~resldent of the. Southern orgamza- ex en~es has taken lace ~hrOUgh . Local officers,. With the coo.pera- for future 'Dollar Days' and simi- 25 babies in The Newark Post last week of the contest.
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