بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم Sudan University of Science and Technology College of Agricultural Studies Department of Plant Protection Effect of Damas(Conocarpus lancifolius)extract and NeemAzal- T/S against Cotton Mealy Bug )Phenacoccus solenopsis( أثر مستخلص الدمس و مبيد النيمازال على حشرة البق الدقيقى فى القطن A graduation project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. Agric. in Plant Protection. By: Rayan Mohamed Ahmed Osman Supervisor: Dr. Loai Mohamed Elamin Ahmed Department of Plant Protection College of Agricultural Studies, Shambat Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) September, 2016 I اﻵية بسم هللا الرمحن الرحمي قال تعالي: (ا َّن يِف َخلْ يق السماوا يت وا َﻷر يض وا ْخ يتﻻ يف اللَّي يل وال ََّّنَا ير والْ ُف ْ يْل الَّ يتيتَ ْج يري ِ َّ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ يِف الْ َب ْح ير يب َما يَن َف ُع النَّا َس َوَما َأن َز َل ا َّ َُّلل يمنَال َّس َماء يمن َّماء فَأَ ْحيَا يب يه ا َﻷ ْر َض بَ ْع َد َم ْويِتَا َوبَ َّث يفهيَا يمن ُ يلك َدابَّ ٍة َوتَ ْ يْصي يف ال ليرََيحي َوال َّس َحا يب الْ ُم َس َّخ ير بَْ َْي ال َّس َماء َوا َﻷ ْر يض َﻷآََي ٍت يلل َق ْو ٍم يَ ْع يقلُو َن ( سورة البقرة اﻷآية )461( صدق هللا العظمي II DEDICATION I would like to dedicate This work to my family, all friends and to those who helped me In this research Thank you all III ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All my thanks and prays to “Allah”, who gave me strength and Patience to complete this research. I would like to express my profound gratitude and appreciate to my Supervisor Dr. Loai Mohamed Elamin for his interest, expert guidance and his relentless effort to make me produce this work. Thanks are also due to the staff members of Department of Plant Protection, College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology (SUST) for their co-operation. Sincere thanks also to Mubarak Abdel Rahman and Salma Salih and Mohamed Younis for their assistance and help during the study. Special thank are extended to all my friends and colleagues and I wish to see them happy and successful in their future life. IV List Contents Title Page I اﻵية Dedication II Acknowledgement III Contents IV List of Plates VI Abstract VII VIII ملخص البحث CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER TWO 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1Cotton mealy bug 3 2.1.1 Classification 3 2.1.2 Description 3 2.1.3 Distribution and dispersal 4 2.1.4 Ecology 4 2.1.5 Host plants 4 2.1.6 Biology and life cycle 5 2.1.7 Economic importance and damage 5 2.1.8 Control 6 Mechanical and cultural control 6 Biological control 6 2.1. 8.3 Chemical control 6 2.1. 8.4 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 7 V 2.2 Damas (Conocarpus lancifolius) 9 2.2.1Classification 9 2.2.2 Plant description 9 2.2.3 Geographical distribution 9 2.2.4 Economic importance and damage 10 2.2.5 Bioactive properties and phytochemical screening 10 2.3 NeemAzal-T/S 11 2.3.1 Introduction 11 2.3.2The Efficacy of NeemAzal -T/S for controlling insect’s pests 12 2.3.3 Mode of action and toxicological properties of NeemAzal-T/S 13 2.3.4 Compatibility of NeemAzal -T/S with other bio-pesticides 13 CHAPTER THREE 14 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Study location 3.2 Insects rearing 14 3.3 Collection and preparing of plant materials 14 3.4 Extraction method 14 3.5 Bioassay test 15 3.6 Statistical analysis and experiment design 15 CHAPTER FOUR 21 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Effect of damas(C. lancifolius) extract and NeemAzal-T/S against 21 the mealy bug (Phenacoccus solenopsis) CONCLUSION 26 RECOMMENDATIONS 26 REFERENCES 27 VI List of Plates No. Title Page 1 The Equipments 16 2 Adult cage 17 3 Insects rearing 17 4 A Damas tree 18 5 D Damas leaves 18 Preparing of Damas extract 6 19 NeemAzal - T/S 7 20 The Treatment 8 20 VII Abstract Experiment was conducted in the Laboratory of Entomology and Zoology, Department of Plant Protection, College of Agricultural Studies (Shambat), Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) in the period of April- May 2016. The main aim of this research is to study the effect of damas acetone extract and NeemAzal-T/S against the adults of cotton mealy bug (Phenacoccus solenopsis(. Three concentrations of damas extract (2, 1 and 0.5 ml/liter) and one concentration (1 ml/liter ( of NeemAzal-T/S were used in this experiment. The results showed that there are no significant difference between all concentrations of damas extract and control, while NeemAzal T/S gave highly significant difference when compared to the control. The higher concentration (2 ml/l) of damas extract gave only 10% mortality after 3 days post treatment, while a half of this concentration (1 ml/l) of NeemAzal T/S caused 78% mortality after the same period of exposure. These results revealed that damas acetone extract have a little effect against the adults of P. solenopsis. In contrast NeemAzal T/S induces a significant effect against this pest. From above mentioned results we conclude that NeemAzal-T/S was effective against cotton mealy bug, and it could be used as alternative bio- pesticides against this pest in the future. VIII ملخص البحث أجريت هذه التجربة بمعمل الحشرات والحيوان الزراعي بقسم وقاية النبات ،كلية الدراسات الزراعية - شمبات، جامعة السودان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا في الفترة من ابريل - مايو 6102م. الهدف من البحث هو دراسة تأثير وفعالية مستخلص نبات الدمس اﻷستوني ومبيد -NeemAzal T/S على حشرة البق الدقيقى فى القطن )Phenacoccus solenopsis( تم إستخدام ثﻻثة تراكيزات من مستخلص الدمس اﻻستونى هي ( 6، 0 و1.0 مل / ليتر) مقارنة مع تركيز) 0مل / لتر( من المبيد . أوضحت النتائج انه ﻻ توجد فروقات معنوية بين جميع التركيزات لمستخلص الدمس مقارنة بالشاهد، بينما نجد أن هنالك فروقات معنوية واضحة بين مبيد النيمازال والشاهد. أعلي تركيز من مستخلص الدمس )6مل/ لتر( أعطي فقط نسبة موت 01% بعد ثﻻثة أيام من المعاملة بينما تركيز0مل / لترمن مبيد النيمازال أعطي نسبة موت 87% بعد نفس الوقت. هذه النتائج أظهرت أن مستخلص الدمس له أثر وفعالية ضعيفة على حشرة بق القطن الدقيقي بينما أظهر مبيد النيمازال فعالية جيدة علي هذه اﻵفة. من هذه الدراسة نخلص الي أن مبيد النيمازال يمكن أن يستخدم كمبيد حيوي فعال ضد حشرة بق القطن الدقيقي مستقبﻻً. IX 10 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The mealy bugs are mostly polyphagous insects, affecting huge number of vegetables, fruits, ornamentals and many other field crops (Sinacor, 1995). They reproduce sexually as well as parthenogenesis. More than 160 mealy bug species have been identified as pests worldwide and most of them are invasive species (Miller and Miller, 2002). Mealy bugs have short period of 30 days life cycle in tropical areas (Buss and Turner, 2010). They are sucking insect pests and often observed in high numbers with aggressive population trend. It does not only destroy the host plant by depleting the plant sap but they are also responsible for transmitting viral diseases (Bertin et al., 2006.). Furthermore, their excreted honeydew on plant surfaces provides medium for growth of black sooty mold (Buss and Turner, 1992.) which also disturb the photosynthesis process of plant (Williams and Willink , 1992.). Mealy bugs in the past were classified as minor pest, but recently many species of mealy bugs was found to be a serious pest of many valuable corps in Sudan. The prolonged application of chemical insecticides for controlling insect pest cause many problems such as pest resistance, environmental and food contamination and toxicity to non-target organisms (Pimentel et al., 2009). Therefore the scientists made a lot off efforts to find an alternative control measures against agricultural and medical insect pests. Plants produce secondary metabolites many for which can have insecticidal properties, as an alternative to synthetic insecticides (Potenza et al., 2004). 1 The objective of this study is to investigate through laboratory screening the activity of Damas (Conocarpus lancifolius) and NeemAzal-T/S against the adults of cotton mealy bug (Phenacoccus solenopsis( . 2 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Cotton mealy bug 2.1.1 Classification ` Class: Insecta Order: Homoptera Family: Pseudococcidae Genus: Phenacoccus Species: Phenacoccus solenopsis Hodgson et al. (2008) 2.1.2 Description P. solenopsis is a bisexual species with multiple generations annually. Like other mealy bugs, this species is distinguished by the morphology of the adult female. Adult females are covered with a powdery, waxy secretion with six pairs of transverse, dark bands that are located across the pro- to meta-thoracic segments. A series of waxy filaments extend from around the margin of the body with the pair of terminal filaments longest. The ovisac is composed of fluffy, loose-textured wax strands (Mckenzie, 1967 and Kosztarab, 1996). Adult females range from 2 to 5 mm long and 2 to 4 mm wide. Slide-mounted females are distinguished ventrally by the presence of nine-segmented antennae, five-segmented legs. 2.1.3 Distribution and dispersal The occurrence of P. solenopsis is widespread with the species damaging plants in a variety of habitats ranging from dry arid areas to tropical regions (Dhawan et al., 2009) reported that the population density of this invasive 3 pest varied on cotton (Gossypium spp.) in surveyed regions in Pakistan. The first instars or crawlers are the main dispersal stage of the solenopsis mealy bug. The waxy strands covering the body serve a variety of functions including allowing the specimens to be transported by wind or water to new locations.
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