Large Meteorite Impacts VI 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2136) 5073.pdf MICROSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF SHOCKED APATITE FROM THE PAASSELKÄ IMPACT STRUCTURE, FINLAND Gavin G. Kenny Department of Geosciences, Swedish Museum of Natural History, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden. ([email protected]) Introduction: Apatite, Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH), is an Given the lack of a single established match unit for almost ubiquitous accessory mineral that forms in ig- apatite, a range of match units were made in the Twist neous, metamorphic, sedimentary, hydrothermal and module of Oxford Instruments’ HKL Channel 5 soft- biological environments on Earth, as well as a range of ware and trialed on the apatite grains from Paasselkä. settings on other planetary bodies. It is widely applied Data for a range of fluorapatite compositions listed in in geochronology and thermochronology [e.g., 1] and the American Mineralogist crystal structure database has been a particularly powerful tool in tracing abun- (AMCSD) came from [13-21]. Apatite is generally dance of, an processes related to, water and other vola- considered to have the space group P63/m) but all hex- tiles in the inner Solar System [e.g., 2]. However, de- agonal space groups were tested here. spite this, we know relatively little about how this min- Results: Imaging: Six of the seven apatite grains eral responds to the extreme temperatures and pres- identified in the sample display granular recrystalliza- sures associated with impact cratering. tion textures on their exteriors (e.g., Fig. 1A). Howev- In recent years, microstructural analysis of minerals er, granular textures are less readily visible on polished such as zircon [e.g., 3-4], monazite [e.g., 5-6] badde- grain interiors and under the petrographic microscope. leyite [e.g., 7] and titanite [e.g., 8-9] have transformed EBSD: Microstructural analysis by EBSD reveals our understanding of shock deformation in these phas- two distinct textures in the suite of grains: six of the es. However, despite increasing use of apatite in dating seven grains are composed of euhedral, relatively of terrestrial impact structures [e.g., 10-11], micro- strain-free granules which define individual domains structural analysis of the mineral has not been widely that are generally aligned but locally subtly misoriented applied. Recently, electron backscatter diffraction from each other (e.g., Fig. 1A-C) whereas the other (EBSD) microstructural analysis has been applied to grain appears to be composed of a single domain with lunar apatite [12] and here this is built upon with the up to 20° within-grain misorientation (Fig. 1D-F). No- first such study of terrestrial apatite. tably, one of the granular grains is only partially recrys- Sample: A cobble of clast-rich impact melt rock tallized, with EBSD analysis revealing an oval-shaped, from the ~10 km-in-diameter Paasselkä impact struc- non-granular region near the center of the grain. ture, Finland, was investigated. The allochthonous Discussion: The first microstructural analysis of sample was recovered from the Sikosärkät till pit near terrestrial shocked apatite has revealed a range of tex- the southeastern shore of the lake filling the structure. tures, including recrystallization and crystal-plastic Methods: Apatite grains were separated from the deformation, which are similar to those previously ob- sample of clast-rich impact melt rock by crushing the served in minerals such as zircon and monazite. It is rock in a jaw crusher and milling the resulting chips in particularly noteworthy that the striking recrystalliza- a ring-and-puck-style mill. The heavy minerals were tion textures that were revealed by EBSD were often concentrated by magnetic separation with a hand mag- not visible with traditional imaging techniques, such as net and Frantz magnetic separator, and heavy liquid BSE imaging of polished grain interiors. In light of density separation using methylene iodide diluted to a these findings, future work should integrate microstruc- density of approximately 3.1 g/cm3. Eight apatite tural analysis, U-Pb dating and measurements of vola- grains were identified and mounted on sticky carbon tile abundances and isotopic compositions in apatite – tabs so that their exteriors could be imaged in backscat- both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial – that may have tered electron (BSE) mode on an FEI Quanta FEG 650 been exposed to hypervelocity impact. scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the Swedish Acknowledgements: Thanks to Martin Schmieder Museum of Natural History, Stockholm. After external and Jarmo Moilanen for provision of the sample and to imaging, the grains were mounted in epoxy and pol- Kerstin Lindén for support with sample preparation. ished in order to expose their mid-sections. A final Feedback from journal reviewers, including Timmons polish with colloidal silica prepared the grains for mi- Erickson, was helpful in considering this dataset and is crostructural analysis. Imaging and microstructural gratefully acknowledged. This work received funding analyses by EBSD were then carried out on the interior from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and surfaces on the same SEM. innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship Grant Agreement No. 792030. Large Meteorite Impacts VI 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2136) 5073.pdf Fig. 1. Microstructural analysis of apatite grains from the Paas- selkä impact structure, Finland, reveals recrystallization textures [14] Hughes, J. M. et al. (1990) Am. Mineral., 75, (left) as well as evidence for crystal-plastic deformation (right). A-C: 295–304. [15] Hughes, J. M. et al. (1991) Am. Miner- Grain Paass-107ap (step size 300 nm); D-F: Grain Paass-106ap (step al., 76, 1165–1173. [16] Fleet, M. 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