Divine Discourse 9 August 2006 Athi Rudra Maha Yajna fosters the divine nature in humans Sri Sathya Sai Baba Athi Rudra Maha Yagna Prasanthi Nilayam 9 August 2006 The day when people were engulfed in fasci- Is it not true that this great land of Bharat is a nation for English language, world teacher? Knowledge of one's own religion and lan- (Telugu poem) guage declined. Is there another country in the entire world When knowledge of one's own religion and language declined, where a chaste woman could bring her de- The cultural outlook disappeared. ceased husband back to life? This land of When cultural outlook disappeared, Bharat (India) gave birth to many such chaste Righteousness declined on the earth. women. In the Ramayana, the demon King When righteousness declined and disappeared Ravana abducted Sita, the chaste wife of from the earth, Rama, and kept her in confinement under a The exalted position of Bharat was shattered. tree in Ashokavana in Lanka, guarded by the Oh! Bharatiyas! demons. He used to entreat her daily to come Open your eyes and be alert to the situation, at under his fold. But, during the 10 months of least now. her confinement in Lanka, Sita never raised Oh! Men of noble qualities! her head and looked at his face even for a What more can I explain and exhort? (Telugu poem) second. Such was her purity and chastity. The land of Bharat is very sacred. It is the The land of Bharat is like a teacher to all the land of sacrifice. It is a holy land. It is the countries in the world. Though not all men in land where a number of chaste women took this country are suffused with great and noble birth. feelings, every woman here is certainly chaste, truthful, and righteous. Even when Savitri, who brought her deceased husband their husbands return home, the women in back to life, Bharat would greet them only submissively. Was she not a chaste woman of Bharat? Where else would Lord Shiva incarnate, ex- Chandramati, who by her power of truth could extinguish the wild fire, cept in such a sacred land as Bharat? Was she not a chaste woman of Bharat God cannot be manifested merely by offering Sita, who to establish her chastity entered the worship, performing vrathas (oaths), or by fire and came out unscathed, conducting rituals like yajna. Only by devel- Was she not born in this great land of Bharat? oping purity of heart and noble qualities can This great land of Bharat is surrounded by an ocean of sathwic (pure) quality. one have the vision of God. All the objects in The Bharata Jathi is resplendent with chastity the world are created by the omnipresent and and purity. omnipotent Lord, who is the creator, sus- Bharat is an extremely fertile land of noble tainer, and destroyer of the universe. Every feelings. 1 Divine Discourse 9 August 2006 object in this universe is a gift of God. God is fact, at the time of your birth you had no immanent in every object. name at all! Humanity is associated with Di- It is said, Easwara sarva bhutanam (God is vinity, which is pure and sacred. It is only to the indweller of all beings) and Isavasyam foster such a sacred nature in human beings idam sarvam (the entire universe is permeated that God incarnates from time to time. When- by God). Hence, whatever object you come ever righteousness declines, God incarnates to across, consider it as an embodiment of Di- uphold dharma (righteousness) in keeping vinity. People say, this is a cloth (showing a with His declaration: handkerchief). It is not really so. It is a piece of cloth made by wearing together a number Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati of threads. But that is also not a correct de- Bharata, scription. It is a manifestation of cotton. From Abhyutthanamadharmasya tadatmanam sru- cotton come the threads and the threads are jamyaham. woven together to make a cloth. When there is a decline in dharma and rise in What is the nature of Divinity? Nirgunam, adharma, niranjanam, sanathana niketanam, nitya, I incarnate Myself for the establishment of shuddha, buddha, mukta, nirmala swarupi- dharma. nam (attributeless, pure, final abode, eternal, In today's world, righteousness has declined unsullied, enlightened, free, and embodiment and truth has gone into the oblivion. The of sacredness). whole world is filled with injustice, indisci- Divinity is given different names by different pline, and evil behaviour. In such a chaotic people, but God is beyond name and form. He state, faith in God is the only lasting remedy. is all names and forms. He is all-pervading. Truth is the only refuge, for truth is God. That is why He is described as Sarvatah Love is God, live in love. Devoid of love, one panipadam tat sarvathokshi siromukham, sar- cannot live. Hence, one has to love God to vatah sruthimalloke sarvamavruthya tishthati receive the gift of love from God. It is only by (with hands, feet, eyes, head, mouth, and ears love that God can be attained. pervading everything, He permeates the entire As stated by the pundit who just spoke, the universe). “Athi Rudra” consists of many Namakas and You are concerned with the human body. But Chamakas. They sustain human life. From it is like a water bubble. The mind is a “bun- where did this power come? The Namaka and dle of thoughts”. Hence, one should not lead Chamaka are taken from the Krishna Yajur one's life reposing full faith in the body and Veda. It is an all inclusive Veda, from which mind. No doubt, the human body is a gift of the other Vedas, Sastras (scriptures), Ithi- God. In fact, we are born to offer everything hasas (ancient legends), and Puranas ema- that has been given by God to God Himself. nated. Lord Krishna in Bhagawad Gita declared, Unfortunately, today, the Vedas have lost Mamaivamsho jivaloke jivabhuta sanathana their pre-eminent position due to poor patron- (the eternal Atma in all beings is a part of My age. People who take to a serious study of the Being). He said, You are all My amsa (You Vedas and chant the mantras contained in are part of me). Hence, you are not a mere them regularly have become rare. A regular human being. study of the Vedas and practice of Vedic in- The name given to you in this objective world junctions confer all forms of wealth on the is the one that is given by your parents. In human beings. The fundamental principles 2 Divine Discourse 9 August 2006 governing human life and destiny are con- tries of the world for the propagation of the tained in the Vedas. The Vedas are the gift of Vedas and Vedic chanting. God for the welfare of the entire humanity. The Vedas are not to be neglected. The secret The Vedas make no distinction whatsoever on of the entire creation is contained in the Ve- the basis of religion, caste, nationality, etc. das. The Vedas establish the goal and purpose The Vedic mantras can be chanted by one and of human life. Everything concerning crea- all. (Swami then called two boys from abroad tion, sustenance, and dissolution of the uni- studying in Prasanthi Nilayam and asked verse is contained in the Vedas. The brah- them to recite Sri Suktam). macharya (celibacy), grihastha (house- It is Swami's wish that the Vedas be spread to holder), vanaprastha (recluse), and sanyasa every country, so that every human being, ir- (renunciant) asramas (stages of life) are respective of religion, caste, nationality, etc., rooted in the Vedas. People are able to realise learns Vedas and chants them. Some people the glory of the Vedas now. from Iran and Iraq have come to Puttaparthi, Wherever you go, even in the villages, you the day before yesterday. The devotees from will find the ladies also chanting the Vedic Iran are still here. We are making efforts to mantras. There may be difference in the body teach Vedas to all people. The Vedas remove structure between the males and females; but, all types of sorrow. as far as the Vedic learning is concerned, there The yajna that is being performed now is dif- is hardly any difference. ferent from other rituals like Puthra Kam- The Veda is very sacred. Especially, the Athi eshthi yaga or Aswamedha yaga. It is for the Rudra part is a very important section. Ru- welfare of the entire humanity. dram is generally understood as a synonym to A few fortunate ones are learning the Vedas Lord Easwara. In fact, it is the essence of all and propagating them. But, unfortunately, the Vedas, namely, Rig, Yajur, Sama, and many people are making no efforts to teach Atharvana Vedas. the Vedas, though they have studied them. Another important feature of Rudram is the Today, all the students in the Sri Sathya Sai Ekatwa (Oneness) between the two parts, Educational Institutions are being taught Ve- namely Namaka and Chamaka. The Namaka das. As a prelude to the learning of the Vedas, emphasises the aspect of detachment whereas one has to acquire knowledge of Sanskrit, the Chamaka stresses the aspect of desire. But the language of Vedas. essence of both aspects is one. What is to be Nowadays, people of every country are mak- discarded, and what is to be desired? The evil ing efforts to learn Vedas, especially the Rig is to be discarded, and good is to be desired. Veda. Along with it, they are also learning the Both are essential.
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