Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-12-1968 The B-G News January 12, 1968 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News January 12, 1968" (1968). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2163. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2163 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Friday, January 12, 1968 Bowling Green State University Volume 52, No. 53 Council Hearing Dr. Joseph Nordstrom Faculty, Students Argue Dr. Otto Bauer Educational Problems By MIKE KUIILIN by a member of the audience to of student responsibility, values Editorial Editor continue discussion past Its sched- of lectures, testing methods and "The state of Ohio Just doesn't uled adjournment. procedures, disciplinary education support higher education" was one After consulting with the panel and academic honesty. of many candid opinions offered members, Helwlg agreed to do Dr. Mandell, stating that he was by University professors, discuss- so; closing the meeting briefly disappointed with Nwanze's dls- ing the ways and means of Im- for anyone who wanted to leave. alluslonment of Bowling Green, proving the classroom environ- Only one person did — this re- pointed out that our lecture sys- ment, to a standing- room-only porter, who had a deadline to tem was derived from English crowd at last night's Student Coun- meet. culture, and that through personal cil open hearing. Although not one of the four experience he had found a "tre- Dr. Otto F. Bauer, Dr. Maurice programmed speakers, Dr. Mich- mendous" amount of cheating o— I. Mandell, Dr. Trevor J. Phillips ael Nwanze, a visiting assistant curing In other educational sys- and Dr. Joseph A. Nordstrom pre- professor of political science, de- tems (citing Pakistan). sented prepared speeches which livered a 12 minute dissertation Besides, Dr. Mandell further are summarized on page four of comparing our college environ- said, It Is impossible to compare today's News. ment with that of other countries a system which educates so many, The question and answer period (referring several times to the as In our country, with others Dr. Trevor Phillips Dr. Maurice Mandell which followed proved to be of English and Nigerian educational that educate so few. such Interest that Rick Helwlg, systems). He related that we did Three of the four panel members student body president, was asked not compare favorably In areas refuted the concept of an honors program by questioning whether Jazz Organist it is possible to differentiate be- tween first and second class stu- dents; and pointing out that ac- Replaces Getz Gasoline Leak Perils Village celerated programs only help the brighter students become brighter. Popular Jazz organist, Jimmy ARCHBOLD—Gasollne leakage B-G News Feature Editor Doug Townsfolk remained calm as Dr. Nordstrom, voicing the only Smith, will appear this Sunday In from underground storage tanks Plmley,reporting from the scene the search for the leak continued, dissenting opinion, felt the honors the Celebrity Series Concert at Into sewers threatened the 2348 late last night, said all area schools Plmley said. Police agencies road- program Is "excellent because 8:15 p.m. In the Grand Ballroom. residents ofthlssouthwesternOhlo and businesses were closed and blocked major thoroughfares Into it provides another track for stu- He will appear In place of Stan village yesterday. several families evacuated from the village, but normal passage dents to follow If they are moti- Getz, who was forced to cancel i >;.x.:.x^<•^^>M♦>x•x«•^x•x•x■>»>^^c•• their homes as the State Fire was resumed last night. vated." his concert because of Illness. Marshall and police agencies be- "Just how do you let a pro- Representatives of the seven Smith Is often referred to as Miami Suspends gan probes for the leakage. fessor know he Is boring and "the incredible Jimmy Smith," Some residents had complained service stations in Archbold were unlnformatlve," asked Tom Par- and when the organ was attempting of gasoline fumes as early as on hand to conduct checks of their ish, Junior representative. to gain popularity In the late 50' s 4 Basketballers Monday, the news staffer learned own underground storage tanks. "Boycott the class by not reg- and early 60's, he broke through from the P.J. Short family there. Oxford—Miami University istering for it," Dr. Mandell re- with such hits as "Walk on the On Tuesday the situation be- Marshall Ramey told the News plied as a solution for extreme Wild Side" and "Hobo Flats" and basketball coach Tates Locke yes- staffer, "The most notlcable ac- " terday suspended Indefinitely four came more notlcable, and reached cases. In 1960 became the first Jazz serious proportions yesterday. cumulation of gasoline has been In the classroom situation, organist ever to win the "Down of his players...two of them reg- pinpointed at the Intersection of ulars. Suspended are: First Bernard Ramey, of the Fire though, Dr. Bauer said that thought Beat" popularity poll. Marshall's office in Columbus was N. Defiance and W. Williams provoking questions and direct Among his many other awards, string forward, Geroge Fannln; streets. We feel the situation is first string guard, Phil sailings; flown Into Archbold yesterday af- challenges to the professor are Smith was listed as being one of ternoon to head the Investigation. under control, but we'll know more the best means. the top 10 Jaz7 artists In both the reserve forward, Bob Carlton, and when BCI contacts us." reserve center Larry Llrot. The He Instructed glass bottles to be "We are concerned and embar- 1966 and 1967 "Billboard Ma- four are Juniors. lowered Into village sewer lines ressed over our fellow faculty gazine" Music on Campus poll. In order to be measured for gaso- As a precaution, all electricity members who offer this type of Smith is equally at home and * The coach declined to comment In Archbold was temporarily shut on the suspensions saying only that line content. Instruction," Dr. Mandell said. exciting with blues, Jazz, pop and The bottles were then flown by off, and doors to businesses In Problems of this nature, he stated, even country and western, and has they came as the result of dis- helicopter to the Bureau of Crimi- the affected downtown district were should be made known to the fac- ciplinary action. consistently Increased his follow- nal Investigation (BCI) in New Lon- opened for the buildings to be ulty, by students, through the "Or- ing with his exciting and sensitive don, O., for examination. aired out. ganizational structure." treatment of all forms of music. ( continued on page 4 ) JO Coeds We For Miss BGSU And now there are 10 — 10 night at 7:30 In the Ballroom, seml-flnallsts — and only one wo- automatically earns a spot in the man will wear the winner's crown Miss Ohio Pageant at Cedar Point and bear the tltleof "MissBGSU." this summer. The 10 seml-flnallsts were cho- Twenty-three coeds participated sen last night as the eighth annual in the contest which began with "Miss BGSU Pageant" continued In rehearsals Tuesday night. Paul- the Grand Ballroom. ette Breen, Junior from Rossford, The winner, to be chosen to- is the reigning Miss BGSU. Serving as master of ceremonies tordght will be James E. Hof, director of University Relations Semi Finalists and Alumni Affairs. Miss Ohio, Sharon Phlllian, a The ten seml-flnallsts as ann- finalist In the 1966 Miss American ounced last night are: Linda Brooke pageant, will assist him. (Ashley Hall), Jo Anne Pascarella From the 10 seml-flnallsts, (Harmon Hall), Beth Edwards Judged on poise, personality and (Lowry Hall), January Eckert (Chi talent, the field will be narrowed Omega), Kathy Baumann (Phi Mu\ to five finalists. The five will be Barb Cook (Delta Sigma Theta), required to answer a serious and Sharon Becker (Batchelder Hall), humorous questions, and then the Connie Van Ness (Delta Gamma). Judges will announce tile winner. The event, which is free and open 0\H FRONT OF THE FOOTLICHTS.-Cont.nd.rs semi-finalists and will again perform before the Karren Kerlek (Gamma Phi Beta) and Prlscllla Ruland (Delta Zeta). to the public, is sponsored by the for the Miss BGSU "swing for the camera." footlights, tonight. Alpha Tau Omega, social fra- From the 23 contestents, 10 were chosen as Photo by Jeff DeWolf ternity. Pag* 2 •The B-G News, Friday, January 12, 1968 Approaching Disaster Kight days ago on an afternoon Buch as today, a car driven by an elderly Rowling Green woman was struck at the (Hough St. Having What It Takes railroad crossing by a New ^ ork Central train. The result of the "Democracy without education requisite for taking part In the accident: two dead and a third in Wood County Hospital. Is hypocrisy without limitation." By BILL MOES convention. -- Iskande Mlrza. The convention will have an im- On reviewing the situation, the News observed that within a * * * portant national political figure as three block distance there are three entire!) different railroad The Young Republicans and the But every student at the Univer- the keynote speaker. Among those Young Democrats on campus are cantacted by the Young Republicans crossing warnings. sity. now planning mock political con- There are places at almost every were Gov.
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