Robert L. Shepard,' 22, Bunlwr I-II II, . fnces .a charge o! ljSSilUlt with Intent lo·commlt murder In the shooting of his former · sJ.s. lcr·in·inw Saturday 'night. Miss 4. Sections- 26 Pages Lolmu Cmft, 17, was 'shot twice • In n fracas at the home 'of Sl]ep· nt·rl's formcr wffe, Mrs. Norma Shr.pard; on DeCnmp road. 'Miss Okemos Backs Cm[l Is In F'ootc hospital, ,Jack· son, where her conclftlon is re. ported us good. ' School Plan. · Many Appeal Valu'ations Shepm·d · waived examination . On the third time around O!tc· mos school electors approved a Assessments caused-heavy traf. • wl10n he appearl!d before ~liHtice his family and under the charter doubled m· tripled, too. In a few of the Peace Roy W. Adams bond Issue for school hnpt·ovc· tic at tile city hall all day Tues· day and on Wcdncsdlly night. was ineligible to continue as a cases taxpayers expressed agree: Wednesday morning. Shepat•d ments: Tuesday's vote ori issuance member of the board of review. mcnt with the figures on theh· \Viis hounrl over to circuit court, of ·.$2,100,000 in bonds was 1,247 Seventy-two propertY owners for and· 253 aga.inst. appeared before the Mason board It wasn't unU! a special coun· own property hut. wonclet·ecJ about held on bond of $50,000. cil meeting Tuesday night that the figures of their neighbors, Two previous proposals lor of rElvJew to· contest or Inquire M t·s. RhP,)at·rl harl J>'aniled n about new property valuation Stroud was nppointcd to !lll the, Tho big·J.:'e.~t: cll•h•J.:'ution date with IIat·ry M, Smith, 32, of $3,500,0()0 and $2,6()0,000 were de· figures. vacancy. The former councilman cumo l'••om 1{11111 mad, l'oople Clark lnke :-:laturrJ;iy night, They fcnted, At Tuesday's elections joined the other 2 members in In Umt m·c·~~ lH'otest<~cl the Wl!rc going to the Amerlcfm Le· . both factions worl<l)d for adop· ·Frank· GuetTierp, Jqhn Hassi· hearing the Tuesday night cases·. hu;go usscssnwnt. fi,;·m·eH on tlon. At the previous elections the nen· and Alton Stroud, membet·s glon clance at Mason. Before the Nevct• again will the board of t.lto lmsls or lucl• or c•lty I'll· night was ovct•, Smith. was shot Olwmos Civic association opposed of tho ·board, finally ·called the review complain about lack of cilltlcs, at a limes, Mrs. Shepard was held the building plan as being over· Tuesday session o!f at mldni·ght business, In other years only a nt gun-point and fort'Cd' to drive I ly costly and too elabot·ate. Op· aftet• hearing 50 cases·, The rest hrutdful of people appeared to Pt•opcrly owncrs will hnvc an. with her CX·h usbnnd to a swamp, )losltion developed to a swimming appeared at the Wednesday night contest the assessed· valuntlon, othet• chance ·at. the boat•<! of rc. pool and a big auditorium. ' session, and Lolm•• Craft was shot twice. The rtlsh this year was bi'Ought view Tuesday, Marc·h 25. The program approved Tues. Jla~sfnen 111111 GIWI'I'iCI'O on by Ute new assessing system Ali complaints flied tills week Uurin~;· most ol' the gun· day provides for construction of bore t.lte brunt of the Tuesday which councilmen ordered to will be sludicd. Notification of DASU, ADAMS herub; thh; mwlng· Ol'dmtl, Ute Sltepltl'd~' a new ·high school to accommo· loucl when ICuJ·J WhiJIItle, the bt•ing Mason closer to state eqllal· any elwnges made will be given, date 600, remodeling of the pres. yt•a•·'s ChJtmbei' of Conmtercc third membe.l• or the boru'd, ized figures, The Mm·ch 25 meeting will be •inuglltel'io;, 'J't•essa, ·1, ltncl peddler ltPIIl'OVIII conunlttec, open fot· t·eview of lhosc obJec· Uc•hhi e, 2, loolwcl on nloitg­ ent high school Into a junior high wos deelnred blellglble to The project started 5 years ago school and the addition of 7 Adams' tmnmittnc llPlH'ovns sm·ve. lions alrcacly filed plus nny new with c·m•sins Alvin unci, Ar· dOOI'•t.O·door ltgenls Who ))IISS under the direction of Port·est complaints. 'l'lw only limit the rooms to .the Cornell school. The Barry of Dansv~lle. He failed to J(,tw Cml'l. site for the new high school is on t.he stl'lut. CluunbeJ' code of Whipple had disposed of his complete it and a year ago the charter puts on the sr.conr! meel· acreage bought from Mr. and good business PI'IWtices imd property holdings to members of council turned the job aver to ing or the hoard is I hat no as­ Mrs. Shepard said she lwd sule.~mnnshifJ, · Peddlers who sessmenls can hr. l'niscrl thcn. Mrs', M. H. Avery, a mile south City Assessor Dean Tnylot·. l;nuwn Smith about 2 weeks. of the present high school build· don't measm·o 1111 ni•n urJ;"ed tn Mo~t people had a long wait ::lhcpard hnd never met. Smitlt he· in g. lmwe town. Housewives us well Und«!l' thtl old hlt m· miss Tuesday. AI one time in the aft. fore the gunfire Introduction Sal· Its busines.~men cnn talw lUI· School Bands sy11tem !\Jason's Pt'Ofllll't.y crnoon litO line extended all the tll'llay night. Votei'S also IIJIJH'o'.'ed ex· VII.Jttag-e of the curd ~>ystem. valu~ttlon figure wns $a,oas,. way through the cit.v clcrlt's of. tcmdin~ 11\lt.hoJ•It.y to levy Adams III'J.:'I~S evet•ym:.~ COil· 151. 'l'he new set. of l'iJ;"ut·es flee and Into the vcstibuJ'e, Saturday morning, Shepard nddlt:ional milln~re (up to 10 J't•onted with a door-to-doot• Plan Concert Taylor cnme 1111 with totnls There were a few surprisl's anrl callocl his former wife and told mills) for n period of ll sltlc!llmnn to dmmuul his Ciuun­ $1i,l'i00,000. Eaeh of 1\fason 's some htltnot· In the lwarings. her thct·c would be lt·ouble if she ytmt'll fOJ' St!hool OjJel'lltion, bllt' of CoJmnCI'CC aflpi'OVII( Clll'd, Mason's vat•slty and cadet 1,800 PIUoCels WIIS lllell.~ll'ell W. S, Turner pi'Ovided the big· elated anyone. A litilc later in the 1•he vote was l,OIH to 442. bands will play in a festival con. by the same set of 11tles, he gest surprise. 'l'lw William.~lon mornl'ng, Smith called for a date. cert In the school · auditorium pointed out, mnn appeared lo inquire about Mrs. Shepard accepted, but she Tl1e school board announced Thursday night, March 20. the methocl u;.;crl in' determining said she lolrl Smith thcre.could that the first phase of. the ex pan· Many or those appearing be. 'Group Predicts FJ•esh fJ•om· winning a flt·st. tile value of his Mason pt·operty, be 11·ouhle with her formct• htiS· slon program will be the addition fore the board just wanted to find He left praising the city of Mn· band. Smith apparently waved to Cornell school, which will be dlvislon Joatbag' In regional out how the assessor arrived at comtJetltlon, the· vn•·sity bnnd son, Including the city officials, off the warning. stat·ted this summer. the figure for their property. In the businessmen and the man on Mason Growth· is preparing 1 for the state 18 cases the board will sl urly re­ the street. The built-over garage Wf\S neat contest April 26. assessment based on new lnfor· nnd clenn when Smit.h arrived at Almost. evel'yonc l!t·ought up There's a possibility there may Featured soloists and en. mation provided by property the relation or the new assess­ the Sheparrl home about 7:30. Presbyterian Men be 324 additional youngsters in semblcs next Thursday night owners. The board is· considering Mrs. Shepard, Smith and the chll· ment. figures to the market value CAl\liCRA-SJIY Robert Shepard J'esists attempts by Mason school next fa·ll. The influx will inolucte Mary Piedler playing G hardship cases, . of the pmpcrty In question. clren sat in the one. room house of new pupils would bring the en- Thoughts of Love by Artilut· tlHl press anllJJolice to pry into his side of the story. He's In most Instances Tuesday Members of the board were quick wailing for Mr. ancl Mt·s. Clark ·Go to Chicago rollment at Mason to 2,565. Pryor fat• solo baritone; Reuben Benjamin, friends of Mrs. Shep· confined to jail in 1\lilson charged with assault with intent those appeat·Jng before the board to point out that there is no con. Seven Mason Presbyterian men Droscha, cornet solo o! Stars in expressed misunderstanding of nection het ween t11r. 2 figure.-;. ard, who also planned to attend to commit mm·der. (Ingham County News I)hoto,) The proJected figures were in· Velvety Sky; and Nancy Bray, the dance. will take part in the annual meet· cluderl in a repol't by rcpresenta· piano solo of Grieg's First Move­ the teason for the increased Members of the board repeated ing of the National Council of tives of an area school planning ment of Piano Concerto in A figures. They feared that because many times tlwt tho.~c people tripped over corn stubble.
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