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COMMENTARY -ATHIEW$UNOD !'3&RASERS (EAD,INES4ERRY2(EAD 7ASHINGTON5PDATE %RIC"EUTHIN h'IVE-Y2EGARDSTO"ROADWAYv *IM7ISE0!#% #APSTONE 7ORLDWIDE-OVERS5GANDA,TD #%.42!,3/54(!-%2)#!#!2)""%!. #LIFF7ILLIAMSON DEPARTMENTS 4RANSPACK!RGENTINA 32, 2AFAEL-ORENO 90 0AGE 0ORTAL!DVERTISING -ORENO)NTERNATIONAL3!DE#6 )NDUSTRY.EWS !DVERTISERS)NDEX %!34%2.3/54(%!34%2.!3)! 7ELCOME.EW-EMBERS )NDUSTRY#ALENDAR 9OGESH4HAKKER 0RICE,ISTFOR(('&!!0UBLICATIONS ST#ENTURY2ELOCATIONS #HAD&ORREST 3ANTA&E"EIJING %52/0% -ARC3MET !BOUTOURCOVER"YALLACCOUNTS THISYEARS!NNUAL-EETINGIN.EW9ORK#ITYWASABRAVURA 'OSSELIN7ORLD7IDE-OVING.6 PERFORMANCE/URCOVERAGEBEGINSONPAGE ANDASAMPLEOFTHEPHOTOSTAKENATTHEMEETING BEGINSONPAGE 2OBIN(OOD !RROWPAK)NTERNATIONAL -)$$,%%!34.%!2!3)! 4(%0/24!,ISPUBLISHEDBIMONTHLYBYTHE !JAY"HALLA (OUSEHOLD'OODS&ORWARDERS!SSOCIATIONOF ,EADER&REIGHT&ORWADERS !MERICA )NC(('&!! 2ICHMOND(WY 0RESIDENT4ERRY2(EAD %RAN$RENGER 3UITE !LEXANDRIA 6!0HONE 'ENERAL-ANAGER /CEAN#OMPANY,IMITED "ELVIAN7#ARRINGTON 3R &AX % MAIL ./24(!-%2)#! $IRECTOROF0ROGRAMSAND%DUCATION HHGFAA AOLCOM7EBSITEWWW(('&!!ORG 'LENN3TEPHENSON "ORIS!0OPULOH 0RUDENTIAL2ELOCATION )NC 3ENDSUBSCRIPTIONS ADVERTISINGANDEDITORIAL $IRECTOROF'OVERNMENTAND-ILITARY2ELATIONS MATERIAL ANDCHANGESOFADDRESSTO(OUSEHOLD #HARLES,7HITE %DWARD47ICKMAN -EMBERSHIP#IRCULATION-ANAGER 7ICKMAN7ORLDWIDE3ERVICES )NC 'OODS&ORWARDERS!SSOCIATIONOF!MERICA )NC *EAN-ATHIS /#%!.)! (('&!! 2ICHMOND(WY 3UITE !DMINISTRATIVE!SSISTANT -ARILYN3ARGENT !LEXANDRIA 6! *AMILA+ENNEY !LOHA)NTERNATIONAL-OVING3ERVICES )NC ,AYOUT$ESIGN%DITOR*OYCE$EXTER 'EORGE#OOPER !USTRALIAN6ANLINES (%!$,).%3 'IVE-Y2EGARDSTO"ROADWAY ell, the 45th HHGFAA Annual Meeting is over! I have to admit, the conclusion of the annual Wgathering of the Association’s members is a bittersweet moment for me and the staff. We started working on this meeting well over four years ago and have spent considerable time and effort over the last 12 months planning and preparing for what our attendees and special guests have generally agreed was one of the best meetings yet! I also have to confess that I don’t like New York City much—or perhaps it would be more accurate to say I didn’t like it. But spending time in the “Big Apple” has given me a greater appreciation for the City’s offerings, traits, and unique personality. It’s truly a city that has something for everyone. If you haven’t figured it out by now, our theme—“All the World’s a Stage”—as well as our promo- tional material, bags, t-shirts, and signage were a nod to our meeting venue in the city’s Theater District and in the heart of Broadway. Judging from the attendance at some of the business sessions, presum- ably some of you found the time to take in a Broadway show or two, but that’s certainly one of the reasons we choose a city like New York versus some of the less desirable smaller towns in the United States. After all, neither life nor our meeting should be all about business. There were some great individual performances during the meeting and this is a great opportunity "Y4ERRY2(EAD to personally thank all our volunteer leaders, presenters, panelists, and staff for their substantial con- (('&!!0RESIDENT tributions to a very worthwhile educational event, as well as one that offered lots of entertainment and networking opportunities. There were many “firsts” this year in New York. The new geographically expanded and enlarged Associate Members’ Management Board (AMMB) was publicly introduced for the first time. In addition, the AMMB conducted their first scholarship “fun-raising” event with the very popular “penny drop.” If you missed it, you lost out on some wonder- ful prizes from around the world contributed by the various regional representatives. For the first time, the “Young Professionals” (YP-35ers) and the Board of the Alan F. Wohlstetter Scholarship Fund had their own booth and display in the trade show, from which they promoted YP-35 membership and the scholarship fund, and sold 50/50 raffle tickets and the collectible t-shirts. The Association formally launched the long-anticipated Receivable Protection (RPP) Plan (see pp. 59–60) and announced the formation of its new Technology Partnership and its initiative to become ac- credited and certified as an electronic standards developer for our industry. Another first was our choice of luncheon programs and keynoters. This year our luncheon featured strictly entertainment. We hope you enjoyed the performances of “LiZa” and stage personality Ben Vereen. They both exceeded my expectations and deserved a standing ovation. On the military side, the HHGFAA staff jointly coordinated with the US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) a “Learning Lab” for hands-on exposure to the new Families First DPS automation system. For many members, this was their first opportunity to actually see and use the new system, which is scheduled for implementation in the coming months. The Association also conducted a special session on the last day in which representatives of USTRANSCOM addressed the timing of the new program and continuing questions and industry concerns about its participation as the program’s busi- ness rules take hold. Finally among the firsts was the stepping-down of Georgia Angell as HHGFAA chairman, a role she played for four years, bringing to six years her service on the Executive Committee. She was the Association’s first elected female chairman in its 45-year history, but I doubt that she will be the last. Our newly elected chairman, Randall (Randy) Groger, has big shoes to fill, but as Mr. Groger has been our vice chairman for four years, I know he’s prepared and up to the task of continuing to build upon the success and growth of the Association. Following our tradition, this issue of The Portal recaps the events of the Annual Meeting. I trust that you will look back fondly, as I do, on our week in New York City and send your regards to Broad- way. ■ 0/24!,&/#53(('&!!4(!..5!,-%%4).' n(('&!!%XECUTIVE#OMMITTEE Editor’s note: Following is a listing of the -%-"%23!4,!2'% !33/#)!4%-%-"%23 HHGFAA Executive Committee for the Ms. Jan Moore 2%02%3%.4!4)6% coming year, including their committee as- [Chair: Claims Committee] Ms. Jackie Agner signments in brackets. The full committee BINL, Inc. Puget Sound International Inc. lists are available on the HHGFAA Website, 1155 E. San Antonio Drive, Suite D 2102 Milwaukee Way at www.hhgfaa.org. Long Beach, CA 90807 Tacoma, WA 98421 Tel: (562) 984-7700 • Toll-free: (800) 288-7756 Tel: (253) 229-8869 • Toll-free: (800) 366-6315 Fax: (562) 984-8770 Fax: (253) 272-1243 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 02%3)$%.4 Mr. Terry R. Head Mr. Michael Richardson !33/#)!4%-%-"%23 Household Goods Forwarders Association [Chair: Accessorial Services Committee] 2%02%3%.4!4)6%!4,!2'% of America, Inc. Senate Forwarding Inc. Mr. Douglas W. Finke 5904 Richmond Highway, Suite 404 1822 DeBarry Avenue [Chair: Commercial Affairs Committee] Alexandira, VA 22303 Orange Park, FL 32073 Sterling International Tel: (703) 317-9950 • Fax: (703) 317-9960 Tel: (904) 278-0708 • Fax: (904) 264-9630 5200 Interchange Way E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Louisville, KY 40229 Tel: (502) 810-0605 • Toll-free: (800) 989-2198 #(!)2-!. Mr. Mario Rizzo Fax: (502) 426-3735 Mr. Randall Groger [Chair: Carrier Relations Committee] E-mail: [email protected] AirLand Forwarders Inc. Gateways International Inc. 815 South Main Street 55 W 22nd Street, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32207 Lombard, IL 60148 90 2%02%3%.4!4)6% Mr. Stephan Geurts, Jr. Tel: (904) 390-7100 • Toll Free: (800) 365-5463 Tel: (630) 932-2521 • Toll-free: (866) 492-8244 GovLog N.V Fax: (904) 390-7136 Fax: (630) 932-3262 Belcrownlaan 23 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 2100 Anthwerp, Belgium Tel: (32) 3 360 55 22 • Fax: (32) 2 706 24 05 6)#%#(!)2-!. Mr. Gordon Keene E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Jeffrey Coleman [Chair: Technology and Communications [Chair: Congressional and Government Affairs Committee] Committee] Abba International Inc. '%.%2!,#/5.3%, Covan International Inc. 10512 19th Avenue SE, Suite 300 Mr. Alan F.Wohlstetter #1 Covan Dr/PO Box 960 Everett, WA 98208 Denning & Wohlstetter Midland City, AL 36350 Tel: (425) 337-3992• Toll-free (800) 222-2752 888 Seventeenth Street NW, Suite 700 Tel: (334) 983-6500x1201 Fax: (425) 337-3993 Washington, DC 20006 Toll-free: (800) 239-7700 • Fax: (334) 983-3094 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (202) 833-8884 • Fax: (202) 833-8886 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 3WAN3ONG(('&!!S&IRST7OMAN#HAIR0ASSESTHE'AVEL mong the more notable aspects of the highly memorable Annual those who were involved were very strong, AMeeting in New York was the fact that after serving four years as like Sandy Rowe-Maier. I perceived that the chair of the HHGFAA Executive Committee, Georgia Angell passed challenge of being chair was compounded by the gavel to her successor, Randy Groger.
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