Langt hwaite - Arkengarthd ate TREVOR J. HIRD FIEiE III(OTTT IIITfiT ETECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Free House - Real Ales No iob too srnqlf - - FhEE estlm'etes Bar Snacks atl year. Books & ifiaps Reduced rotes for Senior citizens Tet. 01748 884?18 , i,,(r; Telephone 0f 748 886886 RK STUBBS ELECTRICAL LT D ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS IYORMAA TT BROTI'N For all your Domestic & Chartered Surveyors & Estate Agents Commercial Requirements LEADS THE WAY FORWARD IN ESTATE AGENCY Rewires, Security Lighti ng, Free market Appraisa[ witl'rout obtigat'ion - Free tisting cn lnternet Showers, Storage Heaters, w$vw. norma nf brown. co. uk inspecticns & iesting & Calt ne x for a professronai SeMce - Bedale ft Richmond Offices now Portable Appliance Testi ng. on internet for propert),detalls with photograph and laycut plans I Richrnond Office : 01748 822473 I 8?2967 Tel: 0l 74{l 822907 Bedale Office : A1677 42?282 Fax: Ol748 822345 Leyburn Cffice: 01969 627194 e:mail - stephen@stubbselectrical ltcl.co u k FREE ESTIMATES I Irulc r EfC l\., Approved Contractor E-i* aii: in fo8 s ctipas.to nr Tel: 01 748'884J8I Far; 01748-Et{952 ITTTHr{F] IS ONT,}' ON}I | .-- - \ VIJHITE HOUSE -A ,\NYIT, S(Jf }IItr, Fih]I{'TII ,.ACROSS ELOCKwo_BKS SWALEDALE" (from appo:'ite Iv),tlonoge Reerh) by Joy Court Clocks & Barometels :-_:r ;-_t ::--.: r-..- ._- i__-___ i:_. .. :--_--- _ __, -: _:- HtRD M. CUY - PLUMBTNC Repaired, Cleaned, J.E. I In this supFlpmgn_t Mobife Butcher For all Vour i 6c Restoreci Serviced Prime quality fresh & cooked pl umbing requirenrents Ian Whitworth rneat C roceries, Weekly locaf ACA'S & RAYBLIRN'S Doc's Page visits & Reeth Friday Market SERVICED Dales Centre - Tel: 017e83 71709 P./c Tel: 01748 825640 'r'i Jubilee CelebratioRs for Reeth Parish Reeth, SwaleCale North Yorkshrre. DI-] l65P "Swa{edale Bitds* T'el: A1748 884088 F,c Letters :--' Vlenrber British Watch & Clock Makers C,uild ---- . : --. '---'' t---. a---: . .--- '*-- RESLEK SIIRI'ICES The Local F{ews Magazine for Swaledale & Arkengarthdale Repairs to all rnakes of washinll machines, rri d s es' tTTff;".if;IT,i n s' etc' frffi# $ :ve TEL/ FA)( : RICHMOND { 01748} 823376 Page 3 REETH & DISTRICT GAZETTE REETIT & T)ISTRICT' GAZE'rT'E ab<.rut changrng and adapting. Somc of us are Youtb Hostcts Associaftsn bcrter at adaptlng than others and of course ecleblatta!--at G rin tos Boarcl sarcl: "'fhe u,r.irl.: undert'*;en at (lnnton some of us iust \f,'ant thrngs to go on the ()n 2(t&,lprrl tlrc Y.tttlr [{c,rstels \ss<,,ciair-,n L,c.,clge f,:t:usc.s i-rcciselv or] trvo c,f thc niost impt:rrtart cir t1tr.>dgq-1 touri*t m sanlc:, Ilut rvhenel,'er there is charrge, people c c:lctrreted tirc rr,cc:rlt rc-turbishmerrt of YIJ.'\ t aspccts '-r t e (-)rinton \-isitc;l's drt o Ftcn f<>rlret the one constant God. If tnrst lntjEe.-l-hc r:\'cnt aiso nrarke,d rtrc product. quaiiry;rnd:a.lr:c:ssibrlin'. .sr-icce.ssfi:1 Yorkshirc= D.ales cntitled to i quralirv cvcn iir rvhat is i.s pl:rccd in God there is no need to feat c.rnrplcri.:rn,:_rf- thc 1-''rorlut:t \filicnniunr 'I nrst's [nvironmertt proie:ct. Tire tLnatrciallr, consicert:c] lhe less exprsn5il:s clrd c, t clrar){x:. l}oth the '.Queen trIum' anrl \'{aior Yorkshire Daie :* \tillenniutn 'frust a-nci thc the m;rrket. I:rluClv thc rmp:ort;mcc oi etrsurins \\'ilLanrs hcld that fundamental bclicf. l---urcipeirn Rcgitinal l)eveloprnrent lrund lunded that acconrnroclatirin arrd attractions-alikc at'c \\'hat an crarnplc for othcrs. Irr this d-rc' rvork at thc Youth Flostel, w-hich has accessible tr-r i'rll is of- paramount irnporfance." -{rf:atJ1' -flre' 'frusl supple:rncnt there. are details of celebrations irnprrqr)1.sd f,tcilities. Irr the rcdon oi 9.0ii0 \-l-L\ zinil \ rirkslrirc l)ales \lillenniutn for the Jubrlee for Rerth Pansh and f,ou' ovcrntght stay.s iarc recnrclccl ;llrnuitlli' :tt \-l { \ rr ril L i )i)1iirtr.' t' u.t-rrk trrrr^etlter. I-,rlrii ,r (.,lrrrrrrlr.ill Rorv, but other r,-illages arc having (lr:inton Irrcipp, u'irir:lt sq5s11-1irl1':, :r t r rt'rlit'r .ti Slrrri ilc,"r t tlr. oi- thc Yorkshire i):.de** 'l'rtl*st celebratigns alsg it looks fike beilg a good tzrstic sct high .ln thc {r, )us( []t( ,r ,ri:tticl. \rr;trttti \lillc'nn ir rni c()ml-urtntecl: "Grinton lxrdge rs gue,*ts .)nc r-ri trvc nral()r ];urdmark prr.riects uncler:talieir u'ecke:nd all round.- l)o support \ orlr local 70t'o of ;rr€: :.c:hri<,1 t hrlt'lr,.,tr. rn:Ii)\ r-,f tlrc'tn such:Ls bv Y'l)-\fT's Envirr-iNet programrrre. \\'e are evcrr fs, a klt o f hard u'ork has gonc into flom primary'scir,';r,,ls in trrban:ircas I -ceds and tsraclitird. For mim,y oi rhese young delighted tJllt so man,\ )oung pe.ople and visir':rrs f ttt'rrr, l( )1ir in :rrril har-c trrnl l\{ai' I also this people, this is their first expcriencc of staving in to the D'alcs rrnll benet]t from the 116,Fk, u'lri<.ir montli clt:ar s()mcthing up. Many people {a the ccrunrn;sidc. l'rrrmilics arrd incleirendent retlects the YHA's commiUncnt to providrng have asked nre about thc- ck:sing clatr-. tor 5 the lrar-eilers ir';m 'a11 over tht: ivorlcl make up the ertvironmental edrrcati,.rtr at G rinton ft,r tlie Gazerte. T'he clfticial closi*g clate for the rcrnainder ,rf thc r.isitors rn'hri corne fo discor-er ioreseeable tuture, particulady given thc l:trse itcnns to be placecl in the Crazene is the last SrvalerJale and \.orth Yorkshirc. Ciucsts at the invcstment thev themselvcs har-c made." "Ii 'Far ie,il.itert end I F!'i4g' lv'londay of the mt>nth (rr rvriften in thcr evenf eni,;1'.-,1 a varied rvhrCh shows Lure r:t' fher rnanv tacets of w'ork that tlrc: Progr'arrune 'I'nrst Hi again I T'hanks for reading. Ate you corrstinrtir-rn).'I-he published closing date irrcluclecl a round tabie; disc"r-rssion on sustainable Yorkshire I);ries I'fiilcnniunr c;rnes out confuseci ? Ihis is a supplenrent to thc: mam cvcry rrronth is one rvhich rvill help nnsidernbiy tourisrq a Yorkshirc l-ruitet ctrtirt:l\' source,cl from across tjre: I)irics. \\-itir so rnuch rvork tu bc dc;ne, thc 'l'nrst reccrrtlv sec-trrecl 'd grant from thcr issue, bc:catme as vorr can see there \\:as too in settlng up dre magLz,ine. I f howL-\.e r you rnembers of the "\'rrrk:l-rirc l)llntrr-" An ;tss,:,ciation for Hrc',c-l zrncJ clrink prt-,rclrccr:i ilct'(rSS I Ie ritaec l-ofren- Fund to cnable it to embark much fcrr on e m F4zrne, so you gct trvo for miss the published date, do ci-rntact me and Yorkshire, lrntl :t u alk u'tt h \{ikc' | {:trtiitit'., tl-ir: on its fhrcr'-r'c'ir l)'alcs l-iving I-:urdsc^pe proiecr the pncc of one, ffid as both are fiee it can'[ \r'e q'ill do erverything possible to see y()ur u'ell knou.n rnusici..rn, r.eclic> :lnd 'l'\' p(rrson;ilin :urrl nc\r' pr r-riects funded by this schenre 'are be bacl, can it ? Oh, sorry tolks to disappoint itcm is included, BUT \x,'c cannot promise. -I'he ;rr1r1 irrrth<-ii-. In the evening tnusici'an Friends dreridy unden"'al'." ne\y prciects incitrcie the those rvht> expected fur ancl ft''ethers - all 'I'hurrrks frlr rcacling t'nv-ice - arrd don't jc,inecl \[rhe I Iarding for arr informa] evcning oi preserr;atjon oi histoncal ieatures :1t Y I- l ,\ you'\'e got is a cartoon! \\'r:11 at tirners ()nc has forgct to serrd all items for inclusion to irrlk rnusic. "'I'his .uvas llc a \-cry e'nj<;val)le event". St:riniorrh antl re lluilding a drv stonc --t-r'all at \.]J.\ ()r ' to look at rhe funnr,' side, lif-c u,'ould bc GEORGE LUNDBERG, said Chns lioulton, \'IJ A's Charrman. "\\'e \\;erc (lrint<.rn. 'flre opening ceretrlon)' was perft.,mrcd (]uitc vc+, miserable and dull. a lot has EDITOR lo<>king tcnr''ard to showing our partncrs the b\' \{ike I lzrrcling At 3.30pm. I-Ie unveilecl a happerrred since Apnl's issuc. Nationalh' and f-lc:xiblc',, m,-,dcrn tacilitres thev h;rvc: irr,lpcd us irrr spcciallv can.etJ r-roodcn bench(c:rrved b), Phtlip Iocalh. we have suffered the: loss oF nvo of Reeth and District Gazette, crellte. 'and thc rcil-ring inf,:rrmal r:r,c,ntng in the Bastorv crf Reedr) urd cut a cake, created b5 locai life's characters. Natioroily', the 'Qtrcen ,\Izrn', Gallows Top, Low Row, hostel v.'ill bc;ul irpirro[)ri;rtc'encJ to the day." cake m'aker Rosetn;rrv lirank]and. Speakers included Chns Roulton, \-I{A Chairm,ur ;tnd u.ho fi >r: nuny clf us has ah.vays bcen thr:re as Richmond, North Yorks YIIA Grinton, one of 1t \-outh Hostels in the Yorkshire Dales, pr()vrdcs high qualitv I nrd Shuttlervorth. Chairman of ttrc Yorksirire ?r svnrboi of stabiliq' and continuitr-'. and DLll 6PP. 'I acc(.)mmodrltion tor visitors arrd krzrs received a.
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