I'. F R ID A Y , SE PTEM B ER IT, 194f^ [ ! » t Manchester Evening Herald Beat Those Axis >s with War Bonds • • The War Depaftmmst last night Arnold S. ^Cleveland, aon of Mr. Lieut, and Mrs. JM:k E. May of Included among the 1,600 Issued orders to 18 Connecticut and Mrs. L.’^ . Cleveland, 174 Ben­ Ritzville, Wash., are home visit­ Navy, Marine and Coast Guard y A b o u t T o m i ing Lieutenant May’s parents, trainees enrolled at Duke Univer­ The Weather men for promotion of assi^mcnt ton atreet, In now enrolled aa »n 'Average Daily Circulation td active duty in the Army. aviation cadet in'Uie Army Air Mr. and Mrs. John H. May of 60 sity in the’ Navy V-12 training Foreout of U. 8. Wonther Bnrena Among them waa Dr. Robert Ray­ Forces Pre-Flight School for Pi­ Bigelow street. Lieutenant May 1» program Is Arthur Richard Wll- For the Month of Angdat, I f U The flwt refulbr imofithly meet- stationed at Moses Lake, Wash. jtie, Jr. Inf of the Boy Sooute Court of mond Keeney of Manchester. Dr. lots, at Maxwell Field, located on They Look like Fall _ 'Continued cool today and tonight Honor win be held tonight at the Keeney is named a first lieutenant the outskirts of Montgomery, the 8^58 with a light front in exposed places ■euth Metbodiat ebuieh at 7:30 in the Medical Corps. He has al­ capital of Alabama. The new class -w. tonight. Aa there were a large ready arranged to' leave and will of cadets is receivir% nine weeks . ^ d they F/7like.magi£^ Member of the Aodit ' number of Scouta who attended close Ilia office on September 24 of Intensive military, physical and Borean of ClrcnlnUoni I Camp Pioneer thla aummer and for the duration. , ‘ academic training preparatory to ^Manchester— A City o f Village Charm an bad an opportunity to paas beginning actual flight instrucUoh,' HALE'S SELF SERVE teeU, It U expected that the court A son, Robert Aarold, w hs born at one of the many primary flying The OriK.inHl In New EnRiand! (TWteLVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS wlll be large tonight. All appll- to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schuets schools in the Army Air Forces (Claaaifled Advertlaing on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1943 canta ahould endeavor to be on o f 377 Keeney street. Sept. 13, at Ea.stern Flying Training Com­ |\ VOL. LXIL, NOi 298 time. the Manchester Memorial hospi­ mand. ' I tal. The baby is the grandson of t Pfc. Raymond H. Janack, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Robinson of Miss Flora L. Pickles, daughter Featured' For Satui;day: Captured German Equipment Examined 35 Edmund street and Mr., and .of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pickles of Ifr. and Mra. Peter Jenack, of 164 Sliceded Henry atreet, recently completed Mrs. Fred Schueti of 40 Kensing­ 5.5 Holl street. Is resuming her erpians Piling U p Battle of Salerno an intenaive course in radio opera- ton street. studies at Endicott Junior College toomechanlcs at the Technical located on the North Shore of Sugar Cured Bacon i.>>. 35c School. Army Air Fowes Training Stanley Edward Zatkow.ski was Massachusetts at Pride’s Crossing Command. Sioux Falls, South Da­ commissioned a second lieutenant where she is entering her senior In the Army of the United States, year. According to Dr. Eleanor Delenses at Kiev; kota. In addition to attending s. s*-« I acho<d. he went through a rigid Monday, upon successful comple­ Tupper, dean of the college, this l.>nf OC Is Ended as Nazis drilling and physical training pro­ tion of the , Officer Candidate year’s increased enrollment has Hale's Bread gram In order to be fully prepared Course at The Infantry School at necessitated the college opening io take over an assignment In a Fort Benning, Ga. Lieutenant Zat- two new dormitories., Students Hale'. Retreat Continued combat area, If necessary. kowski Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. from states as far west- as the Ignatz Zatkowski of 9 Stark­ Mississippi river have registered weather street. The new lieutenant for the fall term which started Doughnuts “ Dor.. 25c in South enlisted Into the Army on Jan. 17, Sept. 16. Nazi x^^ines Along the Fall of Fleet 1942, and served with the First Air TALL CEDARS Hale’. Dnieper Barrier Are t t Support Command, Charlotte. Allies Advance for N. C„ before going to Officer Can- Curling Dp, Says Mos-, R oU SeS H o p eS T t m C H T di^nte School three months ago. Coffee Cokes Each 25c 11 Miles and Take 8:00 O’clock He held the rank of sergeant be­ OLD eow; Foe Abandons a Violent Revolts Seen \ fore being commissioned. The new Two Islands Off the Dutch Maid Large Stores o f Guns, \_/i All Urllllia Orange Hall officer is a graduate of Manche.ster RECORDS The A-1 fashion-rsting High school. ’ 5Iust be turned In for sal­ Materiel in Flight. —— In Balkan Countries Spur of Naples Bay; 20 Reg. Games At vage If you want to keep Bridge Cookies 2 Fell . fine rsyon - Both Armies are Now The Misses Grace and Phyllis playing the new ones. M O,.,,: S.PI, i8 -.« - A.o«lGen. Cbiang Say.' That —\ ' ■ S3 a Game for 25c Noren. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Alpsca for fickle up-and- Operating as One; In Carl W. Noren, on Tuesday, left V/fO each paid for old rec­ PlIIMiury'. Hitler’s battered German legions Japan Now Doomed President's Appeal Patriots Take ords Irrespective of quantity. down temperatures. Some 2 Free Gam^I for Boston, where Grace returned hurled back on every sector of the j As More Allied Ships Nations Expected to .. Po.sition for Great to Simmons College as a junior and o f these new Mynettc^ are eastern front and smarting from j 7 Specials! Phyllla entered as a freshman. Golden Bake,.^ix Can Go to the Pacific. Light the Fuse; Coiuii- Ovcr Statioiis '• Drive on Naples Next. Grace is * member of the Junior K EM P'S dressy . some tailored loss of the key central, fortress of Ine. tions Are Favorable. , Sweepstake! Welcome Committee which ar­ PkR8. Bryansk, were reported piling new Allied Headquarters, North ranges the program for welcoming 768 Slain St. Tel. 5680 . with arresting accents defenses today before their Dnieper Chungking. Sept. 18—(A?)—Jn his I For Pancake., iffle. and .Muffin.- 111 iiigoslavia Africa, Sept. ,18.— (iP) — Thej $5 Door Prize! the freahmen. of embroidered soutache river bases of Kiev arid SinolensiC first public appearance as Presi­ Washington, Sept. 18—(A^—The Punch-drunk from the incessant dent of China. Generalissimo fuse of revolt' is sputtering in the battle for tlie Salerno bridge-1 .All kind, of^ or ruffles. Choose yours hammer blows of the hard-slug­ Chiang Kai-Shek dectared "Today Balkans. A violent and destructive head was virtually ended, ging Russians, the Nazi lines be­ Reports Say That Ger­ 'svith the Germans pulling in Commando Blue, Pat­ fore the Dnieper barrier were said that the su^ender of the Italian outburst against German domina­ ^pdghetti and Macaroni mans Taking Strong out from the south where the.j riot Green, Filipino to be curling up everywhere. fleet "determines Japan's ultimate tion 1s considered here to be a vir­ ANNOUNCEMENT - From north of Bryansk down doom." tual certainty in the immediate Measures to Prevent Allies knifed 11 miles inland* | Brown,. India Wine or through the Central and Southern Opening the fourth plenary ses­ future. and with other Allied forcezj 12c pound Ukraine to the shores of the Sea of This view is based on President Black. MifacLe-fit for aver­ sion of the peoples poUtical coun­ I,.arge Scale' Battles. sei/.ing two islands off the! Arthur H. Stein Azov and the Crimean gateway, cil on the 12th anniversary of the Pvt.- Francis Squirlock of Olyphant, Pa., (left) and Pvt. Dan Schati of Chicago. I l l . examine 88ifim Roosevelt's unqualified appeal to northern, spur of the Ray of Na-1 Aunt Jlem|nia All PurpoM age to ^ short, in sizes .the Germans w<re in retreat, leav­ Mukden incident, he pledged the shells captured with this German prime mover during the.inva;:ion of Italy. This picture was radioed the peonle of Rumania, Hungary pies itself. "The British. Eiglitll| Has Resumed Violin ing behind great stores of war gear London, Sept. 18—t/P)— German Chinese not to lay down their from Algiers to this country by the U. S. Army Signal Corps. and Bulgaria to rise against Nazi Army now has joined the Amer­ in their desperate haste Jo escape forces in the western Balkans were Teaching On Sept. 1 i 14*/^ to 26 arms i|ntil Manchuria is recover dominance and destroy, it in a ican Fifth Army, and they Aral Flour the Red Army steamroller. "consuming fire.” eported taking strong measures virtually acting as one army,” l»| Beginners and Advanced WE’RE FEATURING TODAY AND t^MORROW The Dnieper line wks an imme­ ed from the Japanese. Clriang said that the surrender . The President said he had, re­ today to smash Yugoslav Partisan position for a drive on Naples, Pupils Accepted. Sheffield diate danger at two main points. ceived reliable' information' that headquarters officer declared, $8*^^ Before Kiev, Red Army advance of The Italian Navy effectively troops making a large-scale bid for Manchester Tel. 3753 linked China’s war against aggres Jail Breaker Lae in Allied Hands; there is “ definite unrest and a still Heavy Fighting columns had driven a wedge to growing desire for peace” on the liberation along the Adriatic from M ilk Cans 29c others 1|7.9S to $10.98 within 50 miles of the river, while aion lo the European battle There still was fighting nesur| TeL 71 159 Union St.
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