V " CallingSUPON j GOD J ' F i i n ' c k - y IBIGIVIINIMEE ® .teamsns, ij . Event asks ■participantsp.i to /hM - ' ' ' ' ^ I • ; ’ SPORTS,01 . competEte- ;! .p r e f e r governfnment, families, i t at M-C- c .IGjON.Dl A -Invitet e - ; - ; "Good Morning 'A X '* «^^SATURDAY: ^ 3 5 , April2 6 ,20ds's ' - S eo son ol lam pi, sunny s k ies. D«taIlKC8 : i l i m (e s - !% ^ 1 1 — - MislcVmconi - Idaho r(rejectstouLighermenrcurystanidards ^Coming toniont)wI itin th e Times-NewsS' By Keith K dW Environmental . Quality’s nection betweeiveen Idalio mer* merctiry canc damage the A ^latB d ^9M wrttofI . boani of directors)p voted 4-2 cury emissions5ns Into the air human netier\'ous system, par- WM on F rid ay to d e ny ddie petition and mercury' foundfot In fish in tlcularlyin in developing fetus- : BOISE — State offo^cials .by the Idaho CorItonservatlon state \vatenva>’s.ays. , es. have rejected a requestest fiom League, The mercuryury-tainted Hsh The enviivironnieiital group H i an'envfronmental groupoup that . But the board thenth unani* "can pose a heallhhea hazard if had soughght to ■ lem porarlly sought to limit mercuiy*iryemis- mously passed a resolutioni eaten. Tlie statestan has issued block neiviv m ercur>’ e m issio n . Trends with irash $120 a barrel ' sions in Idalio, sayingag there dIrecUng the depaipartment to warnings toI anglersai about. permits unintil the state could lq Local recycling tiabits ore • Bubble or factof life: isn’t' enough .inform;rmation gather more Infoniormation In consuming [ishfish In 10 w ater c o m e u pwilh wi stric ter ru le s . 5 slill being developed in Where is the orice of . A vailable to m a k e a dcclscclslon. time for die board'ird’s October bodies bccauscJSC of high mer- south<entrai idaho, oii headed? The state Departmeiment of meeUng on the pospossible con* cury levels. Higlligh amounts of Piease seeie MERCURV. P age A3 P a g u O N H . f l a s i s E s s , ; r a t I P IChanging harvest Get involved PR L th e Duhl feels th e pinch' Find a new way to. p a s s yourir IK p u r of canola seed time — and do some goodi plant's exit. wiiiie you're al it. P A ( I t . o n i ; 1-aMn.v LIN II ,. I ^ BlJlainecomn missioners | f l | S reepeal housiiing rule vative sfaic. hoth legally anclcl Decleclsion comes legislatively," Blaine O m nty:y Attorney Tim t:ra\Vs s blow to tlie 1snlem' iily infiirnu'cl th e ro m1- - • missioners, adding that lheic reationofmore l.egislaiureI proviilits. I'rw to o lsT o r loi-ai gov'ornni(.'ntsIs affcffordable housing loi; create .co m m u iiiiv hciiis-^- h'K.il ‘ . ^ ByKd■Kelly Jackson Blaine (Joiintys iiiclusiiiii-1- ThoV10 Wood River Journal_______ ary;i /cmiiig ordinance;e nreciuiies ,"i;i) ])erii.-iii o t dn.'ll.' llAII.I-;yWA — n ia itie C ounty- loisIc ancl houM's in ail subdi­i- im'missinncrs. wilh lur- visions,v: ini'lucliiig conclo-»- wed brows, voted unani- miniuinn sithcliv'isions. ou.sly T h u rs d a y to hcTjin apincjvccia| iiiid platted afiiT•r elfortforts to repeal lhe inclu- thell acloptiuii date hereol')!'_ . iitar)’ housing orcilnanire shallsl be . permanentlyy ■ I forthf( in Blaine Couniy lestrictedle as coimniiniiyy )de under Subdivision housinghc to be aiioiclabli.’ ton ’.• gulaticins. BlaineBl County luniselicifcis". MiMitrKKMnara TluThe ilecision was spiira'd , witliw incomes in lU-rtaili11 Deanna Heil fills op b er tankik FiFriday afternoon at Fred Meyer gas station on Blue Lakes Boulerardrdln In Ivin Falls. Acconling to the Notlletlonal Institute of . i>yara roceni c o u n clecisicm in bnickels.In Standards a n d TechnoloEy. federalfedt standards require all gas pon;pomps start fueling vehicles as soonin as Ihe price meter sU rts. Recentt newsni reports say • M "uiiiintain Central Board of ll also details options Inrr tome pum p s s titt charging: befbefore that happens. Itealliallots, li\c. V. (jty of creatingcr on- or nll'-sjti; com-, McCii:C;ill w h ere O islrict Judge munitym housing. Tliotfomas.N'evilie invalidated (iiTives told coinintssion-•. .•Call's in d u sio iiar> ’w ining ,. erse r Neville’s di'cision itulicai- iinaiu'e, wiiich is similar ec: j State sayss ‘intolerant’t’ pumps are! checked,( reijmoved »s:;' ecl lh e c o u n ty I'liuid p io v id r!’ ’’ 1(1 ththe alfoidable housing developersdt wilh incentives re(|uiituirements set forth in forfo providing c-omniimiiyy By Jared s . Hopkins Insi ;J percont [it o f th e b la ta n tly over-clrr-charged for goes uii. tiii:iie c n tn p la iiits go iiliiinilini’ CouM lyCodL'. housing,Ik but could nutt Staff w riter______ \________________ a p p ro x im a te ly ‘ m19,oni)_ .t g a s g a s th e y did n 'tI buy,l)ii said Tnm u p ," h e sail.lid. "T liat’s p te lty “TliT he faci of lhe matter is pumps In Idaho are are consid- Schafcr, lhe sccii(!Clion manager standard." wciiv.■iivciiiaviT)'. verj'ccinscr- PfeoseF see BLAINE, PaRe A33 , Heccnt news rupnnss iKiveli erod "inioleraiit” annually,a of the .Idalidaho Stale I'edenil siiindai'dssi; reiiiiiro ! fotiiKi s o m e gas jn im p sI acrossaci , and lliose pumps: atear evenly Deiiartnvent ofof, Agriculture all pumps toto siari nowiiig as the countr>’ stiill a sccticcond split hetweon ptimiitnps tliat Bureau of We Weights : ;iml soon as tlithe price meler "T his is n o t tlie encm d o f a f f o r d a b l e 1 when the lever is squcczecjzecl— uiider-fuel ami onemes .which Measures, liee saidi more starls. accircording to the . > • anyivhere frotn 2 lo G cc ) cents give extra fuel, acco.cording to Idahoans have‘contacted co die National Institute of llhousing and planninling for affordable ' before thu gas comesle.s — th e Id ah o S tale Hepdepartment t)urcati al)ouii pumppi prob- Standards ,-iand Technology, 1 charging cusuimers foror gas ofAgricuhuru. lems recently, hutIm tliai's not part of tlicc HiS. (;< n n n ie rc e ‘housing 1 in Blaine County.Cc There are Ihej’ d id n 't actu a lly get. I'auliy pumps are rare in surjirisiiig wiihill lhi e reciinl- O e p a rlm e n t, Idaho, howi’vcr, keeps,'ps on Idaho, and.tiiere areti'tar any higli pinch at lheh e pum| p. m111 any otlier avenues-3sw e can pursue.” tn ic k in ’. instances of custonie mers being' "When ilie pricepr of g;is Pieaso seee e PUMPS, P age A3 — Commlssloncr om Larry Schoen> Agreenncity:ArrborDayi^celebraiIted Frid;i a y i n l wvin Falls1, ■ • - I AndrAndica Jackson StafStaff WTltof_______________________ Twin Failsiis green- I H t For more information on planting. • ■ ■ . ' TlThe cily oflW in l-alls spentI ahouta upl<eep and right o fways ' Uie SI2I5120,000 of public money’ fromI Twin Falis Pari(s aand necreation pro]property laxes last year planiinijngand Deparimenl.;736-2265 niainiaining trees In town. ■niat's m oney w ell sp e n t, acciccord- ing to Mayor Liuice Clow niMlat n I n s j d liandful of iree onthiislasiss w ho ^ B i ?adien.‘d Friday during an ArborlorDay The greeninggof 0 America: celc:elcbration at ihe new MorningngSiin Tree-plantingng programs PilrkPjirk. sprout natiilationwide. “1 don’i like R u ssian olives,"i," said ____________ a^ mo w . “But In ge n eral. I love trcejCCS." y- Soo page0&0 C6 _ Standing w iih h is sm a ll dog: byb his iv;; y B *-;v.-. cet, Clow proclaimed the day "Arbor"A ihe city receiveda aTree City USA Day3ay in ’IWln Falls" as heavy wind\ Award fn)in the Natl■ational A rb o r Day ^sts blew dust into the air fron3in die I-oundatlon for heinj:ing a/IVee City for M H P IIfiB IP 'T ';;. all-dill'd irt park o n d ie so u tlie a st cco o m e r t o y e ars, o]f f Stadium Boulevard and Many urban arciis;jis in Id ah o h av o a fallsi Citcity Mayor Lance Clow reads a.. Monvleadowvieiv Line North. TYce C iiy designatloltion. le ro m e .nlso PfMumatlonUon at what will become Morning ' Tony Braad, left, David Mead,I, cecenter, and Ilm Teffer prepare a holehol to plant a rree at »hat Is 5, State Rep. Sharon Block. R-1^-1\vin , SunParitlnlIn honor of Ariior Day Fridoy to become Moralog San Park( FridayFri afteraoon is TMn Falls In hos hoaorofAri)orDay. Fall.<;•alls, stood by b m v in g brisk wincinds as Please eosee ARBOR. P age A3, aftemoonI InIn' Twin Falls. At Your Scrvice directory E ll l' Comics....'...................... C7’ ■• Horoscope ..........................A2! Obituaries...........................02 weep of polygamists’ kWs Bridge............................... E15> •• Crossword........................ElO) Jum blo................................E14I Opon H ouses ...................E2 C alendar........ ____M ’ Dear Abtiy...........................C8i M ovfes.,.'..., ...............02-3! Opinion............................... M raises legal questions. mm:i9 Classifieds..........•____ El-16i Garage Sales ................E12 ! Mutual Funds . ______A7’ . Sujdoiloi •.. ....................'. -E7 • MAGIC VALLEY. B l y mSKudiy, April 26,20081 • ■ , , ■ ■ ■ . Ttoes^Ti(aFiOt,kUboibo TODAY’S HAPP!’PENINGS : I J U t l S AANDENTEBTAimVIENT N Rowan and Martin's Uuga u ^ n , presented by Filer Highh SchoolS V IV ' Drama Club, 2 p.m .
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