
5TH MARINE REGIMENT - COMMAND DIARY - AUGUST 1952 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2084 CD: 21 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07705631 ~ ,.- ) .... t ' ~ I - .·.· ' .' ' '' ' .~~ :_.. _:;· ,.' .--/'. ~: // ,,.,\ . '••• ' /'' ,/··._,. ._ ·. ·.' ~-. ~;:/·~ .. t /·( ' . ,:·-·;:·_.· ,\i~~ . ~ -' . ~,-\;~~~.\\;(._;. ' ' -- - .. ~ \•_\· /,- ~-'-)- :_/r· "~> / .a.. :·-..."' \ ."\.....--i," -- \ ' . -- . ;: ~ ~) .,·_-~~Jf\ .,_ ;..,. .. '· '·-~·- 1-' .. r j 1 ;vr .·. ·· · ';'0z . r ) '. \:"Jv ~~ -~- I irt' '\....__ · . \_ i ' /~~~r·,,,.~~;~ ;r:fV-i---=~~~~~~ ~ '': . ~' ' . ~I •' .. ·: . •• ''•. ,,, tF--~ tf'':,0~~~) \('~( {Al~~\\r!t • I'' ,' .. ' /fiN/~~~~-~~\~-:~-j~. ~\~-l-~---x~/~, .. _-._-{.. /)1//~k~r\ ·,'-. _·. ,;s ~.-:,.·' ..L:tfr I ..., - .- v · ' ' ' / ' '--'>\:.' ' JJ 'Ill ' . '' >i.:_~c.::-{"~F. ~Iii ( ,, \, '' "'-.JJ_~'./,,..; """"~f \ -~ ')'-~---~~~-)/~~'; ~ ~~ .J ' <!€ ·:e: >i ( },: 't · A~ -,_ ' i~~~i ~~~ ~~- ~~ '\~{~\ ~~~.11 1 ~ ~ ·~;,~·· :1 'IP " ._. ~+h l)~z~Ja~a v }) ~) ~ .. ~ ' . " " #' i" . '' DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07705632 f.' •.. ' l •- •"'"""''' 331/wwc I A12 Ser: 001181 ~ I . - ~ ~ ~ SEP 1952 ,! on on CO 5thMar ltr ERS/ jbs ser 00361 of 10 Sep 1952 From: Commanding General, lst Marine Division, FMF To: Commandant of the Marine Corps Via: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Subj: Command Diary for August 1952 1. Forwarded. 2. The security classification of this endorsement is removed when detached from the basic document. .~· .. ,· . ,.; . • ,. ·>, '! ! ! ...·.· ;'• c; •:. "'t¥•• :~>' ,.' .. ' _________ , ____________________ _ DECLASSlFIFD DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07705633 I •0728/143 .. ...--· Al2 ~.. i' . Bert) 0 6 61 - 5 I SEP 2 6 1952 .. ·, .. l SECOND ENDORSEMENT on CO 5thMar ltr ser 00361 of 10 Sep 1952 .. ·, From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific '- ··.· To: Commandant of the Marine Corps Subj: Command Diary for August 1952 1. Forwarded. 2. This endorsement is downgraded to unclaaslfied upon detachment from the basic document. '~ ~-'-N : \• By direction - F·:: ~ Copy to: ~ CG, lstMarDiv ;~>.' . ,\1~1f' - ~' .. r• ! • ~ > '' '' ' ' r SECURITY INFORMATION ' • DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07705634 Headquarters, 5th Marines EBB/jbs Divis :!.on, Fleet !A.a.r-'..ne Force Al2 San Francisco, California Ser: 00361 lO September 1952 SDJURITY INFORMATION From: Commanding Officer ._1Mf~~rr&~.~Jwnrm_______________ __J 1 ~~ Commandant of the Marine Corps Via: ~1~ Commanding General, 1st Marine Division, lMF \2J Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Paoific fh bj : COiillllBlld Dia~~ tor Aug;J.s t • 1952 Ref: (a) Par lliK)l, MOM (b) JMFPac ClO 121 (c) lstMarDiv 00 lllo (d) Map KOREA 1:25,000, AMS L751 iheete 6527 I, IV (e) 1-!a;p KOBEA. 1:25,000, AI-lS L751 Sleets 6528 II, III l, &JM,!ARY ·"""'"*',·,, . .' a, ~ring the period of 1-31 Jn~st, the 5th Marines continued the mission of OCC'I~pying. defenflin.g end improving the rt.:~~fensive posi tione of Line Jamestown in the r~ t sector of the let Marine Division Front, b, The 5th Marines established and maintained a strong outpost line of resistance, together vi th aggressive patrol action and ambJ.shes, !!he enemy continued to skilfully and stubbornq defend his position. !!he enemy's countel'-reconnaissance screen oontinued to be extended well forward and was extremely sensitive to the 5th l·1a.rines activity. He condlcted '.·, limited probes of the OPLR, disrupted our lines of commu.nications, and -...,, continued. his night "creeping" tactics. seizing COP's I.B.ENE, EL~. and. HILlll, !lhese COP's were manned by elements of the 5th Marines iblring deyli~t hours only, As the period closed, the enemy's occupation of our former COP's was limited ltY' friendl¥ artillery, air strikes. and tan.lt fire. c, Operatio~l activities of the regiment were cur·oecl. somewhat by the rainy season'J1 t is notable that .August is the hottest month of the year, as well a'B the rainiest month of the year, however, inc:iderrts ' 1 of disease were at a minimum (see Medical Summary, app. VI). d, the 5th J.larines ~las excellent, as well as ~-.. ~----------------------------DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07705635 • I..'..AL.l AJLU ·--·"--~'-'"" -c,.;;._, -~- -------,~-.., lr' ~--- i ' 'j'·.,i " o..l i] o.J o..;..:J " I a. Three eont~eta with the enemy were the reaulte of the three combat patrols, six reeonnRi~aance p~trols, seven ambuahea, ten outpoats, and eighteen listening poate performed acro&e the regimental front during the period. This was accom­ panied by tour air etrikee and aetive artillery and tank eup­ port. (For reutea of patrols and poei t1,onr of ambushee, out­ posts, and lil'tening poFte, see overlay of th1~ date, ann. III.) b. Firat B11.ttalion eentinu.eli ite mission of re- eerve battalion. One liHJmbat p~trol, four reeonn!lissance patrols, fo•lr am­ bushel, seven outposts, and eight li~tening porta were per­ formed by 2nd Ba.ttalion. At 0940 a combat patrol engaged an estim2tei. reinforced squad of enemy in a fire fight With small arms and automa.tie wea:nons. Friendlies broke contact andre­ turned to the me.in line of resistance with two friendlieF wounded. At noon, a detail apnroaching outpost 11 l'lilda 11 was brought under heavy inceming fire, killing one friendly. Friendlies w1 thdrew under the cever of ~. 2 11 and 8lmm morters ~nd, w1 th the aid of smoke, retrieved. the body of their only cumel ty at 1300. Cne enemy was killed on outpost "Felix" at 2250. Third B~.ttali(m executed twG combat patrols, tvro recon­ ne.issance patrela, three ~bushes, three outposts, and ten listening noats with negative contact. Shortly before noon a.n "H" Cempany sniper killed one enemy at extreme ran~:·e. One man was wounded by enemy mortar fire. ~his battalion's 81mm mortars, firing on enemy forward obaervers, seored two direct hi ta •. Anti-Tank Company'a t11.nks reeei ved fifty rounds of enemy 82mm mortar fire re£ulting in two men wounded. "B" Company tanks, firing in direct support, killed one enemy, de11troyed one gun position e.nd two bunkera. The four air strike11 in this sector today, all by Narine pilota, resulted in six enemy killed, nine wounded, four ertillery positions destroyed end ane de.lil!'.ged, one mort;1r destroyed and two ds!l12ged, and six bunkers destroyed a.nd five de_m:;ged. This unit 1 s 8lmm mortere wounded five enemy. c. The regiment received moder<?te srtillery and merter fire for the period. d. Colonel Brunelli, Division Chief of StEff, was a visite>r to the re;,;iment this e-!:·t·~.e:r~n~o:o~n::·-:_-::.~"-~r?;·."~.:-:~'~'"1~--.. SECRET 17· "'"' rc .. ·1 J ~~~{\(~':~ i!')·'.}"u 0 c~i 1. ~ . --- ----------- ;._ ·-- .. ,. .. I II .Ill ill ·- DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07705636 .,, ~· ...... :t,:·-;:,:.,·t-:~ IECRE'l' 2 AUGUST a. Four ~:omb.,.t pstrole, lliX reecmnaissli.nee patrols, :four ambushes, ten outposts, and twenty-three listening por;;te ~,rere per:f'ormed across the regimental :front during this :yeriod with :f'C>;.tr ~:ontacta, all light and all on the outDosts. Cne prisoner was taken. (For routes of petrol!! and positions G)f ambushes, outposta, and li$tening posts, ••• overlay o:f' thia dEte, anp. III.) b. Firat Bstto<lion eontinuee. ita minion o:f' re- serve b:Jttalion. One combat p:~trol, four reconnaieeence petrols, four am­ bushel, seven outpl.lsts, and eleven li6tenint; posta were per­ formed by 2nd Be.ttalion. A deto<il going out to occupy out)'lost "Elmer" received enemy :fire tr•• that p01itien. Friendliee called in mortar :fire and the enemy withdrew from the position, enabling the original detail to move in. Virttui'lly the same procedure took pl8ce on outc>Otit "l'!ilcw 11 except thE. t the enemy had o~:eupiec. it in fewer numbers. Friendlies moved in in ·force Bt 0800. Outpost "Felix" trHnped one eneny in s. ceve at 0515, wounded and anDrehend.ed him. This outuost bEd two men t·rounded this morning:' . Third Battalion performed three comh2t TJ&trol£, two reron­ nais!Hmee patroli, th!'ee outposts, a.nd twelve listening po~ts with light contact. One member of "G" Company was 110U:1dec1 by srae.ll arms fire on the way o•1t to outnost "Bruee". Sham­ eyed observing for 8lmm mortars resulted in a direct hit on a nortar poeition ~?r>d <.nGther on om observ&tien peat. ':"wo enemy were killed and one bunker destroyed. Anti-Tank Company suf."ereO. one t.e.nk slightly dams.r:ed from incor.1ing mortar and artillery fire. Supporting tanka destroyed one bunker, dEmBt:ed two more, and destroyed one gun porition. Artillery, firing on an enemy assembly area this rnorr!ing, inflieted t1,,enty-f1ve casual tiea. e. The enemy c:mtured in the 2nd :3attelion sector this morning identified him.self as a member of the Jrd l?l<toon, 2nd Coi:tpa.ny, lst B1o1.ttalion, 354th Regiment, ll8th Division, 40th CCF Army. d. Viai tors to the commPnd nost durin£' the period included l':ajor Gencra.ls Selden and Kend~ll, Colonels 'Omoak {end Laswell, and CGmmPnder Donabedicn. SECRET 2. DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07705637 SECRET 3 A.UGUST a. A total of four combat petrols, six recon- naissanee patrols, seven ambushes, ten 111utposts, and twenty­ two listening no£ts were performed across the regimental front during the period. Contact was negligible. (For routes or ps.trols and positions of ambushes, outposts, and _lietening posts, see overlay of th1 s date, ano. III.) · b. First B~ttalion continued ita mission of re- serve battalio:m. One combat patrol, four reconnaissance patrols, four ~n­ bushes, seven outposts, 9nd eleven li~teni!lg posts were per­ formed by 2nd Battalion.
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