,---------SPINDlER-SCHOlZ~ ----------, 1564 WOODWARD AVE. Young Men There IS a great difference 111 clothes In selecting a SPINDLER-SCHOLZ suit especially the type worn by college men. you have that confident feeling of looking your best. Our shop IS the only one 111 Detroit Highest quality most moderately priced are catering exclusively to YOUNG MEN. the important factors that capture the confi­ dence of our customers. Suits Top Coats You will always feel right In a SPINDLER-SCHOLZ suit. Gladwin Bldg . Neckwear Second floor Oxford Shirts (OpPosite David Whitney Bldg.) Olle ART CENTER CONFECTIONERY SODAS WELCOME CANDIES AS YOU PASS BY JAYCIKS and JA YCEETAS FRUrrS GIVE US A TRY DRINRS Next door to 13 Warren Avenue CHRISTESON AND MARINOS Shoe Shine Parlor PI-lONE NORTHWAY 5865 EVERY JAYCIK KNOWS D. R. JARRATT & CO. AUTOMOBILE GLASS "DAD'S KENNEL" 96 WARREN AVENUE WEST HOT DOGS CIGARETTES Near Cass . , DRINKS WIND D EFLECTO RS WINDSHIELD CANDIES SUN AND RAIN VISORS HEADLIGHT AND WINDSHIELD CLEANERS BODY GLASS W e R eplace Glass In Any Make Car While You Wait I 06 WARREN AV E. NEXT COOR TO STUDENT CLUB Two .....~ \ I· Famous Shoes for Men. We're proud to offer you Bostonian Shoes and you'll be proud to wear them, for BOSTONIANS are made from the finest leathers on lasts . for every foot. Their nicety of Finish and Quality workmanship spell satisfaction to every wearer. Their price is as pleasing as their fine service. THE E. & R. SHOE COMPANY 124 Michigan Avenue 614 Woodward Avenue Three Choosing a Business By Arthur G. Zeller What business will you enter ? Successful men arc not "born:' they are "made." Foresight, planning, training, is , wha t " makes " them. ~ . Naturally you wish to select a vocation in which you can render a rcal service, estab­ li sh a permanent life work fo r yourself, and make ma ne)'. .tvfost fellows, too, have a n a mbit ion eventuall v to own a business of their own. I have been irlstrurncntal in training so many men, during the past twelve yea rs, for practical business success, that I feel that I can offer some helpful suggestions to you. The automobile has become a permanent part of our life. There arc over 12 million in usc today. New cars arc being buil t at the rate of 250,000 o r rnore per month. "Auto­ mobile Row" is the center of activity in every cit\' ; the a utomobile stores a rc bright, clean, well -lighted, busy, profitable. The Automobile Dea ler is an important business ma n a nd he can make a la rge ir1eome. Why not select this business now, and begin to think about how you wi ll gain each stcp of promotion to it? To succecd as an automobile dealer, a Illan must have at least a High School education, a technical (mechanical) training, and a business tra ining. The untrained man docs not succeed in this business, because it reqlrires a very high-grade t ype of man. You have a lread y begun your tra ining in the school work which you have had . You can begin the mechanica l training now, too, by putting in t he summer at t he r,,1ichi gan State Automobile School, a t Detroit. Loca ted in the automobile center of the wo rld , this school offers unpara ll eled advantages to the man who is going to make the automobile business hi s life work. T hi s school is endorsed by the government and by the a utomobile Education . industry. is but the foundation stone upon which an intelligent and well A knowledge of the automobile is a lso an asset in any other business which you might balanced life is built. enter. It is an unsurpassed preparation fo r a university enginee ring course. It provides an easy and sure way for a student to cam hi s way through college. Engravings Detroit, as well as offering the opportunity to learn (his business. is a delightful city are the foundation of good printing. If the engravings are well in whi ch to spend the summer. Its proximity to the lakes and ri ve rs furnishes a pleasant . I - made, the printer can build up a work of Art. We speciali ze in cool climate, steamer trips, sailing, swimming, fi shing, a ll the recreation which is usua ll y the making of the Better Printing Plates. found only a t a SLm1mcr resort. T his school has a Welfare Department, which attends to securir1g rooms and good SERVICE ENGRAVING COMPANY board for students, looks a ft er their we lfa re in a ll ways and will repor( regula rl y to parents on thei r progress if desired. 529 Congress West, D~troit I.l I ~ We invite vou to visit the school, see our students at work, or write fo r the catalog explaining the courses. Special questions will be gladly answered. You ma>' address the Registrar, M ichigan State AutomobileSchool, Box 684(), 3729 Woodward Ave., Detroit, IVli ch. Four The GREEN and GOLD Volume I COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF DETROIT June, 1923 ___a 0 0 N TENT S ...-- DEDiCATION.... ....... ...... 7 WOivIEN'S GLEE CLUB . ~9 STAFF.................. .. ...... .. .... .... 9 WOtvIEN'S TRIO.. .. .. .. 50 JUN IOR COLLEGE REVI EW. ... .... 10- 11 l\/IEN'S TRIO. 51 STUDENT COUNCIL . 13 OPERA... ... ..... .. .. .. .... ....... 53 FROSH OFFICERS .. .. .. .. .. I~ . 0 A. S...... .. .. ........ 5< SOPH OFFICERS... .. .. .. 15 ATHLETICS. ....... .... .... .. .. .. .. 56- 74 FACULTY .. ...... ...... .. .... ......... 17 HI STORY OF ATHLET ICS .... .. .. .. ... .. 56- 57 SOC IAL REV IEW. .. .. .. .... 18- 19 STAR MEN .... ...... ...... .... .. .. 59 SNAPS ................... .. .. .. .. .. .... 20- 74- 86-89. ·.' D" MEN... .. .. ... 6 1 FOOTBALL . 63 ORGANiZAT IONS.... .... ..... ..... ........ 2 1- 55 BASKETBALL ...... .. 65 COLLEG IAN.... .. .. .. ... .. .. 23 TRACK.... 67 DEBATI NG...... ....... .. 25 TENN IS.. .. .. .. .. ...... 68 W. S. G. A................... 27 W.A.A... ......... ~ STUDENT CLU B. 29 BASKETBALL 71 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ....... 31 SW IMM IN G. 72 ENG INEER ING SOC IETY . .. 33 T ENN iS.... 73 PREMEDICS. ... .......... .. .. .. .. 35 J OSEPH US .. .. ... ... ....... 75 COSivlOPOLITAN CLUB 37 YOU NG INT ELLECTUAL.. .... .... .. 8 1 SPA N ISH CLUB ........ .. 39 PUBLI CATIONS. .76- 80 FRENCH CLUB. ~O BUZZ SAW. ..... .. .. 76 LIT. CLUB. ... .... ......... .. ....... .. .. .. ... ~ I COLLEGIAN.... ....... .. .... ........ .. 77 CHESS AND CHECKERS.... .. .. .. .. 42 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 80 SPHI NX.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... ...... 43 W. S G. A. COURIER .. .. .. ... .. 79 CHEESE GANG. 44 STUDENT BULLETI N. .. 78 GAS HOUSE GANG .... 45 AUTOGRAPHS. 82 HYivlN TO COLLEGE... .. .. ... 46 FEATURES. .. ..... 83 - 90 MEN'S GLEE CLUB . 47 J AY CI K-CA R TOONS. .83-85- 87- 9 1 ( DEAN MACKENZIE .' " DEDICATION This boo" is dedica'ed 10 David Mac"enzie, Dean oj jllnior CoU'ge, anI 10 Franl, L. Cody, Sliterin'enden ! oj Sd100:S; Dr. j ohn S. Half, Represen!aUt'e Burn s; Senator Smith,., Senator Condon; Dona'd Leonard, PresidenloJ Ih e Siliden! COUl1 cil , awl aU ather persons who have contri­ buted (oward th e es :ablishment of a foul' :year co !lege ill De:roit. Annual Staff Managing Editor ....... .. .............. ........... ............... T E D ROGvo)' Business lvfanagcr ... .. .. .. .... .. .. ... • , ... ..... • .... ....... DON TROU T Assistant Editor. ..... D OROTHY MALLORY News Edit9r .. ... .. ... .... ...... ..... , . ...... ....... .. .. ...... BETTY I-IAYES Assistant News Editor. .. ESTH ER R OSENSTEIN Sport Edito r. .. .. ..• . .. .. D ELMAR NAGEL Art Editor . ...... MARION H USTON Humor Editor ..... .. ". ... ... \VILLIAM LEUTZEL F rosh Editor. ........ F RAN I{ W I LCOX Soph Editor. .. .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. .. ..... D ON L EONARD Advertising Manager . ..... • ..................... .. STANLEY H YDE Advertising Assistant .... • • •. F RED WEIDEMAN Advertising Assistant. • • . BOB NEUMAN Ad vertising Assista nt . .. .. ... .. HAROLD F R.\NI( APPRECIATION T he G reen and Gold. being the fir st year book ever published from j unior Coll ege. The staff wishes to thank those who have devoted thei r time and energies to the task enjoys the disti nction of setting a precedent which with the coming of the four year college of making this Annual and the organizations of junio r College whose SlJpport has made will grow both in size and importance. T hough J unio r Coll ege can measure its ex istence the lxxJk possible. The staff a lso thanks the facu lty adviso rs, 1\'[1'. Tompkins, J'vfr . Seltzer, in years there has never been any a ttempt to establish college t raditions in view a lways of a nd Ivli ss Walbridge and a lso the student cont ri butors William F ri emuth, David Tour!', the deCidedly tempora ry cha racter of the college. With the achievement of the four yea r goal however there was a sudden augment in junio r Coll ege t raditions and institutions, one of Warren Pa rke r, Reavcs, I. Ketchum, W . Bourbonna is, L. D unca n, Iv!. I-leath, M . t he most enormous projects to result from it being the Annual. The Staff organi zed b~ ' Snowdon , N. Brown, N. Barcus, C. Sta ffo rd, W. Sample. james G riffiths, . wlil ton Ted Rogvoy as late as jvlay 15 has labored diligently to produce this book and fee ls plen­ Bachman, T ed Domzul ski , R . Li ghtbod y, D. Dm"ido\\" E. Liddle; L. Barns, 1vl. teous compensation fo r its wo rk in the production of the first junio r Coll egc Annua l. Gowans, P. Woodford, F. Norton. N ine Junior College -- A Review H E Detroit junior College is passing out of existence! was introduced into the lcgislatllre which provided for In its place will be Detroit 's Ivfunieipa! College wi th the esta b li shment o f a junior college department as a T a full four year college course. T he junior College part of the public school system , In accordance with this has served its purpose wcll . It has provided a means of Act of the Legislature, the Detroit junior College was higher education for t hose who otherwise would have organized and established in the Central High School gone without it, and it has done this by eliminating the building.
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