." ...... ·· ..· M" " . J. J- Barry EDITORIAL IJll cl'luJ/iolllll Pres idellt II's Time to Invesl In Workingpeople ile c.:O ll )o.c!, vatlve econOll1i~ts who w or J...~ or :lrt. N ot tlnly did th c~c people T ushe red in thc ~ u - callcJ " Reagan Lhen ha vr money which they could Rcvolution" lnok. ed to "Trick Ie-Dow n" ~ pc[l d to cn:~tl ~ delllanci for Dew prod­ econom ic>; a~ tile ce nterpiece of their uct>;, and there fore :-.1i llluI:ltc th e whole g.row th and \I n_w.perily packagc. The economy. bu\ they were given :,omc­ ici<: a wa ..... 10 cut taxes 0 11 the ric h­ Ih ing l"!vcn more ilnpllrt anl-dignity. allow them 10 "-t!cp m ore oflhci r moncy Wilh Ihal new-found dignilY_Ih ey we nl ami hope thallhcy spcn l il wi'cly. Con­ ou l unLl hui lt mu ch of the infrastructu re ~erva t ive'i 111 Canada adopted a :-,i m ilar on which all comme rce >!ill fl ows. We malh, )o.ciencc, hi\tory, la nguage- h3ve po~ i li on over the yc ar ~. BUI nnw here need ou r govern ments 10 make lhm to be bl ended w ilh a commitmen t 10 we are. ahno~ 1 11 ycar:-. lalcr. nnu we're kind of commitment LO our >;W 1CS . prov­ i n~ lill a life-long dC"i irc to lea m . ur !'! Ii ll waiting fo r tha t mone} to lric"- Ic: inces. cith; ... and IOWIl!-! ((xlay. to all ow ' lUden ls h:l ve 10 be able to do mure dOWIl. II ~~CIl1:\ the only Ir ick l e~ un ion them In p nw i dcjob~-c(ln"ilrUC l ionjobs thall o1l1 petc internationally. they have worker~ have !l~e l1 have be en the flow through union CO nlractoJ'~. j b ~ 10 re ­ to he able 10 \\lin. uf people into unemployment Jines. ,Hld bu ild uur crumbling infra -:t ru clure, Organized Ii.l bor ha:-. H great deal :\1 Ihe 'iream of hi gher-payi ng jobs being Jobs 10 prov ide dignilY an d hope 10 !o!ta kc here. A!\ Ihe cCl..lI1omies of our ~hip pcd ofT.sho f'c and to M exico. workingpcoplc aga in. two n ~ lt io n s go. &0 goes our Brother­ Worl,:.; ngpcnplc need \0 be very clear The )o,~c ll ml l h i n g l h ~H lli USt be clone hood. When lim c~ arc lla rd, ollr mem ~ abou t th i:;.. the lime for inves ting in i!) illl jm' l':-. lIl1c IH ill u: buil diJl£, o ur ill­ !>l.: ,,,,h ip tend, to go down: bLl t when cull ing (axe.., for the rich, and hoping d U~ l r ia l and rn anufac tu ril1g h < l ~e . C~I II til ing;., gel bell er, wi th morc people :11 Ihal ,omc olihalilloney wi ll be u,ed 10 il an indumial poli y. cull il whal yo u wor "- . our m cmbc r ~ h i p--an d with thut help the middle cl:t:\~ . i ~ over. What we will. Thl: fact i~, ou r fedcral go vern­ ollr abi lily 10 hel p and im prove the need today [, a commltl1lenllO invcM III I11cnl!\ have got to make the k ind of Iivc:, of more and more people- im­ Job!o.. 10 IOVC't in workingpcopie. li nd C0n1 lll iIl11C'1l 11 0. and be wi lling to make prove" dramalicnlly. The Il1 lermHiollnJ le i their in crcu~ed :... pcmJing powcr hring Ihe kind of invC, IIllCI1I in. Ihe nonmiJi­ " Jirlll ly Olll lll illCd I organilc Ihe the U.S. ami Canadian eCon011l1C!\ back l .a ry indu!\ trtal "cctor a ~ they have w ilh ull orgulli lcd under any and all eco­ OU I of the recc:,:-, iol1 T ric"-Ie Down llil~ the mililary sec lOr. T Il :.lll11 c a n~ rc~carch nomic circulTIsltlll('Cs. But your support helped c a u~c. Tux re lief and l:.! Xl l1 g and and developmen t, tha i mcan " review of for program:, designed to invest in our "pen ding p ol ic i e~ 111 11 "t be carefully anlittw io l regulatiun ..... tl1:11 means en ­ two ml1i olls will help our organizing t:lrgeted ~o that invc:-. tmcnt in busi­ f rc ing impon -cxpon I Hw~. :uKl it means erro rlS really pay alT. Lel's buil d a '11.!%C~ guc~ up, Ihl.! .S. budgel tlcfich gU:lrtllllecing a level playing liet d for better I'u turc 1 get her. goe, down, anti Jo bs he re Ill lhe Unllcd U.S. and anadi:tn corpora tions COi1'l ­ The time 10 i nvCSI in States and Cnnada nrc created. peting tll lcrnut iunall y. worki n£people is The Iir!<.t thing tha t must be done is And Ihe Ih ird Ihi ng we Ill USI do is now. IT an inve nncllI in cOllsl rucdon. invc~ l in educll lion. During th e Deprclois ion men Our ~c h ool, have 10 and women OUI of work were be prod ucing the be,1 organized by Ihe government and b r igh t e~t the world and put 10 wor, build ing can de liver. Job­ road,. bui lding', and lraining ,k il ls- rr~~=::= hrirlges . even crealing 110-. 411_-.Work III1Ir---:. ~~1_""'---'~ The Unio n of Hearts and Minds J . J, BARFlY JACK F. MOORE inlfHfllibOft4i' Pre"cifmf ImematlonRl SlH;fflr/JfY I l lS-15th St, N W 1125-151h St, N W WaYlinglon, 0 C 20005 WMhlngtOrl, D.C 20005 THOMAS VAN AR 5DALE Int.m./iOfJM rfO.SUI'" 158-1 \ Harry Van Atsdale Jr Avenue Flushing. N If tl36S VI ............... J o u R N A L OffiClol PloIbIICOllI)I'o 01 ~ lnt.rl'<l'lOfloi BrOlherhood 01 ElecI1lalI w ., FII'SIOr.tlnC' Savemh Dstncr VoIl/IM 91, N,..",bIt .s IW:Jy 1092 KEN J. WOODS ORVillE A. Tot. TE JR. 45 ~d Ave Easl 4400 Wdl ~ PoIlkWlIIY Sud!! <lO-T Su~. 309 City of North YOf'IC o ahOma C4y, OkLeIhomii W,lJowclale, Otllano M2N 73108 5" Second Dtsmct T8t.":: ~XEtERS PAUL A... LOUGHRAN 330 SOOup Avenue, $wle 204 Ban8f'r"N~ Pat\c P,Q Box S1216 Owncy. Mauadlustn' IdahG Fale. kiaho 113405 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS 02'" NJIUtI Ortfrrct Ttwd Drsmcf S. R. M cCANN DONALD J. FUNK ~e~ Wtge1 LIne 16 Computet Onv, W", 2 Unio n Labor Lights 10 Canadian Labour Report ~118C Wainul OHl!., Calilomlil Albany, New Yeric 12205 94598-2494 New Stadium 14 Tech Tallc Fourth Oistnct r8llm DrsIncr PAU L J . WITTE EDWARD p. tkENTEE cw '·Iome of lh e- Onolc'i n ,o Re&(JIng Ao&II Road 17 Local LInes Sul189 =1i'6 H.ggIM C,ne.nnatl Ohao ~52:31 Rosemont UIII'lOO5 60018 9 Save the Seawol', FiJrh OlsltlCt BsVftllrh OtSJIICI 38 Research and Ecanalllics K. WADE GURLEY RAY EOWAROS Save Our Shipyard Nd. 2 Iro'Ielropll) onve 300 SolAn Jenerson, $utle 300 40 Members In the News sune 304 Sprlng\Jel(j. MIssouri 6S806 BII'mlngham, Alabama 12 Lead ing the Nation rIAIoIftn ()i$~r 3S209 ..... CARL LANSDEN 42 Safety and Health Tips Slit,l? O$tner Fr.r.kJn BuIiClII'lQ, Suite SIS To Economic Hea lth JAMES P. CONWAY Chatt.eM>Og8 Tenrl8.l>li@e 2200 SouTh Main STreet 37411 AFL-CIO Winter Meetings 45 In Memoriam Sulle 303 Lombar d. illinOIS 60148 33 lEe Minutes .....m ...o ...1 Executlv. C.unell COVER PHOTO: 44 Me mbers Ret ire \.oaI1 24, Boltimorll, Mooryjond, Journeymon·Wiremo n R:ogct CLY DE BO WOEN Founfl lASlncl W,J, .J r. II,,"] and 0Pf1!on~t. Andy Du kotr~ pull ...... rQ lor N C/laltmllll LANCE BLACKSTOCK booth conl'rn ll (It Oriolm' new ~tMlvm , Cia Local 387, ISEW ClO lOCal 558, ISEW 48 Member Mourned sa18 N 7th Street PO, Box 578 Suite 201 Sneflle!d, AlaOilm a 3SOOO Pnoef'li:o:, Arizona 85014 FIM Di$In'cl ROBERT MISSE'\' FIrst Dfsurcl JOSEPH A. 2131 ·591h SIrfH'lt 51 louis, Missouri 6311()"2885 McCAFFERTY e'o Loeal 380, ISEW SJ ~lfI {)&tnCI 3900 R0r. Polc.e ALAN E, HEAD CoIlegevl 9, Pennsylvllnle ClO Local 59. ISEW 1942« 7940 NorthaYf!l'l Road, Suite t Second ()Slnct Dallas. Texas 15230 FRANK J. CARROLL JR, SeW'tllth DoStnCI e.o l.oc.Il 488, IBEW THOMAS J, SWEENEY 2266 East Main SIr"' 1918 Marlin Luther King Way Bndgeport. Connec:tJCut o.tand. CaIrlornsa 946"12 OUID &ghm Or$rncl Third Ot.srrK:I JAM ES R. MeAVOY RiCHARD D. ACTON 2750 OuIdr. SUM1, Room 12 3250 EucMt Avlltl\Ht \l1CtON. 8tItISh CoIumoia CloYe&and, Ohio 441 15 Canada vaT 4E8 J . J. Bany, Edltof .kxImlJ/ 0ep.t1mtJnt £MKfOr Mary Ann V. n Metet c.rol A.... Cipoli/l St~ W"'1lI'3" -TtwMn Pcnn Ruth A. Cobb PRINl"fP 1.. 1,1 S " PAINTEOON UNION·MADE PAPER C I992 InlemaliOnal Brolhertlood 01Eleclrical 1 0 Th4< 14o().1 at ~rod-<t prOVUlC1 mol ~. Wort<.,., All nph11 l1tS4tfVed, ulti!n(lto&iy Itnlefed 1M Conodlon Conledorotlon In 1949 I8EW JOURNAl. ~ ~, • .u.o\ ~, o-nber Wf1IChIl.combIrwd ..", .,,"lnllm.lllDnlil Bram-"-ofElec:lltaI Wor!o.lrrs, 112:5 FrflMnth S., .... N W, W.~r.glo n 0 C 20005-2761!i SuM;Cr1pfllll'! pnou 1..1n114N! SIlIl, _ ean-, ...
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