Editorial A GENERAL CONFERENCE Volume 53, Number 1 In this issue What is a General Conference? The expression “General Conference” is self-explanatory. It is not one person, or a small group of people. • Why Does God Call for a General As we will learn in this issue of The Reformation Herald, the words of a Conference? few persons are not to be considered as the voice of God, yet we are told Following God’s plan of organization. 3 that the “decisions of a General Conference composed of an assembly of • Why Are GC Delegation Sessions duly appointed, representative men from all parts of the fi eld, should be Necessary? . respected,”1 and further, that “the representatives of [God’s] church The biblical basis for such gatherings. 5 from all parts of the earth, when assembled in a General Conference, shall have authority.”2 • Introducing the Delegation What happened fi rst? No GC offi cer should be considered as being the “General Conference.” 8 Even a small group of GC offi cers should not be considered as being the • Newly Elected GC Offi cers “General Conference,” but “an assembly of duly appointed, representative These offi cers will bear weighty responsibilities. 10 men” “from al parts of the earth,” when acting in harmony with God’s • The African Region Word, make up the General Conference whose voice must be respected. Light to the “dark” continent. 12 When Moses was visited by Jethro, his father-in-law, an interesting con- versation took place. Jethro realized that Moses—capable as he was—was • The Asian Region undertaking a very heavy burden for one man alone. Therefore he coun- Christians face persecution in a tumultous region. seled Moses: “Provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, 14 men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers • The Central American Region of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fi fties, and rulers of tens: An ever-growing area rich in faith. 16 and let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, that every great • The Eurasian Region matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge: A stronghold of reformation in so shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear the burden with thee. a varied culture. 18 If thou shalt do this thing, and God command thee so, then thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people shall also go to their place in peace” • The European Region (Exodus 18:21–23). The birthplace of Protestantism, a melting pot of cultures. 20 Moses gave heed to this sage advice—and the governing of God’s people prospered. • The North American Region In the system recommended by Jethro to Moses, we fi nd four levels of A new evangelistic thrust begins with administration: rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fi fties, and encouraging result. 22 rulers of tens. • The Pacifi c Region In our system of organization there are: local churches, fi elds (or confer- The islands of the sea are ripe for the harvest. 24 ences), unions, and a General Conference. If the brethren and sisters of all • The South American Region levels fulfi ll their duties, God’s work will prosper. Many church members and a Finally, what is a General Conference? It is a general assembly made great work to do. 26 up of duly elected representatives of God’s church from all the regions of the planet that meet together to decide important matters related to the • Highlights From the Decisions 28 spiritual progress of God’s children. • 21st General Conference Delegates In this special issue of The Reformation Herald, we will bring to the knowl- Who was chosen to participate? 34 edge of our readers news and important decisions of the General Confer- ence delegation session held in Porumbacu, Romania, from August 23 to • Children’s Corner September 13, 2011. R Building in harmony. 40 1 Gospel Workers, p. 490; 2 Ibid. Offi cial Church Publication of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement “The age in which we live calls for reformatory action.”—Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 488. The Reformation Herald staff would like to take this Editor D. P. Silva Assistant to the Editor B. Monteiro opportunity to introduce our new Editor, Bro. Davi Paes Creative Services D. Lee Silva. He was chosen by the worldwide delegation to THE REFORMATION HERALD® (ISSN subscriptions, payments, and donations 0482-0843) features articles on Bible should be mailed to the address below. serve in this capacity, and we trust that the Lord will utilize doctrine that will enrich the spiritual life of Periodical postage paid at Roanoke, his talents in a mighty way. We also would like to thank those who seek to know more about God. Virginia 24022. It is published bimonthly by the Seventh Subscription rates: United States, U.S. Bro. D. Sureshkumar for the dedicated service he faith- Day Adventist Reform Movement General $14.95; foreign (air mail), U.S. $20.00; Conference, P. O. Box 7240, Roanoke, VA single issue, U.S. $ 3.50 fully rendered as Editor during the past two terms. It is our 24019-0240, U.S.A. POSTMASTER: Send address changes prayer that the Lord may bless his labors in the vineyard • Web: http://www.sdarm.org; to: The Reformation Herald, P. O. Box and continue to make him a blessing to others always. • e-mail: [email protected] 7240, ROANOKE, VA 24019. Printed and distributed by Reforma- Vol. 53, No. 1. Copyright © 2012 tion Herald Publishing Association. January–February Issue. Manuscripts, inquiries, address changes, Illustrations: 123RF on pp. 3, 5–7, 32 Why Does God Call for a GENERAL CONFERENCE? By B. Montrose What is a General Conference? The term “general conference” has been so often used in Adventism that we too easily forget it is supposed to mean exactly what it says: A general assembly or gathering of individuals meeting for a specifi c goal or purpose. The unit found in the SDA Reform Movement is based on the Bible and who are pressing together to keep the the General Conference. You thought Spirit of Prophecy guidelines for commandments of God and the faith that in responding to the call made to church organization in the last days. of Jesus, operating in harmony with you by the General Conference you Thus, the primary defi nition for us of God’s organizational guidelines. were submitting to the judgment and the term “general conference,” refers In 1874, “Brother A” (identifi ed as mind of one man. You accordingly specifi cally to the quadrennial ses- Elder George I. Butler) was a minister manifested an independence, a set, sions, where delegates elected by the who, when he fi nally had experienced willful spirit, which was all wrong. church membership around the world genuine conversion, was greatly blessed “God gave you a precious experience assemble to report on the progress of by improving his attitude toward leader- at that time which was of value to you, God’s work in the various corners of ship among God’s people. An inspired and which has greatly increased your the vineyard and together elect offi cers Testimony written to increase his under- success as a minister of Christ. Your to carry out the decisions made to standing is applicable also today: proud, unyielding will was subdued. advance His cause around the world. “I have been shown that no man’s You had a genuine conversion. This led In the interim between delegation judgment should be surrendered to the to refl ection and to your position upon sessions, the General Conference judgment of any one man. But when leadership. Your principles in regard Council elected at the quadrennial ses- the judgment of the General Confer- to leadership are right, but you do not sions assembles annually. The Execu- ence, which is the highest author- make the right application of them. tive Committee meets as needed and ity that God has upon the earth, is If you should let the power in the is entrusted with carrying out many of exercised, private independence and church, the voice and judgment of the the decisions made at the delegation private judgment must not be main- General Conference, stand in the place session of the worldwide church. tained, but be surrendered. Your error you have given my husband, there was in persistently maintaining your could then be no fault found with your Following God’s plan private judgment of your duty against position. But you greatly err in giving It would be a fallacy to think that the voice of the highest authority the to one man’s mind and judgment that the SDA Reform Movement General Lord has upon the earth. After you authority and infl uence which God has Conference offi ce building in Roanoke, had taken your own time, and after invested in His church in the judgment Virginia, U.S.A., is just a place for a the work had been much hindered by and voice of the General Conference.”1 few persons to labor when they are your delay, you came to Battle Creek in When called into question, Ellen not promoting the Lord’s work in the answer to the repeated and urgent calls White testifi ed of her own case in various missionary fi elds. The building of the General Conference. You fi rmly 1896, “I had not one ray of light that actually represents the work of God’s maintained that you had done right He [the Lord] would have me come church as a whole, and the offi cers in following your own convictions of to this country [Australia].
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