• • • Comeback- p~ge 12 VOL. XIV NO. 40 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's WESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1979 ·Former· President cites Ford calls America's 'challenges' Carter policies By Michael Lewis Executive News Editor 'disasterous ' Former President Gerald R. Ford addressed two groups last By Mark Rust night on campus, speaking to a crowd of over 3,000 in the Athletic News Editor and Convocation Center, and later fielding questions from about 200 students in the Stanford Hall Chapel. Former President Gerald Ford opened his talk at the ACC with a brief stateme_nt on the Ford attacked President Jimmy challinges facing America, then opened the floor to quesuons from Carter's foreign and domestic the audience. policies, and downplayed his The former president cited the economy, the energy situation own role in the upcoming and America's military capability as the three major chailenges for presidential elections during a the 1980's. He said "we must solve the problems of all three half-hour press conference yes­ simultaneously'' if the country is to maintain its status as leader of terday morning. the free world. Ford appeared healthy, his Expressing opti.nism at the government's ability to deal with face slightfy tanned and show­ those issues, he nonetheless cited a few problems with the current ing none of the strain which operation of the government. marks a president fatigued with a heavy workload. He dressed Pointing to the recurring conflict between the legislati~e and somewhat informally in maroon executive branches, :Uord said "What we're seeing t~da}:' 1s t~at tie and tattersal jacket, and there's not the cooperation that's going to be essenual 1f were asked that questions be confin­ going to solve the problems facing us today." He referred to r_he ed to toJ?ics academic rather constitutional provtsion of balance among the three branches. of than poliucal. The request was, government and said he does not want to see the pendulum swmg for the most part, ignored by m favor of any one of the branches. the media. "I don't want to see an imperial presidency, but I don't want to Ford said that Carter had see an imperiled presidency either." ''blown it'' on both the domes­ A second probkm in government is the "erosion" of the tic and international fronts. two-part>: system, Ford said. He noted that lack of party unity was When asked to assess the a ''sigmficant factor in the inability of Congress to pass a current· administration, Ford comprehensive energy program." replied that he has ''come t.o ''We don't have to go back to the smoke filled room,'' Ford said, the conclusion that their domes­ "but somehow we've got to strengthen the two-party system." tic policies are a disaster.'' He He called upon smdents to help alleviate a third problem facing pointed out that Carter inherit­ the government. Ford stated that record lows of voter participation ed an inflation rate of 4.8 were recorded for the 1976 {>residential election and for the 1978 Former President Gerald Ford started his day at Notre percent from his administra­ Congressional election. Notmg that the "poorest percenta_ge of D,zme with a morning news conference at the CCE. [photo tion; the current inflation rate is voter participation'' is among the 18-24 year-old group, he sa1d the by Tom jackman] [continued on page 2) turnouts were "a big disappointment" to those that worked for a constitutional amendment allowing 18 year-olds to vote. ''Get with it and get into it especially now that you have a major Cabinet crisis looms· political campaign coming up in 1980,'' he said. In response to a question about the low popularity of Congress and the contrasting high marks most mdividuals give their individual representative, Ford said "They like their own Dayan· successor eludes Begin Congressman and they want to get rid of evervone else's." 'TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Prime ment Speaker Yitzhak Shamir Hurvitz and, 'shamir are He said the voters should foilow the voting record of their Minister Menachem Begin fail­ to fill the post left vacant last strong supporters of expanded Congressman so that the representative may be accountable to his ed yesterday in his first attempt week by Moshe Dayan, who ] ewish settlements in occupied constituents. to choose a new foreign minist~ quit in a disagreement over the Arab territories and both ob­ In response to other questions, the former President: er and sought other candidates government's policy in the oc­ jected to terms of the Israeli­ --voiced approval of nuclear power as an energy so~rce. To. meet in an attempt to avert a Cabinet the nation's energy needs, Ford advocated deregulation of oll and cupied West Bank. , Egyptian {>eace treaty last crises that could topple his His first choice for foreign March, saymg Israel gave too natural gas, use of more domestic coal, and nuclear power. Ford government. minister, Deputy Premier much away by relinquishing all seemed hesitant to a.dd ''nuclear povter,'' but then charged ahead, Begin said he was consider­ Yigael Yadin, rejected the off­ of Sinai. Shamir is an o~ [continued on page 3] ing asking right-wing Parlia- er. Echoing Dayan's conten­ comrade-in-arms of Begin from tions, Yadin told Israel Radio the days of the underground "there are differences of views before Israel was rounded. between our party and the Another possible candidate Roemer tiiscusses women 's security majority party on some issues to replace Dayan is Interior of foreign policy'' which pre­ Minister Yosef Burg of the vented him from accepting the National Religious Party. Burg job. is head of the Israeli team in reaction to recent assaults negotiating Palestinian auto­ Yadin, who is inJerusalem's nomy, a powerful post in deter­ Hadassah Hospital recovering Rosemary Mills Cartier Field. Her assailant was Student Legal Services, and mining the fate of the West from a mild heart attack, said Bank. But Burg, a canny politi­ Editor-in-CJ.Iief described as a tall, muscular Pia Trigiani, Saint Mary's stu­ he might reconsider if Begin Reacting to two attacks of person wearing a pullover dent body president. cian who has sat in every offered him the job of headmg government since 1952, has women on the Notre Dame sweater. Roemer noted that while the Israel's negotiating team on campus Oct 20. James Roemer, Security officials do not be­ shuttle is available for transpor­ said he wants to keep control of West Bank autonomy. He be­ the 'interior ministry. dean of students, discussed lieve the two incidents are tation to and from SMC be­ longs to the Democratic Move­ security measures yesterday related. However, in view of the tween the hours'of 7 a.m. and One other Cabinet minister, ment Party, and Begin heads Ariel Sharon, the minister in with women representing the attacks, Roemer and Glenn midnight, ND and SMC securi­ the majority Likud Bloc. Notre Dame-Samt :Mary's fe· Terry of ND Security reviewed ty departments are available for charge of West I~ank--settle­ male student population. security measures to protect Earlier, the prime minister ment, is a potential problem for transportation after these took the first step in efforts to women of both campuses a­ hours. Anthony Kovatch, Direc­ Begin. Sharon has threatened In the first Incident. a SMC gainst such assaults. During reshuffle the cabinet when his to walk out if the government student told friends she was tor of SMC security, explained unpopular finance minister, ordered evacuation of the Elon yesterday's _me<:ting, . Roe~er that during late hours women attacked early Saturday morn­ reiterated h1s d1scusston w1th Simha Ehrlich, agreed to be­ Moreh settlement in the West ing by the cemetary on the road students should call either ND Terry and voiced the concern of or SMC · security for rides come a second de{>uty premier Bank. to Saint Mary's. the woman The Israeli Supreme Court the University to Shannon Ne­ between the campuses. Accord­ for comestic affa1rs, clearing would not talk to ND security ville, student government off­ the way for Yigal Hurvitz to ordered the settlement evacuat­ and declined treatment at a ing to Kovatch, women will be take command of the sagging ed, holding that it was set up in local hospital. campus commissioner, Ellen transported to the gate on Dorney, HPC chairperson, Ka­ economy. Ehrlich, under fire violation of international law A ND graduate student was Route 31 by ND security and which permits building on oc­ tie Kearney, assistant rector of \will be picked up on the other for Israel's economic woes, had raped at approximately 8:45 Farley Hall and director of said earlier he might leave the cupied lands only for security p.m. that night in the vicinity of ,[continued on page 3_] government. · nurooses. I 1 News in brief Tuesday, October 30, 1979 -page 2 - -- Network blacks out controversial show Rizzo takes no sides in Boston to calm explosive climate election of his successor BOSTON (AP) - Clergymen, Boston Catholic Archdiocese, is white students. public officials and a profes­ considered significant since ap­ A statement from WB.Z said PHILADELPHIA (AP)- Mayor FrankL. Rizzo the fanner sional football team all an­ proximately 75 percent of the the Boston station's decision to COJ? wh? divided this city with a "Vote white" s'logan in his • nounced plans yesterday to try city's population of 640,000 are cancel the program, set in the fuule btd to be allowed to seek a third term, isn't taking sides to calm the explosive racial Catholics.
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