8天 晚 精品四川-马尔康-金川梨花 (春季) 7 成都 / 马尔康 / 金川 / 丹巴 / 四姑娘山 / 龙泉驿 / 石象湖 / 峨眉山 / 犍为 全程无购物 当地酒店 4 + 5 行程特点 • “东方古堡” - 桃坪羌寨 • “中国雪梨之乡” - 金川赏梨花 • “桃花故里” - 龙泉驿赏桃花 马尔康梨花 • “开往春天的火车” - 嘉阳小火车 特点美食 • 精品川菜 • 宫廷药膳料理 • 农家风味 • 粤菜风味 桃花故里 桃坪羌寨 郁金香花海 • 四川火锅 第一天 吉隆坡 / 成都 机上用餐 第六天 成都 / 龙泉驿 / 石象湖 / 峨眉山 早 / 午 / 晚 于吉隆坡第二国际机场集合,乘搭班机前往“天府之国” - 成都。 龙泉驿 - “桃花故里” 位于龙泉驿龙泉山生态旅游区,是花果山风景区的 酒店:瑞廷西郊酒店或同级 (当地5星酒店) 核心景区。 石象湖 - 石象湖位于成都蒲江县境内,因湖区古刹石象寺而得名。景区的 第二天 成都 / 马尔康 早 / 午 / 晚 森林覆盖率达90%以上,大面积的生态园区成为动物、植物共生共存的天 堂 桃坪羌寨 - 世上保存最完整、并尚有人居住的碉楼;完善的地下水网、四通 郁金香花海 -全亚洲最大的 “花中皇后” 培植基地,每年三月郁金香节期 八达的通道和碉楼合一的迷宫式建筑,被中外学者誉为“羌族建筑艺术活化 间,漫山遍野盛开着数百万株郁金香。漫步其间,仿佛走进了荷兰小镇。 石”。 酒店:世纪阳光大酒店或同级 (当地4星酒店) 卓克基藏寨 - 连续剧 “塵埃落定”的拍攝地,也是現在藏區裡保存最完好 的土司官寨。官寨始建于1718年,融和漢藏兩種民族的建築風格。 第七天 峨眉山 / 犍为 / 成都 早 / 午 / 晚 酒店:豪廷名人酒店或同级 (当地4星酒店) 嘉阳特色小火车 “双程” - 成立于上世纪30年代的嘉阳煤矿,昔日主要 第三天 马尔康 / 金川 / 丹巴 早 / 午 / 晚 用于拉煤外运的窄轨蒸汽机小火车仍在运营之中,成为了一道独特靓丽的景 致和一种新鲜奇特的体验。3月的犍为,坐嘉阳小火车在油菜花海里穿越时 金川赏梨花 - 金川被誉为四川阿坝州的小江南,县城海拔2165米、位于四 空,油菜花开遍野,蒸汽小火车行驶在群山梯田中,回荡山间的汽笛声,仿 川省大雪山支脉和邛崃山支脉之间;这里有雪域高原规模最大的梨花奇景, 佛让人回到了蒸汽机时代的乡间。 是全国闻名雪梨产区。 嘉阳国家矿山公园博物馆 - 嘉阳国家矿山公园是以展示人类矿业遗迹为主 甲居藏寨 - “甲居”,藏语是百户人家之意。2005年以甲居藏寨为代表的 ,体现矿业发展历史内涵,并供人们游览观赏与科学知识普及的矿山公园. “丹巴藏寨”被《中国国家地理》杂志组织于活动中评为“中国最美的六大 酒店:瑞廷西郊酒店或同级 (当地5星酒店) 乡村古镇”之首。 酒店:澜峰大酒店或同级 (当地4星酒店) 第八天 成都 / 吉隆坡 早 / 午 / 晚 第四天 丹巴 / 四姑娘山 早 / 午 / 晚 锦里古街 - 锦里的名称源于成都的别称 “锦官城”,是位于四川成都市的 一条古商业街。锦里古街毗邻武侯祠, 颇有古蜀国民风。 梭坡碉楼 (远观) - 梭坡羌族碉楼位于康定至丹巴的路边。“梭坡”藏语意 宽窄巷子 - 宽窄巷子位于成都青羊区长顺街附近,由宽巷子、窄巷子、井 为“蒙古族”。梭坡共有碉楼84座,是全世界古碉最集中的地方。 巷子平行排列组成,全为青黛砖瓦的仿古四合院落。 四姑娘山 - 四姑娘山位于阿坝州小金县与汶川县交界处,是横断山脉东部 环球中心 - 新世纪环球中心是四川省、成都市两级政府确定的打造世界现 边缘邛崃山系的最高峰。四座山从北到南,在3.5公里范围内依次排开,被 代田园城市的重大项目,主体建筑以“流动的旋律”为设计理念,为世界第 当地藏民崇敬为神山。 一大单体建筑。晚餐后,送往机场乘搭班机返回温暖家园。 双桥沟 (含观光车) - 全长34.8公里,是四姑娘山最美丽的一条沟。沟内 有两座木桥,分别由杨柳木和红杉木搭建而成。 酒店:悦山度假酒店或同级 (当地4星酒店) : 第五天 四姑娘山 / 成都 早 / 午 / 晚 保证自费 卧龙中华大熊猫苑、石象湖郁金香花海、 猫鼻梁子观景台 -这里是巴郎山至日隆的必经之地,是观赏四姑娘山的最 圣象峨眉功夫表演:RM300 / 人 佳地点。从这里可以清楚地看到一字排开的四姑娘山。 巴郎山隧道风光 - 巴朗山位于小金县东,小金,汶川,宝兴3县交界处, 距成都200余公里。巴朗山海拔5040米,藏语称巴朗拉,意为圣柳山。 卧龙中华大熊猫保护区 (含电瓶车) - 四川卧龙大熊猫自然保护区位于汶 川县境内,区内共分布着100多只大熊猫,可以让你大饱眼福。 酒店:瑞廷西郊酒店或同级 (当地5星酒店) * 倘若原定的景点不对外开放,将由其他景点取代 * 以上的景点先后顺序可根据具体的情况有所调整。 * 在主要节日,商业展览,旅游旺季期间,住宿酒店可能需要安排在另一个城市 . 联络方式 : 价格 : 出发日期 : 8D Boutique Sizhuan - Barkam - N Jinchuan Pear Blossom (Spring) 7 Chengdu / Barkam / Jinchuan / Danba / Mount Siguniang / Longquanyi / Sixiang Lake / Mount E’Mei / Qianwei NO SHOPPING TOUR Local Hotel Highlights : 4 + 5 • "Orient Castle" ~ Taoping Qiang Village • "Hometown of Chinese Snow Pear" ~ Jinchuan Pear Blossom • Native Land of Peach Blossom" ~ Longquanyi Taohua Guli Jinchuan Pear Blossom • “The Train to Spring” ~ Jiayang Steam Train Meal Highlights : • Fine Sichuan Cuisine • Palace Medical Cuisine • Farmhouse Flavour • Canton Cuisine Peach Blossom Hometown Taoping Qiang Village 石象湖郁金香Tulip Flower Sea • Sichuan Hot Pot -> Sichuan Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve is located in Wenchuan County. Day 1 KUALA LUMPUR / CHENGDU MOB There are more than 100 giant pandas in the area, which will make you feast your eyes. Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for your flight depart to Chengdu. Hotel :Grand Kingtown Hotel or similar (Local 5 Stars hotel) Hotel : Grand Kingtown Hotel or similar (Local 5 Stars hotel) CHENGDU / LONGQUANYI / Day 6 B / L / D SHIXIANG LAKE / MOUNT E’MEI Day 2 CHENGDU / BARKAM B / L / D Longquanyi - The "Peach Blossom Hometown" located in Longquanyi District, Taoping Qiang Village - the world's most intact and inhabited tower and residential Chengdu. It is the core scenic spot of Huaguoshan Scenic Area. complex; the perfect underground water network, the passageway and the labyrinth Shixiang Lake - Shixiang Lake is located in Pujiang County, Chengdu. It’s named of the tower, is praised by Chinese and foreign scholars as "The Living Fossil of after the ancient temple Shixiang Temple at the Lake area. The forest coverage rate Qiang’s Art of architectural". of the scenic spot is over 90%, and the large-scale ecological park has become a Zhuokeji Zang Village - A filming location of series drama "Chen Ai Luo Ding" is paradise where animals and plants coexist. also the best preserved chiefdom village in the Tibetan area. Tulip Flower Sea - The largest "Queen of Flowers" cultivation base in Asia. During Hotel: Royale Celebrity Hotel or similar (Local 4 Stars hotel) the Tulip Festival every March, millions of tulips bloom in the mountains. Walking through it, it seems to walk into the Dutch town. Hotel: Century Sunshine Hotel Emeishan or similar (Local 4 Stars hotel) Day 3 BARKAM / JINCHUAN / DANBA B / L / D Day 7 MOUNT E’MEI / QIANWEI / CHENGDU B / L / D Jinchuan Pear Blossom - Jinchuan is known as the Little Jiangnan of Aba Prefec- ture, Sichuan. The county is 2165 m above sea level. It has the largest pear flower scene in the snowy plateau. It is a famous Snow Pear producing area. Jiayang steam train (2 ways) - Founded in the Jiayang coal mine in the 1930s, the Jiaju Tibetan Village - "A Residence", Tibetan is the meaning of 100 households. steam train still in operation, becoming a unique and beautiful scenery. In March, In 2005, “Damba Tibetan Village”, represented by Jiaju Zangzhai, was ranked as the Jiayang train crossed the time and space in the rapeseed sea, the rape the “China's Six Most Beautiful Rural Ancient Towns” by the National Geographic blossoms spread all over the place, and the steam train traveled in the terraced fields of the mountains, echoing the sound of the whistle in the mountains, as if magazine. people had returned to the steam engine era countryside. Hotel: Lanfeng Hotel or similar (Local 4 Stars hotel) Jiayang National Mine Park Museum - Jiayang National Mine Park is a mine park that displays the heritage of human mining, reflects the historical connotation of Day 4 DANBA / MOUNT SIGUNIANG B / L / D mining development, and provides people with a tour and scientific knowledge. Hotel: Grand Kingtown Hotel or similar (Local 5 Stars hotel) Suopo Stone Building (Overlooking) - Suopo Qiang Building is located on the roadside from Kangding to Danba. In Tibetan, “Suopo” means “Mongolian”. There Day 8 CHENGDU / KUALA LUMPUR B / L / D are 84 towers in Suopo, which has the most concentrated stone building in the world. Jinli Ancient Street - The name of Jinli is derived from Chengdu's nickname Siguniang Mountain - Mt. Siguniang is located at the junction of Xiaojin County "Jinguan City", an ancient commercial street located in Chengdu, Sichuan. Jinli and Wenchuan County in the Aba Prefecture. From the north to the south, the four Ancient Street is adjacent to Wuhou Temple, which is quite ancient. mountains are arranged in a range of 3.5 km, and are revered by the local Tibetans - The Alley is located near Changshun Street, Qingyang as the Holy Mountain. Wide and Narrow Alley District, Chengdu. It consists of wide alley, narrow alley and well arranged in Shuangqiaogou (included scenic coach) - The total length of 34.8 km, is the parallel, which are built with antique courtyards with green tiles. most beautiful ditch in Siguniang Mountain. There are two wooden bridges in the - The New Century Global Center is a major project established by ditch, which are made of willow wood and red Global Center the governments of Sichuan and Chengdu to build a modern world garden city. The Hotel: Yueshan Holiday Hotel or similar (Local 4 Stars hotel) main building is designed with the concept of “flowing melody” and is the world's largest single building. After dinner, transfer to the airport for a flight back to home Day 5 MOUNT SIGUNIANG / CHENGDU B / L / D sweet home. Maobiliangzi Observation Deck - Here’s the gateway to fromMt. Balang to Rilong; the best point to view the panaroma of Mt. Siguniang. From here, you can clearly : see the Siguniang Mountain lined up in a row. Compulsory Optional Balang Mountain Tunnel Scenery - Mt. Balang Mountain is located at the junction Wolong Zhonghua Panda Sanctuary、Shixiang Lake Tulips Sea、 of Xiaojin, Wenchuan and Baoxing 3 counties. Balang Mountain is 5040 m above "Shengxiang E'mei" Kungfu Performance:RM300 / pax sea level; in Tibetan language is called Barangla, which means Shengliu Mountain. Wolong China Giant Panda Sanctuary (including electro-mobile) -> * If a place of visit is closed to visitors, it will be replaced with an alternative. * The itinerary are subject to the final discretion of the local land operator. * During major events / trade shows / peak season, accommodation may not be in the city mentioned . Contact : Price : Departure Date :.
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