GRAPEVINE VIRUS DISEASES AND CLEAN GRAPE STOCK PROGRAM IN HUNGARY Lázár, J.1 Mikulás, J.1 Hajdú, E.1 Kölber, M.2 Sznyegi, S.2 1 Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Kecskemét, Hungary 2 Plant Health and Soil Conservation Station of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Budapest, Hungary In Hungarian viticulture the use of clones developed of cultivated vine varieties is well justified in order to establish variety true, healthy and productive plantations. Use of virus-free propagation material is an important factor to improve quality and quantity of grape production. In Hungary the exploration of the grape virus and virus-like diseases began in 1960’s in the Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology by Dr. János Lehoczky and his collegues (1). In this time fifteen virus and virus-like diseases of Vitis vinifera are known to occure in Hungary (Table 1). Some of the viruses, for example fanleaf and leafroll cause great crop losses and/or lower fruit quality. Other virus diseases for example Rugose wood complex can cause untimely death of stocks. A few viruses are latent. Their effects on grapevines are less known, however occurrence of these diseases are quite frequent, so they appear to have high economic importance. Table 1. Identified grapevine virus and virus-like diseases in Hungary _________________________________________________________________________________ Virus disease Identified viruses Year _________________________________________________________________________________ Fanleaf Grapevine fanleaf nepovirus (GFLV) 1964 Yellow mosaic Grapevine fanleaf nepovirus yellow mosaic strain (GFLV-YM) 1964 Veinbanding Grapevine fanleaf nepovirus vein banding strain (GFLV-VB) 1964 Arabis mosaic Arabis mosaic nepovirus (ArMV) 1968 Chrome mosaic Grapevine chrome mosaic nepovirus (GCMV) 1968 Enation (unidentified agents) 1965 Bulgarian latent Grapevine Bulgarian latent nepovirus (GBLV) 1981 Tomato black ring Tomato black ring nepovirus (ToBRV) 1986 Yellow mottle Alfalfa mosaic alfamovirus (AlMV) 1980 Leafroll Grapevine leafroll-associated closterovirus (GLRaV-1,2,3,4) Grapevine virus A (GVA) 1969*, 1995 Line pattern Grapevine line pattern virus (GLPV) 1987 Fleck Grapevine fleck virus 1981 Rugose wood complex (unidentified agents) 1967*, 1995 Vein necrosis (unidentified agents) 1986 Vein mosaic (unidentified agents) 1984 _________________________________________________________________________________ * date of first identification on woody indicators Fanleaf together with related strains (Yellow mosaic and Veinbanding) is the most widespread virus disease, occure in all grapevine groving regions of Hungary. The occurrence the other nepovirus-diseases: Arabis mosaic, Chrome mosaic, Bulgarian latent, Tomato black ring are slightly less. Symptoms of Enation, Yellow mottle, Line pattern were observed only one-two causes in the grapevine groving regions. Rugose wood complex (RW), Leafroll and Vein mosaic to be widely distributed in almost all main grape-producing areas of Hungary, affecting major table and wine cultivars. Fleck and Vein necrosis seems to be quite frequent in the indexed cultivars and rootstocks, with percentages fluctuating from 50 to 80%. Yellows disease was observed in several grapevine -groving regions of Hungary and identificated of phytoplasma belonging to subgroup 16 SrI-G (stolbur and related phytoplasmas). Regular virological screening of grape varieties started in 1972 (2). The present system of screening (visual selection, indexing, ELISA) has been established using methods with continuous improvement according to recommendations of international organizations (3,4). In the first year symptomless vines are selected and marked during surveys are carried out two times during the vegetation period (at about the flowering time and in the second half on September). At the first selection time we get ELISA tests. Since 1985 ELISA has been routinely applied for the detection of 7 viruses/strains: GFLV, GFLV-YM, GFLV- VB, ArMV, GCMV, ToBRV, AlMV. Since spring 1993 rapsberry ringspot and strawberry latent ringspot viruses have also been serologically screened. Canes of symptomless and ELISA negativ plants are collected for further investigations in November and they are stored in plastic bags at 2-3 oC in a cooling room. In the spring of the second year overwintered canes are checked by woody indexing on 8 indicator species in the field: FS 4, Vitis rupestris St. George, V. vinifera cv. Pinot noir, V. vinifera cv. Chardonnay, V. berlandieri x V. riparia Kober 5BB, Couderc x V.berlandieri LN 33, V. riparia Gloire, V. rupestris x V. berlandieri 110 R. In the present system FS 4 and Chardonnay are regularly used, but they will be omitted or only occasionally used in the future. Symptoms are registered in June and in September. In the spring of the second year overwintered canes are checked also, occasionally by mechanical transmission onto herbaceous indicator plants: Chenopodium quinoa, C. amaranticolor, Cucumis sativus „Delicates”. Gomphrena globosa, Nicotiana clevelandi, N. tabacum, Samsun”, N. glutinosa, Phaseolus vulgaris „Beautiful”. In the third and fourth year, twice a year the nursery is evaluated again, and the end those marked vines are considered as virus-free ones, which gave on all indicators in every cases negative results and they are kept. If there are varieties from which it is not possible to select healthy plants, cuttings are rooted and treated by heat, or adapted to in vitro culture for the production of virus-free progenies. After treatment, they are re-tested for viruses and trueness to type. In the fourth year’s autumn the virus-free material are planted out in the isolatorhouse (4 stocks/ all virus-free variety) and also in a special mother block (nuclear stock) (30 stocks/ all virus -free variety) for maintenance and the for propagation. Plants of nuclear stock (Prebasis) produce propagation material (basis) which will be planted out in propagation stocks. The progeny of basis plants originating from the propagation stocks is source material for nursery propagation. Propagation material derived from mother vines established in nurseries is delivered to the growers as certified material. During these steps of propagattion, visual observation and random tests by ELISA are done to monitor the virus status of the plants. The propagation is performed under strict official control by the nationwide plant health organization. Trueness to type is also monitored by the inspectors of the National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control. Mother blocks of virus-free scion varieties have been established on 2 ha and those of rootstock varieties on 0,5 ha including the following number of varieties: 94 European scion - and 15 rootstock varieties/variety candidates/clones. There are 77, 67 ha of virus-free Prebasic, Basic and Certified stocks from European scion varieties and 50, 72 ha from rootstock varieties. It can be said that the selection, clone propagation and maintenance of the virus-free stocks intended for propagation and nurseries meets EU standards. In Hungary the existing area is not sufficient to produce propagation material for the renewal of our plantations, so we want to increase the area of Prebasic, Basic and Certified stocks exclusively with tested virus-free (clean) material. References 1. Lázár, J., Luntz, O., Farkas, G., Mikulás, J., Kölber, M., Sznyegi, S. 1993: Production of virus-free grapevine propagating material in Hungary. Integrated production in the Horticulture (14.) Publications of Plant Health and Soil Conservation Station of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, (in Hungarian) Budapest, 1993. Nov. 30. 4-10 p. 2. Lehoczky, J., Luntz, O, Lázár, J., Kölber, M, Mikulás, J, Farkas G, 1992: Production of virus-free grape propagation material in Hungary. Abstracts of 44th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gent, Belgium, 5 May.1992. p. 333 - 339. 3. Anonymous. 1992: Proposed scheme for grapevine certification in the European Economic Community 100-111. 4. Neszmélyi, K. Bach, I. Sznyegi, S. 1996: The Certification Scheme of Propagating Materials in Hungary. Edited. Bach Sznyegi National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control, Plant Health and Soil Conservation Station Coordination Unit Budapest, 1996. EXPERIMENTAL TRANSMISSION OF GRAPEVINE LEAFROLL ASSOCIATED VIRUSES BY MEALYBUGS Deborah A. Golino, Sue Sim, and Adib Rowhani Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, One Shields Ave., Davis, California 95616, USA. Introduction Foundation Plant Materials Service, UC Davis, maintains the disease-tested, true-to-variety collection of grapevines which is the core of the California Grapevine Registration and Certification Program. Historically, this collection was managed under the assumption that leafroll disease in grapevines is not spread by vectors (3). In the fall of 1992, new ELISA testing techniques revealed the presence of grapevine leafroll associated virus (GLRaV) in vines in one of the older Foundation propagating vineyards. The discovery of these viruses in the foundation plantings caused serious concern about the future of the Grape Certification Program, a key component in the success of the California grape industry. Evidence is strong that leafroll had spread from infected vines in the collection to uninfected vines. This observation has serious implications for the grape clean stock program in California. Mealybugs have been reported as vectors of grapevine
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