4 Relativistic kinematics In astrophysics, we are often dealing with relativistic particles that are being accelerated by elec- tric or magnetic forces. This produces radiation, typically in the form of synchrotron or inverse- Compton radiation. Before examining this, we begin with a short review of Special Relativity and the concepts of spacetime and relativistic covariance. 4.1 Special Relativity and four-dimensional notation Most relativistic equations are greatly simplified by the use of four-dimensional notation. An event space-time can be represented by four coordinates ~x x0,x1,x2,x3 t, x, y, z t, r ,where “p q”p q“p q we have set c 1. “ The postulates of Special Relativity are that 1) The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames (i.e. moving with constant velocity) and 2) the speed of light c is the same in all inertial frames. Now, imagine two frames, O and O1, moving with respect to each other with a constant velocity. Let the the origins of the two frames coincide at t t 0. Suppose that at “ 1 “ exactly this time, a flash of light is emitted at the origin. According to the postulates of Special Relativity, observers in both frames see a sphere of light expanding from the origin at speed c. Therefore, 2 2 2 2 t r t1 r1 0. (4.1) ´ “ ´ “ Any transformation x~ ⇤~x , relating the two frames, that satisfies (4.1) is a Lorentz transformation. 1 “ We shall have more to say about these shortly. Imagine two points a and b (called events) in space-time. The quantity 2 2 1 2 ∆⌧ ta t ra r { (4.2) “ p ´ bq ´| ´ b| is called the proper time interval between“ the two events. It has‰ the same value in all inertial frames and is therefore called a Lorentz invariant or scalar.If∆⌧ 2 0 the points are said to be separated ° by a timelike interval, if ∆⌧ 2 0 the interval is said to be spacelike and if ∆⌧ 2 0itisnull. † “ If the interval is time-like, a frame exists for which the two events have the same position, xa xb, 2 2 “ ya y and za z . In this frame, ∆⌧ ta t . This shows that the proper time interval “ b “ b “p ´ bq between two events is the time interval measured by a clock that is present at both events. In any other frame, moving at speed v with respect to this proper frame, the proper time is 2 1 2 ∆⌧ ∆t 1 v { “ p ´ q 1 ∆t (4.3) “ γ where 1 γ (4.4) “ ?1 v2 ´ 22 is called the Lorentz factor. From this we see that the proper time interval ∆⌧ is never greater than the coordinate time interval ∆t. The observer in this frame sees the “proper” clock moving at speed v and concludes that moving clocks run slower. Taking the limit as ∆t 0, we see that Ñ dt γ. (4.5) d⌧ “ For two points separated by an infinitesimal distance and time, the proper time interval is d⌧ 2 dt2 dr 2. (4.6) “ ´| | This can be written as an inner (dot) product of two four vectors, d⌧ 2 d~x d~x ⌘ dxjdxk, (4.7) “ ¨ ” jk jk ÿ where 10 0 0 0 10 0 ⌘jk ¨ ´ ˛ (4.8) “ 00 10 ´ ˚ 00 0 1 ‹ ˚ ´ ‹ is the Minkowski metric. ˝ ‚ It is common to omit the summation symbol seen in (4.7), with the understanding that any index that appears twice in a term, once as a subscript and once as a superscript, will be summed over. This is the Einstein summation convention. Under a Lorentz transformation ⇤, the components of a contravariant four-vector ~v transform according to j j k v1 ⇤ v , (4.9) “ k where ⇤j is a 4 4 matrix. k ˆ There is another type of vector called a covariant vector that has a di↵erent transformation law 1 k w1 w ⇤´ . (4.10) j “ kp q j An example is ~ t, . B“pB rq From (4.9) and (4.10) we see that the inner product (dot product) of a covariant and a contravariant vector is a scalar, k k w~ v~ w1 v1 w v w~ ~v . (4.11) 1 ¨ 1 “ k “ k “ ¨ Writing this out we have 0 1 2 3 w~ ~v w0v w1v w2v w3v . (4.12) ¨ “ ` ` ` Note that the signs are all positive. The metric tensor allows us to convert covariant vectors to contravariant, and vice verca. For example, j ⌘jk (4.13) B “ Bk 23 jk transforms like a contravariant vector. ⌘ is the inverse matrix of ⌘jk, and in fact has exactly the i same components. One can verify directly that the matrix product is the Kronecker delta δj which is defined to equal 1 if i j and 0 otherwise. “ ⌘ij⌘ δj . (4.14) jk “ k We will often represent a four-vector using 3+1 notation. Instead of writing ~a a0,a1,a2,a3 we “p q just write ~a a0, a . The rule for multiplying two contravariant four-vectors (4.7) becomes “p q ~a ~b a0b0 a b. (4.15) ¨ “ ´ ¨ Note the minus sign! Similarly, the product of two covariant vectors also has a minus sign, 2 ~ ~ 2 2. (4.16) B “ B¨B“Bt ´ r Since a Lorentz transformation must keep d⌧ 2 invariant, it follows from (4.7) that d⌧ 2 d~x d~x ⌘ ⇤j ⇤k dxldxm, (4.17) “ 1 ¨ 1 “ jk l m Comparing this with (4.7), which, with a change of labels, can be written as d⌧ 2 ⌘ dxldxm, (4.18) “ lm we see that ⌘ ⇤j ⇤k ⌘ dxldxm 0. (4.19) jk l m ´ lm “ ´ ¯ This must be true for any choice of d~x, which can only happen if ⌘ ⇤j ⇤k ⌘ . (4.20) jk l m “ lm This is a matrix equation, which can also be written as ⇤T ⌘⇤ ⌘. Taking the determinant of both “ sides and recalling that det ABC . det A det B det C ..., gives the condition p q“ p q p q p q det ⇤ 2 1. (4.21) p q “ This shows that a Lorentz transformation must have determinant of 1. Normally one considers ˘ only proper Lorentz transformations, for which det ⇤ 1 (a determinant of 1 corresponds to a “ ´ mirror reflection, or change of parity). We can also restrict ourselves to isochronous transformations, which have ⇤0 0 and therefore do not reverse the direction of time. 0 ° There is an additional condition that follows from (4.20) and that is that any Lorentz transformation can be written in the form ⇤ exp ⌘L ,whereL is a real antisymmetric matrix. In four dimensions, “ p q a general antisymmetric matrix contains 6 independent parameters. These correspond to the 6 degrees of freedom of a general Lorentz transformation (rotations in 3 dimensions, and boosts along three coordinates axes). As an example, a boost with velocity v in the x direction is represented by γ γv 00 ´ γvγ 00 ⇤ ¨ ´ ˛ (4.22) “ 0010 ˚ 0001‹ ˚ ‹ ˝ ‚ 24 It is worth noting that the four-dimensional volume elements d4x dtdxdydz, is invariant un- “ der Lorentz transformations. Volume elements transform in proportion to the Jacobian of the transformation, which is just the determinant of the transformation matrix. Since det ⇤ 1, “ four-dimensional volume elements are Lorentz invariant. It also follows that the four-dimensional Dirac delta function δ4 ~x δ t δ x δ y δ z is also p q“ p q p q p q p q invariant. By definition, δ4~x d4x 1 (4.23) “ ª in all Lorentz frames. Since the RHS is a scalar, so is the LHS. 4.2 Four-vectors The simplest four-vector is the vector ~s that connects two events in spacetime, a and b say. It has components ~s t ta, r ra . The “length” of this vector is the proper time interval between “pb ´ b ´ q the two events s ∆⌧ ∆t2 ∆r 2 1 2. “ “p ´| | q { Now consider a particle (or an observer) moving through space-time. The path of the particle (called the world line) can be represented as a time-like curve in spacetime. Points on the world line can be labeled by the proper time ⌧ (the time indicated by a clock moving with the particle). The world line is completely defined by specifying the the four coordinates xj as a function of ⌧, xj ⌧ . Take any two points on the world line separated by an infinitesimal proper time d⌧.Since p q d⌧ is a scalar, the quantity d~x ~u (4.24) “ d⌧ transforms like a contravariant vector under Lorentz transformations. It is called the four velocity of the particle. Geometrically, it is a four-dimensional vector that is tangent to the world line. It is easy to get a formula for the four-velocity of a particle in any inertial frame. Using the chain rule and (4.5), d~x dt d ~u t, x γ 1, v (4.25) “ d⌧ “ d⌧ dtp q“ p q Note that the four-velocity has unit “length”, ~u ~u γ2 1, v 1, v γ2 1 v v 1. (4.26) ¨ “ p q¨p q“ p ´ ¨ q“ and that in the rest frame of the particle, it is just 1, 0 . p q We have been talking about the motion a particle, but we could equally-well have been talking about the motion of an observer. Many relativistic calculations are simplified by use of the four-velocity of an observer. The rest mass m of a particle is clearly a Lorentz scalar. Why? Because we have specified the frame! All observers agree that when the particle is at rest it has mass m.
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