Attachments Are Only a Glimpse of the Work of DC Water

Attachments Are Only a Glimpse of the Work of DC Water

Column Labels Row Labels Administration Board of Directors Clean Rivers iPhone 7 Plus 2026766859 iPhone 5 2022138060 2023049252 2023203610 2024121780 2024126619 2024456874 2025498352 2028120037 2028120207 2028120297 2028125753 iPhone 5 A1428 2022137938 2022309212 2028129551 iPhone 5 Model A1428 2022157268 iphone 5c 2027027627 2027102836 iPhone 5C A1532 2023043189 2024034946 2024450193 2027354631 2028189678 iPhone 5s 2023941526 2024125769 2025382139 2027166476 2027463213 2028125105 iPhone 5S A1533 2022150643 2022151868 2022303065 2022308587 2022576175 2022587549 2022978432 2023040036 2023045166 2023225417 2023409050 2023411392 2023411583 2023411796 2023449545 2023688403 2024034006 2024123041 2024127525 2024127962 2024128215 2024129345 2024129409 2024304129 2024365591 2025490652 2025494167 2025499106 2026742241 2027059043 2027181481 2027699863 2028120390 2028125123 2028128473 2023943725 iPhone 6 2023045166 2023226416 2025682537 2027051892 2028122419 2028127032 2028348481 iPhone 6 Plus 2023741916 2023746612 iPhone 6s 2024037142 2024121337 2025382773 2026559052 2026640407 2027055810 2027169290 2028125256 2029574726 2026644032​ iPhone 6s 2022309543 iPhone 6s A1633 2022884631 2024122081 2024174184 2026749581 2026796536 2027184391 2027337580 2028031537 2028120013 2028125211 2028125281 2028125288 2028129174 iPhone 6s Plus 2024458093 2026152716 iPhone 6s Plus A1634 2027391492 iPhone 7 2022138389 2022277334 2022854735 2022971698 2023167850 2023417952 2024126033 2024174637 2025313322 2025682662 2026151678 2028059243 2028125178 iPhone 7 Plus 2026557160 2028120263 2028122097 2028125006 iPhone 7 Plus A1784 2023207326 iPhone 8 Plus 2023944677 2027145289 2028565178 iPhone SE 2023227824 2023228036 2023228107 2023418937 2023759649 2024129503 2027050328 2027051661 2027105072 2027166468 2027660747 2028033173 2028121146 2028122476 2028125104 2028125189 2028128079 2028129139 2028129156 2028206913 iPhone SE A1662 2022138990 2022556589 2022579047 2022579429 2022588164 2022588878 2022881281 2022884240 2022977524 2023225576 2023779464 2023942194 2023943335 2023945489 2023947457 2024037533 2024122465 2024126091 2024126112 2024128519 2024171153 2024175743 2024371150 2024454781 2025381542 2026559130 2026798959 2027027317 2027042192 2027045192 2027052537 2027168821 2027172462 2027185349 2028120540 2028125115 2028125124 2028125132 2028125186 2028125267 2028125272 2028129769 iPhone XR 2022134689 2022136748 2022139286 2022139757 2022139919 2022306149 2022306538 2022307717 2022308023 2022308307 2022308926 2022309194 2022476572 2022476636 2022515319 2022516638 2022516723 2022517218 2022519129 2022552086 2022553863 2022559356 2022561132 2022564344 2022572969 2022574792 2022575803 2022581941 2022583922 2022584920 2022622912 2022627450 2022791579 2022860425 2022973152 2022979874 2023048719 2023158074 2023165403 2023201814 2023223596 2023224915 2023226727 2023227599 2023301339 2023405585 2023407321 2023408026 2023409411 2023411312 2023412538 2023416065 2023449048 2023558297 2023558531 2023680034 2023680891 2023684063 2023727134 2023727425 2023727596 2023742189 2023742577 2023743977 2023745160 2023745293 2023747806 2023759481 2023943578 2023943761 2023949986 2024034232 2024034583 2024034933 2024037263 2024120918 2024123109 2024125126 2024126954 2024129452 2024129886 2024171723 2024272894 2024304350 2024366126 2024366707 2024458628 2025317324 2025317866 2025319463 2025381385 2025382311 2025384036 2025500451 2025503198 2025508253 2025529120 2025682680 2026154826 2026155075 2026156837 2026157096 2026158897 2026643685 2026644088 2026790358 2026791539 2026795093 2026795512 2026798274 2026799269 2026897714 2027014926 2027022804 2027040432 2027042144 2027049109 2027049111 2027049981 2027053157 2027057639 2027059671 2027059828 2027062361 2027107835 2027147843 2027148312 2027160327 2027165021 2027165022 2027165025 2027168038 2027168359 2027174386 2027184371 2027184372 2027184373 2027356349 2027466702 2027468764 2027656187 2027656189 2027930850 2028026179 2028059370 2028120015 2028120035 2028120565 2028120663 2028121652 2028122089 2028122396 2028122397 2028122543 2028122786 2028124015 2028124407 2028125011 2028125024 2028125040 2028125052 2028125079 2028125102 2028125106 2028125128 2028125133 2028125139 2028125146 2028125150 2028125176 2028125177 2028125221 2028125273 2028125277 2028128001 2028128164 2028128207 2028128373 2028128573 2028129026 2028129099 2028129239 2028129249 2028129376 2028129395 2028129475 2028129655 2028129976 2022972829 2027046087 2022514381 2022039042 2022977616 2022275388 2022850403 2022279640 2022300753 2022514195 2023221677 2027149194 2022278858 2028128239 iPhone Xs Max 2022584547 2026798270 LG A380 2028122385 Pantech Breeze III 2025312897 Pantech P2030 2027016379 Samsung Galaxy S10 2023407440 Samsung SM-J337A 2027187682 Sonim Technologies XP1520 2023725620 2027468673 2027468674 (blank) 2022152630 2022154799 2022156087 2022158471 2022270780 2022279381 2022302627 2022304695 2022306235 2022308819 2022309742 2022518948 2022519075 2022519977 2022552728 2022564199 2022583861 2022629258 2022855014 2022860092 2022860758 2022863251 2022869780 2022884307 2022943386 2022973670 2022974125 2022975119 2022975875 2022979224 2023044091 2023044629 2023045977 2023048266 2023048552 2023049169 2023049753 2023160187 2023162152 2023163680 2023163973 2023169915 2023200735 2023222938 2023404972 2023419784 2023680034 2023680335 2023689358 2023948709 2024125779 2024129741 2024129976 2024319165 2024455620 2024458127 2024559122 2024650773 2024650791 2024801540 2024862320 2025100614 2025101717 2025103743 2025104724 2025106052 2025106303 2025106319 2025106405 2025106619 2025106650 2025107025 2025107058 2025314092 2025492869 2025496608 2025499094 2025508016 2025682357 2025772519 2026151973 2026647408 2026649693 2026649860 2026743276 2026746663 2026747021 2026748749 2026748796 2026748971 2026749105 2026749340 2026766330 2026767142 2026767244 2026767779 2026794172 2026794205 2026794269 2026796283 2026796306 2026798272 2026799657 2026799661 2027019023 2027019057 2027047648 2027055614 2027061834 2027063585 2027063954 2027092514 2027100634 2027101449 2027102141 2027107337 2027108096 2027109104 2027141282 2027141675 2027143636 2027145602 2027146369 2027147694 2027161580 2027656631 2028033261 2028058634 2028086750 2028120013 2028267864 2029578398 (blank) 2022301347 2022569209 2024456812 2023043857 2024366299 2023740350 2022850880 2024454630 2024454639 2022885453 iPhone 5 A1429 2023407408 iPhoneXR 2028129029 iPhone 7 2023405633 iPhone XR 2023947588 iphone XR 2028028013 Grand Total Customer Service DDCS DETS Facilities Finance Fleet General Councel General Manager HCM IT Maintenance Marketing and Communications Permits Process Engineering Procurement Safety Security Sewer Services Waste Water Treament Water Quality Water Services Emergency Management Grand Total Phone Number User Name 2023407440 MAUREEN HOLMAN OGM 2024174637 NIJA ALI_AGM 2028128373 LINDA MANLEY_BOD 2024458093 ALFONZO STUKES_BOD 2026796283 LINDA MANLEY_BOD 2027051892 CARLTON RAY_LTCP 2024125779 CARLTON RAY_LTCP 2024319165 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2026794172 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2026794205 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027147622 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027055614 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027061834 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027063585 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027063954 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027100634 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027101449 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027107337 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027109104 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027141282 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027141675 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027143636 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027145602 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027147694 Monica OuTland MAXIMO ANYWHERE 2027042144 CLYDE WILKINS 2028120390 VERNELL SHIPMAN 2023225417 RICK PAISLEY 2024034933 ODELL GILLIAM 2027184391 CAROLYN MACKOOL 2022979874 JAVON HODNETT 2027185349 SHEENA ROBINSON CSR 2028129769 OLUBUNMI AKINYOSOYE CSR 2022854735 NAKEYSHA MINOR_DCS 2027172462 ERICA WHITE_CS 2023943578 HARVEY ROACH_DCS 2026157096 WARREN CAMPBELL_DCS 2025498352 Bruce GaThers_DCS 2025490652 MST CMD CTR LINE_CSR 2028125052 Franklin BaYlor 2027108096 Armon Curd_iPad 2022971869 Armon Curd 2023683085 Armon Curd 2022584547 Armon Curd 2023945489 KimberlY ArringTon 2026649693 LPG-SMALLMT1W10 2026649860 LPG-SMALLMT2W10 2026647408 LPG-SMALLMT3W10 2026748796 LPG-SMALLMT4W10 2026743276 LPG-SMALLMT5W10 2026767142 LPG-SMALLMT6W10 2026767244 LPG-SMALLMT7W10 2026767779 LPG-SMALLMT8W10 2023044629 LPG-SMALLMT9W10 2022979224 LPG-SMALMT10W10 2026747021 LPG-SMALMT11W10 2023948709 LPG-SMALMT12W10 2026748971 LPG-SMALMT13W10 2022131425 KenneTh M. Wagner 2027059043 Charles baker 2022301347 Vernell Shipman 2022569209 Vernell Shipman 2022972829 Marcus McKenzie 2026767244 Vernell Shipman 2028084953 Allan Ferguson 2028085023 Kenard McCoY 2028084965 Mark TaYlor 2028084961 Vernell Shipman 2022152533 Vernell Shipman 2022153937 Vernell Shipman 2022156042 Vernell Shipman 2022270516 Vernell Shipman 2028084954 Vernell Shipman 2023164618 Warren Campbell 2026646808 Devin M. CrYor 2027019023 Odell GILLIAM 2024454781 FRANK BAYLOR-DELL RUGGED 2023688403 Warren Campbell 2022153250 Damein PendergasT 2027168807 TerrY A. Franklin 2026796536 HarveY F. Roach 2027027627 MAIN PUMP ST 2026766496 Lee Mackall 2028122476 AnThonY Ransom 2022559356 QuinTon Jones 2022869563 Samuel LYnch 2022855899 Warren Small 2022858036 Tawan A. SmiTh 2027062361 SISAY GOBEZE 2028125105 CARLOS ALMEIDA 2028059243 ABHIRAM SATYADEV 2024129503 ANTONIO JOHNSON 2023203610 TSEGAYE ASSEFA 2026154826 EVERALD

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