NEWSPAPER Bill The International Music -Record -Tape Newsweekly August 24, 1974 $1.25 A Billboard Publication Nixon Furore Slows Davis Calls Texaco Sued In Copyright Movement Promo Slot Tape Piracy Test By MILDRED HALL A Hot Seat By STEPHEN Panasonic Sets By IS HOROWITZ TRAIMAN WASHINGTON -The aftermath NEW YORK -In what may develop as a precedent- setting piracy test case, NEW YORK -Promotion is of the Nixon resignation has set in now Custom Publishing Co. and Camad Music Co. have filed suit against Texaco, Expansion Move second only to aecr as the "hot seal" motion a new series of delays in alleging copyright infringement on songs appearing on tapes alleged to be of the rc nrd industry. Clive Davis Congress for all pending copyright Hy RADCLIFFE JOE bootleg reproductions and sold at an Illinois Texaco station. The oil firm has told an audience of mire than at bills -including the general revision NEW YORK -Panasonic Au- 600 denied the allegations. the opening session of Billboard's bill 5.1361, the House antipiracy bill tomotive Products Dept. will utilize A ruling for the plaintiffs could seventh Annual International Radio H.R. 13364. and the hoped -for ex- network television, as well as trade UA Restructures establish the important precedent in Programming Forum here Wednes- tension legislation to save expiring and consumer print media- in a mas- piracy litigation of a parent com- copyrights. sive promotion campaign that Cal day (14). Into 5 Divisions pany being held liable for actions of Released from the harrowing job Shore, vice president and general The acting Bell Records chief, in By NAT ERI'EDI.AND its agents -in this' case, an ail com- of impeaching a president, both manager of Panasonic's special his first major address to an industry LOS ANGELES- United Artists pany held accountable for activities a the Senate and House began lengthy products division, tails a major in- audience since leaving presi- bas reorganized its non -film oper- of its franchised stations. week. Labor -Day recess this The ternal and external expansion. dency of CBS Records more than a ations to a five- division Music and "Policing the hundreds of individ- probable result will be no further ago. also vigorously Sheri s disclosure comes almost year attacked Records Group with Michael Stew- ual gas stations throughout the chance of copyright action until on the eve of the first of three re- attempts to censor song content, al- art as chairman of the board. Re- country that sell promotional mid -September or later, according gional sales meetings scheduled for though he recognized the right of ra- placing Stewart as president of UA records and tapes, many thought to to Hill spokesmen. dio programmers to be selective in Sept. 1 -3 here. Records of America is Alvin N. (Al) be bootleg product, is impossible." Once again last week- the revision It is also made in the wake of material aired. Teller. 29- year -old CBS merchan- maintains Barry Fredericks of Cur - bill was deprived of a possible Sen- usually reliable industry reports that ( Excerpts from Davis' speech ap- dising vice president. (See Executive tom's law firm. Harns & Fredericks. ate vote. Sen. Sam Ervin 113: N.C'.I the division, which includes car pear on Page )a.) Turntable.) "lis the responsibility of the par- secured a hold on the action until his stereo and video products, is under The speech touched off a standing Top spots in the four other new ent oil company, in this case Texaco, return from the American Bar Assn. review by corporate brass as part of ovation from the audience, which UA semi -autonomous divisions will to monitor the products its agents of- convention in Hawaii. an overall consolidation /elimina- included a number of former Davis be announced shortly. Divisions are: fer for sale." Sen. Ervin hopes to kill record tion plan following a fiscal year colleagues at CBS. In his talk. Davis Music Publishing -with thepow- Mary Stuart. Curtom vice presi- performance royalty not only for which registered losses instead of rebutted charges of payola as a prev- erful catalogs Robbins Music. Big dent, cites 'the ineffectiveness of broadcasters and jukebox operators. profits. alent industry evil. Three Music and United Artists Mu- NARM and the laxity of existing laws in fighting boot- but to eliminate the performance In addition to media advertising. "I can't say categorically that pay- sic. U.S. copyright Panasonic . leg records and tapes" as reasons for right completely in his Boor amend- Auto Products will go ola doesn't exist at all;" he said. "But Mass Merchandising -which in- into every major trade show includ- the court action. ment to the revision bill. (Billboard, I have to say I never saw it" He cludes Musical Isle of America. one July 27.) ing both the winter and summer maintained that 'hard work on good of the U.S. leading rackjobbers. "We are prepared," he says, 'to (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 24) (Continued on page 33) (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 6) Home Taping a $ Threat Seen in Gilbert Survey By ELIOT TIEGEL LOS ANGELES -Home copying U. K. Album Sales of records and tapes by persons 14- 24 25 accounts fora considerable dollar Hit Million Units loss to the industry, a survey by Gil- LONDON -Album sales in the bert Youth Research reveals. first quarter of 1974 amounted to 24 In a national probability sample million topics, an increase of 7 mil- of 2.500 personal interviews. the lion over the same period last year New York -based youth research despite the three -day work week and firm reports that 32.6 percent of the difficulties imposed on the record participants buy fewer records as a industry. result of their taping activities. Similarly, manufacturers revenue In the area of prerecorded tapes. from LPs increased from $21.5 mil- 39.8 percent indicate they buy less 8- lion to 531.3 million, reveal figures track cartridges and cassettes as a re- from the Department of Trade cov- sult of taping the music themselves. ering the period January- March. Albums borrowed from friends Sales of singles, however, showed its lirst 'The CAL SMITH ... he keeps rolling along and from the hit LP "Country are the prime source from which This month, DARK HORSE RECORDS will release album: Bumpkin" (MCA -424) comes the difficult love choice, "Between Lust only a marginal increase oft million Place I Love" by Splinter, a twmman group from England. It will be fob music is taped: 78.2 percent of the And Watching TV" (MCA40265). Cal h sure to have another smash single copies over 1973's figure of 12.5 mil- lowed in September by an album from Ravi Shankar & Friends. Dark Home participants indicate this to be the and all his country fans will be mighty proud. See the ad on page 39 for lion copies. Revenue was only has the exclusive pradueership of George Harrison and will be dttributed case' more details. taevenieemenn (Continued on page 58) (Continued on page 47) worldwide by A &M Retards. (advertisement) Amerusemenn THE INCLUDES RIGHTEOUS THEIR HIT, BROTHERS ROCK AND NEW ALBUM, POLL HEAVEN ! GIVE IT TO tE,Produced Dennis Lambert THE PEOPLE and Brian Potter (ST 9201) Distributed by Capitol Records www.americanradiohistory.com r_- -4 "Running on a dark race course with A &M Records" www.americanradiohistory.com 3 Pe' RAND DENIES SWITCH Lawmen EMI Experimenting Industry, With Discrete Disk In N.Y. Seek Ways SON B,ÿwE(yelpSDÌJ To Combat Piracy LONDON -The EMI technical FTC Launches and research departments have sub- By ROBERT SOBEL mitted tapes to Sonopress in Guters- National Probe NEW YORK -Key industry and law enforcement spokesmen offered testi- loh, Germany, for test cutting onto Into mony and presented several hard- hitting proposals to the State Attorney Gen- disk using the discrete CD-4 system Audio Field eral here last week in a unanimous endorsement of stiffer penalties and a developed by JYC. NEW YORK -Alleged pressures sharper education program against tape pirates. by audio equipment manufacturers However, Wally Rand, director of The hearing which was conducted with fair traded product on dealers technical services, and a member of by Lee Miller. executive assistant to the to conform with stipulations of the EMI quadrasonic committee. the State Attorney General, was held says this not taken non -signer clause, has prompted the TaxeNamed that should be as at the behest of Louis Lelkowitz on an indication of EMI's intention to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Aug. 15, who keynoted the meeting the SQ system. to launch a nationwide investigation drop matrix Century City photo In 2 Suits by saying that the metropolitan area "We are in the quadrasonic busi- to determine whether the audio in- Don Wardell: infusing new promo- By JOHN SIPPEL was being flooded with pirated tapes ness and are generally interested in dustry indulges in unfair business tional muscle at London. LOS ANGELES- Convicted tape amounting to 520 million in sales, what other people are doing," he practices. pirates Richard and Ron Taxe and and pointed to recording and pub- notes. "We are committed to SQ The probe will also investigate their parents, David and Rose Taxe, lishing companies, artists and musi- inasmuch as we are issuing records charges of attempted price fixing by and Dams Enterprises, Indus- cians' unions as "victims" of pirates. on SQ but have the option to pull audio manufacturera in states where Soul Gets Gault tries, Soundco Corp. and Sound John Francis, RIAA investigator, out of it." no fair trade laws exist, and the pos- were and Joel Shoenfeld, a summer in- The quad committee, which com- sibility of monopolies by Japanese Sales struck with a one -two le- London's gal punch Thursday when terne at the state office, said that a prises Rand.
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