FREE CONQUEST OF THE USELESS: REFLECTIONS FROM THE MAKING OF FITZCARRALDO PDF Werner Herzog | 320 pages | 01 Jul 2010 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780061575549 | English | New York, United States Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo by Werner Herzog It reveals him to be witty, compassionate, microscopically observant and -- your call -- either maniacally determined or admirably persevering. Around this vision Herzog fashioned a script about an aspiring rubber baron who yearns to bring opera to the Amazon, a dream requiring him to haul a steamship over a mountain from one river to another to gain access to the rubber. They form black lines on the cornices of buildings. The entire square is filled with their excited fluttering and twittering. Arriving from all different directions, the swarms of birds meet in the air above the Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo, circling like tornados in dizzying spirals. Then, as if a whirlwind were sweeping through, they suddenly descend onto the square, darkening the sky. The young ladies put up umbrellas to shield themselves from droppings. It lies there all spongy, belly-up, and is so disgusting that none of us has had the nerve to get rid of it. The effect is spellbinding. Mauch said he could not take any more, he was going to faint, and I told him to go ahead. Herzog replaced Robards with Kinski, his lead from three previous films, who presented a new set of problems. Laurent bush outfit. He comes across as impatient and wants to do everything himself, right now. As the months in the jungle pass, delirium sets in. The engineer hired to help guide the ship over the ridge quits. In the midst of hundreds of Indian extras, dozens of woodsmen, boatmen, Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo personnel, the technical team, and the actors, solitude flailed at me like a huge enraged animal. For decades Herzog has declared his resistance to introspection; he claims not to know the color of his eyes, since he detests looking into mirrors, and is outspoken about his contempt for psychoanalysis. So his vulnerability here is noteworthy. Even the motors of our boats have something tormented about them. Get Carolina A. Miranda's weekly newsletter for what's happening, plus openings, critics' picks and more. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. Company Town. Who is Kristen Welker? Meet the NBC News correspondent who will moderate the final presidential debate. Remember all that choking California wildfire smoke? She turned it into art. Kim Abeles has been making her Smog Collectors art for more than 30 years. Her latest series uses air pollution from the Bobcat wildfire as her material. Hot Property. About Us. Brand Publishing. Times Events. Times News Platforms. Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo Store. Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Share Close extra sharing options. Enter Email Address. More From the Los Angeles Times. Company Town Who is Kristen Welker? NPR Choice page It is ever tempting to try to fathom his restless spirit and his determination to challenge fate. Werner Herzog Grizzly Man is one of the most revered and enigmatic filmmakers of our time, and Fitzcarraldo is one of his most honored and admired films. Conquest of the Useless is pure prose poetry and probably the best book about the jungle I've ever Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo. Before reading it I was already familiar with the film and the documentary Burden of Dreams The acclaimed director's diary of his time making Fitzcarraldo From the beginning, the film faced more challenges and uncertainties than most of Herzog's other movies, and he composed a lengthy Werner Herzog grew up in a remote mountain village in Bavaria. He never saw any films, television, or telephones as a child. During high school he worked the nightshift as a welder in a steel factory to produce his first film, inat the age of nineteen. He lives in Los Angeles, California. Conquest of the Useless : Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo. Werner Herzog. Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo. 'Conquest of the Useless' by Werner Herzog - Los Angeles Times But in the film the geography has to be visible: two rivers that almost touch, Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo only a mountain ridge between them, over which the ship has to be hauled. Without that understanding the point of the story is lost says Herzog. In the face of the obscene, explicit malice of the jungle, Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo lacks only dinosaurs as punctuation, I feel like a half-finished, poorly expressed sentence in a cheap novel. Once more, despite all my attempts at fending it off, a shuddering sense creeps into me of being trapped in the stanza of a strange poem, and it shakes me so violently that I glance around superstitiously to see whether anyone is watching me. Does the monkey dream my dreams in the branches above me? I ordered a beer, and my voice sounded altered, like the voice of a parrot imitating operatic arias. The sun sank in an angry blaze. For a moment, and for the only time I think I can remember, the earth struck me as motherly, covered with a decaying forest that seemed positively humble. A large brown moth was boring into the smooth concrete floor as if it wanted to go down into the earth, and beating its wings so violently that the wooden sound it created blended with the electrical hissing and crackling of a dying fluorescent bulb overhead like a symphony from the depths of a ghastly universe, a universe readying itself for the final harvest. The jungle, existing exclusively in the present, is certainly subject to time, but remains forever ageless. Any concept of justice would be antithetical to all this. But is there justice in the desert, either? Or in the oceans? And in the depths? Life in the sea must be pure hell, an infinite hell of constant and ever-present danger, so unbearable that in the course of evolution some species—including Homo sapiens—crawled, fled, onto some clods of firm land, the future continents. I looked around, and there was the jungle, manifesting the same seething hatred, wrathful and steaming, while the river flowed by in majestic indifference and scornful condescension, ignoring everything: the plight of man, the burden of dreams, and the torments of time. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Conquest of the Useless by Werner Herzog. Krishna Winston Translator. Werner Herzog Grizzly Man is one of the most revered and enigmatic filmmakers of our time, and Fitzcarraldo is one of his most honored and admired films. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published June 30th by Ecco first published More Details Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo Title. Werner HerzogKlaus Kinski. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Conquest of the Uselessplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Conquest of the Useless. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jun 29, Lee Klein rated it really liked it Shelves: favorites. At one point, a diary entry begins with a hilarious understatement, something like "Profoundly unreconciled to nature. Like all Herzog documentaries, you also have to sort of treat it like fiction. Mick Jagger, who was in the film early on, is portrayed as pleasantly impish. The reviewer wanted characters who appeared once to be introduced and appear again, as in a novel or non-fiction, not a journal -- he wanted a non-Herzogian non-fiction, essentially. Also, it's real funny. Dozens of LOLs, often at audacious, over-the-top descriptions, or sudden crazy jumps from sentence to sentence. We do not Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo virtuosos of syntax. This book is almost more about language than any particular film - Herzog's sentences seem to me sharper and funnier and more peculiarly individuated than those of most contemporary prose writers. Plus, this book seems to prove that what's inside the artist comes outside the artist. Hope he has a journal like this for Stroszek, too - Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo highly recommended movie if you're a Joy Division fan you probably know this as the movie Ian Curtis watched before he hanged himself. View all 7 comments. Sep 15, Jeff Jackson rated it it was amazing Recommended to Jeff by: Blake Butler; the perfidious obscenity of the jungle. Shelves: celluloid-dreams. His documentaries are still strong, but Herzog the person has started to lapse into self-parody thanks to Youtube readings of "Green Eggs and Ham," etc. It's easy to imagine his journal chronicling the torturous making of "Fitzcarraldo" would be chock full of madly hilarious Germanic ravings and pronouncements on the maniacal cruelty of nature and hairbrained insanity of the universe - but in fact this is a nuanced, affecting, microscopically observant, and sometimes visionary account of the inn Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo documentaries are still strong, but Herzog the person has started to lapse into self-parody thanks to Youtube readings of "Green Eggs and Ham," Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo.
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