December 1998 LETTERS Reaching the Cities Atlantic and Columbia unions and want to feel the influence of what hap- Regarding Monte Sahlin’s “Mission to their conferences in the Greater New pens in New York City. an Island Named York area. It got off to a highly publi- Manhattan” (Oct. cized start, then faded. —Albert Dittes NAD Edition). I I want to see the New York-New PORTLAND, TENNESSEE am glad to see our Jersey Metro Ministry Long-range church taking on Planning Commission incorporate the challenge of medical missionary work into its pro- Two words thrilled me about this arti- evangelizing New gram, especially vegetarian restaurants. cle: “experiment” (“with church plant- York City, but I That doesn’t mean the ministers ing among major unreached people have seen this should operate restaurants. I see that as groups”) and “long-range” (planning to same thing done deacons’ work. The churches can sup- develop a strategy that reaches beyond before. When I was in school back in port this ministry. a onetime campaign). the 1960s, I remember an Adventist The past shows us that radio-and- In order to remain faithful to our metro organization comprising the television evangelism is not enough. I pioneers, do we need to remain faithful A Little News, a Big Invitation And, kids, we’ll award a Review cap to the 27 best draw- ings/colorings of a fundamental belief. Your parents can If you receive the weekly Adventist Review, you know that help explain the beliefs, but real quick—here’s the list: you receive four editions each month: the North American (1) the Holy Scriptures, (2) the Trinity, (3) the Father, Division Edition (which you’re holding), the World Edition, the (4) the Son, (5) the Holy Spirit, (6) Creation, (7) the nature Cutting Edge Edition, and the AnchorPoints Edition. of man, (8) the great controversy, (9) the life, death, and You also know that four times a year (in the months with resurrection of Christ, (10) the experience of salvation, five Thursdays) you receive a special edition of the maga- (11) the church, (12) the remnant and its mission, (13) zine. Here’s a sneak peak at the special editions we’re unity in the body of Christ, (14) baptism, (15) the Lord’s planning for 1999: Supper, (16) spiritual gifts and ministries, (17) the gift of April 29: A Fresh Look at Our 27 Fundamental Beliefs prophecy, (18) the law of God, (19) the Sabbath, (20) July 29: A Celebration of the Review’s 150th stewardship, (21) Christian behavior, (22) marriage and Anniversary the family, (23) Christ’s ministry in the heavenly sanctuary, Sept. 30: Money and Stewardship (24) the second coming of Christ, (25) death and res- Dec. 30: Meeting a New Millennium urrection, (26) the millennium and the end of sin, (27) the new earth. We Need Your Help Send submissions by February 1 to: Fresh 27, While we always welcome reader contributions Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, to our magazine, we especially welcome your con- Silver Spring, MD 20904; fax 301-680-6637; e- tributions to our special edition on the 27 fundamen- mail: [email protected]. Please tal beliefs. include address and phone number. Here’s what we’re thinking—27 colorful two-page By the way, if you don’t receive the weekly Adventist spreads, each expressing a particular belief in a variety of Review, just call 1-800-456-3991 to subscribe for yourself forms: brief testimonies, anecdotes, photos, paintings, you or for someone on your Christmas list. Let’s make 1999 our name it. The more creative, the better. best year yet! 2 (1634) ADVENTIST REVIEW, DECEMBER 1998 to their methods or to their pioneering face this issue as we witness to others. and innovative spirit? When I have asked the reason for such overt bigotry, I have been told that — F. Edgar Nunes, PASTOR this segregation facilitates political rep- BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAN resentation. I imagine the Romans thought changing the Sabbath to COVER STORY Sunday was in their best political inter- Thank you for publishing Andy Nash’s est also. If we really are the church of 8 The NeXt Level Thousands find a forever short interview with New York pastor the Bible, we cannot afford to ignore its friendship with God. Samir Selmanovic (“Ministry to commands for any reason. If we really BY JACK STENGER Postmoderns: No Blueprints”). are the remnant, we cannot afford to Selmanovich’s responses should be distance ourselves from God’s presence, ARTICLES “required reading” and a talk item for where all minister together as one body. every North American Division mem- Racism is as anti-God as any other 14 The Birth of ber and for our leaders and planners. form of hate. We have been called to a Quiet Revolution It began in a stable, but it’s not so He may have thought to speak only love. quiet anymore. about his Manhattan church. Actually, BY STEPHEN CHAVEZ he was talking about all of us when he —Colleen Wire said, “Large imported programs have SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND 24 “Go Home,” He Said. less and less leverage in mobilizing the He thought any church was good power of laity. One life at a time, that’s enough. BY J. R. HANEY where it’s at.” Exactly! He then This article contained what I believe implied that one-life-at-a-time min- to be some factual errors. I refer specifi- 26 Everything I Need to istry was undersupported, while cally to the paragraphs regarding an Know About Evangelism “money and effort” were “being put in alleged incident of some church elder I Learned From My Sons the same basket all over again.” threatening to shoot a Black person Where did they pick that up? BY JUDY L. SHULL I am aware of a congregation (see who accidentally sat in the wrong the Aug. 20 Cutting Edge Edition) that place in church. DEPARTMENTS has remade the current and previous The general feeling among the White extravaganzas into a yearlong, weekly Adventist congregations in the South 2 Letters small group study and discussion exer- was such that no White church would 7 Give & Take cise between members and nonmem- invite a singing group from Oakwood 13 From the Heart bers, nearly one-on-one. Since NET College to sing anywhere. That makes ’98 started, I am informed that they the speaker’s information suspect. 17 On the Home Front began the October event with a nearly Oakwood was and still is the only Black 18 World News & Perspectives equal number of nonmembers and institution in the denomination. 22 Mystery Visitor members attending and now interact- Stories from 35 years ago have ing in small groups. My church can’t grown out of proportion to reality. We 23 Global Mission equal that ratio. Does yours? at Huntsville were in constant touch 28 A Pastor’s Perspective with what was happening in the 29 Children’s Corner —Frank R. Lemon church all over the South. There 30 Reflections BANNING, CALIFORNIA never was a threat of violence. —Kenneth Noel EDITORIALS Racial Bigotry MADISON, ALABAMA Bravo to Mike Oxentenko (“Babylon 5 Confessions of a Fiscal and Pentecost,” Oct. NAD Edition) for Our author obtained the information from Conservative saying it like it is. When I joined the a published source and accepts its authen- 6 Encore, Encore Adventist Church 30 years ago, I did so ticity. His article, however, identified no because this was the church of the particular institution.—Editors. NEXT WEEK Bible. However, the issue of racism, as displayed by segregated churches and O N THE COVER: PARTICIPANTS AT THE Social Justice: Who Cares? NEXT MILLENNIUM SEMINAR, HELD conferences, brings me to tears. I can- OCTOBER 9 TO NOVEMBER 14 AT Don’t we have more important things to not call my church the church of the ANDREWS UNIVERSITY, BERRIEN worry about? SPRINGS, MICHIGAN. PHOTOS BY Bible on this one. How embarrassing to RICHARD DOWER. ADVENTIST REVIEW, DECEMBER 1998 (1635) 3 “Behold, I come quickly . .” Our mission is to uplift Jesus Christ through stories of His matchless love, news of His present workings, help for knowing Him better, and hope in His soon return. The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119), published since 1849, is the general paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is published by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is printed by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740. Standard postage paid at Hagerstown. The North American Edition of the Adventist Review is published 12 times a year on the first Thursday of each month. Copyright © 1998, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Publishing Board: Robert S. Folkenberg, chair; Phil Follett, vice- chair; William G. Johnsson; Lowell Cooper; A. C. McClure; Dorothy Watts; Ted N. C. Wilson; Martin Ytreberg; Robert Nixon, legal advisor Executive Publisher and Editor William G. Johnsson Associate Editors Roy Adams, Bill Knott Managing Editor Myrna Tetz News Editor Carlos Medley Assistant Editors Stephen Chavez, Andy Nash Editorial Assistant Ella Rydzewski Administrative Secretary Chitra Barnabas Editorial Secretaries Beverly Koester, Jean Sequeira Art Director Bill Kirstein Designer Bill Tymeson Design Assistant/Production Stephanie Kaping Ad Sales Melynie Tooley Subscriber Services Steve Hanson Marketing Coordinator Ray Tetz Consulting Editors: Robert S. Folkenberg, Matthew Bediako, Phil Follett, Robert J. Kloosterhuis, A. C. McClure, Jan Paulsen, Leo Ranzolin, R. L. Rawson, Calvin B. Rock, G. Ralph Thompson North American Edition Consulting Editors: Alfred C. McClure, Bjorne Christensen, Kermit Netteburg, Monte Sahlin Special Contributors: Harold Baptiste, George Crumley, Malcolm D.
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