March 26, 1971 st Anniversary of National United Front of Cambodia Celebrated — Vice-Chairman Tung Pi-wu and Premier Chou En-lai Send Message of Congratulations to Samdech Sihanouk and Prime Minister Penn Nouth •— Premier Chou En-lai Gives Grand Banquet — "Renmin Ribao" editorial: "A Year of Battle, a Year of Victory" Statement of Commission for Physical Culture and Sports of People's Republic of China The Chinese people firmly support the people of the three Indochinese countries and of other countries of the world in their revolutionary struggles against U.S. imperialism and its lackeys.: * * * The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their country j firm support of the 700 million .N. Ambassador to China Gives fraternal Chinese people in the vast rear area to our Vietnamese people Grand Banquet at the forefront of the struggle against U.S. imperialism. The days •Celebrating the successful visit to Viet Nam by the Chinese Party and Government the Chinese Party and Government Delegation Delegation visited Viet Nam were red letter days of the daily growing great Comrade Ngo Thuyen, Ambassador of the C.P.C. Central Committee and friendship .and militant unity be• of the. Democratic Republic of Viet Vice-Premier of the State- Council; tween the people of Viet Nam and Nam to China, gave a grand banquet Comrades Wu Fa-hsien and Li Tso- China. The very successful visit is on March 16 evening to celebrate the peng, Members of the Political a political event of tremendous successful visit to the D.R.V.N. by Bureau of the C.P.C. Central Com• significance in the relations between the Chinese Party and Government mittee and Deputy Chiefs of the our two countries. Chinese P.L.A. General Staff; Com• Delegation. The delegation was led He went on: The Chinese Party rade Chi Teng-kuei, Alternate Mem• by Comrade Chou En-lai, Member of and Government Delegation paid a ber of the Political Bureau of the the Standing Committee of the Polit• friendly visit to Viet Nam at a time C.P.C. Central Committee; Comrade ical Bureau of the Central Commit• when U.S. imperialism, in a state of Li Teh-sheng, Alternate Member of tee of the Communist Party of China defeat and passivity, was obdurately the Political Bureau of the C.P.C. and Premier of the State Council. making extremely grave war "escala• Central Committee and Director of Comrade Yeh Chien-ying, Member tions" in Indochina, and recklessly the General Political Department of of the Political Bureau and Vice- plotting new military adventures the Chinese P.L.A.; Comrade Wang Chairman of the Military Commis• against the Democratic Republic of Tung-hsing, Alternate Member of sion of the C.P.C. Central Commit• Viet Nam, and when the people and the Political Bureau of the C.P.C. tee, and Comrade Chiu" Hui-tso, armed forces of south Viet Nam, Central Committee; Comrade Kuo Member of the Political Bureau of Laos and Cambodia were dealing Mo-jo, Member of the C.P.C. Central the C.P.C. Central Committee and crushing blows at the enemy and Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff putting him in a worse state of pas• Standing Committee of the National of the Chinese People's Liberation sivity and- quandary. People's Congress; members of the Army were its deputy leaders. Chinese Party and Government Del• The Chinese Party and Government Attending the banquet were: egation; and the entourage of the Delegation and the Viet Nam Party Samdech Norodom Sihanouk, Head delegation. and Government Delegation, the of State and Chairman of the Na• Ambassador added, studied the grave The banquet was held in the Ban• tional United Front of Cambodia, situation in Indochina brought about quet Hall of the Great-Hall, of the and Mme. Sihanouk; Samdech Perm ' by the criminal aqts of the Nixon People. On the backdrop of the Nouth, Chairman of the Political government in expanding its war of rostrum were the national flags of Bureau of the Central Committee of aggression in Indochina, discussed the People's Republic of China and the N.U.F.G. and Prime Minister of questions as to how to deal with the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam. the Royal Government of National possible military adventures by U.S. The function was permeated with a Union, and Mme. Penn Nouth; imperialism, and reached completely warm atmosphere of the great friend• Nguyen Van Quahg, Ambassador of identical views. ship and militant unity between the the Republic of South Viet Nam to two Parties, the two countries and "The Chinese Party and Govern• China; Lao friends General Huon the two peoples of China and Viet ment Delegation affirmed: 'The "Mongkhunvilay and Mme. Mong- Nam. Chinese people will never allow U.S. khunvilay; imperialism to run amuck and do Ambassador Ngo Thuyen and Pre• Leading comrades of the Chinese whatever it pleases in Indochina. Party and Government: Comrade mier Chou En-lai spoke at the ban• Should U.S. imperialism go down Huang Yung-sheng, Member of the quet. Their speeches were punctuat• the road of expanding its war of ag• Political Bureau of the C.P.C. Cen• ed by outbursts of warm applause. gression in Indochina, the Chinese tral Committee and Chief of the Ambassador Ngo Thuyen said: people are determined to take aE CMnese P.L.A. General Staff; Com- The Chinese Party and Government necessary measures, not flinching . rade Yao Wen-yuan, Member of the Delegation led by Comrade Premier even from the greatest national Political Bureau of the C.P.C. Cen• Chou En-lai visited Viet Nam and sacrifices, to give all-out support and tral Committee; Comrade Li Hsien- brought the profound friendship, assistance to the Vietnamese, and nien, Member of the Political Bureau warm encouragement, • powerful rand - other Indochinese • peoples for the March 26, 1971 3 thorough defeat of the U.S. aggres- - sofs.' "• : • The Ambassador concluded: Tha Hew Editions of Important Works of Marx, Engeis, visit by the Chinese Party and Gov• ernment Delegation marked a very Lenin and Stalin Published significant new development of the relations of profound friendship be• Inspired by the call in the Com• These have been re-translated or tween our two Parties and the peo• munique of the Second Plenary re-checked by the Bureau for the ple of our two countries, and a new Session of the Ninth Central Com• Translation of Marx-Engels-Lenin- development of the long existing mittee of the Communist Party of Stalin's Works Under the Central militant unity between close brothers China, a:new upsurge in the mass Committee of the: Communist and comrades in fighting shoulder movement for the living study and Party of China. to shoulder against the U.S. imperial• application of Marxism-Leninism- ist aggressors and for independence, Mao Tsetung Thought has devel• To commemorate the centenary freedom and socialism. This friend• oped among the workers, peasants of the Paris Commune, a Chinese ship is based on Marxism-Leninism and soldiers. New editions of edition of Marx, Engeis, Lenin and and proletarian internationalism and important works of Marx, Engeis, Stalin on the .Paris. Commune has "has been tested in the long revolu• Lenin and Stalin are being printed been compiled anew and' re- tionary struggles waged by our two to meet the needs of the cadres Parties and the people of our two checked by the Bureau -:for the and revolutionary masses in study• Translation of Mai-x-Engels-Lenin- countries. It stands majestically like ing Marxism-Leninism. Mount Truong Son and is everlast• Stalin's Works Under the Central ing like the Yangtze River! The first of these works to come Committee of the Communist off the press are: Manifesto of the Party of China. The 20th volume Premier Chou En-lai said: During Communist Party by Marx and of the Complete Works of Marx our visit, we were accorded a most Engeis, The Civil War in France and Engeis in Chinese has also magnificent and warm welcome and and Critique of the Gotha Pro• been published. reception by the Viet Nam Workers' gramme by Marx, Anti-Duhring Party, the Vietnamese Government by Engeis, and The State and These new books are now avail• and the fraternal Vietnamese people, Revolution and Materialism and able at bookstores in big cities which fully manifested the intimate Empirio-Criticism by Lenin. throughout China. xelations and militant friendship of "both comrades and brothers" be• tween the Chinese and Vietnamese people. liberating the south, defending the bour the Democratic Republic of During our visit to the front of north and proceeding towards the Viet Nam, we held serious discussions the struggle against U.S. aggression, reunification of their fatherland. with the Vietnamese Party and Gov• the Premier continued, we witnessed ernment leading comrades on the He added: At present, the revolu• present ,, situation -in Indochina and the heroic ; feats performed- by the tionary^ situation in Indochina is Vietnamese people,.in the protracted on questions fas-to "how-to deal with unprecedentedly fine. The Nixon military" adventures by-Hhe U.S. ag• war of resistance-;.and in the cause government's aggressive acts of war of socialist construction and were gressors, and completely identical expansion have linked up the Indo- views were reached. The joint com• immensely inspired and learnt a Chinese battlefields into a single great deal of valuable experience.
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