ROBERT MUIR GRAVES PIER 39 GOLF COURSE ARCHITECT CLASS A — PGA PRO AND/OR MANAGER. SEVENTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE. PROMOTES Classified Ads JUNIOR — LADIES PROGRAM. WORK ANY- WHERE — 18 OR 9. ADDRESS AD 408 c/o GOLF- Rates: Minimum insertion $5.00 for 20 words; DOM additional words 25£ each; in boldface type 350 Supt. & Greenkeeper — 20 years experience, presently per word. All classified ads payable on placement employed. Desire location in West or Middle West. of order; no commission or discount allowed. No Complete knowledge of fertilizers, fungicides, equip- classified advertising offering new merchandise ment. Address Ad 409 c/o Golfdom or equipment will be accepted. NO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCEPTED AFTER THE 22nd of MONTH PRE- CEDING DATE OF ISSUE. UNDER NO CIRCUM- STANCES ARE WE PERMITTED TO DIVULGE THE NEED A GOOD NAME AND ADDRESS OF THOSE PLACING BLIND ADVERTISEMENTS. Response to all box number QUARTERBACk ads should be addressed to the box number, Golf Professional — Greens Superintendent — mail to GOLFDOM, 407 S. Dearborn, Chicago Club Manager . academically prepared, temp- ii-605. Replies are promptly forwarded to ad- ered by experience, public relations by necessity vertisers. and and personable by nature. Virtuous in integ- rity, character, honesty, ability and characterized WHEN REPLIES TO BLIND ADS REQUIRE MORE to include endurance and stamina . available THAN 10* POSTAGE, THE ADDITIONAL PROPER early! POSTAGE FOR FORWARDING MUST BE SUPPLIED. Address Add 410 c/o Golfdom JOBS WANTED rm„PR GREENKEEPER OR COMBINATION — MANUFACTURER'S OPPORTUNITY: Highly qual- tm,£ETENT> EXPERIENCED. EASTERN OR ified and recommended executive looking for golf ywTHERN LOCATION PREFERRED. MODER- equipment or apparel lines needing a commissioned 4ni INCOME SATISFACTORY. ADDRESS AD representative in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsyl- c/0 GOLFDOM vania, W. Va. or Kentucky. Address Ad 411 c/o Golfdom ' employment in Pro Shop. Assistant or similar Potion, for future professional career. Age 21. 12 eXpenence Good Greens Supt. 27 years experience in all phases of m L - player. College student. Locate course maintenance and construction. Qualified, Avail- Address Ad 402 c/o Golfdom able, References. Address Ad 412 c/o Golfdom •klanager or pro-manager for Club presenting challenge licipnT83"!?3''011' Where principals involved desire ef- Course Superintendent wanted for private country dom profltable operation. Address Ad 403 c/o Golf- club located in Southwest. Must have heavy exper- ience in handling crew and equipment. Salary open. State age, background and experience in first letter. !tructki ^UptA *lualifications in golf course con- All replies held confidential. Address Ad 414 c/o grass n maintenance. Northern and Southern Golfdom system, j s specialist. Familiar with all irrigation club wh "finery. Able supervisor of help. Desire Superintendent, 44, GCSAA Member, 17 years exper- aPpreciatCr,? ^clencV and excellent workmanship is ience, resort, semi-private, private operation. Will Ad 407 , X ,SAA Member. Now available. Address J/ c consider pro-superintendent. Single, one child. Eastern /o Golfdom location preferred. Address Ad 415 c/o Golfdom L4Pr'l, 1964 173 Professional SUPT Class A PGA/GCSAA needs first class club. Excellent references. Available immediately. Forced out of job by CASTRO's cutting off water. JIM DEMPSEY, Box 19 Navy 115 FPO NEW YORK, Established IMPORTED line of quality NEW YORK. alpacas, cashmere, merinos in cardigan JOBS OPEN sweaters and shirts. Open in several Representatives wanted to handle a line of Emblem Caps, Jackets, Shirts and Hose. 10% commission Ad- protected territories. Sold exclusively to dress Ad 404 c/o Golfdom PRO-SHOPS. Write giving full details, WANTED: Established fanufacturers' representatives calling on golf professional trade. Sell nationally advertised line of pro golf clubs and bags. Few choice territory covered and lines carried to territories available. Bristol Pro Golf, Inc., 2020 Indian Boundary Drive, Melrose Park, Illinois KENNY K . PRODUCTS, 407 North Salesmen for following territory — New England, Mid- Maple Drive, Beverly Hills, California. west, Northwestern. Easy selling golf glove. Attrac- tive offer. Write experience and states desired. Kool Glov, Box 561, Brielle, N. J. GOLF UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER wants Reps, Attention New England Professionals: 40 Used Electric in certain Midwest & Southern Territories. Give your Golf Cars for sale. Austin Kelly, 177 Fern St., Pro-Customers better value than competition plus Bangor, Maine. Reasonable. superlative workmanship. Easy to sell as Umbrella is better made than ones selling for twice the price. 18-Hole Semi-Private Country Club in Western New 100% Nylon on wood & glass shafts. APPLICANT York State. Pool, full liquor licenses. All Assets must have other quality lines & experience in the $200,000.00. Address Ad 405 c/o Golfdom territory. WM. BEEHLER, 205 W. Lombard St., Baltimore 1, Md. The Oldest Umbrella House in America. FOR SALE: 4000 Used Range balls, newly striped $18.00 per 100, $165.00 per M or $600.00 for the lot! COMMISSION SALESMAN WANTED-TERRITOR- One used ball counter & reserve bin $265.00. One IES OPEN IN FLORIDA AND ADJOINING ball washer, rebuilt in '62, $185.00. A three-gang STATES. GOLF COURSE, RANGE EQUIPMENT Roseman mower unit $425.00. Fifteen steel chairs, AND PRO SHOP LINES AVAILABLE. WRITE newly painted, @ $3.25 each. Highland Golf Range, GUNDERSON GOLF EQUIPMENT CO., 1910 8TH Inc., 3601 Green Rd., Cleveland 22, Ohio. Phone SK AVE. NORTH, LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA 2-4880 days or 292-7237 evenings. MFGRS. REPS. WANTED FOR TOP GRADE DRIVING RANGE for lease $2,000. Includes min. LEATHER CARRY-ALLS, BELTS. ALSO MEN'S & golf, batting range, trampolines and drive-in restau- LADIES' SWEATERS, HOSE. TERRITORIES AND rant in need of improvement. On two federal hwys. COMMISSION OPEN. ADDRESS AD 406 c/o between two colleges. SAC base nearby. Playland, GOLFDOM Columbus, Miss. FA 8-5224 nights. YOUNG PRO OR ASSISTANT to be Pro at small WANTED — Old type Skinner Fairway ground valve club 9 hole course in growing Tidewater Virginia adapters and hose swivels. Write Mink Meadows Golf community. Contact Wesley Oler, Whitestone, Vir- Club, Box 1057, Vineyard Haven, Mass. ginia. Reconditioned golf cars for sale. See our ad on page ASSISTANT PRO WANTED. APPLY WATER GAP COUNTRY CLUB, DELAWARE WATER GAP, PA. 144. We want to buy 250 used Cushman 36 volt electric MISCELLANEOUS golf cars 1958 or later model. Will pay top dollar for USED FLOOD LIGHTING AVAILABLE FOR fleets of 10 or more. Condition not important. Call H. Coster, Indianapolis, ME 2 3659. DRIVING RANGES. MINIATURES AND PAR 3's. PAR GOLF MFG. CO., MILAN, ILL. AC309 787-1757 LET US REPAINT AND RELETTER YOUR USED GOLF BALLS, 7<? EACH. BADGER GOLF CO., GOLF BALLS WATERFORD, WIS. WANTED FOR CASH PER DOZEN Cut or bumped to • 48Jj CASH FOR BALLS Off brands and slightly nicked $1.25 Retail brands of better quality) %-f Old Golf Balls—from Ponds, Golf Courses, etc. (to _ 53.6U Cuts and bumps $ .36 per doz. At above prices freight to be prepaid by shipper- Send for shipping tags and instructions. We are Off Brands and slightly nicked — 1.56 per doz. nation-wide Distributors of the finest in Driving Round and perfect $1.25 brands Range, PAR 3, and Miniature Course equipment - for reprocessing 2.40 per doz. balls, clubs, mats etc. Send for our current supply catalogue At prices above — shipper prepays freight. NORTHERN GOLF BALL CO. Send for shipping tags and instructions. 2350 W. Roscoe Street • Chicago, Illinois 60618 Go If Driving Range culls not wanted. CLARION GOLF BALL CO., INC. 120 South Main Street, Clarion, Iowa SURPLUS SALE GOLF COURSE SUPPLIES Up to 50DU%% discount on many items foiuri tees, ised bu| #25 ROYER PORTABLE SPREADER — WISCON- traps* , mower and other repairor-aiir- partsrarts. Severall u:-' - SIN POWER-ELECTRIC STARTER-LATE MODEL- good hand greens mowers, can be powered, r 50 YARDS HOUR. BERT'S DIRTS, 8502 BURRELL, brings detailed reply. S.E.S., Box 2, Wayne, AUSTIN, TEXAS-78758 Jersey Golfdot .
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