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KG, Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3, D-40882 Ratingen, www.dkv-euroservice.com YOU DRIVE, WE CARE. GR - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 24O Xlm E.O.Patron- 1900060 SHELL 252 00 Achaias Pyrgoy Glaykou 76 (Viopa 1900037 SHELL 263 32 Achaias Glaykou) 40 Xlm E.O. Patron- 1900026 SHELL 251 00 Achaias Athinon Paralia Aktaioy Dimoy 1900022 SHELL 265 00 Achaias Rioy 1900020 SHELL 264 42 Achaias Kanellopoyloy 175 Xlm E.O. Athinon- 1900010 SHELL 251 00 Achaias Patron Dimokratias Av. 280 1900148 AVIN 136 71 Acharnai Attikis Menidi 1900167 SHELL 136 73 Acharnes Aristotelous . 1900102 SHELL 190 14 Afidnai 27 XLM.Athinon--Lamias Road Karditsa-Larisa km 1910264 BP 431 00 Ag Theodoroi 8 Thessaloniki-Kavala 1900187 AVIN 570 10 Ag. Vasileios provincial r 25 34 km Krokeon- 1931194 ELIN 230 52 Agios Ioannis Monemvasias 1O XLM. Moydanion- 1900086 SHELL 632 00 Agios Mamas Potidaias 1931179 ELIN 252 00 Ahaia Lousika Achaia Irakleitoy und Leof 1910229 SHELL 122 43 Aigaleo Attiki Athinon 1911032 SHELL 251 00 Aigio Korinthoy 114 26.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 1 GR - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number Ethniki Odos Agrinioy- 1900061 SHELL 300 03 Aitol/Nias Mesologgioy 1900040 SHELL 300 02 Aitol/Nias Aktio Xania Gavrolimnis - 1900173 SHELL 300 14 Aitoloakarnania Evinoxhori 1910166 EKO 265 04 Aktaio Egnatias Str. 1900158 AVIN 593 00 Alexandreia Eleftheriou Venizelou 155 Peo Alexandrias- 1931203 ELIN 590 32 Alexandria Thessalonikis km 5 1910202 EKO 593 00 Alexandria Klidi Alexandrias 1900306 AEGEAN 593 00 Alexandria Verias 28 th Oktovriou 79 1900307 AEGEAN 593 00 Alexandria Verias Vrisaki 2nd KM Alexandroupoli- 1910243 BP 681 00 Alexandroupoli Borders 1900317 AEGEAN 680 03 Alexandroupoli Alexandroupoli National Road 1910046 BP 681 00 Alexandroupoli Alexandroupoli-B km 2 2nd km Alexandroupoli- 1910001 BP 691 00 Alexandroupoli Komotini Old National Road 1900324 AEGEAN 681 00 Alexandroupoli Alexandroup km 20 1900195 AVIN 681 00 Alexandroupoli Kandilatti Ar. Agrot 1477 1931176 ELIN 681 32 Alexandroupoli G. Kondili 43 26.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 2 GR - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number Road Alexandroupolis- 1931177 ELIN 681 00 Alexandroupoli Feron km 5 1910148 BP 320 01 Aliartos Aliartos 1910149 BP 320 01 Aliartos Petra 1910139 BP 320 01 Aliartos Aliartos 1910209 EKO 371 00 Almiros Mikrothives National Road Athens- 1900309 AEGEAN 371 00 Almyros Volou Thessal km 270 National Road Athens- 1900310 AEGEAN 371 00 Almyros Volou Thessaloniki Chlm Amaliadas 1911002 SHELL 272 00 Amaliada Kouroutas 2 Aristeros Klados Ionia Od 1911015 SHELL 305 00 Amfilochia 100 + 560 Amvrakia- Dexios Klados Ionia Odos 1911013 SHELL 300 08 Aitoloakarnania X 86 + 215 Amygdaleonas Triteyoysa E. O Amfipolis- 1911004 SHELL 640 12 Kavalas Kavalas 1910107 BP 270 65 Ancient Olimpia Kondyli Praxiteli 1 Chlm Andravidas - 1911020 SHELL 270 51 Andravida - Ileia Kyllinhs Antirrio, 1910245 BP 300 20 Etoloakarnania 2nd km N.R. Antirrio- county Ioannina 1931195 ELIN 311 00 Apoplena Apoplena Arahova, Viotia EO Livadias-Amfissas km 1931166 ELIN 321 00 County 10 26.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 3 GR - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 1931199 ELIN 205 00 Archaies Kleones Archaies Kleones 1931122 ELIN 270 65 Archea Olimpia Archea Olimpia . 219 XLM AYT/MOY 1900095 SHELL 240 09 Arfara Kostaninou National Road Korinthou- 1900311 AEGEAN 241 00 Arfara Kalamata Kala km 219 1900099 SHELL 211 00 Argolidos Argoys - Nayplioy 44 1900114 SHELL 210 00 Argos Korinthoy 176 1900168 SHELL 211 00 Aria Leof. Asklipiou . 1910259 EKO 580 02 Arnissa Arnissa 1900087 SHELL 471 00 Artas Krystalli 154 NATO Avenue - Thesi 1910200 BP 193 00 Aspropirgos Pigadia km 102 Attiki-Odos (to 1910177 EKO 193 00 Aspropirgos Airport) km 102 Attiki-Odos (to 1910178 EKO 193 00 Aspropirgos Elefsina) 1910193 EKO 193 00 Aspropirgos NATO Ave. N.R. Athens-Korinthos km 1910194 BP 193 00 Aspropirgos 16 EO Athinon-Korinthou 1900113 SHELL 193 00 Aspropirgos 17km Nato street position Mavri 1900199 AVIN 193 00 Aspropirgos Ora 26.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 4 GR - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 1900184 AVIN 193 00 Aspropyrgos Leog Megaridos 41 1931103 ELIN 133 00 Aspropyrgos Terma Megaridos L. Nato Thesi Mayrh Ora 1911029 SHELL 193 00 Aspropyrgos Gkorytsa Aspropyrgos, Attica 1900322 AEGEAN 193 00 County Thesi Velanidia 1910239 BP 177 79 Athens Pireos Ave. 240 Th. Diligianni str. 46 & 1910162 BP 104 39 Athens Kritis str 13 km National Road 1910020 BP 124 61 Athens Athens-Korintho Makrigianni 51 Agios 1900206 AVIN 182 33 Athens Ioannis Rentis 1931211 ELIN 153 54 Athens Marathonos Ave. 4-6 1931139 ELIN 183 46 Attica Peiraios 59 - Moschato 1900109 SHELL 190 03 Attikhs Leof.Layrioy-Soynioy 3 Leoforos Nato, Thesi 1900098 SHELL 133 42 Attikhs ''Skalistiri'' 1900172 SHELL 177 78 Attiki Peiraios 234 - Tavros G.PAPANDREOU ,O.T 1900084 SHELL 193 00 Attikis 301 1900063 SHELL 121 31 Attikis L.Athinon 32 El.Venizeloy 60 & 1900041 SHELL 146 71 Attikis Xar.Trikoypi 26.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 5 GR - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 1900028 SHELL 190 04 Attikis Emporiki Perioxi 1900007 SHELL 192 00 Attikis 19 Xlm Athinon-Korinthoy 1910257 BP 353 00 Avlaki Road Lamia-Stilida km 11 1931126 ELIN 190 11 Avlona 48th km Athens Lamia . N.R.Athens-Lamia Km 65 1910184 EKO 190 11 Avlona (Right) N.R.Athens-Lamia Km 65 1910185 EKO 190 11 Avlona (Left) N.R.Athens-Lamia Km 43 1910186 EKO 190 11 Avlona (Right) N.R.Athens-Lamia Km 43 1910187 EKO 190 11 Avlona (Left) National road Ioannina- 1910249 BP 455 00 Bizani Athens km 10 Bolos, Magnisia 1931172 ELIN 383 34 County Filikis Eterias 65 1900110 SHELL 124 62 Chaidari Leoforos Athinon 292 1910124 BP 124 62 Chaidari 392, Athinon Ave. 1911036 SHELL 124 61 Chaidari Iera Odos 342 1900129 SHELL 152 33 Chalandri Kifisias 356 &Plataion 1900046 SHELL 632 00 Chalkidiki Nea Potidaia 1900039 SHELL 630 80 Chalkidikis Lakoma Xalkidikis 26.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 6 GR - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 1910073 BP 731 00 Chania Fragkias Ave. Aroni Area 1900101 SHELL 731 00 Chanion Aerolimin Xanion 1910161 BP 200 08 Chiliomodi Agios Vasilios Eparchiaki Odos 1910127 BP 642 00 Chrisoupoli Chrisoupolis Keramo 1910115 BP 642 00 Chrisoupoli End of Delikari Str. 1910146 BP 212 00 Dalamanara N.R. Argos-Nafplio km 3 1910152 BP 570 08 Diavata Salonica-Edessa km 7 1910110 BP 570 08 Diavata K. Karamanli 136 Road from Didimoticho - 1910081 BP 683 00 Didimoticho Orestiada 1910130 BP 683 00 Didimoticho Agias Paraskevis Str. 4 1911046 SHELL 683 00 Didymotoicho Orestiados 125 Dimos Lokron Dexios Klados (Pros 1911016 SHELL 352 00 Atalanth Lamia 144 + 250 Dimos Lokron Aristeros Klados (pros At 1911017 SHELL 352 00 Atalanth 144 + 050 E.O. Athnon-Lamis Thesh 1911028 SHELL
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