Soundbooks – the audiobook experts Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge 2009 Audiobooks www.soundbooks.com.au/cat/vprc-2009.pdf • New audiobooks for 2009 • Top favourite audiobooks of 2008 – do you have them all? • Recommended titles by PRC Victoria Library packaging required? – What is library packaging? Visit www.soundbooks.com.au/repacks.php New audiobooks for 2009 Grades Prep to 2 Davies, Nicola Surprising Sharks 9781406312881 Bk + 1CD UA 16.95 French, Vivian T. Rex 9781406312911 Bk + 1CD UA 16.95 Griffiths, Andy The Big Fat Cow That Goes Kapow! 9781742140254 1CD UA 39.95 Grades 5 & 6 Funke, Cornelia Igraine the Brave 9780739356180 4CD UA 59.95 Morpurgo, Michael Alone On A Wide Wide Sea 9780007232055 5CD UA 36.95 Grades 7 & 8 Grogan, Jo hn Marley : A Dog Like No Other 9780061255090 5CD UA 22.99 Riordan, Rick The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and ...#1) 9780307245304 8CD UA 79.95 Riordan, Rick The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and ...#2) 978073933119 4 7CD UA 79.95 Riordan, Rick The Titan’s Curse (Percy Jackson and ...#3) 9780739350331 12CD UA 79.95 Riordan, Rick The Battle of t he Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and... #4) 9780739364741 9CD UA 79.95 Grades 9 & 10 Austen, Jane Sense and Sensibility 9781572705524 9CD UA 79.95 Meyer, Stephenie The Host 9781600241666 20CD UA 114.95 du Maurier, Daphne Rebecca 9781602835009 12CD UA 79.95 Horowitz, A nthony Raven’s Gate (Power of Five #1) 9781844280810 6CD UA 39.95 Horowitz, Anthony Evil Star (Power of Five #2) 9781406301533 8CD UA 39.95 Horowitz, Anthony NightRise (Power of Five #3) 9781406305296 10CD UA 39.95 Horowitz, Anthony Necropolis (Power of Five #4) 9781406316001 10CD UA 39.95 Top favourite audiobooks of 2008 Prep to Grade 2 Dr Seuss Green Eggs and Ham 9780007254705 Bk + 1CD UA 12.99 Dr Seuss Green Eggs and Ham... (incl. One Fish, Hop on Pop & 9780807219928 2CD UA 39.95 other stories) Dr. Seuss Hop on Pop 9780375834936 Bk + 1CD UA 19.95 Dr. Seuss One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish 9780375834974 Bk + 1CD U A 24.95 Dr. Seuss One Fish... etc. (Dr Seuss Collection) 9780007157051 1CD UA 16.95 Carle, Eric The Very Hungry Caterpillar 9780399247453 Bk+1CD UA 29.95 Rosen, Michael We’re Going on a Bear Hunt 978 1406310948 Bk+1CD UA 17.95 Vaughan, Marcia K. Wombat Stew 125CDB Bk+1CD UA 29.95 Grades 3 & 4 Arena,Felice; Lyon,Garry Specky Magee 9781876890810 3CD UA 64.95 Dahl, Roald Charlie and the Chocola te Factory 9780060510657 3CD UA 49.95 Dahl, Roald Fantastic Mr Fox 9780141807874 1CD UA 24.95 Dahl, Roald The BFG 9780060852733 4CD UA 49.95 Dahl, Roald Matilda 9780060582548 5CD UA 59.95 UA = unabridged Grades 3 & 4 (continued) Griffiths, Andy Just Tricking! 9781740308878 3CD UA 43.95 Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone – # 1 9781855496705 7CD UA 65.00 White, E.B. Charlotte’s Web 97808072 08526 3CD UA 69.95 Dahl, Roald Esio Trot (Esio Trot; The Minpins ) 9780141807843 2CD UA 24.95 Dahl, Roald The Twits 9780141807836 1CD UA 24.95 Griffiths, Andy The Cat on the Mat is Flat 9781740938440 1CD UA 32.95 Orr, Wendy Nim’s Island 9781921415364 2CD UA 29.95 Grades 5 & 6 Child, Lauren Clarice Bean Don’t Look Now – due July 2009 9781408304167 2CD UA 32.95 Child, Lauren Clarice Bean Spells Tr ouble – due July 2009 9781408304150 2CD UA 32.95 Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl (#1) 9781400085866 6CD UA 59.95 Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl : The Arctic Incident (#2) 9781400085927 6CD UA 59.95 Gleitzman, Morris Boy Overboard 9781740308144 3CD UA 54.95 Gleitzman, Morris Doubting Thomas 9781740938600 3CD UA 54.95 Gleitzman, Morris Once 9781740936910 3CD UA 49.95 Dahl, Roald James and the Giant Peach 97 80061365355 3CD UA 39.95 Dahl, Roald George’s Marvellous Medicine 9780141807799 2CD UA 24.95 Dahl, Roald The Witches 9780060536169 4CD UA 59.95 Griffiths, Andy Just Crazy 9781740308892 3CD UA 54.95 Griffiths, Andy Just Annoying 9781740308823 3CD UA 54.95 Griffiths, Andy Just Disgusting 9781740308908 3CD UA 54.95 Griffiths, Andy Just Shocking 9781921334450 3CD UA 54.95 Griffith s, Andy Just Stupid 9781740308885 3CD UA 54.95 Griffiths, Andy The Bad Book 9781740934572 1CD UA 32.95 Griffiths, Andy The Day My Bum Went Psycho 9781740933070 5CD UA 76.95 Horowitz, Anthony Point Bl anc (Alex Rider) 9781844286249 5CD UA 39.95 Horowitz, Anthony Stormbreaker (Alex Rider) 9781406304329 4CD UA 39.95 Horowitz, Anthony Skeleton Key (Alex Rider) 9781844285495 4CD UA 39.95 Lewis, C.S. The Lion, Witch...etc (Chr. Narnia) 9780060826482 4CD UA 49.95 Paolini, Christopher Eragon (#1, Inheritance Trilogy) 9781400090686 14CD UA 89.95 Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets – # 2 9780747586425 8CD UA 65.00 Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter & the Prisoner Azkaban – # 3 9780642564030 10CD UA 85.00 Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – # 4 9780747587088 17CD UA 150.00 Snicket, L emony The Bad Beginning (Unfortunate Events #1) 9780061365331 3CD UA 39.95 Snicket, Lemony The Reptile Room (Unfortunate Events #2) 9780807219911 3CD UA 39.95 Wilkinson, Carole Dragonkeeper (Dragonkeeper Trilogy – Book 1) 9780732028138 8CD UA 119.95 Gleitzman, Morris Then 9781921415937 6CD UA 87.95 Diterlizzi, Tony The Field Guide & Seeing Stone 9780754066613 2CD UA 64.95 Years 7 to 9 Brashares, Ann The Sisterhoo d of the Travelling Pants 9781740937597 6CD UA 87.95 Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl : The Eternity Code (#3) 9781855490581 6CD UA 59.95 Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl : The Opal Deception (#4) 9780307243324 6CD UA 68.95 Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl : The Lost Colony (#5) 9780739336809 6CD UA 79.95 Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl : The Time Paradox (#6) 9780739364680 8CD UA 69.95 Horowitz, Anthony Snakehead (Alex Rider) 9781406305739 9CD UA 39.95 Cunxin, Li Mao’s Last Dancer (Younger Readers edition) 9781740938204 8CD UA 109.95 Horowitz, Anthony Ark Angel (Alex Rider) 9781844280971 8CD UA 39.95 Horowitz, Anthony Eagle Strike (Al ex Rider) 9781844285792 6CD UA 39.95 Horowitz, Anthony Scorpia (Alex Rider) 9781844289035 8CD UA 39.95 Jennings, Paul How Hedley Hopkins Did a Dare 9781740937276 4CD UA 65.95 Marchetta, Melina Lookin g for Alibrandi 9781740303958 7CD UA 98.95 Marsden, John Tomorrow, When the War Began 9781740303965 7CD UA 98.95 Muchamore, Robert The Recruit (Cherub – Book 1) 9781844564064 3CD 29.99 Muchamore, Rob ert Class A (Cherub – Book 2) 9781844566822 3CD 29.99 Muchamore, Robert The Sleepwalker (Cherub – Book 9) 9781844568246 3CD 29.99 Muchamore, Robert The General (Cherub – Book 10) 9781844568253 3CD 29.99 Paolini, Christopher Eldest (#2, Inheritance Trilogy) 9780307280725 20CD UA 99.95 Paolini, Christopher Brisingr (#3, Inheritance Trilogy) 9780739368046 23CD UA 99.95 Reilly, Matthew Hover Car Racer 97817 40936453 11CD UA 126.95 Page 2 Prices are in Australian dollars and include GST. Prices are subject to change without notice. * Series titles are listed with full complement of titles. Series titles may have been included in a previous year’s list. UA = unabridged Years 7 to 9 (continued) Reilly, Matthew Scarecrow 9781740933759 11CD UA 126.95 Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince – Book 6 9780747582595 17CD UA 189.95 Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix – Book 5 9781855496828 24CD UA 250.00 Sachar, Louis Holes 9780739331767 4CD UA 45.00 Snicket, Lemony The Wide Window (Unfortunate Events #3 ) 9780007157105 3CD UA 32.99 Snicket, Lemony The Miserable Mill (Unfortunate Events #4) 9780007157105 3CD UA 32.99 Snicket, Lemony The Austere Academy (Unfortunate Events #5) 9780007157129 3CD UA 39.95 Snicket, Lemony The Ersatz Elevator (Unfortunate Events #6) 9780007157129 3CD UA 32.99 Snicket, Lemony The Vile Village (Unfortunate Events #7) 9780060566227 4CD UA 32.99 Snicket, Lemony The Hostile Hospital (Unfort unate Events #8) 9780007161126 3CD UA 32.99 Snicket, Lemony The Carnivorous Carnival (Unfortunate Events #9) 9780007161355 4CD UA 32.99 Snicket, Lemony The Slippery Slope (Unfortunate Events #10) 9780007174607 4CD UA 32.99 Snicket, Lemony The Grim Grotto (Unfortunate Events #11) 9780007174621 5CD UA 32.99 Snicket, Lemony The Penultimate Peril (Unfortunate Events #12) 9780007174645 4CD UA 32.99 Snicket, Lemony The End (A Series of Unfortunate Events #13) 9780007174669 4CD UA 32.99 Wilkinson, Carole Garden of the Purple Dragon (Dragonkeeper – # 2) 9780732030698 8CD UA 129.95 Wilkinson, Carole Dragon Moon (Dragonkeeper Trilogy – Book 3) 9780732032937 8CD UA 119.00 Mah Yen, Adeline Chinese Cinderella 9781405658546 6CD UA 99.95 Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables 9780739367209 8CD UA 49.95 Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit 978078 8789823 10CD UA 99.95 Year 10 Meyer, Stephenie Twilight ( Twilight Series #1) 9780307280909 11CD UA 89.95 Meyer, Stephenie New Moon (Twilight Series #2) 9780739337202 11CD UA 99.95 Meyer, Stephenie Eclipse (Twilight Series #3) 9780739356166 13CD UA 99.95 Meyer, Stephenie Breaking Dawn (Twilight Series #4) 9780739367674 16CD UA 99.95 Pullman, Philip The Go lden Compass (#1, His Dark Materials) 9780739337042 9CD UA 89.95 Pullman, Philip The Subtle Knife (#2, His Dark Materials) 9780807204726 8CD UA 89.95 Pullman, Philip The Amber Spyglass (#3, His Dark Mate rials) 9780807262016 12CD UA 109.95 Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Book 7 9780747591092 20CD UA 199. 00 Recommended titles (recommended by The Age and VPRC: click here ) Classic Tales of Action and Adventure Grades 5 & 6 Homer The Iliad (the unsurpassed Derek Jacobi reading) 9780143059288 8CD 89.95 Homer The Odyssey 97801430 58243 11CD UA 89.95 London, Jack White Fang & Call of the Wild 9780786166817 10CD UA 59.95 Grades 7 & 8 Defoe, Daniel Robinson Crusoe 9781433251443 9CD UA 69.95 Swift , Jonathan Gulliver’s Travels 9780786158263 10CD UA 159.95 Verne, Jules 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 9781400158492 10CD UA 79.95 Stevenson, Robert Louis Treasure Island 9789626244927 5CD UA 49.95 Grades 9 & 10 Anon.; transl.
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