·MATRIX· £175 mE· NEWS· MAGAZINE' OF mE BRITISH SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION 130 MARCH I APRIL 1998 . JON . COURTENAY . GRIMWOOD punk fiction r:MATRIX·~ ."'.,.....,.,.r1i·!!"i§i."P'.."'.w'm,li. 'CONTENTS'Mi.p'M,,'''M',''. News • 2' Ihe happening worW Editor· Chris Terran - Oarke hounded by tabloids ,;all ">IC.w.~/le:d /J7f1Io'o 9 Beechwood Court -Oarke, Dick A?'ard shortlisls ,,,II1pbot!c"flb) &Id: Beechwood GIO\'e B5FAAUW"ds • 7' 1998shc:nlisls! Leed<i.1542HS, LJK Rea!tlt And FOnbcommg Books • 8' gona token? Tdephone 01132171403 Mailbax. 11 • is anybody 001 thereJ F.m3i1.nllbrjorvutdld bsfa{lenterprise.net 1O ..... U.ft'lWy ~;1fCIudtt)'l)l8pa!tdaddms Punk Fictio,r.: • 12 • Joo Courten2y Grimwood eatS G)Wrclllmre and tbe hard4x>iled punk sf for breakfasl Editorial Assistance. Elizabeth BiUinger Modem Hard-roiled SF ... with ~diers SJarsbip Troopers' 14 • Andrew M. Butler looks upon Media· John Ashbrook Verhoeven's work, and finds it BSFA logo • Ian Brooks DroCllJa's }'ear· IS· FrederickJohnsseleassome highlights frem the Dr.lcula c.o...tt • JOD CourtUl:l}' Grim,,-ood looks cerllenaIy celebrations moody Phocograph rounesy cl!he Contented CoiJeaing • 16 • Brian Ameringm and 'u<htt caroline btulbn rerum Pholog:raphy • Rogtt Robirnon (pp 4,8) 7be &JrTVUeI'!. 17 • John Ashbrook looks lhroogh Tippet! Studios (p14); Pol}-gram his microscope al the mm of (p17); 20th Century Fox (pI9) Mary Nonon's children's classic Gary Artwork. Ruby (p15) TIro Views, • 18. Oalkin disagrees with Alil!1/ Resllm!CtIOn Mitch Le Blanc and Colin I:blgn Produclion' Chris Terran Od<U Srr",l'aJlJIHoo5!f1. ean-.d.I«h.'tttCD Magic Cottages '" 2025 • 20 • Ellen Cheshire and Andrew M. But1ercn ~t radiopbys Next Deadline' Wulnesday 1 April 1998 OUJojFoCIIs. 21. carol Ann Kerry Green & JulieVenner lex:c • 21 • lan Simpson on the four~pan cv ISSN • 03073335 >en", Copyright. () BSFA 1998 EtJe1/ts DiClry • 22 • con culTent Individual copyright~ are the propeny ofthe contributors and editor. Competition Extra • 23 • Results and another crossword Members' Noticeboard· 23 • ad apt ~=sd~A~e n()I nea=uily Skull Cradlen' • 24 • Rogu Robinson Prinled by • PIX: Copyprinl, 11 Jeffries Passage. C"""""'" 24 ']ohnEngllib,1ogolepc Guildford, GUI 4AP Big BuJt • 24 • Akph suuggle:'! nollO mention you-koow-who MAGAZINES SERVICES anh~~FiI;\tOtlAnOCllllonlld R'"9'lt<ecl"'E~Lr>It'-"lll>fCi<.¥.-'INCcrnpar>lflo921SOO IISFAAwmll. • OuisHill 1'«100' 0 ToarOaUen R.go.,...to<lA<»esl60~RwclF"'.A$lOr\e~""CT19W eIlQOIr;'~OJlg,dLynchHil. Cto.';IIJnd 3 16"'C1_)wJy.~Ta-.l\ F~19S1l ~tw...RG28mo ...... ..,.·lOlJlNl 1.onlbI.~'\VIOXE I() OIl568'W53 (OOl7lJll723Ck l're:lodtN 0 SlrAltbU"C.C1:arU,C.8.l. '*' cphlllfenterprlsc.net * tClllltnfal·!onsb.dfllOn.eo.ijk AOnuusmlOl' 0 MaurftD Kinaid Spdlu Fc:;Uures·~M.lluder ~ 6OBoollll:lllOUlhJUW,FoIke5lQlle,Kenl LooOOn 0 PloulHood 333BrookVi"",Dm..,.I\eyworth. en,,,,, mn:ungs@112Me;l~,E1t1wn. NoIungll.lm.NG125JN I()Olj03252939 l..Qrodon,SE9tlUB I'll om 937 ~549 * HsylfCl1.eo,uk I()Ollllm6670 * vector·bsf.,roc:ketNll.a. Qbras 0 Carol Ann Kart' Grftn • GaryDalkin Trea$UI'l:I' EliDbcthBillingu wrGr1I!:poups0nsY-lOmlIA-.~. ~ 5L)'dlioRlbi.IIcuno:moUIh. lil 11ol&IloWClo5t.&mbl,Davc1uy, N<xthaNs.,1'\'illjB£ IIUSJDZ OoDcI.8HlltISN I()OI4ll249t045 1'll012lll5~ I'll 01317361661 :I: IleUtp!lorfenurpusc.Dft Itro.,....· P:wIKincaid '*' bl1111lgerfenterpruf.DfI ~ 6OIlournemooAhRadFolkOlOlle. ~b\'tIenhop. C05BJ.l91)'l2trorUK~iI8 ~o~BrU.ky Kln,CTI9'>A.Z oundingorder,1.11unM/l'!dUfcrnem­ ~I()Ol1116551}16 I'llOl~252939 bmtllpJ.l90,~:EuropcU~'iO publicily.* ebsh'tr.gie.deJlOn.eo.uk * uIJlkfC11.eo.uk c~hen:U~'iOSIJ,bccmJU,i30:lirmaU prom;IlIOfISoMartPlWllmC'r I'l1011l16<;60137 F<.>nQ • carolAnnKerTyGrttn OlcquespajOOklOBSFAUd IU ......... a !lll\'It.1ONA,-.:n..... Hull AU non-US mo:mbmIlip 0 hul Billlnan ~'~Jdby qucno.fmt"oI:Ils,~ Hl'<j30Z w llulgb'()ooo"E>'mion.[hvmuy M1Nger '*' pcvcrel~l.a. .~.-.,rnest'li'o:D "'Ol~~<j Na1huo.Jo,'NlljBE Webs. 0 TaD)'S1lnnm J'le1.p!lorfeDlerprlse.llet l'lloIW36I(,b1 * bllllllljerftDterpnlf.Dft o Julicc\'mroer '*' US Agm 0 eyChania IbttP,//...bers .•Ol.COII/t...,.ntb/1 lU "!'C"lgrJ>"su-.l'b'bnd AlU5~ tmlllrdfmlSl=s,Deuol.,\G~1l A'-en''''.ltul.tM1LT @ U75Urba:,$~71"', USA. j»yilicIQ' CyCb2.uvln(BSFA) -news------------------ TABLOID ACCUSATIONS MAR =1998 Clarke Award Shortlisl = STEPHEN 8AXTER Titan CLARKE KNIGHlliOOD (Voyager) THE NEW YEAR HONOURS LIST published on 1January 1998 brought the news that Arlhur C. Clark!' ELIZABETH HAND had been awarded a knighthood. But a month later, on Sunday 1February - lhr~ days before he Glimmering was dul' to r&eive the honour - the Slwday Mirror published a front-page attack on (larke, (Voyager) accusing him of having sex with children in his home for many years, Sri Lanka. Clarke Immediately holly denied the allegations, saying "I am outragoo by the Sunday Mirror's JAMES LOVEGROVE allegations, and [ am seeking legal advice." He believes that the story was an indirect altl'mpl to Days smear Prince Charles, who was due to dub him on Wednesday 4 February during an official visit (Phcenix) to the Indian subcontinent. (larke withdrew from the ceremony, expressing a wish not to embarrass the royal ViSllor. JEFF NOON The ne ....·spaper's front p3ge <exclusive' was seventeen, Somfof the boys wl'l'eSri Lankan,others Nymhomation (Dou~edaYI headhned "CHILD SEX SHAME OF ARTHUR C. werewhitc. , ,he gCls very e:o:Clted in the prescncc 01 CLARKE", and there was also a two-page internal young boys." BUI thfre have been reports elsewhere spread and an editorial headlined ~STRlP THIS alleging lhat DeSilva had previously been fired from MARV DORIA RUSSEll PERVERT OF KNIGHTHOOD HE SHAMF.S", alOurnalistic post for "making upslories." The Sparrow Clarkewasal.Ulsedofpaying~slumboys" a couple Clarke's brolher Fred was quoted as saying lhe (Black Swan: £6.99lp) olrupeesforsex,org.vinglhempresenlssuchasa claims were "idiotic", He continued: -me poor watch. The story rontained quotes which the paper bugger can'l even sland up-lean hardly see him SHERI S. TEPPER claimed camefromClarkehimsell,such as: cruising in his wheelchair for young boys. I can't The Family Tree • "['m ttymg to lhink 01 lhe youngesl boy 1have acceptthescallegationsarerorrect (Voyager) ever had,oo.:ause of course you can't lell here. ltis ~Arlhur is paralysed in onf Ifg and one arm, I \'erv dllficult here most of them had reached don't believe he IS physically capable of these lhings. The shortlist for the 1998ArthurG,ClarkeAwardwas puberty" He's been surrounded by nul1iC'S and staff for years " announced on 22 January bylhe Award '"lthinkmostoflhedamageisdonebythefuss BUIFredalsosald,acrordmgtotheDllilyMrrror: Administrator, Paul Kincald. The Award, now in ~s made by hysterical parents. If the kids enjoy it and "He may have had an intmsl in young boys years twel!lhyear,isgivenlorthebestsciencef~nnovel don'l mind,lt doesn'l do any harm. There is hysleria ago, I don't know whether he ever indulged it or nOl." to receive itsfirsl British publication in 1997. The aboul the whole thing in the West " On the next day, the Mirror reported that the Sri winner will receive an engravedbookend anda Lankan police were going IClquestiOl1 Clarkeat his chequefor£l,OOO, 10 be presented at acereroony POLICE TO INVESTIGATE home, All homosexualily activily is illegal m Sri taterin the Spring On Monday 2 February, the Daily Mirror followed lanka, and can be punished by imprisonmenl and/or Thisyea(sjudgesareasl~lows upon ItS sisler paper with a full"pagereport nogging summammg the story and reporting reactions, Represenring the Brilish Science FicrionAssocian'on includmg calls from children's charities lhal the COMBATIVE TanyaBrown govfrnmE11lshouldconsider~ippingClarkeofhis But despite lhe allegations and his withdrawal from Dr Andrew M,Butler honour, and a report from an unnamed source that the official ceremony, Clarke was in a jovial and Downing Strt'et was "very concerned" combative mood when he appeared at a formal Representing the Science Fichon Foundation Thf paper also quoled one Dayanade DeSilva, dinner in honour of Prince Charles's visil on Wed­ JohnClute described as a journalist at the Sri Lankan nesday4 February. He shook IhePrince's hand,and FarahMendelsohn BroodcilSlmg company arul a "nOloriousgay~, who greeled lhe mob of reporters who swarmed around claimed lhat Oarkf "had a lot of pornographic himwilh "I didn'l o:pect to see you bastardshere~ literature. He used to show mea book full 01 snaps He also issued an emailedcircular,lhanking friends of young boys and girls aged betwl'('ll lhlrtl'('lland and associalesfor lhl'ir "unanimoussuppclrt",a IMPORTANT NOTICE CLARKE'S RESPONSE January / February Mailing It appearsthal a prClportiCln of lhe membership The following statement was issued by Sir Arthur late on 1 February: did not recewe the January I February mailin9, This was a political hatchet job - not aimed at me - but designed to embarrass containing Vector 197aOO Matrix 129. 11 was senl Prince Charles who is planning to honour me with a knighthood on Wednesday. oulin mid·January. ! am very much against mucking about with small boys. I take a dim view of As far as we've been able toascer1ain-via re· that. ceipts from our printers and mailing company-the On the one hand I am very angry to have been smeared. There is no truth correct number of copies 01 both magazines were whatsoever in the allegations being made against me and they are very hurtful. printed,putintoenvelopes,frankedanddelwered On the other hand I like a good fight and, in a strange way, I am enjoying it. to the PostOlfice, What happened after that is still I have not been sexually active for more than twenty years. I had a major somewhat mysterious: some copies of the mailing prostate operation more than a decade ago which would have made anything like didarrive,bulonlyfornameseaftyinthealphabel that quite impossible.
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