Research Resource Timeline of Genomics (1901{1950)* Year Event and Theoretical Implication/Extension Reference 1901 Hugo de Vries adopts the term MUTATION to de Vries, H. 1901. Die Mutationstheorie. describe sudden, spontaneous, drastic alterations in Veit, Leipzig, Germany. the hereditary material of Oenothera. Thomas Harrison Montgomery studies sper- 1. Montgomery, T.H. 1898. The spermato- matogenesis in various species of Hemiptera and ¯nds genesis in Pentatoma up to the formation that maternal chromosomes only pair with paternal of the spermatid. Zool. Jahrb. 12: 1-88. chromosomes during meiosis. 2. Montgomery, T.H. 1901. A study of the chromosomes of the germ cells of the Metazoa. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 20: 154-236. Clarence Ervin McClung postulates that the so- McClung, C.E. 1901. Notes on the acces- called accessory chromosome (now known as the \X" sory chromosome. Anat. Anz. 20: 220- chromosome) is male determining. 226. Hermann Emil Fischer(1902 Nobel Prize Laure- 1. Fischer, E. and Fourneau, E. 1901. UberÄ ate for Chemistry) and Ernest Fourneau report einige Derivate des Glykocolls. Ber. the synthesis of the ¯rst dipeptide, glycylglycine. In Dtsch. Chem. Ges. 34: 2868-2877. 1902 Fischer introduces the term PEPTIDES. 2. Fischer, E. 1907. Syntheses of polypep- tides. XVII. Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges. 40: 1754-1767. 1902 Theodor Boveri and Walter Stanborough Sut- 1. Boveri, T. 1902. UberÄ mehrpolige Mi- ton found the chromosome theory of heredity inde- tosen als Mittel zur Analyse des Zellkerns. pendently. Verh. Phys -med. Ges. WÄurzberg NF 35: 67-90. 2. Boveri, T. 1903. UberÄ die Konstitution der chromatischen Kernsubstanz. Verh. Zool. Ges. 13: 10-33. 3. Boveri, T. 1904. Ergebnisse Äuber die Kon- stitution der chromatischen Substanz des Zellkerns. Gustav Fischer, Jena, Ger- many. 4. Sutton, W.S. On the morphology of the chromosome group in Brachystola magna. Biol. Bull. 4: 24-39. 5. Sutton, W.S. 1903. The chromosomes in heredity. Biol. Bull. 4: 231-251. William Bateson coins the terms GENET- 1. Bateson, W. 1902. Mendel's Principles of ICS, F1, F2, ALLELOMORPH (later shortened Heredity: A Defense. University Press, to ALLELE), HOMOZYGOTE, HETEROZY- Cambridge, United Kingdom. GOTE, and EPISTASIS. 2. Bateson, W. 1909. Mendel's Principles of Heredity. University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 3. Bateson, W. 1916. The mechanism of Mendelian heredity (a review). Science 44: 536-543. Clarence Ervin McClung proposes that particu- McClung, C.E. 1902. The accessory lar chromosomes determine the sex of the individual chromosome|sex determinant? Biol. carrying them, not just in insects, but also perhaps Bull. 3: 43-84. in other species (including man). * Edited by the Editorial O±ce of Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). 132 Geno. Prot. Bioinfo. Vol. 2 No. 2 May 2004 Timeline of Genomics Year Event and Theoretical Implication/Extension Reference 1902 Carl Correns discusses the time and place of seg- Correns, C. 1902. UberÄ den Modus unde regation. den Zeitpunkt der Spaltung der Anlagen bei den Bastarden vom Erbsen-Typus. Botan. Zeitg. 60, II, 5/6: 65-82. Archibald Edward Garrod identi¯es the ¯rst hu- Garrod, A.E. 1902. The incidence of alka- man genetic disease, alkaptonuria. ptonuria: a study in chemical individual- ity. Lancet 2: 1616-1620. Hermann Emil Fischer and Franz Hofmeister Hofmeister, E. 1902. UberÄ Bau und demonstrate that proteins are polypeptides. Gruppierung der Eiweisskorper. Ergeb- nisse der Physiologie 1: 759. William Maddock Bayliss and Ernest Henry Bayliss, W.M. and Starling, E.H. 1902. Starling resurrect the term HORMONE when The mechanism of pancreatic secretion. they dicover secretin. J. Physiol. 28: 325-353. 1903 William Castle recognizes the relationship between Castle, W.E. 1903. The laws of hered- allele and genotype frequencies for the ¯rst time. ity of Galton and Mendel and some laws governing race improvement by selection. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 39: 223- 242. Wilhelm Ludvig Johannsen introduces and de- Johannsen, W. 1903. UberÄ Erblichkeit in ¯nes the concepts of PHENOTYPE, GENO- Populationen und reinen Linien. Fischer, TYPE, and SELECTION. Jena, Germany. 1905 Edmund Beecher Wilson and Nellie Maria 1. Wilson, E.B. 1905. The chromosomes in Stevens independently discover that separate X and relation to the determination of sex in in- Y chromosomes determine sex. sects. Science 22: 500-502. 2. Stevens, N.M. 1905. Studies in spermato- genesis with especial reference to the \ac- cessory chromosome". Carnegie Institu- tion of Washington, Publication 36: 1-33. William Bateson, Edith Rebecca Saunders, 1. Bateson, W., Saunders, E.R., and Pun- and Reginald Crundall Punnett investigate the nett, R.C. 1905. Experimental studies exceptions to Mendel's rules, leading to the discov- in the physiology of heredity. Reports to ery of two new genetic principles: LINKAGE and Evol. Comm. Royal Soc. 2: 1-131. GENE INTERACTION. 2. Bateson, W., Saunders, E.R., and Pun- nett, R.C. 1906. Experimental studies in the physiology of heredity. Reports to Evol. Comm. Royal Soc. 3: 1-53. Lucien Claude Jules Cu¶enot extends Mendel's Cu¶enot,L. 1905. Les races pures et leurs discoveries to animals and discovers the ¯rst lethal combinaisons chez les souris. Arch. Zool. allele: the yellow coat color allele in mice (agouti). Exp¶er.G¶en. 4th series, 3, notes et revue, pp. cxxiii-cxxxii. 1906 Craig W. Woodworth and William Ernest Cas- tle introduce Drosophila melanogaster as a new ex- perimental material for genetic studies. Robert Heath Lock suggests the relation between Lock, R.H. 1906. Recent Progress in the linkage and exchange of parts between homologous Study of Variation, Heredity, and Evolu- chromosomes. tion. pp. 299. E.P. Dutton & Co., New York, USA. Mikhail Semenovitch Tswett (Tsvett), Tswett, M. 1906. On a new category of a Russian botanist, creates and baptizes adsorption phenomena and their applica- the technique of chromatography. tion to biochemical analysis. Ber. Deut. Botan. Ges. 24: 316-384. Geno. Prot. Bioinfo. Vol. 2 No. 2 May 2004 133 Timeline of Genomics Year Event and Theoretical Implication/Extension Reference 1907 Anna Mae Lutz proves that the mutation \gigas" 1. Lutz, A.M. 1907. A preliminary note on in the evening primrose Oenothera lamarckiana con- the chromosomes of Oenothera lamarck- tains an extra set of the usual chromosomes. This iana and one of its mutants, O.gigas. Sci- leads to the analysis and arti¯cial production of poly- ence 26: 151-152. ploidy in plants, a much used technique for crop im- 2. Lutz, A.M. 1909. Notes on the ¯rst provement. generation hybrid of Oenothera lata and O.gigas. Science 29: 263-267. 1908 Godfrey Harold Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg 1. Hardy, G.H. 1908. Mendelian propor- independently formulate the Hardy-Weinberg law re- tions in a mixed population. Science 28: lating mathematically the genotypic frequencies to 49-50. the frequencies of alleles in randomly mating popu- 2. Weinberg, W. 1908. UberÄ den Nachweis lations. This theorem forms the mathematical basis der Vererbung beim Menschen. Jahresh. for population genetics. Wuertt. Ver. Vaterl. Natkd. 64: 369- 382. Archibald Edward Garrod discusses the bio- 1. Garrod, A.E. 1908. Inborn errors of chemical genetics of man (or any other species). metabolism. Lancet 2: 1-7, 73-79, 142- 148, 214-220. 2. Garrod, A.E. 1909. Inborn Errors of Metabolism. Oxford University Press, London, UK. Erwin Baur ¯rst clearly demonstrates a lethal gene Baur, E. 1908. Untersuchungen Äuber die in Antirrhinum. ErblichkeitsverhÄaltnisseeiner nur in Bas- tardform lebensfÄahigenSippe von Antir- rhinum majus. Zeits. ind. Abst. Vererb. 1: 124. 1909 Wilhelm Ludwig Johannsen coins the word 1. Johannsen, W. 1909. Elemente der Exak- GENE, instead of the hereditary factor, and intro- ten Erblichkeitslehre. pp. 123-124. Fis- duces the phenotype/genotype distinction. cher, Jena, Germany. 2. Johannsen, W. 1911. The genotype con- ception of heredity. Am. Nat. 45: 129- 159. Herman Nilsson-Ehle proposes the multiple- Nilsson-Ehle, H. 1909. Kreuzungsunter- factor hypothesis to explain the quantitative inheri- suchungen an Hafer und Weizen. Lunds tance of seed-coat color in wheat. Universit. Arsskr. N.F. 5, 2: 1-122. Frans Alfons Janssens proposes the chiasmatype Janssens, F.A. 1909. La th¶eoriede la chi- hypothesis. asmatypie. La Cellule 25: 389-411. Phoebus Aaron Theodor Levene, assuming that 1. Levene, P.A. and Jacobs, W.A. 1909. proteins are the support of heredity, studies nucleic Chem. Ber. 42: 2474. acids to understand their role and discovers that the 2. Levene, P.A. 1909. UberÄ die Hefenuclein- sugar ribose is found in some nucleic acids, which saure. Biochem. Ziet. 17: 120-131. we now call RNA. He subsequently analyzes the 3. Levene, P.A. and London, E.S. 1929. The compositon of nucleic acids and proposes that they structure of thymus nucleic acid. J. Biol. are made of tetranucleotides in constant proportion, Chem. 83: 793-802. making them a monotonous macromolecule. This view delayed the discovery of DNA as the genetic material. 1910 Thomas Hunt Morgan (1933 Noble Prize Laure- 1. Morgan, T.H. 1910. Chromosomes and ate for Physiology or Medicine) discovers sex-linked heredity. Am. Nat. 44: 449-496. inheritance for the ¯rst mutation, white eye, in 2. Morgan, T.H. 1910. Sex-limited inheri- Drosophila melanogaster. tance in Drosophila. Science 32: 120-122. 134 Geno. Prot. Bioinfo. Vol. 2 No. 2 May 2004 Timeline of Genomics Year Event and Theoretical Implication/Extension Reference 1910 Edward Murray East applies Mendelian inheri- East, E.M. 1910. A Mendelian interpreta- tance to all inherited characters. tion of variation that is apparently contin- uous. Am. Nat. 44: 65-82. 1911 Thomas Hunt Morgan proposes that the genes Morgan, T.H. 1911. An attempt to ana- for white eyes, yellow body, and miniature wings lyze the constitution of the chromosomes in Drosophila are linked together on the X chromo- on the basis of sex-limited inheritance in some.
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