Geoforum, Vol. 6, pp. 187-204, 1975. Pergamon Press Ltd. Printed in Great Britain The Plight of the Lilliputians: an Analysis of Five European Microstates Honor6 M. CATUDAL, Jr., Collegeville, Minn.” Summary: The mini- or microstate is an important but little studied phenomenon in political geography. This article seeks to redress the balance and give these entities some of the attention they deserve. In general, five microstates are examined; all are located in Western Europe-Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican. The degree to which each is autonomous in its internal affairs is thoroughly explored. And the extent to which each has control over its external relations is investigated. Disadvantages stemming from its small size strike at the heart of the ministate problem. And they have forced these nations to adopt practices which should be of use to large states. Zusammenfassung: Dem Zwergstaat hat die politische Geographie wenig Beachtung geschenkt. Urn diese Liicke zu verengen, werden hier fiinf Zwergstaaten im westlichen Europa untersucht: Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino und der Vatikan. Das Ma13der inneren und lul3eren Autonomie wird griindlich untersucht. Die Kleinheit hat die Zwargstaaten zu Anpassungsformen gezwungen, die such fiir groRe Staaten van Bedeutung sein k8nnten. R&sum& Les Etats nains n’ont g&e fait I’objet d’Btudes de geographic politique. Afin de combler cette lacune, cinq mini-Etats sent examines ici; il s’agit de I’Andorre, du Liechtenstein, de Monaco, de Saint-Marin et du Vatican. Dans quelle mesure ces Etats disposent-ils de l’autonomie interne at ont-ils le contrble de leurs relations extirieures. c’est ce que l’auteur etudie, en soulignant les inconJnients que r&ultent de la petite taille de ces pays et les ont contraints B adopter des solutions que les grands Etats pourraient appliquer eux aussi. 1. The Small State Today Yet the fact remains that the number of small states has increased considerably in this century (as compared with The small state is truly an anachronism in the world the nineteenth century only 1. In the view of one astute today. For it is no longer an economically efficient observer: “One of the most striking features of contempor- autonomous unit in either peace or war. And it obviously ary international politics has been the conspicuousness of does not serve effectively the ‘buffer’ function for which small states in an era marked by increasingly military many small nations were originally created or have been disparity between Great and Small.” preserved to the present. In fact, the diminutive state may be dangerous to peace if it invites aggression by a Nowhere is this disparity between nations greater than in powerful and unscrupulous neighbor which may believe instances where mini- or microstates are found to exist. that the opposite strong neighbor will not commit itself For to a large extent these tiny territorial sovereignties to war to preserve the tiny nation. can maintain their independence of action only through The most important problem faced by many small the sufferance or self-interest of great neighbors. In Europe countries today is whether they can remain self-sufficient this hard fact of political life pretty much explains how in a world where technological progress in economy and these anomalous areas have survived to the present. military weapons is manifestly in favor of the large states. There are five important ministates in Europa - all located in the West. Two are land-locked in foreign territory: The Vatican City State and San Marino, both of which are completely surrounded by Italian soil. And two l Honor4 M. CATUDAL. Jr., St. John’s University, have land frontiers with two other States: Andorra, Collegeville, Minn. 56321, USA. situated between Spain and France, and Liechtenstein, 187 188 GeoforumlVolume G/Number 31/4/19X located between Austria and Switzerland. Only one has and the winters are marked by snows. Politically, San direct access to the sea: Monaco, which is situated on Marino is a republic - the smallest in the world. France’s south-eastern Mediterranean coast. As will become evident, the geographi~l position of these states has Monaco important political implications. Monaco is an independent principality which enjoys All of these political oddities possess varying degrees of close relations with France, which surrounds it on the self rule. This paper examines the degree to which they are autonomous in their internal affairs. And it investigates west, north and east. Barely occupying 1.5 km2 , this territory has a population of 23,000 (1969 est). Monaco the extent to which they have control over their external comprises three major areas: La Condamine, the business relations. Disadvantages stemming from limited size have district around the port; Monte Carlo, the site of the forced these entities to adopt practices which might be of famous casino which is at a higher elevation; and Monaco- value to large states. Ville, the capital, which is also known as “the Rock” 2. Overview because of its situation on a high, rocky promontory Each of the five European microstates is unique. Bearing extending into the Mediterranean Sea. This tiny sover- this reality in mind, it might be well to first briefly intro- eignty is favored with a climate that is fine and warm, duce each one before an attempt is made to generalize with very mild winters. Pleasant weather, together with about them. the amenities of Monte Carlo, have turned Monaco into a leading tourist attraction. The Vatican City State The Vatican is an independent papal state, lying within Liechtenstein the commune of Rome. Its 1000 permanent inhabitants Liechtenstein is a principality with close ties to Switzer- (1969 est.) reside in an area of exactly 0.44 km2 - about land. Roughly triangular in shape, it is situated in the the size of a modern l&hole golf course. This domain Rhine valley between the cantons of Saint Gallen comprises St. Peter’s Square; St. Peter‘s Basilica (the and Graubiinden in northeast Switzerland and the alpine largest Christian church in the world), to which the square province of Vorarlberg in western Austria. Its 19,000 serves as an entrance; a quadrangle area north of the citizens (1969 est.) reside in an area of 160 km2 . In the square, in which there are a number of administrative main, Liechtenstein is divided into two sections: a com- buildings and the Belvedere Park; the pontifical palaces paratively narrow strip of level land, bordering the right (the Vatican proper), which lie west of the Belvedere Park; bank of the Rhine; and an upland and mountainous and the Vatican Gardens. In addition, extraterritoriality region, occupying the remainder of the country. Generally is exercised over thirteen other areas outside Vatican City. the climate is mild. Although one might expect agriculture These consist mostly of churches and palaces in Rome, to be the main pursuit of this tiny state, local officials the Vatican radio station at Santa Maria di Gaieria, contend that theirs is the world’s most densely industrialized located some 10 km from Rome and the papal country. villa at Caste1 Gandolfo. If not the smallest state in the world, the Vatican is certainly the most influential ministate. For besides being the home of the pope, who is the absolute sovereign of this tiny city-state, it is also Andorra the center of the worldwide organization called the Roman Andorra is a partially self-governing state under the joint Catholic Church. suzerainty of the President of France and the Bishop of Lerida. Set in the large drainage basin of the Pyrenees, San Marino it is bounded on the north and east by the French depart- Like the Vatican, San Marino is completely enclosed by ments of Ariege and Pyr~n~es-Orientates. To thesouth lies Italian territory. Its 19,000 permanent residents (IQ69 est.1 the Spanish province of Lerida. As one might imagine, live in an area of 61 km2. Most of this state is moun- the terrain in Andorra is extremely rugged, with seven tainous. The capital, San Marino, is perched on the slopes mountain peaks reaching altitudes between 2,500 and and at the summit of Mount Titan0 in the northern 3 000 m. Generally, high altitude and rainfall account Appenines. This peak reaches about 766 m and com- for the lush, green pastures, to which farmers take their mands a broad view of the Adriatic shore just 10 km livestock for grazing during the summer. Five months out away. Generally, the climate is moderate, of the year, the country is covered with snowfall, which although there are wide fluctuations in daily temperatures makes possible a thriving ski-resort industry. With an area GeoforumlVolume G/Number 31411975 189 of 465 km’ and a population of 19,600 (1969 est.), pality was occupied first by the Phoenicians (from the Andorra is the largest microstate in Europe. tenth to the fifth century B.C.) and then by the Greeks. During the early Christian era it was dominated by Rome 3. Origins until occupied by the barbarians and Saracens. In the tenth century, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire The microstates that exist in Europe today have no Otto I conferred Monaco on the House of Grimaldi in common origin. They do not date from any particular Genoa. The male line died out in 1731. But the French period. Each is a product of unique circumstances, which family of Goyon-Matignon, which succeeded by marriage, culminated in the birth of a nation. assumed the name Grimaldi, which is still used by the The origin of San Marino ruling price Rainier I I I. The oldest is San Marino, which claims to be the oldest Although the origin of Monaco can be traced back to the republic in the world.
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