Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. 44: 23–31 (2008) Rare liverworts in Komi Republic (Russia) Michail Vladimirovich Dulin Institute for Biology of Komi SC UB RAS, Kommunisticheskaya st. 28, Syktyvkar, 167982, Komi Republic, Russia E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Data are presented on distribution and ecology of 10 rare liverwort species (Anastrophyllum sphenoloboides, Arnellia fennica, Haplomitrium hookeri, Cephalozia macounii, Cephaloziella elachista, Lophozia ascendens, Nardia japonica, Scapania scandica, Schis- tochilopsis laxa, Sphenolobus cavifolius) included in the Red Data Book of the Komi Republic, and 8 species (Dichiton integerrimum, Harpanthus scutatus, Kurzia pauciflora, Lophozia pellucida, Lophozia perssonii, Odontoschisma denudatum, Scapania nemorea, Schistochilopsis hyperarctica) suggested for inclusion in the new edition of the Red Data Book of the Komi Republic. Kokkuvõte: Haruldased helviksamblad Komi Vabariigis (Venemaa) Esitatakse andmestik Komi Vabariigi Punasesse Raamatusse kuuluva kümne helviksambaliigi kohta (Anastrophyllum sphenoloboides, Arnellia fennica, Haplomitrium hookeri, Cephalozia macounii, Cephaloziella elachista, Lophozia ascendens, Nardia japonica, Scapania scandica, Schistochilopsis laxa, Sphenolobus cavifolius) ning kaheksa helviksamblaliigi kohta (Dichiton integerrimum, Harpanthus scutatus, Kurzia pauciflora, Lophozia pellucida, Lophozia perssonii, Odontoschisma denudatum, Scapania nemorea, Schistochilopsis hyperarctica), mida on kavas lisada Komi Vabariigi Punase Raamatu uude versiooni. INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS The Komi Republic is situated in the north-east The Red Data Book of any subject of the Russian of the European Russia between 59°12’ and Federation is an official legal document compiled 68°25’ N and 45°25’ and 66°15’ E. The longest by public authorities. The Book grants them stretch is (from south-west to north-east) ca administrative and legal warrants, and thus 1300 km and the total area 416,000 km2. Topo- increases possibilities for their conservation and graphically the area is situated within the Rus- recovery. Properly compiled plant and animal sian Plain and the Urals. Considerable diversity species checklists serve a legal basis for it. Legal of environmental conditions is the consequence treatment of protection of rare and endangered of great latitudinal distance and geographical species, including compiling and maintaining heterogeneity. Extreme northern and north- the Red Data Book of any subject of the Russian eastern part of Komi lies in tundra and forest Federation is determined by Federal Laws «On tundra, and the rest of the area belongs to the the Fauna» and «On the Nature Protection». The taiga zone. Red Data Book is regularly reviewed (every ten There are widespread and rare species years) (Taskaev, 1998; Methodical Guidelines…, among liverworts, as in any group of plants, 2006). and rare species often need to be protected. It is necessary to highlight the following Protection of liverworts (as other bryophytes) is principal criteria for inclusion of species into characterized by several peculiar features. These the list of endangered species needing special plants are usually small and can be identified protection: 1 – habitats scarcity; 2 – location on only with difficulties in the field. Thus, it is distribution area margins; 3 – presence of spe- difficult to protect specific species separately. cies in the Red Data Book of the International The complexity of protection of rare liverwort Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in the Red Data Book of European Bryophytes, and in species causes the goal of protection of areas the Red Data Books of the former Soviet Union of their concentration, such as their ecotopes and Russia; 4 – endemic and relict nature of with the whole specific plant complex by crea- species. Rarity categories are classified accord- tion (or preservation of the existing) network ing to IUCN criteria (Taskaev, 1998). of protected natural areas of different statuses The species names follow Konstantinova et (nature reserves, national parks, refuges, natu- al. (1992) except for Schistochilopsis. ral artefacts). The first steps to achieve are field Species were attributed to geographic surveys and compilation of checklists or lists of groups according to classification suggested by rare species in the areas. Konstantinova (2000). 24 Folia Cryptog. Estonica RESULTS AND DISCUSSION evsky & Zheleznova, 1974; Zheleznova, 1978, 1982; 1985; Bezgodov et al., 2003; Dulin, Investigation of the distribution of liverwort 2007). – Arctic-montane, almost circum- species in Komi Republic by G.V. Zheleznova polar species. Eighteen localities (including and T.P. Shubina provided information to com- literature data) (Fig. 1). pile a list of 10 rare liverworts species to be CEPHALOZIELLA ELACHISTA (J.B.Jack ex Gottsche et included in the Komi Red Data Book (Taskaev, Rabenh.) Schiffn. (Zheleznova, 1974; 1985). 1998). Investigations performed in 1999–2005 – Boreal Atlantic species. Two localities in Komi Republic gave information about new (Fig. 2). localities of the liverworts included in the Red LOPHOZIA ASCENDENS (Warnst.) R.M. Schust. Date Book. On the basis of all data the complete (Zheleznova, 1974; 1985; Dulin, 2001, 2007). list of known localities is prepared. It includes – Boreal circumpolar species. Fourteen lo- the data on identified specimens, the ecological calities (Fig. 1). and geographical characteristics of sampling SCAPANIA SCANDICA (Arnell et H. Buch) Macvicar areas with coordinates, accompanying liver- (Zheleznova, 1982; Bakalin et al., 2001; worts species, inventory or field number of the Dulin, 2007). – Arctic-montane, almost cir- specimens, collection date and the name of cumpolar species. Nine localities (Fig. 2). collector (see Appendix). Reference to the basic SCHISTOCHILOPSIS LAXA (Lindb.) Konstantinova (Zhe- sources of information of the species mentioned leznova, 1985; Dulin, 2001, 2007). – Boreal is provided. Atlantic species. Five localities (Fig. 2). Liverworts in first edition of the Red Data SPHENOLOBUS CAVIFOLIUS (H. Buch et S.W. Arnell) Book of the Komi Republic Müll.Frib. (Zinovjeva, 1973; Zheleznova & Shubina, 1997; 1998). – Arctic almost cir- Ten liverworts are included in the Red Data Book cumpolar species. Three localities (including of Komi Republic, three of them belong to the literature data) (Fig. 1). second category and seven to the third. The recent investigations resulted in new Category 2 – vulnerable species: taxa are likely to localities for seven rare liverworts protected be attributed to the Endangered category in the in Komi Republic: Arnellia fennica, Cephalozia near future provided that the effect of adverse macounii, Cephaloziella elachista, Lophozia factors continues. The following species fall in ascendens, Nardia japonica, Scapania scandica this category: and Schistochilopsis laxa. Eight protected CEPHALOZIA MACOUNII (Austin) Austin (Zheleznova, species were found in 10 areas of various 1974; 1985; Dulin et al., 2003; Dulin, 2007). level of protection: flora refuges “Nomburgsky” – Boreal circumpolar species. Three locali- (Anastrophyllum sphenoloboides, Lophozia ties (Fig. 3). ascendens), “Syktyvkarsky” (Arnellia fennica), HAPLOMITRIUM HOOKERI (Sm.) Nees (Zheleznova, “Mylsky” (Nardia japonica), “Soivinsky” (Arnellia 1985). – Boreal disjunct species. One local- fennica, Lophozia ascendens), complex refuges ity (Fig. 1). “Udorsky” (Cephalozia macounii, Cephaloziella NARDIA JAPONICA Steph. (Schljakov, 1980; Zhelezno- elachista, Lophozia ascendens), “Belaya Kedva” va, 1985). – Arctic-montane Eurasian-West- (Arnellia fennica), complex refuges “Sindorsky” ern American species. Two localities (Fig. (Cephalozia macounii, Cephaloziella elachista, 3). Lophozia ascendens, Schistochilopsis laxa, Category 3 – rare species: taxa with small Scapania scandica), forest refuge “Porubsky” populations size that are at risk to become (Lophozia ascendens), “Pechoro-Ilychsky” vulnerable or endangered. The following conservation area (Arnellia fennica, Cephalozia species fall in this category: macounii, Lophozia ascendens, Scapania scandica), and geological conservation area ANASTROPHYLLUM SPHENOLOBOIDES R.M. Schust. (Zheleznova & Schljakov, 1976; Zheleznova, “Skala Lek-Iz” (Arnellia fennica). Preservation 1985). – Arctic, almost circumpolar species. of liverworts’ habitats in the protected areas One locality (Fig. 2). is efficient to fulfil the conservation goals for the rare liverworts, and effective to protect ARNELLIA FENNICA (Gottsche) Lindb. (Zickendrath, 1900; Pole, 1915; Zinovjeva, 1973; Kildjush- bryophytes as a whole. 25 Liverworts proposed for inclusion in the LOPHOZIA PELLUCIDA R.M. Schust. (Dulin et al., second edition of the Red Data Book of the 2003; Bezgodov et al., 2003; Dulin, 2007). Komi Republic – Arctic, almost circumpolar species. Five localities (Fig. 2). Discovery of two rare calciphilous species LOPHOZIA PERSSONII H.Buch et S.W.Arnell (Zhe- (Lophozia pellucida and Schistochilopsis hy- leznova, 1985; Dulin et al., 2003; Dulin, perarctica) was an important result of our in- 2007). – Arctic-montane European-Siberian vestigation. These species need protection at species. Four localities (Fig. 4). the regional level and were recommended for ODONTOSCHISMA DENUDATUM (Mart.) Dumort. (Dulin, inclusion in the new issue of ”The Red Data 2007). – Nemoral amphi-oceanic species. Book of Komi Republic“. Lophozia pellucida is a Four localities (Fig. 4). little-known Arctic liverwort which is considered
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