PLANNING COMMITTEE - 30th November 2006 Application Number: LBC/06/0029 Ward: Cockfosters Date of Registration: 6th September 2006 Contact: Andy Higham 020 8379 3848 Location: DE BOHUN PRIMARY SCHOOL, GREEN ROAD, LONDON, N14 4AD Proposal: Replacement of boundary fence fronting Green Road with railing fence and gates and new internal railing fence (revised scheme). Applicant Name & Address: De Bohun Primary School DE BOHUN PRIMARY SCHOOL GREEN ROAD LONDON N14 4AD Agent Name & Address: Construction Technical Services, London Borough of Enfield ARLINGTON HOUSE 79, HIGH STREET ENFIELD EN3 4EN Recommendation: That listed building consent be GRANTED subject to the following conditions: 1. No development shall commence until revised details of the copingstone incorporating an overhang beyond the face of the brick piers have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved detail. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory external appearance and to protect the special architectural and historic interest of the listed building. 2. The development shall not commence until details of the external finishing materials to be used have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory external appearance and to protect the special architectural and historic interest of the listed building. 3. C53A Time Limit - Listed Building Consent Site and Surroundings De Bohun Primary School consists of two predominantly two-storey buildings located to the north side of Green Road. The surrounding area is residential. The school is situated on an area of Metropolitan Open Land and together with the existing boundary wall on Green Road, is Grade II listed 1 Amplification of Proposal Permission is sought to replace the existing wooden picket fence along the boundary with Green Road. The proposed boundary treatment consists of black metal railings and gates measuring 1.75m in height, supported by brick piers (1.25m high x 0.55m wide x 0.55m deep), topped by a copingstone, which sits flush on top. The main entrance gates consist of a vehicular access gate and a pedestrian access gate. An application for planning permission is considered elsewhere on this agenda under reference TP/06/1700. Relevant Planning Decisions TP/05/1180 - an application for the replacement of the boundary fence fronting Green Road with railing fence and gates and new internal railing fence was refused in November 2005 Consultations Public: Consultation letters have been sent to 19 neighbouring properties. Notice was also placed on display at the site and published in the local press. No letters of objection have been received External: English Heritage raised no objection subject to the rationalisation of the pier design being secured by officers. Internal: Education, Children's Services and Leisure supported the proposal, stressing the urgent need to repair the fence in order to maintain the safety of pupils. Conservation Advisory Group: The Group raised no objection in principle subject to satisfactory details being secured by officers. It was noted that on the plans originally submitted with the application that the design of the piers was asymmetrical and irregular (size and height), and that the finishing / coping detail was inappropriate. Concern that inappropriate signage would be subsequently affixed to the wall or railings was expressed. Revised drawings were submitted by the applicant in response to these concerns but in accordance with the resolution, have not been referred back to the Group Relevant Policy London Plan Policy 4C.10: Historic environment Policy 4B.11: Heritage conservation 2 Policy 4B.7: Respect local context and communities Policy 3D.9: Metropolitan Open Land UDP Policy (I) GD1 - Regard to surroundings (I) GD2 - Development to improve the environment (II) GD3 - Aesthetic and functional design (I) C1 - Preservation and enhancement of buildings of historic interest (II) C17 - Development of listed buildings (II) C11 - Preservation of buildings with historic or architectural importance (II) C12 - protection of buildings with historical or architectural importance (II) O5 - Suitable developments in and around Metropolitan Open Land Interim UDP Amendments (II) SDC1 Sustainable Design and Construction Other Policy Considerations Planning Policy Guidance Note 15: Planning and the Historic Environment Analysis Principle As highlighted by the Director of Education, Children's Services and Leisure, the existing railings and gates are in a dilapidated state with some posts missing. It is acknowledged that this results not only in an aesthetically poor frontage for the school harming the setting of this Grade 2 listed building but also gives rise to safety issues for the children inside. The replacement of the existing railings is therefore highly desirable and no objection is raised in principle to this. The visual acceptance of these proposals is considered elsewhere on this agenda by the corresponding application for planning permission. Here, however, acceptability will be dependant on the size, design and materials of the proposed replacement and their impact on the special architectural and historic character and appearance of the Grade 2 listed building. Impact on Special Character and Appearance of the Grade 2 listed building. The School dates from 1936 and it is considered to be " an important example of 1930s Middlesex County Council school building in this Dutch-inspired version of modernism, part of a group of grade II listed buildings of similar design in the area. As with most listed buildings, the essence of its special interest lies in the balance between its plan form, massing, materials, detailing and setting, in the context of its development and importance within its social and historical background" In particular, the listing refers to a pair of iron gates at the front in the art deco style. The originally submitted proposals were considered unacceptable, primarily in respect of the design of the piers, a view supported by English Heritage. Revised plans were then requested with piers of a more consistent and symmetrical way, and topped with an appropriate copingstone. The revised proposals, showing taller brick piers finished with a coping stone, is considered to be an improvement on the original design. However, there is still some concern that the copingstone 3 sits flush on the piers when it should ideally project beyond the face of the piers. To address this minor aspect, a condition is recommended requiring the submission of a revised detail for the pier cap. Subject to the above, it is considered that the replacement of the existing concrete railings by the use of railings and brick piers would be acceptable and would not harm the special architectural and historic character or appearance of the Grade 2 listed building or the gates. Sustainable Design and Construction A sustainability assessment is not required an application of this nature or size. Conclusion In conclusion, it is considered that listed building consent should be granted subject to condition for the following reasons: 1 The proposed railings, brick piers and gates, due to their size, siting and design, do not harm the special architectural and historic character of the Grade 2 listed building, or it setting within the visual amenities of the street scene having regard to Policies 4 Scale 1/2500 Date 15/11/2006 © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. London Borough of Enfield. Centre = 528788 E 195554 N License No LA086363, 2003 LBC/06/0029 Application Number: LBE/06/0023 Ward: Cockfosters Date of Registration: 11th October 2006 Contact: Andy Higham 020 8379 3848 Location: OAKTREE SCHOOL, CHASE SIDE, LONDON, N14 4HN Proposal: Single storey side extension to school to provide additional teaching rooms together with new steps and ramp access to play fields and erection of wall adjacent to caretakers house. Applicant Name & Address: Education, Children Services & Leisure, London Borough of Enfield Civic Centre Silver Street Enfield EN1 3XA Agent Name & Address: Paul Wilkinson, A D Architects 63-65, Fore Street Hertford Herts SG14 1AL Recommendation: That in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations) 1992, planning permission be deemed to be GRANTED subject to the following conditions: 1. C08 Materials to Match 2. C57 Sustainability 3. C51A Time Limited Permission Site and Surroundings: Oaktree School comprises a single storey building located within a mixed use area, on the western side of Chase Side, south of Cat Hill roundabout. The main access to the school is from Chase Side. To the north and west of the site is the Cat Hill campus of Middlesex University whilst to the south is open space. Opposite are Chicken Shed Theatre and the Bramley Road Sports Ground. Amplification of Proposal: Permission is sought for a single storey side extension to the school to provide additional teaching rooms together with new steps and ramp access to playing fields, and the erection of a wall adjacent to the caretakers house. The school is a mixed day-school for pupils with a range of complex needs, including social, emotional and behavioural difficulties linked to their learning. It provides for pupils aged 7-19, but the school’s emphasis has begun to move towards the older children. Consequently, there is a 6 need for additional facilities catering for the needs of these older age groups. There would be no increase in pupil numbers and staff numbers would also remain the same, with additional staff only required in response to individual child needs, in line with current practice. Relevant Planning History: TP/98/1392 – a single storey infill extension was approved in December 1998 TP/01/0866 – a single storey extension to staff room was approved in July 2001. TP/01/1781 – a detached single storey building for soft play area was approved in February 2002.
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