Sustainability Report 2017 Sustainability Report sustainability REPORT Sustainability Report 2017 2017 www.grimaldi.napoli.it www.grimaldi.napoli.it Tradition, responsibility, innovation. 2017 Sustainability REPORT Summary 1 Letter to Stakeholders 1 7.2.4 Workplace health and safety 33 7.3 Our suppliers and agents 34 2 Methodological note 3 7.4 Institutions and trade associations 36 3 A year in a page: our 2017 4 7.5 Safety and Security 37 7.5.1 Safety 38 4 The Grimaldi Group 5 7.5.2 Security 41 4.1 Our story 8 7.6 Our role in the community 43 4.1.2 70 Years of Finnlines 10 7.6.1 Investing in the future: collaborations with 4.2 The business model 12 entities, universities and research institutes 43 7.6.2 The Grimaldi Foundation Onlus 46 4.3 Our Mission and our Values 13 7.6.3 Humanitarian aid 50 5 Governance system and business 8 Environmental responsibility 51 ethics 15 8.1 The regulatory framework of reference 51 5.1 231 Model and Code of Conduct 16 8.2 Our approach to the challenges of the future 53 5.2 Compliance 17 8.2.1 The integrated management system 53 6 Our sustainability strategy 18 8.3 We invest in innovation 55 8.3.1 Grimaldi Green 5th Generation (GG5G) 57 6.1 Our stakeholders and channels for dialogue 20 8.3.2 Research projects and innovation 57 6.2 Grimaldi’s highlights 21 8.4 Environmental performance 59 6.3 Materiality analysis 23 6.4 Economic performance: 9 Objectives 62 creating shared value 25 10 Commitment List 64 7 We create value for our stakeholders 27 Annex 65 7.1 Our customers 27 Materiality Analysis Process 65 7.1.1 Passenger transportation 28 7.1.2 Freight transport 28 Reconciliation table for material issues and GRI G4 indexes 66 7.2 Our people 30 7.2.1 Personnel selection policies 31 The reporting perimeter 66 7.2.2 Training and skill development 32 GRI indexes 67 7.2.3 Performance evaluation 32 GRI Content Index 81 2017 Sustainability Report III Graphic Design: Marco Di Lorenzo Letter to 1 Stakeholders Dear Stakeholders, this 2017 Sustainability Report gives us the opportunity well as the useful life of the ships). to review the Grimaldi Group’s economic, social and The programme to upgrade and expand the fleet con- environmental performance, continuing along the path tinued in 2017 with the delivery of the new vessels At- we began in 2015. lantic Sky and Atlantic Sun to Atlantic Container Line. From the point of view of economic results, the 2017 These are the fourth and fifth units of the 5 new gener- financial year ended with a consolidated net profit of ation “G4” vessels from the Chinese Hudong shipyard € 298 million (€ 286 million in financial year 2016). (replacing the Atlantic Cartier and Atlantic Conveyor). The increase in the net profit derived mainly from the Grimaldi Euromed also took delivery in the year in improved operating profit, which showed an increase question of two new vessels (the Grande Baltimora in EBITDA of over € 18 million compared to 2016 (+3%). and Grande New York) from the Chinese Jinling ship- In particular, the subsidiary Finnlines ended 2017's fi- yard. The Grande Halifax, the last ship commissioned nancial year with a net profit of € 82.7 million (+20% to these ship builders, was delivered in January 2018. compared to 2016), the best result achieved in its 70 The 7 remaining ships under construction (repre- years of business. senting an investment of approximately € 300 million) will be delivered by the Yangfan shipyard by 2020. In 2017 the Group generated a value of approxi- mately € 2.9 billion, with an increase of more than The efforts aimed at reducing harmful emissions un- € 200 million compared to 2016 (+9%), of which derwent a significant acceleration in the early months more than 80% was distributed among suppliers, of 2018. Following the design studies launched in employees, lenders, the Public Administration and the 2016, the Group recently signed the contract for the social community. The distributed economic value is construction of 12 new ships, named “Grimaldi Green a very significant indicator of the Group’s social im- 5th Generation” (GG5G), under the ro/ro category, for pact and thus represents an aspect that we wish to a total investment of approximately US$ 800 million. highlight. The Chinese Jinling shipyard was awarded the order, Environmental and social sustainability are be- further strengthening the partnership with the Group. coming increasingly concrete and crucial concepts The new ships, which are expected to be delivered in operating activities and corporate strategies, for starting from 2020, will be capable of transporting our Group. more than 7,800 linear metres of rolling stock, equiv- Among the strong points it is worth highlighting the alent to around 500 trailers. The garage loading ca- use of a modern fleet, technologically at the leading pacity of these ships is twice that of the largest ships edge and eco-friendly, which at the end of 2017 was currently operated by our Group and three times that made up of over 120 ships, 112 of which directly owned. of the previous generation of ro/ro ships, but with the They have an average age of approximately 12 years same fuel consumption at the same speed: this means (significantly lower than the average for the industry as twice the efficiency measured in emissions per tonne 2017 Sustainability Report 1 Ch.1 - Letter to Stakeholders transported. methods of transport by sea, through a process that Reducing fuel consumption and cutting harmful involves gradual de-carbonisation and consequent emissions are fundamental objectives of our Group. digitalisation of ships, with significant economic invest- The GG5G ships are the first examples of a new series ments made possible by the concentration of opera- of hybrid ro/ro ships, which use fossil fuels during nav- tors and the exponential development of inter-modal igation, opportunely treated after combustion with ex- transport. haust gas treatment systems to reduce sulphur (SOx) Over the last few years, the Group has repeatedly and particulate (PM) emissions, and electricity while been recognised by customers and specialised pub- at berth, guaranteeing zero emissions in port. These lications for the services it offers. ships are, in fact, capable of meeting the energy re- Among the most recent and prestigious recognitions quirements for the on-board activities using only elec- obtained by the Group we can note the following: tricity stored by lithium batteries that recharge during • the recognition among the best global suppliers navigation. by the motor manufacturer Ford Motor Company All the ships ordered, and those delivered, are part during the 20th edition of the World Excellence of a single investment program, with a total value of Awards, for achieving the highest levels of excel- around € 5 billion. The program began in 2010 with lence in terms of quality, delivery, value and inno- the objectives of extending the network, increasing vation; the frequency and capacity of the services, reducing • the award in Detroit of Shipping Company of average fleet age and improving quality standards and the Year during the fourth edition of the North energy efficiency, reducing at the same time environ- America Automotive Global Awards. The event mental impact. was organised by "Three6Zero", a publishing The Grimaldi Group interacts constantly with the group with strong specialisation in the automotive local communities of the countries in which it oper- sector; ates and promotes social solidarity initiatives. • Assignment of the Leadership Excellence Award The Grimaldi Foundation Onlus (wholly owned by the by the magazine Panorama, during the stage of same Shareholders of the Grimaldi Family, who con- the "Panorama d'Italia" tour in New York, as an ex- trol the Parent Company Grimaldi Group) celebrated ample of Italian distinction in the world and incar- its first decade of activity in 2017. The grants awarded for social projects promoted and supported up to now nation of excellence at sea; amount to € 5.4 million, of which approximately € 1.2 • the assignment to Minoan Lines of the award of million awarded only in 2017, and distributed among Best Corporate Brand in the sector of passenger 126 projects of variable durations. 1% of the profits transportation in Greece (“Corporate Super- of the three main Group companies (Grimaldi Group brands Greece”); S.p.A., Grimaldi Euromed S.p.A. and Grimaldi Deep • the assignment to Atlantic Container Line with the Sea S.p.A.) was also devolved this year in favour of the Service Excellence Award 2017 by Diageo, the Foundation. largest global producer of spirits and beer. The 10-year anniversary of the Foundation coincided With this Report we renew our endorsement of the with the launch of the first nucleus of the Family principles set forth by Agenda 2030 for sustainable School, an ambitious project managed on its own that development adopted on 25 September 2015 by the involves some of the leading and most experienced General Assembly of the United Nations expressed social players in the area in order to create a hub of through active support for achievement of the Sus- information for training and supporting all members of tainable Development Goals for 2030, which include, the family. For the creation of the Family School, the among other things, defeating poverty, quality educa- Foundation plans to invest more than € 10 million to tion, access to clean water and adequate health and purchase a building, intended to be a multi-functional hygiene services, clean and accessible energy. social centre, and more than € 1 million per year to cover the running costs.
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