LONDONLONDON MATHEMATICALMATHEMATICAL SOCIETYSOCIETY NEWSLETTER No. 437 June 2014 Society Meetings Society and Events SHEPHARD PRIZE: NEW PRIZE Meetings FOR MATHEMATICS 2014 and Events Following a very generous tions open in late 2014. The prize Monday 16 June donation made by Professor may be awarded to either a single Midlands Regional Meeting, Loughborough Geoffrey Shephard, the London winner or jointly to collaborators. page 11 Mathematical Society will, in 2015, The mathematical contribution Friday 4 July introduce a new prize. The prize, to which an award will be made Graduate Student to be known as the Shephard must be published, though there Meeting, Prize will be awarded bienni- is no requirement that the pub- London ally. The award will be made to lication be in an LMS-published page 8 a mathematician (or mathemati- journal. Friday 4 July cians) based in the UK in recog- Professor Shephard himself is 1 Society Meeting nition of a specific contribution Professor of Mathematics at the Hardy Lecture to mathematics with a strong University of East Anglia whose London intuitive component which can be main fields of interest are in page 9 explained to those with little or convex geometry and tessella- Wednesday 9 July no knowledge of university math- tions. Professor Shephard is one LMS Popular Lectures ematics, though the work itself of the longest-standing members London may involve more advanced ideas. of the LMS, having given more page 17 The Society now actively en- than sixty years of membership. Tuesday 19 August courages members to consider The Society wishes to place on LMS Meeting and Reception nominees who could be put record its thanks for his support ICM 2014, Seoul forward for the award of a in the establishment of the new page 11 Shephard Prize when nomina- prize. Saturday 6 September Mathematics and the First FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY 2014 World War Meeting, Among those elected to Fellow- • Martin Hairer, Regius Profes- London ship of the Royal Society in 2014 sor of Mathematics, Math- Wednesday were: ematics Institute, University 24 September • Tom Bridgeland, Professor of of Warwick LMS Popular Lectures Pure Mathematics, School of • Vladimir Markovic, Sadleirian Birmingham Mathematics and Statistics, Professor of Mathematics, De- page 17 University of Sheffield partment of Pure Mathemat- Friday 14 November • Geoffrey Grimmett, Profes- ics and Mathematics Statistics, LMS AGM sor of Mathematical Statis- University of Cambridge London page 3 tics, Statistical Laboratory, For further information visit NEWSLETTER University of Cambridge, and the website at https://royalso NEWSLETTERONLINE: Master, Downing College, ciety.org/about-us/fellowship/ ONLINE:newsletter.lms.ac.uk Cambridge new-fellows-2014/. newsletter.lms.ac.uk LMS NEWSLETTER http://newsletter.lms.ac.uk [email protected] No. 437 June 2014 GENERAL MEETING mitting proposals are at www.newton.ac.uk/ Contents callprop.html. No. 437 June 2014 There will be a General Meeting of the Anyone interested in making a proposal Society on Friday 4 July 2014 at 3.30 pm, to is encouraged to contact the Director, John be held at the Chartered Institute of Public Toland, by telephone or email, for advice Relations, 52-53 Russell Square, London and informal feedback (tel: 01223 335980, WC1B 4HP. The business shall be: email: [email protected]). • amendment to LMS By-Laws The Isaac Newton Institute is a national • the appointment of Scrutineers research institute based in Cambridge, UK. • announcement of Council’s recommenda- It attracts scientists from all over the world tion for Election to Honorary Membership to research programmes in all areas of the • announcement of LMS prize winners for mathematical sciences. At any time there 7 14 2014. are two visitor programmes at the Institute, The General Meeting will be followed each with about twenty participants. For by a Society meeting. I hope that as many more information visit the website at www. Awards Projection and Slicing Theorems in members as possible will be able to attend. newton.ac.uk. Fellows of the Royal Society........................1 Fractal Geometry........................................25 Fiona Nixon Shephard Prize.............................................1 Representations of Hecke Algebras...........26 Executive Secretary LMS LAUNCHES Calendar of Events.......................................34 Set Theory.....................................................25 Stable Homotopy Theory.............................23 YOUTUBE CHANNEL LMS Items ISAAC NEWTON INSTITUTE Water Waves................................................26 Council Diary................................................6 Visit the new LMS YouTube channel where Call for Proposals 2 General Meeting........................................3 Members' opinions you can view the Society’s prestigious Popular 3 Hardy Lecture Tour......................................13 Should Mathematicians The Isaac Newton Institute now invites Lectures free of charge. All of the lectures LMS Launches YouTube Channel...............3 Cooperate with GCHQ?..............................28 proposals for one-, four- and six-month from 2009 onwards are now available and Transactions of the LMS.............................12 News research programmes in any branch of the the remaining back catalogue of lectures LMS Meetings European News............................................6 mathematical sciences. Please note a special will be added over the next few weeks. Once General Society Meeting, Hardy Lecture....9 Isaac Newton Institute - Call case should be made for shorter proposals you have visited the site please bookmark Graduate Student Meeting.......................8 for Proposals...............................................3 and there is no guarantee these will be it or share it with your friends, helping to ICM meeting and reception.......................11 Love & Math..................................................12 held in the summer. The deadline for sub- spread the word about the beauty of math- Popular Lectures 2014................................17 Mathematics Policy Round-up...................4 mission is 31 July 2014, for consideration ematics. Midlands Regional Meeting.......................11 Rites of Love and Math..............................12 at the meeting of the Scientific Steering The channel can be accessed at http:// LMS Records of Proceedings The Infinite Puzzle......................................7 Committee in October 2014. Details on sub- tinyurl.com/n849jv4. Mary Cartwright Meeting 2014..................19 Obituary Meetings Green, Sandy.................................................29 Editorial team Publication dates and deadlines Additive Combinatorics...............................20 Reports http://newsletter.lms.ac.uk Bianchi and Siegel Modular Forms.............20 Integrable Models, Conformal Field Published monthly, except August. Items and BioDynamics Workshop..............................21 Theory and Related Topics.......................18 Editorial office General Editor advertisements by the first day of the month prior BSHM Meeting.............................................22 London Mathematical Society, Mr A.J.S. Mann to publication, or the closest preceding working day. Kent Spectral Theory...................................15 De Morgan House, 57–58 Russell ([email protected]) Notices and advertisements are not accepted for Bounded Gaps Between Primes..................16 Research Visit to South Africa.....................14 Square, London WC1B 4HS events that occur in the first week of the publication Reports Editor Contact Geometry.......................................21 (t: 020 7637 3686; month. Reviews f: 020 7323 3655) Professor R.A. Wilson Galway Topology Colloquium.....................24 ([email protected]) News items and notices in the Newsletter may be Codebreaker: A Life in Music....................33 ICM 2014.......................................................10 Events calendar freely used elsewhere unless otherwise stated, Moebius Noodles.........................................30 Updates and corrections to Reviews Editor although attribution is requested when reproducing Interdisciplinary Approaches to Professor D. Singerman The Best Writing on [email protected] whole articles. Contributions to the Newsletter Understanding Microbial Communities....27 ([email protected]) are made under a non-exclusive licence; please Mathematics 2014......................................31 Articles Kent Algebra Days Young Researchers......22 Send articles to Administrative Editor contact the author or photographer for the rights to The Simpsons and Their [email protected] S.M. Oakes reproduce. The LMS cannot accept responsibility for Operator Methods In Harmonic Analysis....24 the accuracy of information in the Newsletter. Views Mathematical Secrets.................................32 ([email protected]) Orthoganal Polynomials and its Advertising expressed do not necessarily represent the views or For rates and guidelines see Typeset by the LMS at De policy of the London Mathematical Society. Interactions with Integrable Systems........23 Visits www.lms.ac.uk/newsletter/ Morgan House; printed by PANDA.....................................................25 Agler, Jim......................................................20 ratecard.html Holbrooks Printers Ltd. Charity registration number: 252660. LMS NEWSLETTER http://newsletter.lms.ac.uk [email protected] No. 437 June 2014 MATHEMATICS
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