O.I. Free Guaranteed! The publisher of this magazine guarantees that it does not contain March 1995 Vol. 8, No.4 $4.00 a single word about a.}. Simpson. "Discipline must come through liberty. "-Maria Montessori o THE CONSTITUTION PARTY The Party ofPrinciples, Not Politicians We, the founders of the Constitution Party, hold that our federal 7. The CP advocates full financial freedom. The CP believes government has consistently violated the Constitution of the United that individuals have the right to keep all money or prop~r­ States. The Founding Fathers designed the U.S. government to serve ty they have lawfully earned, to provide for themselves us - the people. It was not designed so that we the people would and their families. The CP believes itis not government's serve government. We no longer wish to see Americans dependent business to know how much money you earn, where your upon or enslaved by government. Generations of Republican and money or property is kept, or to require you to keep Democratic administrations have made it abundantly clear that they records on its behalf. Accordingly, itbelieves that govern­ are incapable of managing the nation's affairs competently, justly, ment has no right to use any ofits agencies to intimidate or lawfully. The CP is dedicated to ensuring the unalienable right of people into revealing how much money they have or earn, every American to Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of Happi­ with threats ofjail terms and property seizures. ness by defending the Constitution for the United States of America Government has no right to force an individual to re­ and making certain that it stays the law of the land. port how much money he or she deposits or withdraws The right to own one's life is a natural right. It requires the from a bank. It also has no right to force an individual to rights to freedom and property ownership in order to sustain that report how much money he or she takes into or out of the life. Therefore, the CP holds that no one has the right to dictate to country. These laws force Americans to spy and report anyone else how to live. It further maintains that no one holds a on each other. higher moral authority to compel anyone else to behave in a particu­ This stance requires the elimination of the Internal lar way. The CP maintains that each individual has the right to be­ Revenue Service and the income tax code, the elimina­ have according to his or her self-determined moral principles, pro­ tion of all gift and estate taxes, as well as any other direct vided the pursuit of these principles causes no physical harm to any tax not authorized under the Constitution of the United other person or his property. The CP believes that if there is no vic­ States. To the extent revenue is needed to support the fed­ tim there is no crime. The CP believes that no entity, including a eral government, within the limits of the Constitution, ex­ majority of voters or citizens, may take away or violate the rights of cise taxes (i.e. a national sales tax) are authorized in Arti­ an individual. cle I, Section 8 of the Constitution. Accordingly, the CP calls for a reordering of national priorities. The elimination of these unlawful taxes would cause We aim to restore the right ofevery individual American to be a business to skyrocket, create millions ofjobs, and signifi­ sovereign citizen, as well as the provision that all 50 States be free cantly reduce unemployment and welfare lines. It would from unlawful federal interference so they can self-govern. Our goal also reduce crime. is to create a truly free country where all people will learn to be re­ The CP calls for repeal of the 16th Amendment or sponsible for their own welfare. Upon achieving this goal, enterprise formal recognition by the government that it was never will flower, thereby creating an atmosphere of prosperity, abun­ ratified by the states and is therefore illegal. dance, tolerance, and compassion. 8. The CP calls for the reinstitution of sound money, prefer­ Therefore, the CP offers the following platform to ensure our ably a hard dollar backed by gold. rights and those of our children: 9. The CP insists upon the elimination of the budget deficit 1. Under no circumstance does the federal government have by a rigorous program ofdownsizing federal government the power to violate the Constitutionally guaranteed rights and eliminating entitlement programs. The CP also calls of an individual. for the elimination of burdensome interest payments on 2. Under no circumstance does the federal government have the national debt by ridding the American people of this the power to violate the sovereignty of the States as de­ debt once and for all. fined in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. 10. The CP advocates the elimination ofentitlement pro­ 3. Each individual should be free to do whatever he chooses grams. Just as noindividual has the right to steal from with his own person or property, provided he does not you, the government has no right to steal from you on be­ physically harm the person or property of another. People half of other individuals, that is, to redistribute your who harm others are to be forcibly segregated from the wealth. The money you'earn belongs to you and no one rest of society by government. It is society, not the crimi­ else. How can you properly support yourself and your nal, that should be shown leniency. family while you are constantly being robbed? The price of personal freedom is individual responsibility. Conse­ 4. The CP supports full private property rights. We reject the quently, it is not government's job to "save" people from idea that federal government may dictate use of private poor choices, calamities, or the vicissitudes of life. At the property or confiscate property without full and just com­ same time, The CP encourages everyone, individuals and pensation pursuant to the limits of the Constitution. private institutions alike, in the strongest possible terms, 5. Each individual adult has the right to keep and bear arms, to give to the charities of their choice, to care for the providing the owner has never been convicted of a violent homeless, the helpless, and the needy. Charity is tradi­ crime involving the use of a weapon. tionally the work of religious organizations, individuals, 6. The CP advocates the maintenance of the strongest national private institutions and foundations. In contrast, givea­ defense force in the world. The CP does not advocate mili­ way programs run by the federal government rob individ­ tary interference in the affairs of other nations. uals of the ability and desire to be charitable. The CP further believes that the US should protect its sov­ The CP further believes that the elimination of givea­ ereignty by maintaining full control over its own defense way programs will greatly alleviate the nation's immigra­ systems and not turning them over to the United Nations. tion problem. The CP believes in phasing out the Social Security pro­ order to enforce the law is not a government worth hav­ gram after current obligations to the elderly are met. We ing. Therefore, law enforcetnent officers and agencies believe retirement programs are best handled by the pri­ must be above reproach with regard to due process of vate sector. law, personal privacy, freedom from unreasonable search 11. The CP believes that federal government has no lawful or and seizures, and all the other fundamental constitutional moral authority in health care. The CP believes that gov­ guarantees. The CP believes that any government agent ernment involvement in health care will adversely affect or employee who does not abide by, or who violates, the the health of the majority of Americans. Constitution should face mandatory criminal penalties. The CP believes that federal government has no right to 15. The CP believes that all judges 01Ust be directed to inform limit our choice of doctors, or medicines they prescribe, every jury of its lawful sovereignty under the Constitu­ whether they be "alternative" or American Medical Asso­ tion in that it may find any defendant not guilty if it judg- ciation certified. Government also has no right es the law, even law upheld by the Su­ to dictate what vitamins ought to be available. preme Court, to be defective, The CP opposes the proposed national health unwarranted, unconstitutional, or card. This card will ultimately be used as wrongly applied. nothing less than a national tracking device The CP believes that we are at the beginning that will result in the further loss of personal of a movement, a movement toward individual freedom. freedoms, as our Forefathers planned. We be­ 12. The CP endorses full economic freedom. lieve that people have had enough of the taxes The CP believes that government should and the intimidating tactics of an out-of-control, not set prices, set quotas, or create laws DON'T TREAD ON ME unaccountable government which has lost sight concerning hiring, firing, rents, wages, un­ 1995 of its role as our servant. We believe it is time ionization, or any aspect of non-coercive again to make the government accountable to us private commercial behavior. Economic freedom would - the American people - and to restore our personal freedoms be a boon to both small and large business. which have been slowly but systematically taken from us. We be­ 13. Government does not have the right to legislate morality. lieve that if we as a people fail to act, the course on which the ship Adult consensual behavior ("victimless crimes") such as of state is currently set is clear: an accelerating bankrupt socialist that involving sexual activity, gambling, drug use, or as­ police state.
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