Keansburg seeks new fire truck after fatal blaze, B1 GREATER RED BANK EATONTOWN Righetti fires no-hitter Pending legislation LONG BRANCH Bosox bow to first Yankee no-hitter Lead-screening examinations since Larsen's perfect game. for pre-schoolers proposed. Today's Forecast: Thundershowwrs by tonight Page B3 Page B1 Complf wfcthf on A2 The Daily Register VOL.106 NO. 2 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER . SINCE 1878 TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1983 . 25 CENTS Industries say no to 'right-to-know9 By JO ASTRID OLADING industry throughout the state. But representatives of local in- president and general counsel for ple this way is actually better than The bill, which is considered the Tbe complex bill, designed to in- dustries, most of which did not par- Charles of the Ritz, Ltd., which has simply labeling," he said. "Our ex- most comprehensive of its kind in Tbe controversial "right to form employees working with haz- ticipate in the lobbying against the a manufacturing plant in Holmdel. perience is that workers don't both- the country, would require- firms to know" bill awaiting Gov. Thomas . ardous substances through a system bill, feel the legislation will com- He said current practices in the er with labels." In his seven years supply inlorm'ation to the state H. Kean't signature It greeted with of labeling, passed the state As- plicate enforcement of adequate Holmdel plant include extensive in- with Charles ol the Ritz, he added, Health Department and the Depart- skepticism by several Moninouth sembly, 62-12, last week after It safety standards already in effect in struction, readily accessible master the firm's track record in industrial ment of Environmental Proteawn County industries, whose spoke* months of hearings, legislative bat- their workplaces. instruction books detailing handling safety has been "excellent." about materials used. men warn that tbe legislation will tles, and intense lobbying by en- "We feel our current practice is and emergency procedures, and re- Mosteller noted that the legisla- The universal labeling provision increase costs, jeopardize trade se- vironmental and industrial repre- sufficient, which we do volun- quired "step-by-step" procedures. tion "will obviously increase the ot the bill will give firms 18 months crets and have a chilling effect on sentatives. tarily," said David Mosteller, vice "Our feeling is that training peo- cost of production ' See Industries, page At County fetes Fourth; crash kills area girl County residents Jammed the highways, beaches and waterfront piers yesterday, de- claring Independence from tbe workaday world and tropical humidity. Then were no fatal accidents in the county, but a 19-year-old Freehold girl was killed early yesterday morning after her car ran off Dover Road in Berkeley Township and struck the rear of a disabled truck. A nation rejoices, A3 4th of July photo*, Bl Lisa UusUn mi pronounced dead at 2:50 a.m. at Community Memorial Hospital, Toms River, after her Toyota coupe struck the Kit rear of a Chevrolet pickup truck parked on tbe northbound shoulder of Dover Road. Tbe driver of the truck, Timothy Clark, was sitting in his vehicle at the time of the accident, but was not Injured, police said. - Rtglutr pholoi by Lirrv PtrM Two passengers In Gustln's car, Craig WORKS LIKE MACIC — There are some things you're never too old to enjoy. Sypniewski, 21, and Michelle Abeam, 19, Middletown residents Mike Robinson, John Stofira, Morgan Larson and William both of Toms River, were treated for minor Castellano may all be 16, but the look in their eves moves them momentarily injuries at Community Memorial Hospital back to boyhood as they gaze at last night's pyrotechnics at Marine Park in Red and released. Bank. Traffic was reported heavy on most ma- jor thoroughfares and police departments called in extra hands to direct cars from firework displays and.crowded beaches. While motorists met traffic delays and 'Problem' cuts short Red Bank fireworks minor accidents yesterday, those traveling Gaul said an announcement will be which was docked in the Navesink River, As the last plummeting spark of the by sea and air also bad their share of prob- By LAURA QUINN made today explaining what cut snort the appeared to be in flames by the end of the finale extinguished, most spectators lems. RED BANK - A riverfront fireworks 16,000 display, which was scheduled to last show. maintained their positions, expecting the In Monmouth Beach, a Piper plane pull- display was mysteriously cut short here for an hour. However, police and fire officials said show to continue. However, moments lat- ing an advertising banner made a sudden yesterday, sending 10,000 spectators home No one was hurt by the "problem," they were not informed of a blaze or any er, they found themselves gazing at a crash landing on Sedge Island in the after only 15 minutes of erratic ex- she added. other mishap on the boat. colorless sky and began to rush for the Shrewsbury River. plosions. parking lots. "All I can tell you was there was a The director refused to disclose the Witnesses said they were sure some- According to Sgt. William Luell of the "That seemed like an awful lot of problem on the barge," Mary Ann Gaul, name of the company which had been thing was wrong when the grand finale, New Jersey State Marine Police in Mon- hired for the first time to provide the which called for several simultaneous ex- preparation for so little, "said one parting mouth Beach, the pilot and sole inhabitant of director of the borough Parks and Recrea- tion Department, said after the disappoin- fireworks. - " plosions in patriotic colors, hovered over visitor, burdened with the lawn chairs and the plane, Charles Modxelewski, was not the river instead of rising above it. See Gouty, page At ting show In Marine Park. According to witnesses, the barge, See Fireworks, page At Beach Boys ultz launches send Watt a message Mideast mission By BARRY SCHWEID The U.S. secretary of state ar- ATLANTIC CITY <AP) - More rived in Jiddah at midday yester- than 200,000 screaming fans .MO1MH. Saudi Arabia (AP) - day, the first stop of a hastily ar- blanketed an eight-block swath of Secretary of State George P. Shultz ranged Middle East tour ordered by -sand as tbe Beach Boys wished today plunged into the first full day President Reagan after the secre- of a long-shot-mission to get Syria's America m Hippy birthday. Bat key- tary's Asian trip last week. Shultz forces cut o! Lebanon, despite Saudi board player Brian Wilson called also w:!l visit Lcbsnonand Israel. hints of non-cooperation and Syrian tbe surfttde concert "intimate." It is Shultz's second mission in denunciations. Introduced as "America's the area in two months. The last Shultz flies to Syria today from Band," the Beach Boys played the tour resulted in an Israeli-Lebanese Saudi Arabia, where he had a two- final note last night in a controversy agreement May 17 under which Is- hour meeting last night with King rael would withdraw its invasion that began three months ago, when Kahd in Taif, the Saudi summer Interior Secretary James Watt said army from Lebanon. capital Fahd made Shultz wait for But Syria and the Palestine Lib- rock (roups would not be welcome 30 minutes before seeing him, a at the nation's Independence Day eration Organization have refused possible sign ol royal displeasure. to abide by that accord, and the celebration* in Washington. Neither man made any statement to And after tbe free concert's last Israelis are not obligated to reporters. withdraw unless the Syrian and PLO good vibration, an exhausted Mayor Shultz appealed to Saudi Arabia lorces do likewise. Michael Matthews surveyed tbe lit- to pressure Syria to withdraw its tts-Atrewn h*?***1 aod said. We did The Israelis invaded Lebanon 13 .ii" months ago to destroy PLO guer- 'SB55 aror'havB wcupied cen- Medical teams treated about 300 government would not cooperate, tral and south Lebanon. Syrian people for sun exposure and minor saying" the Saudi aim is Israeli forces and PLO guerrillas are injuries, and sent a half-doten withdrawal. See Shultx, page A2 cases, lnrM'"g several drug over- doses, to tbe hospital. Bat there were just two arrests tor minor infractions and although traffic was Tuesday heavy, toe muHw fm that some Index 11 predicted would cripple this Island Advice.... ... A9 Movies * resort new materialised. CONTROVERSY — The Beach Boys, left, play City, while Wayne Newton takes a flying leap Arts A11 People A2 "The last time w* had anything before 200,000 cheering spectators- in Atlantic before 300,000 In Washington. See story, page A3. Business B6 Obituaries A7 Ufce this was the Democratic Na- Classified B9 Opinion A6 m^riiiiiin"-'— *—•"-- Comics.. B8 Sports B3 ils N.Y. nrew«r«iCnsb*Jiilv»- Lifestyle B6 Television... A11 Youf Town Bl ' «M tapector NtU Kane, • »• Pine Valley Jtajnytta* Sea F<*. 7«f-3»B, Summer aJiMkprogrees. v MakeaDalb A9 MAI Plua, Hwy. M, MaUwan J A2 The Dtatfy Register TUESDAY, JULY 5.1963 THE WORLD PEOPLE Administration will appoint meeting Central America coordinator MOSCOW - Soviet President Yuri V. Aadropov Sahl: U.S. gets WASHINGTON (AP) - The Reagan adminis- on June 14, Stone's activities have been shrouded in abniDUv canceled two planned meetings yesterday tration, concerned about lagging support for its Central secrecy. wito vislttag West German aureeUoMsetas* Kohl, America policies, is about to name an ambassadorial- Reich, who was born in Cuba, has held the AID post touching off speculation that the Kremlin bos*, who bu older, not better level coordinator of public diplomacy for the region, since 1M1 He will report to Secretary of State George appeared frail in recent public appearances, was again U.S.
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