NAZAAETW CDLLEOE OF ROCI-IESTER Fifteen Elected to Who's Who Twelvf' senlort ;and three editor of Clunrr lad )'tAr, "BJac:k Sh~p·· $lnglng group, Shella. who has starred In many Juniors have betn cho5<"n to Bernadette is nO\\ edltor-ln­ ~1 ary Anne CIIJCord, history of NCR's dramatic productions. reprc$(•fH Nnurelh College In t:hleJ of tht" rollcse y("arbook. rn3jor. has been trcasurt"r of ht"r Is well remembered as Gwen· Who's Who Arnonr Students in S ic-Ilium. r~~hman tlass. and abo ttcrt· dolyn In Ernest ln Lo,·e. American Unlvenltles a nd Col­ Ltu:il ye;u--'s (ileanrr editor. t~ry of the Undc•·gradunte As· Rosnlle Sa.ssano, president of .luu. Sail)' nccchel', l.lJ on English soC'lation and hn junior clus the Undergraduate Assodatlon. She i.s a member of tht> 1-tlstory Tht nominees were c:host>n for ml)jor. She is onr qf sh ~entors Is a sociology major. She Is a academiC' aehlevement and par­ "ho havt- bC'f'O chost"n to t tud:y Club. CIC!'C' Club. and the ''Oiack member of the lnterratJal Coun­ Shetp." ticipation In extra·.eurri.eular ac. at Oxford Unlvtrshy dur1n~e dl. :md the Philosophy and tl\•ltles The croup wa.s sc1ectf'd second semtstrr &.ll> Is al.50 a Math major Joan Curtin hi.! So<loloay Clubs. In the post. she br b1IIOt or fello" rlassmates memtx-r of th<" Literary Club bet-n S('Crt'tary or tht" F remin ha~ bc<-n sophomore $ludenl and tht' flc"lty, "hh final ap. Fnnt"h major l\1thy Parltcr. Mission Unit. and tr~asurer of rouncll representative. an6 pro,·al by thc t"ditors of Wbo't who is f'nnrh Club PrHidcnt. lh<' Und~rgradu:.t~ Asso<'lation ju.nlor tla.ss president. Who. spent last summC'r at Laval Cnl­ Sh<" J,s, no"· vic:e--prt"(~('t of SO.. (Wrnadent :ualont". a rht-mts­ versity In QucbH Kathy has dality. Vlc~prHidcnt of the senior lf'\ maJOr. \\U 1 mt-mber ol served a.s wphomort" cl:uo~•ptf'ff. Sh~•la D""Y<"r. &natl.sh major. dan. Kathy Doran. Is a history major. Kalhy ls at1Jve in Rt-,ldtnt Bo.ard he-r freshman de-nt and regton.tt NfCCS orn. IS a mt'mbt"T or the cace- Club. the and tophomof'<" ,rtan A&Sbtant «r. Shc Is also :t mC'n1C"f of lh.. LH<-r:Jf)' Club and Drama Club Philosophy Club and Drama ~\·enl n c rrom 9-1. thcl"t" Ctub. of which $1\e was co. a sc-ml-form:.l dance at pi'('JldC"nl lase year. Man~~r Hotcl. wherC' a Win­ ( \\'t>fkcnd Queen wm be Ent:: ti ~h major Pat liebcrtter (rom the c·lass which f rpm N arzareth ijj Wt'll known ror her various lhc ereates1 numbe-r or performances in local theater. Vlnl>(' J an and hit Prc~enlly 1\Cnior class parll:unt!n· will provJdc 1h <' en- to Bethlehem' tnrlan. Pnl is active in Drama Stuurday a!tt"r­ Cluh. Christmas 1964 ,. t"lhln part~·. alontt with Pr<"sidcnt or the Resident lnnovat Ions. Is planned Dear Students, A young girl on her way from Nnzarcth to Bethlehem Auoelation this yt'ar Is Jean evenin11. de,·ialfn~ \ Bellini. A lilolog;: m•ior. Jean C'ORCUI t"OtC'rtalnment. a has a great deal to think about. This is not an unfamiliar also partldpates in the Soda1ity \\Ill be held at Vinet-'$ roule; this was Our Lady's. and Tri·~la Ac.·~. rrom 9-1 . ·wi1h May you enter fully into the )lystery of Christmas and 5(-nfor ~t:ass prtSident Judy and contcnainment P-~ take the whole world with you. In each of you Christ looks Otto ~~ an English major. Judy bv thco ,.~our Coin$ and thC' lor another humanity in whom lie can renew His mystery On Sund:ay mornlnf!. ~rv<"CI as C'hairman of thc f'rt'sh. Ill be> offered by Re' and through whom He can love the world He has redeemed. 'nan Orl~ntation progn1m In Shannon rollo\\ed by a I know He will find you wilhng 1963 and "AS also JUDlor da.u Breakfast for all A happy Christmas and New Year to you and your \"lf'c--pr<'Sidcnt. families. You will be remembered in our Christmas Masses EncJio;:h major Judy Woods '' here at Nazareth. ('dltor Qf Verit)' Fair. She Is a11 Devotedly. nrHv4.' member of lh( Onuna Sister He len Dan iel Club. Eileen Smym ck. an En.ctlfsh majo•·. served ~s 11ophomorc t ltlSs presldcnt. nnd as a mt"m­ htr or social board du rln~t hel' nnual Retreat To See Changes fi"C-"hm:m yc~r This year, Eileen the eolleae netrctu •The un­ s.tudents \\Ould bc(Eln .\fonday racully nd,·iscr. wiU discuss the l!t rt.ssl.stant editor of Glune.r. iors. n you know. n1ake a closed cvenin~. Ft'b. L wtth an open· personal a.nd community prob-­ 5t(rctary·trcasurer or Literary retreat at the e~natJc .l Since we in& conluenc:e and M1.$S and lt'ms that \\C eneountc:r In Jlvlnc Club, and a member ol Clee bt\t' only two days in the continue throuah Tuesday to h~ &he Christi;an life and in ~Ina Club and the "Towners·• sing­ schedule for ret~at this y<"ar. closing at 4 30 p m faithful to tc Gospel Thcst dis­ In~ s:roup and the schedule cannot be 2. In order that thtre may be cussions c:.n be vtr')' meanlna· than1ed at tht.s late date. .....e more personal ln\·oh·ement of ful it aU &he participants try to Junior tlass president Utltn "1sh for tbls year to have a eub .student In thr retfttt, the be open and generous vdth one Mueller is a French major. Sht f'f'l~at tor the Da)··students that ~fe-renC'C!'s of the Retreat will another. It is hoped that thls paniclpate$ m the activities or \\HI belin on Sunday evening. ~ brief talks sucautlnc prac-­ lYS>C of Retna.t wUI help u.s: to Red Cross. Ml.ss.lons., .and French Jan 31 wh.h •n openfne eon­ tie:ll linn or lho"J;ht. The ldus arow a.s pen:onJ. to ~me Club. L.ast )'<!'ar Htlt'n was terence and :\laSt. The f'C!treat p~sentt'd in t.he eonfe~nees more aware of the c-ommunity &Ophomor"e> C'iass viec--p~s1dent . \\OUid (:Ontlnue throuch :\ton· will th<n be tak<n up and dls­ that we arc at Nazareth. to Nancy Neery, a math major. Is da)', Feb I, and <lose at 4:30 cuss.ed by lhe 5tudtnts In sm1ll e\•aluate ourselves u persons Vi<'C<>P~side nt or the junior p. m g.roups, Thrst g.rOUJ)I, mectinc and as a oommun1ty In the llaht <'lass. Nanc:y belon~ts: to the The retreat fo•· the Resident alter each eonfcr<"nec with a or the Gospel mc$.sage. moth club, NFCCS, and is on the M lsslon Board. She served as WHO'S WHO? 1 Front row, I. to r. l Judy Otto, Mary Anno Clifford, Sally Beecher, Eileen Smyntek, Accrctary of her freshman class Kothy Ooron, Sheila Dwyer, Bernadette Melone; I second row, I. to r. • · Joan Curtin, Jeon Bellini, and 3ecrerary or the Undcrg.rad· Kathy Parker, Helen Muell er, Nancy Neary, Pat Hoborgor, Judy Woods. Also, Rosolic Souano, Uiile Association her sophomore absont. )'tar. year the College would lnau~u rate some changes program that will to meet both of these The foUowina are the are envisioned: like to have two or ont for th~ tla.ssts - juniors, sopho­ and freshmen. who make Page 2 GLEANER Tuesday, December 15, Foreign Report -E.DITORIAL. A Proclamation Whereas it is the policy of Fackel from France this co/lege to further the Dear Group: and some or them will u academic progr"u ol its stu­ As I sit here freezing I can special paper to make road.s dents through the institution of say that I'm in a "Christmassy" leading to the creche. Som~ ViEWPOI~1S linal ~xaminations, and mood. so J'll tell you a llttle even have mountains and to Whereas the staff of this about ChrisLmas in general over They wUl all have. at any newspaper is composed ol stu~ here, even though It's still three I ittle san tons on their way Retreat: A New Look dents obliged to participate in weeks away as I ·write. ward the creche. each s Christmas in France is, need­ having a meaning. There One of the indications of life an institution is change the- olorementionerl exomino­ In .tions, and less to say. celcbn•tcd as in the be, for Instance. a series -not change for the sake of novelty, but change with an U. S., both on the religious and Lhem earl')'lng things typlc.al Wherecn 'it is the de,ire of eye to continual growth and improvement. Willingness to commercial levels. Store win· their trade: a boy wlll be the editors that this newspaper dows are decorated here as at ing along the. way. a lady try a new, even revolutionary approach to solve old prob­ cofttinue under present man­ homt-, and in Paris the large be sitting down mixing ba, lems is a healthy sign.
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