This sign tells you you're de.rling u'ith l relirble. conscientiousbr.rsinessmen. har.rcl-pickccl as the finest in the land. it aiso tells you you're buying the linest amateur equipment aveilable. DEPEND ON IT ALABAMA tLLTNOtS NORTH CAROLINA - - FreckRadio & S!ppLyco Inc Birmingham- AckRadlo SUPPIY Co Chicago AmateurElectronic S!pply Ashevrlle - Wholesalers,lnc. HuntsviLle- ELecironlcwholesalers, Inc NewarkElectronics corporation WinstonSalem Electronic - N4obile- SpecialtyDistributing Co. Peorla KLausRadio & ElectricCompany oHlo Co. ALASKA INDIANA C eveland PloneerE eclronicSupply Fortl!ayne - BrownElectronics, Inc. Col!mbus UniversslServtce Anchorage- Y!kon RadioSupply, lnc lndianapolis- GtahamE ectronicsSulJply, Inc. Dayton- C!stomE ectroics lnc. -oledo pLI,or ARIZONA SouthBend - RadioDislributing co, lnc S" ( S-ppres In(. Phoerr^- So-tr*es'F lectrolic Devices towA OKLAHOMA T!cson- El iott Electronlcs,lnc CouncilBl!ffs - WorldRadlo Laboratorles, inc T! sa - Radrolnc - ARKANSAS Desllloines RadioTrade Supply C0 OREGON DeWitt- l\.4oory'sWholesale Radio Co. LOUISIANA Portlaid- Portand Radro S!PP Y Co. New0r eans- RadioParts. inc CALIFORNIA PENNSYLVANIA MARYLAND - Pa. Anah€im- HenryRadro, lnc. Ph ad€ipha Radiotlectr c SerliceCo. of Wheaton LjncleGeJrge s Redo HamS:a.k B!rllngame- AmradElectronlcs P ltsbr'gh CameradioComPanY D vLston.Eectron cs 0 strb!tofs n: ' LcngBeach - ScottRadlo SuPP Y, In.. Wyncot€ Ham B!ergef I os Argr,rs- HPnrYRadio Co. llc MASSACHUSETTS RHODE ISLAND i.r Rado Pfod!ctsSales, Inc. Boslon- DefilambroRadro Supp y Ln. ,l Pfovience W. H. EdwardsComPanY ll - ElmarE ectronics RadioShack CorP. oakland SOUTH DAKOTA I Rl!erside- MissionNam SuPP ies ReadinE- GrahamRadro 1nc :{ tlatertown BurghardtRadio S!pply SanD ego- westernRadio & TV SlpplyCo MICHIGAN Sar I a-. s.o - A-ad Silppy Inc AnnArbor - PurchaseRadio SUPPIY TENNESSEE t SanJose - QuementIndustrial Electronics Detrort- l/1.N. Dlify & Co. l\'lemphs - W. & W. DisiributingCompany Nashville- ElecttaDistributing Company COLORADO RadioSuPPIY & Engrneerrig - I - Xalamazoo \larrenRad o ComPanY TEXAS Denver BursteinApplebee Co of Coorado - .{ I\4!skegon tlectronc Distributorslnc. Abilene- HowardRadio ComPanY CONNECTICUT MINNESOTA CorpusChristi - ElectronicEquipment & - Hatryof Hartiord Hartlord Corky'sDivision, l\4inneapolis- Lew Bonn ComPaiY EngineeriigCo fl - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ElectronlcCenter, Inc Ddlla5 Amaleu'Fleclorrcs l1c .J - fulcNicolComPanY lnc G Washington- ElectronicWholesalers, Inc MISSOURI ELPaso Houston- B!sackerElectronic Equipment Co ' lnc er - HenryRadio comPanY \r FLORIDA But ElectronicEqulpment & EngineefingCo (ansasCity - B!rstelnApplebee Co - AmateurRadio Cenler, lnc Antonio- Radio& TelevisionParts Co. [.4iami - ter AsheRadio ComPanY San wholesaers lnc St Louis Wa Electronic WASHINGTON - Amate!r E ectronicSUPPIY NEW HAMPSHIRE 0r ando Lynnwood- Cascad€Electronlc S!pply - GriceElectronics lic Concord- EvansRadio Peisacola Seatle- Genea Ileclroricslnc KinkadeR3dio SuPPlY, Inc Tampa NEW JERSEY Spokane- NorthwestEleclronics, Inc. d - GEORGIA Springlield FederatedPutchaser, Inc. Taccma- C & G RadioELectlonics Co - tl Ai anta Ack RadloSilPPIY Co NEW YORK WEST VIRGINIA - Co.,Inc. SpeciaityDlstr buting Co lnc Albany Ft.0rang€ Radio Dlstributing Charleston- NlountainIlectronics Amsterdam- AdirondackRadio Supply HAWAII B!ffalo- GeneseeRadio & PartsCo. Inc. wrscoNsrN -- u I ectroircs - Honoluu Honolu Jamaica,Long lsland - H.ffisonRadio Corp Fondu Lac l"larrisRadio Corporation - SaiterlieldEiectronics, Inc 11 IDAHO NewYork - HarrisonRadio corp lVadison -v Ina lv lwaukee--- AmateurE ectronicSupply Bo\o - ooob."(oadro and n. HarreYRad o. { .1, 1l{) For fnrther irtf,rr'ma1ion, checli n!nll)cr arrl 1)age .t UnconditionalGuarantee is proof of the maker'sabsolute confidence in his product... and PR crystals have beenUNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED SINCE 1934. You're not taking-theslightest chance when you put PRs in your rig, for you'll have {e_f!n_es!radio frequency control that moneycan buy! pR crystalsaie madeto PERFORM. undergood conditionsand bad. They havethat extia measureof sta- lility_and dependabilityBUILT-IN, that guaranteesyears of outstandingperformance. Get PRs todav from vour iobber. AMATEURTYPES AMATEURTYPES fundomenfol,PRType 2.2 Third0vertone, PR Type Z-9A Frequency Rongesin Kcs.:l75O Hermetically sealed;cali- to 2000(160M); 3,500 ro 4,000 (8OM); brated24.000 to 24.666and 7,000to 7,425 l4OMl; 25,000to 27,000Kc., i 3 8,000 ro 8,222 l2nli 8,334 ro Kc.; .050" pins. Net 9,OOO(6trtl. $3.95 Rugged.Low drift, fundamen- 6 Meters,PR Type Z-9A tal oscillators. High activity Fifth overtone; for opera- and power output. Stands up ting directly in 6-meter under maximum crystal cur- band; hermeticallysealed; rents.stable, lon g-lasting; calibrated 50 to 54 Mc., :L l: 500 cycles.. , ...$2.95 Net 15 Kc.; .050" pins. (All Z-2 Crystalscalibrated .......$4.95Net with a load of 32 mmfd.) IypeZ-1, MARS ond fiP Official assignedfrequencies in PR-l00 Ironsistorized 0scillolor the range. Calibrated to .005Vo, 1600to 10000Kc. ..$3.45 Net With PR-100 IypeZXP you can check harmonics at Suitablefor converters,experi- 100 Kc. inter- mental etc. 'fypeSame holder dimen- vals through sionsas Z-2. I 600 to 12000 54 Mc. A pre- (Fund.) Kc., I 5 Kc. $3.45 Net cision oscil- 12001to 25000Kc. (3rd Over- lator, fully wired, ready to install. Includesa tone)i l0 Kc. .. .. .$4.45Net 7-64 Crystal.Power requirements:l2V DC W kI 14 Ma. Oscillator output connectsto re- IypeZ-6A, trequency Sfondord ceiver antenna,high side. Base is l-7/8 x 2-13/16inches. Negligible mounting space J To determine band required.Weighs 2 ounces.., . .. .$l2.9iNet edge. To keep VFO and receiverproperly calibrated, .050" pins. 100Kc.....$6.95Net COMMERCIALCRYSTALS AVAILABLEFROM IOO KC. TO 70 MC. PRTCESON REQUEST. N RAOIO COM COUNCIL\CIL BtUFFS,BLUFFS. U.S,A. For further information, check number 1, on page 110 Jonuory, 1964 o CQ o I rhink srrraltt. Noone but Hallicrafters could shoehorn such sheer, unadulteratedtalk power into so beautifully compacta package as the new SR-160 Tri-band Transceiver.Why Hallicrafters alone? Eight productive,successful years 0f SSBand transceiver experience,leading to suchadvanced, exclusive techniquesasAALC (Amplified Automatic Level Control)providing up to 12db. of effective compression. RIT(Receiver Incremental Tuning) -f with 3 kc,for superior net and CW operation . anda superblydesigned crystal lattice filter whichmakes the most of thedesirable SSB transmissioncharacteristics. A built-in changeover relaypermits direct operation with the HT-45 or 0therlinear amplifier. Sensitivity is less than I pv for20 db. (yes,20) S f N/Nratio. Thereceiver employs a separate AVC amplifier providinga figure 0f meritof 100db. Theseand a dozenother outstanding features make the new SR-160your best transceiver buy. Write for completespecifications orsee your Hallicrafters distributortoday. leJl S,noll sire: 13,r* 6t/,,, x II,, Small uteigbt: Only l3r/4 lb. Small price: #319.50less potuer sapplies and mobile mounting kit, l{Et|il$R-100 Tri-bandSSB/CW Transceiver ,,haftcraflers Fifth& KostnerAves, Chicago,lll. 60624 Export: Hallicrafters International Div. Ganada: Gould Sales Co., Montreal, p.e. For further infolmation, check number 2, on page 110 Vol. 20, No. I Jonuary 1964 EDTToR A. S. TROSSMAN, W2DTJ The SB-8; A Filter-Type Sideband MANAGING EDIToR Adapter ....Hartland B. WBVVD RICHARD A. ROSS. K2MGA Smith, 24 TEcHNIcAL EDIToR Cp Reviews: The Lafayette Model HE-73 Precon ........ 31 IRVING TEPPER TECHNIcAL DIREcToR SquelchStabilization ..........RonaldL. Ives 33 W. M. SCHERER, W2AEF Rheem ASSISTANTEDIToR CalifoneAR-300 Tape Recorder..................-..... 35 ROBERT M. BROWN, K2ZSQ An RTTY Audio CoNrnreutrNc EDrroRS Oscillator ..Byron H. Kretzman, W2ITP 36 CoNTEsr CALENDAR CQ Reviews: The Comtran Audio FRANK ANZALONE. WlWY C-II Compression NovrcE Amplifier 3B WALT BURDINE, WsZCV A Four Band Trap Tuned usA-cA Cusr0DrAN CLIF EVANS, K6BX Antenna ...............4.D. Sinning,WLUYS 39 PRoPAGATIoN Voyage to SPACECoMMUNIcATIoNS Agalega IVQSBFA GEORGE JACOBS, W3ASK ........V.C. Harvey-Brain, VQ9HB 40 UHF RoUNDUP Amateur Radio and the 1963 ITU Space ALLEN KATZ, K2UYH RTTY Communication Conference....GeorQeJ acobs, W 3 ASK 43 BYRON KRETZMAN, W2JTP A S1,000,000High-Speed QSL DX Printer .......,............Aloysius Polaneczky, W 3EFY 46 URB LE JEUNE, W2DEC J. YL The CoaxialLine Balun................C|if{Gilbert, K6GAX 49 LOUTSA B. SANDO. WsRZJ HAM CLrNrc A Wideband Filter for the c. J. SCHAUERS, W4VZO/HB9 75 A-4 ........................Wallace T. T hompson,K 8BY T 50 BusrnBssSrerr A Plug-In Multi-Crystal PUBLISHER Adapter ......David T. Geiser,WA2ANU 51 s. R. cowAN ADVERTISINGREPRESENTATIVES 15 Meter Coils For The JACK SCHNEIDER, WA2FPE HRO-60 .GeorQe Hrischenko, VE3DGX 52 DICK COWAN, WA2LRO CrRcuLATroN MANAGER The Superex Model AP-S Headphones 53 HAL WEISNER, WA2OBR PRoDUcTIoN MANACER New Amateur Products 54 CARY L, COWAN 100 Kc Transistorized Oscillator ART DIRECToR Universal Auto Ignition Shielding Kit MICHAEL A. DOMINGUEZ Pocket Type Contact Burnisher Orrrcrs Finger-Tip Wrenches 3O0 West 43rd Street New York, N. Y. 10036 The VHF Amateur 77 Telephone, 212 JUdson 2-4460 Using Surpius VHF and UHF CO-(Titl€ registered U. S. Post Reflectometers ........ Leroy M ay, W 5AJ G I AF 5AF G 78 OIIice) is published monthly by Cowan Publishing Corp. Second class postage paid at New York City and Garden City, New York. SubscriptionPrices; U.S.A.. Can- adr and Mexico, one year, $5.00; rwo years. $9.00: three years, Announcefrenls
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