la THE ' MORNING OREGONIAX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, . 1914. ey. W. J. Phyle. W. J. Guthrie, IL R. Held and J. F. McCarthy. OUTLAWS TO TRY FORMER INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE STAR WHO WILL JOIN OREGON LOSES, 16-1- 0 Mr. Baum received word that Gerald THE BEAVERS IN THE SOUTH AS BACKSTOP. Hayes would leave St. Louis for the Coast in a few days. For a time Hayes was a holdout. The original terms offered were not satis TO 5GN OUR SIS factory to the indicator man. but Presi prirag Suitings I dent Baum had little trouble in reach University of Washington Is ing an agreement with him. Daily Hayes worked last year in the Inter Arriving Victor in Eugene Game. national League, and he is said to be a Owing to the Reductions of the Tariff on Woolens, apable man. We Are Giving You a Better Value Federal League Sends Agent SMALL TOWXS WAXT TEAMS Than Ever for $25 to Paris to Tempt Giants CAPTAINS' DUEL IS FEATURE County Leagues Give Baseball to Six and Sox Players. Places In Plan. s;,:q; ,::i::,:s:s:;:;g; LA GRANDE, Or.. Feb. 16 (Spe cial.) Baseball is attracting the at- Contest Won in Last 5 Minutes of tention of the sports in this section, and the organization of one or more BROOKLYN WAR OUTLINED Play Fenton Stars at Center. leagues for this and Wallowa counties on Visitors is the general talk. The combination Six Fouls Called which seems to be favored the most. $25 " 1 1 on Eugene. however, is the towns of Enterprise, and Wallowa, Joseph, Elgin, La Grande and Xenark Team Will Play on Kbbets Union. Some of the smaller towns in the Field Cleveland Xot to Be In- two counties are, however, talking vaded by Independents, Says UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. baseball, and it is possible that the Or., Feb. 16. (Special.) Three rapid several towns with Cove and Imbler President of New League. fire baskets by the University of or Lostine would cut the proposed. two-coun- ty league into two four-tow- n Washington In the last five minutes leagues, and would make a Wallowa of play broke up an apparent tie and County League and a Union Connty :'":S:-: :.;::.::::;;: fif V defeated the University of Oregon to League. La Grande has no intentions $25 BOSTON", Feb. 16. Information that night by a score of 16 to 10. The of trying out class D ball any more, $25 lo- or at least this year, and will have the Federal League has sent an agent - - game was' the fastest played on the touring: f guard- town team as well as probably a to Paris to meet the world cal floor this season and close Moose team in the one or more amateur baseball players was followed today ing by both sides kept the field goals leagues. by a commission to John J. Callahan at a premium. manager of Chicago Americans, to Only three field goals were thrown the In the first half, Washington getting sign, up Tris Speaker for the Boston two of them. Each tean gleaned two J I ted Sox next season. The tourists points from fouls. This gave Wash DUAL MEET CARD FIXED $25 and the Name re- two-poi- were due in Paris today. It was ington a nt lead at the begin 1 ported that Speaker was one of the ning of the second half. The North- Is Sufficient players the Federal League agent has erners, ran up their score to eight authority to sign. points, where Oregon came up even FOIR SPOKANE ATHLETES TO "VISIT with them. The score was again tied PORTLAND. NEW YORK, Feb". 16. A plan by at 10 all, but two successful shots by which organized baseball hopes to sup- McFee and one by Duniway gave the ply strong competition for the Invad- visitors their winning margin. Multnoniah Club Lively Mat McDonald & Collett ing Federal League team in Brooklyn Fenton, at center, played a wonder rromlsn is being worked out, it was announced ful game for Oregon, contributing all and Mitt Games February 20 Pro- TAILORS tonight by Edward Barrow, president but two of the points scored by his gramme la Announced. 289 Washington, Near 5th G. H. McCarthy, Manager of the International League. team. The duel between the opposing It is proposed to transfer the New- captains was the feature of the game. ark team of the International League and Fenton clearly out-play- Savage Multnomah Clubs dual programme to play on Ebbetts" Field, the home of holding him without a field goal. for the night of February 20 was an- the Brooklyn national League Club. To played an aggressive game appease the Newark public, which sup- Bradshaw nounced last night by Frank Harmar, flag-winni- at guard. who is taking care of the boxers and. ported a club last sea- he seems to be making good City McFee starred for Washington, cov wrestlers for the show in the club gym in that son, the Jersey team of the Inter- FLOYD PERKINS. ering the floor with speed .and shoot nasium. neid as well. national League will be placed in New- ing two goals at a crisis. Fancher Four Spokane men who figure In VALLEY TOWNS TO ark. As Jersey City was the tail end electrified the crowd with a. lucky shot the dual meet are: Glahe and Burns, If Portland were Medford there club last season, it is planned to pool from far past the middle of the floor. wrestlers, and Ellingston and Gannon, would be fur flying by now. An Aber- the players of the two International Davidson played a pretty game at lor boxers. The local men who will make deen paper claims "Tex" Vernon as its League teams to equalize their ment of the Northwest Bowling Asso- ward. up the preliminaries are well in keep- own. That would indeed seem ingrat strength. FRENCH SEE BASEBALL ciation, which will be held in Portland Referee Jamison called II fouls on ing with the matches afforded by the BACK BUSH LEAGUE itude. "I am positive that our league can April 6 to 11. the Oregon team and six on the vis Spokane stars. give Brooklyn as good a ball club as scheduled, go on Matching and getting the boxer's League itors, but Savage converted only four Ellingston was to signature a. the Federal can," Barrow said. HARVARD HAS BALL TROPHY of his chances into points. with Huelat, but the last mentioned seems to bo different "Nearly every player in our league er thing, for Len Powers refuses to meet been up majors some TOURING TEAMS ATTRACT. GREAT The teams meet again tomorrow has been on the sick list, has in the at Cup" night and Friday nighty and accordingly Montpier will box El Ernie Barrieau at catchweights. He time, yet we do not try to masquerade CROWD AT NICK. Silver Goes to Man Who Makes summary: lingston. says: as a major league." The Reorganization of Baseball in "If.Barrieau meets me it will be at Best Record Reaching First. Washington. Position. Oreeon. Montpier lost a close decision to Ell 133 pounds, CLEVELAND, 16. Pchroeder . Rice (2) ingston Friday night Spokane. Har- at which weight I will Feb. To combat Handsomely-Gowne- ..F at him, the threatened invasion of d Women, Europeans CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 16. A sil Davidson (4) . .V .. Wolcott mar thinks the decision might Just as Four Willamette Cities Is box winner take all." the Federal ver cup will be given to the Harvard SavaKe (41 . .C Kenton (8) gone League, C W. Somers, owner of the of Title and Traveling; Americano player who does most McFee (4) G Bradshaw well have to the Multnomah lad Because Petroskey failed to do what Cleveland and Toledo baseball clubs, the for this Fancher (2) G Wheeler and on that score is looking for one" Plan Under Way. manager. nre White Sox Beat (Plants. year s baseball team on the attack, it By Washington. Duniway his Parente, told him to do In announced tonight that the Toledo Club was today. The Substitution for ot the treats of the evening when the recent Petroske-Clabb- y bout, v-I- 'l games announced trophy is Hchroecler: by Oregon, Koch tor Klce, .tsigDee the play its in Cleveland this v those boxers meet for a return bout. partnership season. This city, the gift of Charles Hann, Jr., first lor wolcott, Sims lor neeier. The Knowlton-Ganno- n 133 between the sailor and therefore will have 16. baseman of Harvard's 1911 team, Goals from fouls Savage, 4 out of 11 match at Parente may be dissolved. At the ring- NICE, France, Feb. Fine weather and 1! continuous baseball, Toledo playing is to be as chances; Fenton, 4 out of chances. pounds is expected to be another of side Farento repeatedly told his pro- today brought a great crowd known the Barrett Wendell (Oregon). TRI-CIT- while the Cleveland club is traveling. of base Jr., cup in recognition of the services Referee Jamison the stellar event3 of the evening. Y CLUBS MAY PLAY tege to "bore in" and "get" Clabby, but The Toledo club Is a member of the ball enthusiasts, as well as many who of Mr. Wendell, who played on 'four A card of local interest is the match his shouts fell on deaf ears, as far as American Association. had never seen a game, to watch the AGGIE WRESTLERS- - IN TRAINING between Schmeer and Cronquist. was crimson nines that won the champion Schmeer lost a recent to Cronquist Petroskey concerned.
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